Mormon pedo ring gets smacked down by God?

'All FLDS will be without a home by the end of this year,' Black said on Thursday. 'We ask that this religious genocide stop.'

Jessop said that his home had also been taken, adding: 'Help get our homes back, allow us to live our religion in peace.'

Read more: Polygamist dads lost three wives and 10 children in flash flood
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On the face of it, I don't have any objection to polygamy and I really don't care about morms' wacko beliefs --- BUT these people are also child sexual predators and, as the Duck Dynasty creep advocates, very young girls are forced into "marriage" with older men.

Why doesn't the law put a stop to this?

BTW, look at the aerial view of the town. Its a fairly large town, meaning there are a lot of suffering children and women there.
They marry sisters. How weird is that? Jeffs is the leader of this CULT. HE is a pedophile.

If it walks like a duck...etc....etc....

There is more evidence than not to suggest they are up to something sick.

When the so called tragedy is over I think this whole thing should be investigated as to exactly why these people died. At the very least some bad judgement was exercised.

Flash floods don't happen in a vacuum. When in the desert and it starts raining like hell and there is no vegetation to absorb the rain water you get your ass to high ground PRONTO!

Yes people died. Weird people died. People that use bad judgement died. There needs to be an investigation along the lines of just what kind of bad judgement caused this tragedy.

If you had a chance, would you drown 12 more children?

Sure you would, little doubt.

There is much evidence that religious wackos make bad decisions when things don't go their way and they are threatened. The Branch Davidians, Jim Jones...and many more.

I've spent many days, weeks and occasionally months out in the boonies. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know that the WORST place to be when it starts raining like hell in the out back is near or IN a wash. Especially a dry wash. If you get up 20 or 30 feet you are safe. They were in cars/station wagons for Christ sakes. They were not sleeping or something explainable. Why were these idiots down in the river bed? How is it that they were already in vehicles and couldn't get a few feet into higher ground AKA safety?

All the years I lived outside Tucson, the news was full of the dangers of flash floods. People think they can beat it. Or, they think that flooding isn't a danger because its desert and everyone knows the desert is dry.

The desert I lived in was a "sub-tropical desert" but many people didn't bother to educate themselves as to what that means. I remember many many times, sitting in my car, looking at the barriers, knowing I should turn around and find another way. I almost always did but there were times when that wasn't possible and I chanced it.

BTW, there are so-called "idiot laws" for those who get stuck and have to be rescued. If there are warning barriers up, they get to pay for their own rescue.

Its horribly sad that children died. They're innocent of the sins of their fathers and deserve a chance at a real life away from that cult.

Note to the dueling morms/christians, Jake and Blaylock and others - Why do these threads always turn into pissing contests about who is the better christian? I can't imagine Jesus ever doing this.

I can't understand why people don't just get the hell out of their vehicles sometimes and just get the several feet needed to gain enough elevation to be safe. It's the same with people that stop at RR crossings. Just get the F out of the car and walk 10 feet to safety.

It would certainly seem that way but the water can hit so fast and so hard that you really can't get out of the way.

Sadly, this cult is getting all the attention. There were also 7 hikers killed in the flood.

Yep - god was pissed but why kill children too?
You are asking the big questions and the answers we have don't really suffice to soothe the human heart, imo.
You are asking the big questions and the answers we have don't really suffice to soothe the human heart, imo.
Go back to preeching and screeching. Coming from you, its way more honest. :rolleyes:
Yeah, the terrible event truly wrenches the heart.


Yesterday, you couldn't be bothered to post about dead children. You were too busy whining about 'religious persecution' and it took you until post #85 to even mention those poor babies.

You criticize Jeremiah for her preaching but you're no different, even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own. You're just another know-it-all, holier-than-thou thumper.
You are asking the big questions and the answers we have don't really suffice to soothe the human heart, imo.
Go back to preeching and screeching. Coming from you, its way more honest. :rolleyes:
Yeah, the terrible event truly wrenches the heart.


Yesterday, you couldn't be bothered to post about dead children. You were too busy whining about 'religious persecution' and it took you until post #85 to even mention those poor babies.

You criticize Jeremiah for her preaching but you're no different, even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own. You're just another know-it-all, holier-than-thou thumper.
I was busy correcting your stupidity yesterday. You could have cared less about the children was the effect of your tone. You wanted to label believers as pedophiles.

And you can post evidence of this: " even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own." You can't. You can't hide from your lies. They light your evil.

Luddly, we know what you are. You are not and cannot hide what you believe and think. And no one is concerned about your condemnations, which really are the groaning of your heart against your own inadequacies and shortcomings.

You are what you are, kid, and only you can do something about it, but you won't.

Stop whining, start acting.
Last edited:
You are asking the big questions and the answers we have don't really suffice to soothe the human heart, imo.
Go back to preeching and screeching. Coming from you, its way more honest. :rolleyes:
Yeah, the terrible event truly wrenches the heart.


Yesterday, you couldn't be bothered to post about dead children. You were too busy whining about 'religious persecution' and it took you until post #85 to even mention those poor babies.

You criticize Jeremiah for her preaching but you're no different, even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own. You're just another know-it-all, holier-than-thou thumper.
I was busy correcting your stupidity yesterday. You could have cared less about the children was the effect of your tone. You wanted to label believers as pedophiles.

And you can post evidence of this: " even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own." You can't. You can't hide from your lies. They light your evil.

Luddly, we know what you are. You are not and cannot hide what you believe and think. And no one is concerned about your condemnations, which really are the groaning of your heart against your own inadequacies and shortcomings.

You are what you are, kid, and only you can do something about it, but you won't.

Stop whining, start acting.

They ARE pedos. For pete's sake, their leader is in prison for child sexual abuse.

Why would you deny that?

Seriously, Jake - WTH is WRONG with you, Peach and others who defend this scum?

And yes, you have often posted in religious threads that I have no right to post there. In fact, you told me, more than once, to get out of THIS thread.

You have never and will never see me "hide" my convictions.

How does your god feel about you lying?
You are asking the big questions and the answers we have don't really suffice to soothe the human heart, imo.
Go back to preeching and screeching. Coming from you, its way more honest. :rolleyes:
Yeah, the terrible event truly wrenches the heart.


Yesterday, you couldn't be bothered to post about dead children. You were too busy whining about 'religious persecution' and it took you until post #85 to even mention those poor babies.

You criticize Jeremiah for her preaching but you're no different, even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own. You're just another know-it-all, holier-than-thou thumper.
I was busy correcting your stupidity yesterday. You could have cared less about the children was the effect of your tone. You wanted to label believers as pedophiles.

And you can post evidence of this: " even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own." You can't. You can't hide from your lies. They light your evil.

Luddly, we know what you are. You are not and cannot hide what you believe and think. And no one is concerned about your condemnations, which really are the groaning of your heart against your own inadequacies and shortcomings.

You are what you are, kid, and only you can do something about it, but you won't.

Stop whining, start acting.

They ARE pedos. For pete's sake, their leader is in prison for child sexual abuse.

Why would you deny that?

Seriously, Jake - WTH is WRONG with you, Peach and others who defend this scum?

And yes, you have often posted in religious threads that I have no right to post there. In fact, you told me, more than once, to get out of THIS thread.

You have never and will never see me "hide" my convictions.

How does your god feel about you lying?

I can't speak for Jake but I am not defending Warren Jeff's.
I am very happy he is behind bars.
I unlike you do not accuse all of them as being child abusers.
There are probably some but just because they are part of a polygamy sect does not mean all are child abusers.
You are condemning them all without any evidence for each of them.
That is not how our American laws works.
Go back to preeching and screeching. Coming from you, its way more honest. :rolleyes:
Yeah, the terrible event truly wrenches the heart.


Yesterday, you couldn't be bothered to post about dead children. You were too busy whining about 'religious persecution' and it took you until post #85 to even mention those poor babies.

You criticize Jeremiah for her preaching but you're no different, even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own. You're just another know-it-all, holier-than-thou thumper.
I was busy correcting your stupidity yesterday. You could have cared less about the children was the effect of your tone. You wanted to label believers as pedophiles.

And you can post evidence of this: " even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own." You can't. You can't hide from your lies. They light your evil.

Luddly, we know what you are. You are not and cannot hide what you believe and think. And no one is concerned about your condemnations, which really are the groaning of your heart against your own inadequacies and shortcomings.

You are what you are, kid, and only you can do something about it, but you won't.

Stop whining, start acting.

They ARE pedos. For pete's sake, their leader is in prison for child sexual abuse.

Why would you deny that?

Seriously, Jake - WTH is WRONG with you, Peach and others who defend this scum?

And yes, you have often posted in religious threads that I have no right to post there. In fact, you told me, more than once, to get out of THIS thread.

You have never and will never see me "hide" my convictions.

How does your god feel about you lying?

I can't speak for Jake but I am not defending Warren Jeff's.
I am very happy he is behind bars.
I unlike you do not accuse all of them as being child abusers.
There are probably some but just because they are part of a polygamy sect does not mean all are child abusers.
You are condemning them all without any evidence for each of them.
That is not how our American laws works.

If the leader was put behind bars you can be sure his evil teachings have worked through the entire sect. There is but one thing to do - free the people who are held inside the cult and enforce the laws on polygamy. The Mormon religion is a false religion - a cult - the membership is quite large but numbers mean nothing. Look at how many are members of Roman Catholicism (which helped craft the false doctrines in Mormonism) and they too are inflicting tremendous harm upon their own children. (paedophile priests, bishops, cardinals, popes) There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. When someone is in a cult - you will note they uphold their religion - they hold fast to the false to doctrine and refuse to question it or examine under the light of Holy Scripture in the Bible - they lift up and believe their religions' leaders -ABOVE Jesus Christ and His Word. It is a common denominator in all cults. They refuse to think for themselves and study the Scriptures as the Bereans did. We are to be like the Bereans and study the Scriptures and if the preacher / pastor / minister is not teaching exactly as the Bible teaches we are to leave. (immediately)
"..enforce the laws on polygamy.."

I do wonder why they are allowed to live outside the law.

BTW, look at the photos at the link I posted. I wonder the same about these people as I do the Sister Wives - how do they support themselves.

In the case of Sister Wives, they live in very large, new homes, drive newish cars and feed a mazillion kids. The only income they seem to have is one sells real estate, the online jewelry, which is pretty boring stuff and the show.

Like the Duggars (I read $40K an episode), maybe that pays enough to make up the difference.

And yes, Jeri is correct that if the leader is, the rest are as well. Otherwise, they would not be still following both the leader and his brother.

And as always, I don't care what consenting adults are doing but, IMO the children and very young girls forced into marriages should be the main concern.
What I said was, "You wanted to label believers as pedophiles." And you mischaracterize that with They ARE pedos. For pete's sake, their leader is in prison for child sexual abuse.

I didn't
Why would you deny that?

Keep lying and keep getting outed, LN Seriously, Jake - WTH is WRONG with you, Peach and others who defend this scum?

You lie when you post, "you have often posted in religious threads that I have no right to post there. In fact, you told me, morKeepe than once, to get out of THIS thread." Don't remember that, but if I did you were lying as usual. Tell you what: give a link.
I agree that Jeffs' followers and Boldea's followers should all be freed.

And all believers should begin praying regularly that the darkness in Luddly's heart be rebuked and to flee away.
What I said was, "You wanted to label believers as pedophiles." And you mischaracterize that with They ARE pedos. For pete's sake, their leader is in prison for child sexual abuse.

I didn't
Why would you deny that?

Keep lying and keep getting outed, LN Seriously, Jake - WTH is WRONG with you, Peach and others who defend this scum?

You lie when you post, "you have often posted in religious threads that I have no right to post there. In fact, you told me, morKeepe than once, to get out of THIS thread." Don't remember that, but if I did you were lying as usual. Tell you what: give a link.

Nope. Doesn't fly.

This thread, from the title on, has been about that particular cult. You and others whined about them being persecuted by me and others.

If you and Peach have now changed your mind, good for you but I'm skeptical. The same happened with the Duggar threads. Defending the indefensible.
Last edited:
"..enforce the laws on polygamy.."

I do wonder why they are allowed to live outside the law.

BTW, look at the photos at the link I posted. I wonder the same about these people as I do the Sister Wives - how do they support themselves.

In the case of Sister Wives, they live in very large, new homes, drive newish cars and feed a mazillion kids. The only income they seem to have is one sells real estate, the online jewelry, which is pretty boring stuff and the show.

Like the Duggars (I read $40K an episode), maybe that pays enough to make up the difference.

And yes, Jeri is correct that if the leader is, the rest are as well. Otherwise, they would not be still following both the leader and his brother.

And as always, I don't care what consenting adults are doing but, IMO the children and very young girls forced into marriages should be the main concern.

I have never heard of the Sister Wives. That is news to me, Luddly. We have a very limited cable package and I do not believe that is something that is on our TV. I have to wonder about people merchandising their faith on television. Something is very wrong with that picture - reality shows, etc.
Yeah, the terrible event truly wrenches the heart.


Yesterday, you couldn't be bothered to post about dead children. You were too busy whining about 'religious persecution' and it took you until post #85 to even mention those poor babies.

You criticize Jeremiah for her preaching but you're no different, even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own. You're just another know-it-all, holier-than-thou thumper.
I was busy correcting your stupidity yesterday. You could have cared less about the children was the effect of your tone. You wanted to label believers as pedophiles.

And you can post evidence of this: " even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own." You can't. You can't hide from your lies. They light your evil.

Luddly, we know what you are. You are not and cannot hide what you believe and think. And no one is concerned about your condemnations, which really are the groaning of your heart against your own inadequacies and shortcomings.

You are what you are, kid, and only you can do something about it, but you won't.

Stop whining, start acting.

They ARE pedos. For pete's sake, their leader is in prison for child sexual abuse.

Why would you deny that?

Seriously, Jake - WTH is WRONG with you, Peach and others who defend this scum?

And yes, you have often posted in religious threads that I have no right to post there. In fact, you told me, more than once, to get out of THIS thread.

You have never and will never see me "hide" my convictions.

How does your god feel about you lying?

I can't speak for Jake but I am not defending Warren Jeff's.
I am very happy he is behind bars.
I unlike you do not accuse all of them as being child abusers.
There are probably some but just because they are part of a polygamy sect does not mean all are child abusers.
You are condemning them all without any evidence for each of them.
That is not how our American laws works.

If the leader was put behind bars you can be sure his evil teachings have worked through the entire sect. There is but one thing to do - free the people who are held inside the cult and enforce the laws on polygamy. The Mormon religion is a false religion - a cult - the membership is quite large but numbers mean nothing. Look at how many are members of Roman Catholicism (which helped craft the false doctrines in Mormonism) and they too are inflicting tremendous harm upon their own children. (paedophile priests, bishops, cardinals, popes) There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. When someone is in a cult - you will note they uphold their religion - they hold fast to the false to doctrine and refuse to question it or examine under the light of Holy Scripture in the Bible - they lift up and believe their religions' leaders -ABOVE Jesus Christ and His Word. It is a common denominator in all cults. They refuse to think for themselves and study the Scriptures as the Bereans did. We are to be like the Bereans and study the Scriptures and if the preacher / pastor / minister is not teaching exactly as the Bible teaches we are to leave. (immediately)
Mr. Mr Moth

Yesterday, you couldn't be bothered to post about dead children. You were too busy whining about 'religious persecution' and it took you until post #85 to even mention those poor babies.

You criticize Jeremiah for her preaching but you're no different, even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own. You're just another know-it-all, holier-than-thou thumper.
I was busy correcting your stupidity yesterday. You could have cared less about the children was the effect of your tone. You wanted to label believers as pedophiles.

And you can post evidence of this: " even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own." You can't. You can't hide from your lies. They light your evil.

Luddly, we know what you are. You are not and cannot hide what you believe and think. And no one is concerned about your condemnations, which really are the groaning of your heart against your own inadequacies and shortcomings.

You are what you are, kid, and only you can do something about it, but you won't.

Stop whining, start acting.

They ARE pedos. For pete's sake, their leader is in prison for child sexual abuse.

Why would you deny that?

Seriously, Jake - WTH is WRONG with you, Peach and others who defend this scum?

And yes, you have often posted in religious threads that I have no right to post there. In fact, you told me, more than once, to get out of THIS thread.

You have never and will never see me "hide" my convictions.

How does your god feel about you lying?

I can't speak for Jake but I am not defending Warren Jeff's.
I am very happy he is behind bars.
I unlike you do not accuse all of them as being child abusers.
There are probably some but just because they are part of a polygamy sect does not mean all are child abusers.
You are condemning them all without any evidence for each of them.
That is not how our American laws works.

If the leader was put behind bars you can be sure his evil teachings have worked through the entire sect. There is but one thing to do - free the people who are held inside the cult and enforce the laws on polygamy. The Mormon religion is a false religion - a cult - the membership is quite large but numbers mean nothing. Look at how many are members of Roman Catholicism (which helped craft the false doctrines in Mormonism) and they too are inflicting tremendous harm upon their own children. (paedophile priests, bishops, cardinals, popes) There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. When someone is in a cult - you will note they uphold their religion - they hold fast to the false to doctrine and refuse to question it or examine under the light of Holy Scripture in the Bible - they lift up and believe their religions' leaders -ABOVE Jesus Christ and His Word. It is a common denominator in all cults. They refuse to think for themselves and study the Scriptures as the Bereans did. We are to be like the Bereans and study the Scriptures and if the preacher / pastor / minister is not teaching exactly as the Bible teaches we are to leave. (immediately)
Mr. Mr Moth

When the Jesuits met with Joseph Smith and helped him craft the false doctrines of Mormonism? One could say that, I suppose. Mormonism is a cult. It is not based on Christianity. Neither is Catholicism. If the truth offends you - it is the truth that is offending you. Not me.
I was busy correcting your stupidity yesterday. You could have cared less about the children was the effect of your tone. You wanted to label believers as pedophiles.

And you can post evidence of this: " even telling me I have no right to hold an opinion that differs from your own." You can't. You can't hide from your lies. They light your evil.

Luddly, we know what you are. You are not and cannot hide what you believe and think. And no one is concerned about your condemnations, which really are the groaning of your heart against your own inadequacies and shortcomings.

You are what you are, kid, and only you can do something about it, but you won't.

Stop whining, start acting.

They ARE pedos. For pete's sake, their leader is in prison for child sexual abuse.

Why would you deny that?

Seriously, Jake - WTH is WRONG with you, Peach and others who defend this scum?

And yes, you have often posted in religious threads that I have no right to post there. In fact, you told me, more than once, to get out of THIS thread.

You have never and will never see me "hide" my convictions.

How does your god feel about you lying?

I can't speak for Jake but I am not defending Warren Jeff's.
I am very happy he is behind bars.
I unlike you do not accuse all of them as being child abusers.
There are probably some but just because they are part of a polygamy sect does not mean all are child abusers.
You are condemning them all without any evidence for each of them.
That is not how our American laws works.

If the leader was put behind bars you can be sure his evil teachings have worked through the entire sect. There is but one thing to do - free the people who are held inside the cult and enforce the laws on polygamy. The Mormon religion is a false religion - a cult - the membership is quite large but numbers mean nothing. Look at how many are members of Roman Catholicism (which helped craft the false doctrines in Mormonism) and they too are inflicting tremendous harm upon their own children. (paedophile priests, bishops, cardinals, popes) There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. When someone is in a cult - you will note they uphold their religion - they hold fast to the false to doctrine and refuse to question it or examine under the light of Holy Scripture in the Bible - they lift up and believe their religions' leaders -ABOVE Jesus Christ and His Word. It is a common denominator in all cults. They refuse to think for themselves and study the Scriptures as the Bereans did. We are to be like the Bereans and study the Scriptures and if the preacher / pastor / minister is not teaching exactly as the Bible teaches we are to leave. (immediately)
Mr. Mr Moth

When the Jesuits met with Joseph Smith and helped him craft the false doctrines of Mormonism? One could say that, I suppose. Mormonism is a cult. It is not based on Christianity. Neither is Catholicism. If the truth offends you - it is the truth that is offending you. Not me.

One question there Moses Jr. Could you possibly be more full of shit than you are right now? It's you fundie freaks who most like Mormons.
They ARE pedos. For pete's sake, their leader is in prison for child sexual abuse.

Why would you deny that?

Seriously, Jake - WTH is WRONG with you, Peach and others who defend this scum?

And yes, you have often posted in religious threads that I have no right to post there. In fact, you told me, more than once, to get out of THIS thread.

You have never and will never see me "hide" my convictions.

How does your god feel about you lying?

I can't speak for Jake but I am not defending Warren Jeff's.
I am very happy he is behind bars.
I unlike you do not accuse all of them as being child abusers.
There are probably some but just because they are part of a polygamy sect does not mean all are child abusers.
You are condemning them all without any evidence for each of them.
That is not how our American laws works.

If the leader was put behind bars you can be sure his evil teachings have worked through the entire sect. There is but one thing to do - free the people who are held inside the cult and enforce the laws on polygamy. The Mormon religion is a false religion - a cult - the membership is quite large but numbers mean nothing. Look at how many are members of Roman Catholicism (which helped craft the false doctrines in Mormonism) and they too are inflicting tremendous harm upon their own children. (paedophile priests, bishops, cardinals, popes) There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. When someone is in a cult - you will note they uphold their religion - they hold fast to the false to doctrine and refuse to question it or examine under the light of Holy Scripture in the Bible - they lift up and believe their religions' leaders -ABOVE Jesus Christ and His Word. It is a common denominator in all cults. They refuse to think for themselves and study the Scriptures as the Bereans did. We are to be like the Bereans and study the Scriptures and if the preacher / pastor / minister is not teaching exactly as the Bible teaches we are to leave. (immediately)
Mr. Mr Moth

When the Jesuits met with Joseph Smith and helped him craft the false doctrines of Mormonism? One could say that, I suppose. Mormonism is a cult. It is not based on Christianity. Neither is Catholicism. If the truth offends you - it is the truth that is offending you. Not me.

One question there Moses Jr. Could you possibly be more full of shit than you are right now? It's you fundie freaks who most like Mormons.

As you are a Catholic, Liminal, I'm not surprised at your hatred of Fundamental Christians. Your Pope has shown a serious aversion to Christians who take the Bible literally and refuse to accept him as the "Vicar of Christ" and the "Voice of God". He is neither. Jesus Christ never appointed an "Vicars". He does not need a Vicar.

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