More winning! Trump Pocahontas comment

Yep, nothing like a racist comment to distract from raping the middle class with a tax bill.

What was "racist" about his comment?

Gee. The fact he brings it up at a Native American vet celebration!!! It’s not like it was a press conference debating some bill that Warren proposed .

Again where's the racism?

I can understood why someone might characterize it as churlish but there's no racism evident in his comment.
Yep, nothing like a racist comment to distract from raping the middle class with a tax bill.
but it's not racist to pretend to be who you are not? i'm not saying trump is "in the right" here or defending his actions, but i'm damn sure not going to bitch at him for mocking someone who's lying out their ass about who they are.

if we don't call them on it, it continues.
It was highly inappropriate considering it was a ceremony for native American ww2 vets . Totally cringeworthy.

But hey, you cons flip out over an Obama salute wh coffee cup in hand .
Hey he did try to get by without saluting the marine at all. Till the pilot made him get out and salute him. I guess you would call the pilot racist.

The point is the HUGE deal y’all made about that .

But anything Trump does is wonderful!
He respects our military. Obama hated them. See the difference?

If Trump respected our military he would not turn a ceremony honoring them into something all about him instead of them.
Yep, nothing like a racist comment to distract from raping the middle class with a tax bill.
but it's not racist to pretend to be who you are not? i'm not saying trump is "in the right" here or defending his actions, but i'm damn sure not going to bitch at him for mocking someone who's lying out their ass about who they are.

if we don't call them on it, it continues.

Pretending to be of different skin color so that you can access an affirmative action program reeks of racism.

Trump's comment on the other hand is filled with truth and justice.
Yep, nothing like a racist comment to distract from raping the middle class with a tax bill.
but it's not racist to pretend to be who you are not? i'm not saying trump is "in the right" here or defending his actions, but i'm damn sure not going to bitch at him for mocking someone who's lying out their ass about who they are.

if we don't call them on it, it continues.

Yes, that is racist too. They are both in the wrong, that is the part you partisan hacks will never be able to comprehend.
Yep, nothing like a racist comment to distract from raping the middle class with a tax bill.

It's a "racist" comment to lampoon someone for lying about their heritage for professional advantage? Elizabeth Warren did something really sleazy, GG...she pretended to be of American Indian descent because it made her more "attractive" as a Harvard professor. She's going to make a run for the Presidency of the United States. This faux OUTRAGE over Trump calling her out on her lie is nothing more than her supporters trying to distract from what SHE did!

Yes, Elizabeth Warren did something really sleazy, I personally cannot even stand to hear her talk. None of that justifies the POTUS acting like a 4th grader when he is supposed to be honoring people that risked their lives for this country.

There was a time when adults did not buy into the notion that one person's bad behavior justified their own.

Trump spent a considerable amount of time "honoring" those people who risked their lives, GG...all you heard about however is the one line he used to hammer Elizabeth Warren! Ever wonder WHY?

Because it was outrageous and embarrassing.

Imagine Warren visiting wounded vets and bringing up Commander Bone Spur and his draft dodging .
Yep, nothing like a racist comment to distract from raping the middle class with a tax bill.
but it's not racist to pretend to be who you are not? i'm not saying trump is "in the right" here or defending his actions, but i'm damn sure not going to bitch at him for mocking someone who's lying out their ass about who they are.

if we don't call them on it, it continues.

Yes, that is racist too. They are both in the wrong, that is the part you partisan hacks will never be able to comprehend.
hey - asstard - did you totally and completely miss where i said both are wrong or see me defend his actions?

maybe - just maybe - you call EVERYONE who doesn't agree with your holier than thou mindset a partisan hack vs. just having a different opinion than you.
It was highly inappropriate considering it was a ceremony for native American ww2 vets . Totally cringeworthy.

But hey, you cons flip out over an Obama salute wh coffee cup in hand .
Hey he did try to get by without saluting the marine at all. Till the pilot made him get out and salute him. I guess you would call the pilot racist.

The point is the HUGE deal y’all made about that .

But anything Trump does is wonderful!
He respects our military. Obama hated them. See the difference?

If Trump respected our military he would not turn a ceremony honoring them into something all about him instead of them.
Lol, one of your kind got shamed for lying, and you can't stand it. I'm sure there is a safe place for you some where, snowflake.
Yep, nothing like a racist comment to distract from raping the middle class with a tax bill.

What was "racist" about his comment?

It was racist because it was used as a pejorative.
It was used as a pejorative directed at someone that had in the past pretended to be a Native American, in other words it's an expression of disapproval for Warrens behavior not as a disparagement of Native Americans in general, yeah it's base and unimaginative but it's not racist.

Race obsessed, politically correct self appointed censors need to pull their heads out their asses and get real, they've degraded the term "racist" to the point where it has almost no meaning anymore.

"I don't care what you say
We never played by the same rules anyway
" -- Phil Collins, I Don't Care Anymore
It was highly inappropriate considering it was a ceremony for native American ww2 vets . Totally cringeworthy.

But hey, you cons flip out over an Obama salute wh coffee cup in hand .
Hey he did try to get by without saluting the marine at all. Till the pilot made him get out and salute him. I guess you would call the pilot racist.

The point is the HUGE deal y’all made about that .

But anything Trump does is wonderful!
He respects our military. Obama hated them. See the difference?

If Trump respected our military he would not turn a ceremony honoring them into something all about him instead of them.
Lol, one of your kind got shamed for lying, and you can't stand it. I'm sure there is a safe place for you some where, snowflake.

Another fucking idiot partisan hack...damn this board is infested with you idiots from both sides. Warren is not one of my "kind".
Yep, nothing like a racist comment to distract from raping the middle class with a tax bill.

What was "racist" about his comment?

It was racist because it was used as a pejorative.
It was used as a pejorative directed at someone that had in the past pretended to be a Native American, in other words it's an expression of disapproval for Warrens behavior not as a disparagement of Native Americans in general, yeah it's base and unimaginative but it's not racist.

Race obsessed, politically correct self appointed censors need to pull their heads out their asses and get real, they've degraded the term "racist" to the point where it has almost no meaning anymore.

"I don't care what you say
We never played by the same rules anyway
" -- Phil Collins, I Don't Care Anymore

One more time for the slow to comprehend idiots out there....ONE PERSON'S BAD BEHAVIOUR DOES NOT EXCUSE THE SAME FROM SOMEONE ELSE.

The fact that Warren is a lying dirtbag still does not make it ok for Trump to turn a ceremony honoring American heros how had the balls to serve our country, into something all about him.
It was highly inappropriate considering it was a ceremony for native American ww2 vets . Totally cringeworthy.

But hey, you cons flip out over an Obama salute wh coffee cup in hand .

And quote Charlie Sheen of all dirtbags.
Hey he did try to get by without saluting the marine at all. Till the pilot made him get out and salute him. I guess you would call the pilot racist.

The point is the HUGE deal y’all made about that .

But anything Trump does is wonderful!
He respects our military. Obama hated them. See the difference?

If Trump respected our military he would not turn a ceremony honoring them into something all about him instead of them.
Lol, one of your kind got shamed for lying, and you can't stand it. I'm sure there is a safe place for you some where, snowflake.

Another fucking idiot partisan hack...damn this board is infested with you idiots from both sides. Warren is not one of my "kind".

Well then provide evidence that he didn't truly respect the Veterans.
He pointed out the abhorrent racism towards them in the white house.
Then he told them they were great, again and again!

Where is the disrespect?

Oh, in that he correctly identified the faults in one of your kind, of course.
The point is the HUGE deal y’all made about that .

But anything Trump does is wonderful!
He respects our military. Obama hated them. See the difference?

If Trump respected our military he would not turn a ceremony honoring them into something all about him instead of them.
Lol, one of your kind got shamed for lying, and you can't stand it. I'm sure there is a safe place for you some where, snowflake.

Another fucking idiot partisan hack...damn this board is infested with you idiots from both sides. Warren is not one of my "kind".

Well then provide evidence that he didn't truly respect the Veterans.
He pointed out the abhorrent racism towards them in the white house.
Then he told them they were great, again and again!

Where is the disrespect?

Oh, in that he correctly identified the faults in one of your kind, of course.

His own words were all the evidence needed that he didn't truly respect the Veterans. Because he made it about him and not about them, that is the ultimate disrespect.
Yep, nothing like a racist comment to distract from raping the middle class with a tax bill.

What was "racist" about his comment?

It was racist because it was used as a pejorative.
It was used as a pejorative directed at someone that had in the past pretended to be a Native American, in other words it's an expression of disapproval for Warrens behavior not as a disparagement of Native Americans in general, yeah it's base and unimaginative but it's not racist.

Race obsessed, politically correct self appointed censors need to pull their heads out their asses and get real, they've degraded the term "racist" to the point where it has almost no meaning anymore.

"I don't care what you say
We never played by the same rules anyway
" -- Phil Collins, I Don't Care Anymore

One more time for the slow to comprehend idiots out there....ONE PERSON'S BAD BEHAVIOUR DOES NOT EXCUSE THE SAME FROM SOMEONE ELSE.

The fact that Warren is a lying dirtbag still does not make it ok for Trump to turn a ceremony honoring American heros how had the balls to serve our country, into something all about him.
I didn't say it excused anything...

Only that it WASN'T RACIST .

Learn how to read, preferably at a comprehension level somewhere north of a 3rd grader, K, thanks.
He respects our military. Obama hated them. See the difference?

If Trump respected our military he would not turn a ceremony honoring them into something all about him instead of them.
Lol, one of your kind got shamed for lying, and you can't stand it. I'm sure there is a safe place for you some where, snowflake.

Another fucking idiot partisan hack...damn this board is infested with you idiots from both sides. Warren is not one of my "kind".

Well then provide evidence that he didn't truly respect the Veterans.
He pointed out the abhorrent racism towards them in the white house.
Then he told them they were great, again and again!

Where is the disrespect?

Oh, in that he correctly identified the faults in one of your kind, of course.

His own words were all the evidence needed that he didn't truly respect the Veterans. Because he made it about him and not about them, that is the ultimate disrespect.

How did he make it about him? Nowhere did he refer to himself. Oops.

I think I am coming to an understanding here. This person is a moron. Pointing out the rampant anti-Indian racism of Pocahontas is clearly being extraordinarily respectful towards the war heroes.
Yep, nothing like a racist comment to distract from raping the middle class with a tax bill.

Accurate, factual comment, designed to call out the bullshit artist.

You are a racist if you don't agree with Trump that these veterans are great and special indeed! However, the Pocahontas person is a fraud and a scam, if you don't agree you must be a racist for downplaying the Indian heritage. Surely they could not be stupid enough to scam.

Yeah bringing up something from 5 years ago about a Senator at a celebration ceremony is sane......NOT!

The guy is bonkers and mentally unfit, to serve us.
Yep, nothing like a racist comment to distract from raping the middle class with a tax bill.

Accurate, factual comment, designed to call out the bullshit artist.

You are a racist if you don't agree with Trump that these veterans are great and special indeed! However, the Pocahontas person is a fraud and a scam, if you don't agree you must be a racist for downplaying the Indian heritage. Surely they could not be stupid enough to scam.

Yeah bringing up something from 5 years ago about a Senator at a celebration ceremony is sane......NOT!

The guy is bonkers and mentally unfit, to serve us.

Exactly what's insane about it?

The dems have been bringing up histories of Moore that happened 40 years ago. And now 5 years is too much? ROFL!

History never dies, at least the recorded one, insane to think otherwise. Maybe you are more motivated to not make retard comments now.
Mentally unfit

All describe him to a tee. He needs help.

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