Mormonism, JW's and others...

freeandfun1 said:
The way I read it, he is saying the LDS Elders are the ones that determine the translation.

LDS Elders? Those are the guys on the bicycles, they become elders when they reach 18.
Avatar4321 said:
So you are saying the Bible is correct if its not translated correctly?

I'm only pointing out the differences between Christian teaching and LDS teaching, for those not in the know. What I'm saying is that Christianity believes the Bible to be 100% accurately translated as inspired by the Holy Spirit; the LDS church does not believe that.

Not entirely accurate. but not entirely wrong either.

BTW when you say orthadox Christianity, do you mean orthadox Christianity or are you refering to your version of evangelical protestantism? Because if you ask the Orthadox Christians, evangelicals are not orthadox.

Sorry... I mean small-o orthodox. Basically, the doctrines of Christianity that the three major branches (Catholic, Protestant, and big-O Orthodox) agree on.

Does the Bible teach that they aren't three seperate beings that are one in purpose?

The Bible teaches that there is one God in three Persons. The Father, The Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit are all persons of the one God. The Bible teaches that they are one in essence, not just one in purpose.
gop_jeff said:
The Bible teaches that there is one God in three Persons. The Father, The Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit are all persons of the one God. The Bible teaches that they are one in essence, not just one in purpose.

I don't believe that is true. When Jesus was baptised, he came up out of the water, standing by John the Baptist; the Holy Ghost alighted on him in the form of a dove; and they heard the voice of God speaking from heaven. Is that not three distinct persons in one place at one time?

Also when Jesus was praying to his Father in the Garden of Gethesame to remove the cup from him if possible, was he praying to himself? This makes absolutely no sense.

When Jesus told his disciples that he was going to ascend to his Father, was he going to ascend to himself?

When we see Jesus in heaven, sitting at the right hand of his Father, will we not be seeing two separate, distinct persons? Or will we be having double vision?

Just curious.
Adam's Apple said:
I don't believe that is true. When Jesus was baptised, he came up out of the water, standing by John the Baptist; the Holy Ghost alighted on him in the form of a dove; and they heard the voice of God speaking from heaven. Is that not three distinct persons in one place at one time?

Also when Jesus was praying to his Father in the Garden of Gethesame to remove the cup from him if possible, was he praying to himself? This makes absolutely no sense.

When Jesus told his disciples that he was going to ascend to his Father, was he going to ascend to himself?

When we see Jesus in heaven, sitting at the right hand of his Father, will we not be seeing two separate, distinct persons? Or will we be having double vision?

Just curious.

I actually debated this with a JW. My response was that God created the universe, everything. He created the laws of physics; he is not subject to them. So he can be at two places at once.
Am I to assume that God wants us to guess what He means instead of just telling us point blank? What's His purpose behind these "fun & games"? If I can't trust what is written in the Scriptures as truth--without having to interpret every single word--what is the purpose of reading and studying Scripture? My interpretation or your interpretation may be entirely wrong. Then what?
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Adam's Apple said:
I don't believe that is true. When Jesus was baptised, he came up out of the water, standing by John the Baptist; the Holy Ghost alighted on him in the form of a dove; and they heard the voice of God speaking from heaven. Is that not three distinct persons in one place at one time?

Also when Jesus was praying to his Father in the Garden of Gethesame to remove the cup from him if possible, was he praying to himself? This makes absolutely no sense.

When Jesus told his disciples that he was going to ascend to his Father, was he going to ascend to himself?

When we see Jesus in heaven, sitting at the right hand of his Father, will we not be seeing two separate, distinct persons? Or will we be having double vision?

Just curious.

The Trinity is three persons, one essence. In other words, Jesus is God, just as the Father is God, just as the Holy Spirit is God. But Jesus is not the Father, nor is Jesus the Holy Spirit. Three distinct persons within one essence.
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If you are saying they are three separate entities with a unity of purpose, I can go along with that.
Adam's Apple said:
If you are saying they are three separate entities with a unity of purpose, I can go along with that.

That's the Mormon doctrine (as I understand it), not the Christian doctrine.
Adam's Apple said:
If you are saying they are three separate entities with a unity of purpose, I can go along with that.

Thats what I am saying. I disagree with the postbiblical creeds on the matter.
Guess we're in the minority. I was told I didn't have Christian beliefs, although I thought I understood the teachings of the Bible. To each his own, I guess.

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