More winning. Federal death penalty to be reinstated

If it were a deterrent, then logically we should have seen an increase in federal capital convictions after it was ceased. We saw the opposite. Convictions went down. So what's the point of executions then?

I don't see your logic here.

Why would a jury bother convicting someone of a capital crime, if they didn't think that the punishment would be carried out?
(CNN)The federal government is set to bring back capital punishment after 16 years with the executions of five inmates.

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday ordered the Bureau of Prisons to adopt an updated execution protocol, clearing the way for five death row inmates to be put to death. The executions are scheduled to begin in December 2019, though legal challenges could potentially delay them.
These are the inmates who will be executed:

These 5 inmates will be executed after Attorney General William Barr told the federal government to reinstate death penalty - CNN

That's right libs, the federal death penalty is back in the good ole USA. While you focus on killing babies, we are focusing on killing people who actually deserve execution.

Now it's just a matter of liberals crying about these poor innocent people who became the people they are thanks to a failed society. But wait! There's something in this for the left as well! One of the first people on that list is a white supremacist.

See, something for everybody, that is until the ACLU or some other leftist group plugs the courts up with lawsuits.

I am on the fence with this and believe we should just send these animals to Antarctica with one match and no clothing...

Cheaper and if they survive hey let them live...

I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
It's not a deterrent. Not at all. Fewer people are convicted of capital federal crimes now than before executions were halted.

Well, maybe it's about time to turn those statistics around. And I've said repeatedly that I understand the DP is not a deterrent. That's why I would like to see it changed so it is also a deterrent.

Why would you want to turn those stats around?

If it were a deterrent, then logically we should have seen an increase in federal capital convictions after it was ceased. We saw the opposite. Convictions went down. So what's the point of executions then?

The most important reason is to give the family of the victim relief. Secondly is to give taxpayers relief.

The better question is, what's the point of keeping these animals in prison for life? That doesn't seem to accomplish anything either.
I am on the fence with this and believe we should just send these animals to Antarctica with one match and no clothing...

Cheaper and if they survive hey let them live...

I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
It's not a deterrent. Not at all. Fewer people are convicted of capital federal crimes now than before executions were halted.

Well, maybe it's about time to turn those statistics around. And I've said repeatedly that I understand the DP is not a deterrent. That's why I would like to see it changed so it is also a deterrent.
“Conservatives” claim to hate Big Gubmint but have 100% faith in Big Gubmint in the death penalty.

“Conservatives” claim Big Gubmint is evil but cheers Big Gubmint when it kills people.

“Conservatives” claim Big Gubmint is usually wrong but believe Big Gubmint is always right when it kills people.

“Conservatives” claim to hate Big Gubmint lol

Government carrying out the will of the people is not big government. Big government is giving money to abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood.

What in the hell does a discussion about the death penalty have anything to do with abortion or Planned Parenthood? These issues are entirely unrelated.

Moreover, what is the "will of the people"? How is it even determined?

Abortion is about the State determining when someone- a baby-will die.

Capital Punishment as well is about the State determining when someone- a criminal- will die.

Very similar circumstances.

I'd like to see babies be given the same Due Process rights as condemned criminals before they are killed through abortion.

Perhaps the DP would be more acceptable to the left if we cut up the subject afterwards and sold their body parts.
(CNN)The federal government is set to bring back capital punishment after 16 years with the executions of five inmates.

Attorney General William Barr on Thursday ordered the Bureau of Prisons to adopt an updated execution protocol, clearing the way for five death row inmates to be put to death. The executions are scheduled to begin in December 2019, though legal challenges could potentially delay them.
These are the inmates who will be executed:

These 5 inmates will be executed after Attorney General William Barr told the federal government to reinstate death penalty - CNN

That's right libs, the federal death penalty is back in the good ole USA. While you focus on killing babies, we are focusing on killing people who actually deserve execution.

Now it's just a matter of liberals crying about these poor innocent people who became the people they are thanks to a failed society. But wait! There's something in this for the left as well! One of the first people on that list is a white supremacist.

See, something for everybody, that is until the ACLU or some other leftist group plugs the courts up with lawsuits.

I am on the fence with this and believe we should just send these animals to Antarctica with one match and no clothing...

Cheaper and if they survive hey let them live...

I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
It's not a deterrent. Not at all. Fewer people are convicted of capital federal crimes now than before executions were halted.

Well, maybe it's about time to turn those statistics around. And I've said repeatedly that I understand the DP is not a deterrent. That's why I would like to see it changed so it is also a deterrent.
“Conservatives” claim to hate Big Gubmint but have 100% faith in Big Gubmint in the death penalty.

“Conservatives” claim Big Gubmint is evil but cheers Big Gubmint when it kills people.

“Conservatives” claim Big Gubmint is usually wrong but believe Big Gubmint is always right when it kills people.

“Conservatives” claim to hate Big Gubmint lol

Government carrying out the will of the people is not big government. Big government is giving money to abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood.

What in the hell does a discussion about the death penalty have anything to do with abortion or Planned Parenthood? These issues are entirely unrelated.

Moreover, what is the "will of the people"? How is it even determined?

The will of the people is who we elect to office. I didn't bring up the comparison of the DP to abortion, a leftist did, so perhaps ask them why they introduced the comparison.
I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
It's not a deterrent. Not at all. Fewer people are convicted of capital federal crimes now than before executions were halted.

Well, maybe it's about time to turn those statistics around. And I've said repeatedly that I understand the DP is not a deterrent. That's why I would like to see it changed so it is also a deterrent.
“Conservatives” claim to hate Big Gubmint but have 100% faith in Big Gubmint in the death penalty.

“Conservatives” claim Big Gubmint is evil but cheers Big Gubmint when it kills people.

“Conservatives” claim Big Gubmint is usually wrong but believe Big Gubmint is always right when it kills people.

“Conservatives” claim to hate Big Gubmint lol

Government carrying out the will of the people is not big government. Big government is giving money to abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood.

What in the hell does a discussion about the death penalty have anything to do with abortion or Planned Parenthood? These issues are entirely unrelated.

Moreover, what is the "will of the people"? How is it even determined?

Abortion is about the State determining when someone- a baby-will die.

Capital Punishment as well is about the State determining when someone- a criminal- will die.

Very similar circumstances.

I'd like to see babies be given the same Due Process rights as condemned criminals before they are killed through abortion.

Perhaps the DP would be more acceptable to the left if we cut up the subject afterwards and sold their body parts.

They do exactly that in Red China, and the libs never complain about the Chinese death penalty.
If it were a deterrent, then logically we should have seen an increase in federal capital convictions after it was ceased. We saw the opposite. Convictions went down. So what's the point of executions then?

I don't see your logic here.

Why would a jury bother convicting someone of a capital crime, if they didn't think that the punishment would be carried out?

Umm....because they're still cimes.
41 Federal Capital Offenses - Death Penalty -
The problem with that? Two words: Liberal judges.

The problem with that. We have a constitution that protects people's rights.

Of course, we are a massively racist and fucked up country with a prison industrial complex.

If we took the profit out of the Prison Industrial complex and make rich people pay for it, you'd be AMAZED how fast we'd empty the prisons.

It has nothing to do with it. It has more to do with liberal judges.

Go see the classic movie Cool Hand Luke. That's what prison life is supposed to be like.

But as the years rolled by, liberal judges kept making prisons more and more comfortable, giving prisoners more rights, and now it's hardly a deterrent for lowlifes. It only deters law abiding citizens.

Inhumane treatment is ambiguous. It's deteremend by the judge less the Constitution. We used to hang people in this country under the Constitution. We used to have firing squads. Now liberal judges rule that a pin prick in your arm and a quick medicated death is inhumane. So don't tell me about Constitutional rights.

People were in prison in Cool Hand Luke. I can then only assume that the prison you pine for was not a deterrent.
I am on the fence with this and believe we should just send these animals to Antarctica with one match and no clothing...

Cheaper and if they survive hey let them live...

I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
It's not a deterrent. Not at all. Fewer people are convicted of capital federal crimes now than before executions were halted.

Well, maybe it's about time to turn those statistics around. And I've said repeatedly that I understand the DP is not a deterrent. That's why I would like to see it changed so it is also a deterrent.

Why would you want to turn those stats around?

If it were a deterrent, then logically we should have seen an increase in federal capital convictions after it was ceased. We saw the opposite. Convictions went down. So what's the point of executions then?

The most important reason is to give the family of the victim relief. Secondly is to give taxpayers relief.

The better question is, what's the point of keeping these animals in prison for life? That doesn't seem to accomplish anything either.
It accomplishes justice.
The loss of their freedom for the rest of their lives is the penalty.
Trust democrats to have an active desire for the crimes of these creatures to be repeated.

Well.....criminals will side with criminals.

The left doesn't care about victims other than to get their votes. The more criminals we have, ultimately the more victims we will have. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats. It's the number one reason they want to disarm society; create more victims.
I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
It's not a deterrent. Not at all. Fewer people are convicted of capital federal crimes now than before executions were halted.

Well, maybe it's about time to turn those statistics around. And I've said repeatedly that I understand the DP is not a deterrent. That's why I would like to see it changed so it is also a deterrent.

Why would you want to turn those stats around?

If it were a deterrent, then logically we should have seen an increase in federal capital convictions after it was ceased. We saw the opposite. Convictions went down. So what's the point of executions then?

The most important reason is to give the family of the victim relief. Secondly is to give taxpayers relief.

The better question is, what's the point of keeping these animals in prison for life? That doesn't seem to accomplish anything either.
It accomplishes justice.
The loss of their freedom for the rest of their lives is the penalty.

They only lose their freedom until they escape. El Chapo is only one of many who flew the coop.
I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
I would be happy if we extended the death penalty to any murder in this country provided there is empirical evidence to support the sentence.

In my state, it takes anywhere from 18 to 23 years to execute somebody. Of course it's not a deterrent when it takes so long.
It's not a deterrent. Not at all. Fewer people are convicted of capital federal crimes now than before executions were halted.

Well, maybe it's about time to turn those statistics around. And I've said repeatedly that I understand the DP is not a deterrent. That's why I would like to see it changed so it is also a deterrent.

Why would you want to turn those stats around?

If it were a deterrent, then logically we should have seen an increase in federal capital convictions after it was ceased. We saw the opposite. Convictions went down. So what's the point of executions then?

The most important reason is to give the family of the victim relief. Secondly is to give taxpayers relief.

The better question is, what's the point of keeping these animals in prison for life? That doesn't seem to accomplish anything either.
It accomplishes justice.
The loss of their freedom for the rest of their lives is the penalty.

Obviously freedom means little to these people. They don't value it, otherwise they would not have risked losing it.

But very few people want to die for a crime.

The problem is not that we have the death penalty, the problem is we don't use it nearly enough.
Show me ONE (1, liberals) executed killer who was released and killed again and I will become an ardent supporter of outlawing the death penalty.

A life sentence without the possibility of parole accomplishes the same thing.

Not really. Prisoners escape all of the time.

Not only that, prisoners have a lot of opportunity to commit murders and other crimes while in the joint. Oftentimes the murder victims in prison are just workers, or people in for lesser crimes. Someone doing 5 years for ripping a mattress tag or a 10 year stint for killing a praying mantis, can easily end up as a cellie to Jeff Dahmer
It's not a deterrent. Not at all. Fewer people are convicted of capital federal crimes now than before executions were halted.

Well, maybe it's about time to turn those statistics around. And I've said repeatedly that I understand the DP is not a deterrent. That's why I would like to see it changed so it is also a deterrent.

Why would you want to turn those stats around?

If it were a deterrent, then logically we should have seen an increase in federal capital convictions after it was ceased. We saw the opposite. Convictions went down. So what's the point of executions then?

The most important reason is to give the family of the victim relief. Secondly is to give taxpayers relief.

The better question is, what's the point of keeping these animals in prison for life? That doesn't seem to accomplish anything either.
It accomplishes justice.
The loss of their freedom for the rest of their lives is the penalty.

They only lose their freedom until they escape. El Chapo is only one of many who flew the coop.
El Chapo is in a US federal supermax in Colorado..
It's not a deterrent. Not at all. Fewer people are convicted of capital federal crimes now than before executions were halted.

Well, maybe it's about time to turn those statistics around. And I've said repeatedly that I understand the DP is not a deterrent. That's why I would like to see it changed so it is also a deterrent.

Why would you want to turn those stats around?

If it were a deterrent, then logically we should have seen an increase in federal capital convictions after it was ceased. We saw the opposite. Convictions went down. So what's the point of executions then?

The most important reason is to give the family of the victim relief. Secondly is to give taxpayers relief.

The better question is, what's the point of keeping these animals in prison for life? That doesn't seem to accomplish anything either.
It accomplishes justice.
The loss of their freedom for the rest of their lives is the penalty.

Obviously freedom means little to these people. They don't value it, otherwise they would not have risked losing it.

But very few people want to die for a crime.

The problem is not that we have the death penalty, the problem is we don't use it nearly enough.
So now you believe it's a deterrent?
Well, maybe it's about time to turn those statistics around. And I've said repeatedly that I understand the DP is not a deterrent. That's why I would like to see it changed so it is also a deterrent.

Why would you want to turn those stats around?

If it were a deterrent, then logically we should have seen an increase in federal capital convictions after it was ceased. We saw the opposite. Convictions went down. So what's the point of executions then?

The most important reason is to give the family of the victim relief. Secondly is to give taxpayers relief.

The better question is, what's the point of keeping these animals in prison for life? That doesn't seem to accomplish anything either.
It accomplishes justice.
The loss of their freedom for the rest of their lives is the penalty.

They only lose their freedom until they escape. El Chapo is only one of many who flew the coop.
El Chapo is in a US federal supermax in Colorado..

EC just got there , you know.

His history includes escaping from the Mexican Supermax.
Show me ONE (1, liberals) executed killer who was released and killed again and I will become an ardent supporter of outlawing the death penalty.

A life sentence without the possibility of parole accomplishes the same thing.

Not really. Prisoners escape all of the time.

Not only that, prisoners have a lot of opportunity to commit murders and other crimes while in the joint. Oftentimes the murder victims in prison are just workers, or people in for lesser crimes. Someone doing 5 years for ripping a mattress tag or a 10 year stint for killing a praying mantis, can easily end up as a cellie to Jeff Dahmer
They don't escape all the time. These guys would be in solitary just as they would be if on death row.

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