Mormon pedo ring gets smacked down by God?

I can't speak for Jake but I am not defending Warren Jeff's.
I am very happy he is behind bars.
I unlike you do not accuse all of them as being child abusers.
There are probably some but just because they are part of a polygamy sect does not mean all are child abusers.
You are condemning them all without any evidence for each of them.
That is not how our American laws works.

If the leader was put behind bars you can be sure his evil teachings have worked through the entire sect. There is but one thing to do - free the people who are held inside the cult and enforce the laws on polygamy. The Mormon religion is a false religion - a cult - the membership is quite large but numbers mean nothing. Look at how many are members of Roman Catholicism (which helped craft the false doctrines in Mormonism) and they too are inflicting tremendous harm upon their own children. (paedophile priests, bishops, cardinals, popes) There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. When someone is in a cult - you will note they uphold their religion - they hold fast to the false to doctrine and refuse to question it or examine under the light of Holy Scripture in the Bible - they lift up and believe their religions' leaders -ABOVE Jesus Christ and His Word. It is a common denominator in all cults. They refuse to think for themselves and study the Scriptures as the Bereans did. We are to be like the Bereans and study the Scriptures and if the preacher / pastor / minister is not teaching exactly as the Bible teaches we are to leave. (immediately)
Mr. Mr Moth

When the Jesuits met with Joseph Smith and helped him craft the false doctrines of Mormonism? One could say that, I suppose. Mormonism is a cult. It is not based on Christianity. Neither is Catholicism. If the truth offends you - it is the truth that is offending you. Not me.

One question there Moses Jr. Could you possibly be more full of shit than you are right now? It's you fundie freaks who most like Mormons.

As you are a Catholic, Liminal, I'm not surprised at your hatred of Fundamental Christians. Your Pope has shown a serious aversion to Christians who take the Bible literally and refuse to accept him as the "Vicar of Christ" and the "Voice of God". He is neither. Jesus Christ never appointed an "Vicars". He does not need a Vicar.
A distinction that only makes a difference to fundamentalists......who have a habit of picking and choosing which part of Christ's message they like and ignoring the rest.
There is no rapture anywhere in the Bible, the basis for Christian fundamentalism is a complete fantasy .

You are off topic, Liminal. Please respect the thread and the OP. Address the topic or start a thread on the rapture.
I am addressing the topic, Mormonism and Christian fundamentalism are equally heretical and equally evil and sinful.
What I said was, "You wanted to label believers as pedophiles." And you mischaracterize that with They ARE pedos. For pete's sake, their leader is in prison for child sexual abuse.

I didn't
Why would you deny that?

Keep lying and keep getting outed, LN Seriously, Jake - WTH is WRONG with you, Peach and others who defend this scum?

You lie when you post, "you have often posted in religious threads that I have no right to post there. In fact, you told me, morKeepe than once, to get out of THIS thread." Don't remember that, but if I did you were lying as usual. Tell you what: give a link.

More about Jake's lie -

I never mentioned lds.

OTOH, wasn't mormonism founded on polygamy and pedophilia? Didn't their leader have children as wives?

I agree that Mormonism is a cult and though I also believe that things like magic underwear and non-existent planets are just plain silly, so is the christian talking snake, etc. But, I care what people choose to believe.

And yes, Jeri, fundie religions are cults. If I ever doubted that, all I had to do is SKIM some of what you post.
I agree that Jeffs' followers and Boldea's followers should all be freed.

And all believers should begin praying regularly that the darkness in Luddly's heart be rebuked and to flee away.

You were warned before to stop falsely accusing Michael Boldea Jr. of being a cult leader. He is a true minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with cults. Luddly is right about Jeff's followers and Mormonism and was right about the Duggars. Your problem with people exposing cults is disturbing. God can use anyone to expose a cult. Anyone.
A van and SUV carrying three women and 13 children sat near the widening stream, waiting for the water to recede so they could cross back to their homes in a small, polygamous town on the Utah-Arizona border.

But in an instant, flood waters engulfed them and the two vehicles were sucked downstream, bobbing in the turbulent water before they tumbled over an embankment. Only three children survived. Twelve of the 16 are dead. One is missing.

Flood Waters Trap Hikers, Carry Away Cars in Utah; 16 Die
Sounds like God's judgement upon them.
There is no rapture anywhere in the Bible, the basis for Christian fundamentalism is a complete fantasy .

You are off topic, Liminal. Please respect the thread and the OP. Address the topic or start a thread on the rapture.
I am addressing the topic, Mormonism and Christian fundamentalism are equally heretical and equally evil and sinful.

No, you are attacking Christians which is what your Roman Catholic Institution has been doing from it's very beginning. Make your own thread if you wish to keep on about it.
There is no rapture anywhere in the Bible, the basis for Christian fundamentalism is a complete fantasy .

You are off topic, Liminal. Please respect the thread and the OP. Address the topic or start a thread on the rapture.
I am addressing the topic, Mormonism and Christian fundamentalism are equally heretical and equally evil and sinful.

No, you are attacking Christians which is what your Roman Catholic Institution has been doing from it's very beginning. Make your own thread if you wish to keep on about it.
You might call yourself a Christian, but to me you're just one of the modern gnostics, making up Bible interpretations as you go along.
There is no rapture anywhere in the Bible, the basis for Christian fundamentalism is a complete fantasy .

You are off topic, Liminal. Please respect the thread and the OP. Address the topic or start a thread on the rapture.
I am addressing the topic, Mormonism and Christian fundamentalism are equally heretical and equally evil and sinful.

No, you are attacking Christians which is what your Roman Catholic Institution has been doing from it's very beginning. Make your own thread if you wish to keep on about it.
You might call yourself a Christian, but to me you're just one of the modern gnostics, making up Bible interpretations as you go along.

Make a thread about modern gnosticism (which is New Age - Catholicism).
There is no rapture anywhere in the Bible, the basis for Christian fundamentalism is a complete fantasy .

You are off topic, Liminal. Please respect the thread and the OP. Address the topic or start a thread on the rapture.
I am addressing the topic, Mormonism and Christian fundamentalism are equally heretical and equally evil and sinful.

No, you are attacking Christians which is what your Roman Catholic Institution has been doing from it's very beginning. Make your own thread if you wish to keep on about it.
You might call yourself a Christian, but to me you're just one of the modern gnostics, making up Bible interpretations as you go along.

Make thread.
Really Moral Orel? You'd like me to slap you around some more?
What I said was, "You wanted to label believers as pedophiles." And you mischaracterize that with They ARE pedos. For pete's sake, their leader is in prison for child sexual abuse.

I didn't
Why would you deny that?

Keep lying and keep getting outed, LN Seriously, Jake - WTH is WRONG with you, Peach and others who defend this scum?

You lie when you post, "you have often posted in religious threads that I have no right to post there. In fact, you told me, morKeepe than once, to get out of THIS thread." Don't remember that, but if I did you were lying as usual. Tell you what: give a link.

Nope. Doesn't fly.

This thread, from the title on, has been about that particular cult. You and others whined about them being persecuted by me and others.

If you and Peach have now changed your mind, good for you but I'm skeptical. The same happened with the Duggar threads. Defending the indefensible.

There was a great deal learned by the Duggars thread. No one can deny that.
I agree that Jeffs' followers and Boldea's followers should all be freed.

And all believers should begin praying regularly that the darkness in Luddly's heart be rebuked and to flee away.

You were warned before to stop falsely accusing Michael Boldea Jr. of being a cult leader. He is a true minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with cults. Luddly is right about Jeff's followers and Mormonism and was right about the Duggars. Your problem with people exposing cults is disturbing. God can use anyone to expose a cult. Anyone.
I am warning you right now to stop defending Boldea, a false cult leader. You are a false prophet of which the Bible warned.

Luddly was wrong to accuse believers of being pedos, and he got his ass spanked for it.

Luddly is lying. We told him to stop saying all of the cult was pedo.

I have not changed my mind. Every time you lie, Luddly, I will make you look a fool that you are already. Don't walk the line too finely.
There is no rapture anywhere in the Bible, the basis for Christian fundamentalism is a complete fantasy .

You are off topic, Liminal. Please respect the thread and the OP. Address the topic or start a thread on the rapture.
I am addressing the topic, Mormonism and Christian fundamentalism are equally heretical and equally evil and sinful.

No, you are attacking Christians which is what your Roman Catholic Institution has been doing from it's very beginning. Make your own thread if you wish to keep on about it.
You are a false prophet serving a false cult leader. We are warned about your type in the Bible.

One, not all FLDS men are pedos, but some obviously are, and many apparently are rampant sex addicts.

Two, Liminal, I don't think God killed the women and children because of the men's sins.

Three, I challenge those of you who are lying to stop trying to take advantage of the deaths of the women and children. That is evil behavior.
There is no rapture anywhere in the Bible, the basis for Christian fundamentalism is a complete fantasy .

You are off topic, Liminal. Please respect the thread and the OP. Address the topic or start a thread on the rapture.
I am addressing the topic, Mormonism and Christian fundamentalism are equally heretical and equally evil and sinful.

No, you are attacking Christians which is what your Roman Catholic Institution has been doing from it's very beginning. Make your own thread if you wish to keep on about it.
You might call yourself a Christian, but to me you're just one of the modern gnostics, making up Bible interpretations as you go along.

But really, that's the definition of all religions.
I agree that Jeffs' followers and Boldea's followers should all be freed.

And all believers should begin praying regularly that the darkness in Luddly's heart be rebuked and to flee away.

You were warned before to stop falsely accusing Michael Boldea Jr. of being a cult leader. He is a true minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with cults. Luddly is right about Jeff's followers and Mormonism and was right about the Duggars. Your problem with people exposing cults is disturbing. God can use anyone to expose a cult. Anyone.
I am warning you right now to stop defending Boldea, a false cult leader. You are a false prophet of which the Bible warned.

Luddly was wrong to accuse believers of being pedos, and he got his ass spanked for it.

Luddly is lying. We told him to stop saying all of the cult was pedo.

I have not changed my mind. Every time you lie, Luddly, I will make you look a fool that you are already. Don't walk the line too finely.

Jake, you've been placed on ignore and put into the Lord's hands. You have been warned more than once to not falsely accuse God's servants. Michael Boldea Jr. is a genuine servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord rebuke you, Satan.
I agree that Jeffs' followers and Boldea's followers should all be freed.

And all believers should begin praying regularly that the darkness in Luddly's heart be rebuked and to flee away.

You were warned before to stop falsely accusing Michael Boldea Jr. of being a cult leader. He is a true minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with cults. Luddly is right about Jeff's followers and Mormonism and was right about the Duggars. Your problem with people exposing cults is disturbing. God can use anyone to expose a cult. Anyone.
I am warning you right now to stop defending Boldea, a false cult leader. You are a false prophet of which the Bible warned.

Luddly was wrong to accuse believers of being pedos, and he got his ass spanked for it.

Luddly is lying. We told him to stop saying all of the cult was pedo.

I have not changed my mind. Every time you lie, Luddly, I will make you look a fool that you are already. Don't walk the line too finely.

Jake, you've been placed on ignore and put into the Lord's hands. You have been warned more than once to not falsely accuse God's servants. Michael Boldea Jr. is a genuine servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord rebuke you, Satan.
You have been warned, Jeremiah, and the Lord is aware of it.

Boldea and you are cult leaders and false servants.
I agree that Jeffs' followers and Boldea's followers should all be freed.

And all believers should begin praying regularly that the darkness in Luddly's heart be rebuked and to flee away.

You were warned before to stop falsely accusing Michael Boldea Jr. of being a cult leader. He is a true minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with cults. Luddly is right about Jeff's followers and Mormonism and was right about the Duggars. Your problem with people exposing cults is disturbing. God can use anyone to expose a cult. Anyone.
I am warning you right now to stop defending Boldea, a false cult leader. You are a false prophet of which the Bible warned.

Luddly was wrong to accuse believers of being pedos, and he got his ass spanked for it.

Luddly is lying. We told him to stop saying all of the cult was pedo.

I have not changed my mind. Every time you lie, Luddly, I will make you look a fool that you are already. Don't walk the line too finely.

Okay, so what's with this threat against Jeri for her opinion? I don't agree with her opinions but she certainly has the right to believe as she wishes, as do you.

You've done it a few times to me and so has Jeremiah. Apparently, you both believe you speak for your god and that, on your say-so, he'll rain down hell and brimstone on me - or some such.

Its WEIRD. Its just plain weird.

Stop changing your story. You said I wrote that "believers" are pedos and now you're repeating what I actually said - that THIS cult are pedos.

And you are still defending a pedo cult.

Even if you don't care about the children, they also abuse women.

You defend the indefensible.
There is no rapture anywhere in the Bible, the basis for Christian fundamentalism is a complete fantasy .

You are off topic, Liminal. Please respect the thread and the OP. Address the topic or start a thread on the rapture.
I am addressing the topic, Mormonism and Christian fundamentalism are equally heretical and equally evil and sinful.

No, you are attacking Christians which is what your Roman Catholic Institution has been doing from it's very beginning. Make your own thread if you wish to keep on about it.
You might call yourself a Christian, but to me you're just one of the modern gnostics, making up Bible interpretations as you go along.

But really, that's the definition of all religions.
True, but with some differences. Some religions, like Roman Catholicism, have a long history and tradition of constantly reinterpreting the metaphors. While others, like Christian fundamentalism, are primarily a more contemporary counter reaction to science and a rapidly changing world.
Luddly you are the one who keeps changing your story. You lie, say things, then say you did not say things.

You are the one who has said and admitted that you wish all humans on the planet would die.

I rank you right with Jeremiah in foolishness.
I agree that Jeffs' followers and Boldea's followers should all be freed.

And all believers should begin praying regularly that the darkness in Luddly's heart be rebuked and to flee away.

You were warned before to stop falsely accusing Michael Boldea Jr. of being a cult leader. He is a true minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has nothing to do with cults. Luddly is right about Jeff's followers and Mormonism and was right about the Duggars. Your problem with people exposing cults is disturbing. God can use anyone to expose a cult. Anyone.
I am warning you right now to stop defending Boldea, a false cult leader. You are a false prophet of which the Bible warned.

Luddly was wrong to accuse believers of being pedos, and he got his ass spanked for it.

Luddly is lying. We told him to stop saying all of the cult was pedo.

I have not changed my mind. Every time you lie, Luddly, I will make you look a fool that you are already. Don't walk the line too finely.

Jake, you've been placed on ignore and put into the Lord's hands. You have been warned more than once to not falsely accuse God's servants. Michael Boldea Jr. is a genuine servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord rebuke you, Satan.
You have been warned, Jeremiah, and the Lord is aware of it.

Boldea and you are cult leaders and false servants.

"You have been warned, Jeremiah"

There it is again. That freaky warning that 'god's gonna git ya'.

Funny thing is, you fools also said that god didn't drown the children and adults.

And yet, god is gonna git Jeri for stating an opinion that differs from yours?

"and the Lord is aware of it"

What? You emailed him?

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