Mormon church voices support for Senate bill to protect gay marriage

Church of J.C. Latter Day Saints has sold out to and consented to the destruction of America. Their Prophet told'em to take the Covid drugs, another sell out. Their incorporated corporation church is now marked for destruction. Come out of it.
Church of J.C. Latter Day Saints has sold out to and consented to the destruction of America. Their Prophet told'em to take the Covid drugs, another sell out. Their incorporated corporation church is now marked for destruction. Come out of it.

"Church of J.C. Latter Day Saints has sold out to and consented to the destruction of America"??

Wow. That is some impressive hyperbole. Tell us, exactly how this piece of legislation will destroy America?

Well this is welcome news. I know from reading posts on this fprum that rank and file mormons are doughty warriors in support of rainbow issues. Now their church has caught up with them.

Let us hope that this is a first step in organised religion joining the rest of us in the civilised world.

55% of Republicans support same-sex marriage.
Legislation to protect property and other rights may be necessary. Legislation to change the meaning of a word should not take precedence over more serious matters. This is more time wasting and virtue signaling. Homosexual couples deserve the same rights as conventional married couples. They do not deserve to own language.
Legislation to protect property and other rights may be necessary. Legislation to change the meaning of a word should not take precedence over more serious matters. This is more time wasting and virtue signaling. Homosexual couples deserve the same rights as conventional married couples. They do not deserve to own language.

Your problem isn't "language" it's that their life-long relationship will have the same value as yours.

The meaning of marriage has changed over time. It's gone from a woman being subservient to her husband to being one of equal.
More straight couples engage in sodomy than there are homosexuals in existence.
That is s historical fact. I came across it rrsearching the poor in Victorian Britain./ It was seen as an acceptable form of birth control..
Legislation to protect property and other rights may be necessary. Legislation to change the meaning of a word should not take precedence over more serious matters. This is more time wasting and virtue signaling. Homosexual couples deserve the same rights as conventional married couples. They do not deserve to own language.
Better that politicians discuss this stuff than cutting welfare budgets and banning schools.
"Church of J.C. Latter Day Saints has sold out to and consented to the destruction of America"??

Wow. That is some impressive hyperbole. Tell us, exactly how this piece of legislation will destroy America?
Thank You for the compliment, how it happens, You can witness along the way; And Jesus is not saving anyone. There was no Jesus before the Vatican invented that word about 500 years ago. YahvehShua destroyed Sodom, America destroyed Germany and YahvehShua is destroying America.
Thank You for the compliment, how it happens, You can witness along the way; And Jesus is not saving anyone. There was no Jesus before the Vatican invented that word about 500 years ago. YahvehShua destroyed Sodom, America destroyed Germany and YahvehShua is destroying America.

The cities of the plain were destroyed long before Abraham or Lot lived. It's a morality tale.
Salt Lake City is in the top ten for Gaycation spots in out mag.

Also, alot of Mormons are gay but they love the church and all the socialness of it so they keep it down low.
Sugarhouse city used to be gay community but it's been taken over by Californians and the gays are moving more toward u of u area.

Mormon Gays are very kind.

Well this is welcome news. I know from reading posts on this fprum that rank and file mormons are doughty warriors in support of rainbow issues. Now their church has caught up with them.

Let us hope that this is a first step in organised religion joining the rest of us in the civilised world.
The government shouldn't be able to say who can marry and who can't. Get the government out of the equation.
The government shouldn't be able to say who can marry and who can't. Get the government out of the equation.

I agree with you wholeheartedly! I have been saying this for years. What do we ask the gov't permission to marry?

But when we take the gov't out of the equation, we also take out the benefits it bestows on married couples. I guess people prefer benefits to freedom.

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