More winning...Donny T verbally bitch-slaps NFL filth into conformity.

Thank you for supporting our government forcing people to behave a certain way.....and thank you for also spitting on the 1st Amendment.
Trump didn't force anything. He called the NFL out on disrespecting our troops. Your being anti-American is noted.
I served America for 21 about you? And if you don't believe trump forced action, take it up with the OP who made the claim.
The Op is wrong, Trump scolded the NFL. The fans is who made them conform.power to the people. Thank God we have a patriotic president back in the white house again! Instead of that anti-American shit head we just got rid of.
The president "scolding"? You don't think the president has influence?
No denying Trump has a good ear for what plays on tv to rural America. And personally I can't think of much of a more annoying and counterproductive was to "protest" police brutality than kneeling during the natl anthem.
Well at least he not inciting riots, the way Obama did.
Pretty sad that our POTUS has to force overpaid ghetto filth into respecting our flag...Oh well, another win for our awesome president and another total embarrassment for the dirty Left....hahaha

Actually what's sad is you sychophantic jellyfish with no stones desperately stretching to see how far you can bend over for any authoritarian who says 'jump'.

Here's what your beloved "conformity" looks like, wimps:

pretty sure i can find similiar pics of armies from anywhere in the world.

but hey - "nice shot"??? you got a n korea reference in!!!
Trump wins again, the left lose, even the guy who started the entire kneeling crap caved and is begging for a job in the NFL, he promises he will stand for the national anthem. :laugh: Libs can't buy a win lately its hilarious.
Thank you for supporting our government forcing people to behave a certain way.....and thank you for also spitting on the 1st Amendment.
Trump didn't force anything. He called the NFL out on disrespecting our troops. Your being anti-American is noted.

The Constitution protects the rights of everyone to protest. By attacking the NFL, it is Trump and his base that are ultimately disrespecting all the troops who put their lives on the line to protect our Constitution. Fascist Donnie is using patriotism to promote fascism. Fascism comes wrapped in the flag.
The first amendment gives the right to protest, but it also gives me the right protest against you. You lost, get over it. Kneeling during the anthem is disrectful to our troops.
Pretty sad that our POTUS has to force overpaid ghetto filth into respecting our flag...Oh well, another win for our awesome president and another total embarrassment for the dirty Left....hahaha

It was never about the flag. If you listen to T you have your news wrong.

At best the goons used the anthem/flag as a vehicle for a political message. There may be places for that, but not on a sports field. No one stopped them at all; money talked.

Why not on a sports field?
Trump wins again, the left lose, even the guy who started the entire kneeling crap caved and is begging for a job in the NFL, he promises he will stand for the national anthem. :laugh: Libs can't buy a win lately its hilarious.
Thank you for supporting our government forcing people to behave a certain way.....and thank you for also spitting on the 1st Amendment.
Trump didn't force anything. He called the NFL out on disrespecting our troops. Your being anti-American is noted.

The Constitution protects the rights of everyone to protest. By attacking the NFL, it is Trump and his base that are ultimately disrespecting all the troops who put their lives on the line to protect our Constitution. Fascist Donnie is using patriotism to promote fascism. Fascism comes wrapped in the flag.
The first amendment gives the right to protest, but it also gives me the right protest against you. You lost, get over it. Kneeling during the anthem is disrectful to our troops.
In your opinion. Where else is kneeling considered "disrectful"?
Trump didn't force anything. He called the NFL out on disrespecting our troops. Your being anti-American is noted.
I served America for 21 about you? And if you don't believe trump forced action, take it up with the OP who made the claim.
The Op is wrong, Trump scolded the NFL. The fans is who made them conform.power to the people. Thank God we have a patriotic president back in the white house again! Instead of that anti-American shit head we just got rid of.
The president "scolding"? You don't think the president has influence?
No denying Trump has a good ear for what plays on tv to rural America. And personally I can't think of much of a more annoying and counterproductive was to "protest" police brutality than kneeling during the natl anthem.
Well at least he not inciting riots, the way Obama did.
I'm sorry to hear that Obama incited you to riot. Not much self-restraint?
Trump didn't force anything. He called the NFL out on disrespecting our troops. Your being anti-American is noted.
I served America for 21 about you? And if you don't believe trump forced action, take it up with the OP who made the claim.
The Op is wrong, Trump scolded the NFL. The fans is who made them conform.power to the people. Thank God we have a patriotic president back in the white house again! Instead of that anti-American shit head we just got rid of.
The president "scolding"? You don't think the president has influence?
No denying Trump has a good ear for what plays on tv to rural America. And personally I can't think of much of a more annoying and counterproductive was to "protest" police brutality than kneeling during the natl anthem.
Well at least he not inciting riots, the way Obama did.
There are some good people who are white suprmecists.
I served America for 21 about you? And if you don't believe trump forced action, take it up with the OP who made the claim.
The Op is wrong, Trump scolded the NFL. The fans is who made them conform.power to the people. Thank God we have a patriotic president back in the white house again! Instead of that anti-American shit head we just got rid of.
The president "scolding"? You don't think the president has influence?
No denying Trump has a good ear for what plays on tv to rural America. And personally I can't think of much of a more annoying and counterproductive was to "protest" police brutality than kneeling during the natl anthem.
Well at least he not inciting riots, the way Obama did.
I'm sorry to hear that Obama incited you to riot. Not much self-restraint?
Obama was hell on my sobriety. LOL Trump doesn't disappoint so much as just depress me. LOL No fun drinking there.
Trump wins again, the left lose, even the guy who started the entire kneeling crap caved and is begging for a job in the NFL, he promises he will stand for the national anthem. :laugh: Libs can't buy a win lately its hilarious.
Thank you for supporting our government forcing people to behave a certain way.....and thank you for also spitting on the 1st Amendment.
Trump didn't force anything. He called the NFL out on disrespecting our troops. Your being anti-American is noted.

The Constitution protects the rights of everyone to protest. By attacking the NFL, it is Trump and his base that are ultimately disrespecting all the troops who put their lives on the line to protect our Constitution. Fascist Donnie is using patriotism to promote fascism. Fascism comes wrapped in the flag.
The first amendment gives the right to protest, but it also gives me the right protest against you. You lost, get over it. Kneeling during the anthem is disrectful to our troops.

We'll see if anyone kneels this week. The protest is over police treatment of black folks, not the troops who defend the right to protest. The battle over Trumps Fascism will be done next year.
Pretty sad that our POTUS has to force overpaid ghetto filth into respecting our flag...Oh well, another win for our awesome president and another total embarrassment for the dirty Left....hahaha
So you admit that it was our government FORCING citizens to toe a certain line and it was our government that injected itself into a Free Speech issue. Thanks for spitting on the 1st Amendment along with trump.

The government didn't force anyone to do anything. President Trump spoke out about an issue, with which the vast majority of America agree with. The players and NFL changed their tune because of the people telling them they will boycott their product if they keep up the un-American antics.
The government didn't force anyone to do anything. President Trump spoke out about an issue, with which the vast majority of America agree with. The players and NFL changed their tune because of the people telling them they will boycott their product if they keep up the un-American antics.
Most Disapprove of Trump’s Handling of NFL Protests
October 9, 2017

A new Economist/YouGov poll finds that just 30% of the public approves of President Trump’s handling of the NFL protests.

In addition, NFL fans (44% of the public) are more negative than the public at large about the President on this issue.

I served America for 21 about you? And if you don't believe trump forced action, take it up with the OP who made the claim.
The Op is wrong, Trump scolded the NFL. The fans is who made them conform.power to the people. Thank God we have a patriotic president back in the white house again! Instead of that anti-American shit head we just got rid of.
The president "scolding"? You don't think the president has influence?
No denying Trump has a good ear for what plays on tv to rural America. And personally I can't think of much of a more annoying and counterproductive was to "protest" police brutality than kneeling during the natl anthem.
Well at least he not inciting riots, the way Obama did.
There are some good people who are white suprmecists.
Never said that but click your heels together and repeat it over and over and you will be transported to a Magic safe space place
The Op is wrong, Trump scolded the NFL. The fans is who made them conform.power to the people. Thank God we have a patriotic president back in the white house again! Instead of that anti-American shit head we just got rid of.
The president "scolding"? You don't think the president has influence?
No denying Trump has a good ear for what plays on tv to rural America. And personally I can't think of much of a more annoying and counterproductive was to "protest" police brutality than kneeling during the natl anthem.
Well at least he not inciting riots, the way Obama did.
There are some good people who are white suprmecists.
Never said that but click your heels together and repeat it over and over and you will be transported to a Magic safe space place
Sure Trump just excused riots.
The government didn't force anyone to do anything. President Trump spoke out about an issue, with which the vast majority of America agree with. The players and NFL changed their tune because of the people telling them they will boycott their product if they keep up the un-American antics.
Most Disapprove of Trump’s Handling of NFL Protests
October 9, 2017

A new Economist/YouGov poll finds that just 30% of the public approves of President Trump’s handling of the NFL protests.

In addition, NFL fans (44% of the public) are more negative than the public at large about the President on this issue.

Aww, isn't that cute, a "weighted" internet based poll that tells lefties what they want to hear.
Next week on The Apprentice: White House, the president challenges the Secretary of State to an IQ contest, then backs out due to "urgent business"
Advisers Fear Trump Is ‘Unstable’ and ‘Unraveling’
October 11, 2017
Several people close to President Trump have told Gabriel Sherman that the president is “unstable,” “losing a step,” and “unraveling.”

“The conversation among some of the president’s longtime confidantes, along with the character of some of the leaks emerging from the White House has shifted. There’s a new level of concern.”

“In recent days, I spoke with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisers, and they all describe a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president who seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods. Trump’s ire is being fueled by his stalled legislative agenda and, to a surprising degree, by his decision last month to back the losing candidate Luther Strange in the Alabama Republican primary.”

Said one person: “Alabama was a huge blow to his psyche. He saw the cult of personality was broken.”
Pretty sad that our POTUS has to force overpaid ghetto filth into respecting our flag...Oh well, another win for our awesome president and another total embarrassment for the dirty Left....hahaha

While the NFL did get reprimanded by Trump, I feel the fans (dollars) have inflicted the most pain.

Maybe...hopefully... either way you have to admit... it's pretty awesome to have a president who is willing to get involved with anything anti-American.
His quest continues...he's 100% committed to root his "Americans First" message within American culture and the un-American filth can't stand it....hahaha
Again.....clearly acknowledging that the government ignored the 1st Amendment.
You clearly dont know what the first amendment means, if you think it applies to this NFL situation in any way at all. Stop embarrassing yourself and go read a fucking book you moron. :laugh:

Seven lies in one post. And he didn't even say anything!

Is this a record? :cuckoo:

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