Mormons believe their prophets have a direct communication with God


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Is there any other religion that claims their religious leaders are prophets who have a direct communication with God?

That's a pretty serious claim to make.

Catholicism teaches that the age of public revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle, St. John, and that any revelations made to us today are private revelations, not to be incorporated into doctrine.

Mormons, on the other hand, believe that the age of public revelation is now, and that at any time, one of their prophets could change major doctrines.
The Mormons are no worse than the Baptists or the Quakers.

Samee same G/I.
The Mormons may be no "worse" than Baptists or Quakers, but one thing which is certain is they are not Christians.

Mormon doctrine is so divergent from the doctrine of Christian denominations, that it cannot be called a Christian denomination.

As a first example, Mormons believe that God is married to a Goddess. They do not talk about this to outsiders, but they believe it.

They also believe that Mormons who are found worthy will become Gods and Goddesses of their own universe.
Catholicism teaches that the age of public revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle, St. John, and that any revelations made to us today are private revelations, not to be incorporated into doctrine.

Mormons, on the other hand, believe that the age of public revelation is now, and that at any time, one of their prophets could change major doctrines.

And yet the Catholic Church has changed, added, subtracted quite a lot to their "sacred" doctrine.

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The Mormons are no worse than the Baptists or the Quakers.

Samee same G/I.
The Mormons may be no "worse" than Baptists or Quakers, but one thing which is certain is they are not Christians.

Mormon doctrine is so divergent from the doctrine of Christian denominations, that it cannot be called a Christian denomination.

As a first example, Mormons believe that God is married to a Goddess. They do not talk about this to outsiders, but they believe it.

They also believe that Mormons who are found worthy will become Gods and Goddesses of their own universe.

Considering the nonsense your religion believes in, it seems silly indeed for to criticize the beliefs of other religions.

From the outside looking in, both are batshit crazy. Same with protestants.

The entire purpose of organized religion is to fleece the flock. Without a doubt, it's the most successful scam of all time.

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Considering the nonsense your religion believes in, it seems silly indeed for to criticize the beliefs of other religions.

From the outside looking in, both are batshit crazy. Same with protestants.

The entire purpose of organized religion is to fleece the flock. Without a doubt, it's the most successful scam of all time.

No, that is not the purpose of religion. Apparently standing outside looking in doesn't provide a very good view.
Everyone should believe in something.

I believe I will have another drink.

My God is Deist and was good enough to create alcohol fermenting yeasts before He/She/They departed leaving me here alone on this Earth with 7 billion dangerous morons.
Is there any other religion that claims their religious leaders are prophets who have a direct communication with God?

That's a pretty serious claim to make.

Ummm Abraham?
Right. Like I said earlier, the Catholic Church teaches that the era of public revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle.
yea, then you guys got papal infallibility :rolleyes:
Very rarely used.
Is there any other religion that claims their religious leaders are prophets who have a direct communication with God?

That's a pretty serious claim to make.

Ummm Abraham?
Right. Like I said earlier, the Catholic Church teaches that the era of public revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle.
yea, then you guys got papal infallibility :rolleyes:
Very rarely used.
Yes, but they got to poop out "the death of the last apostle" thingymajig with it, didnt they?
yea, then you guys got papal infallibility :rolleyes:

Papal Infallibility is the most misunderstood policy on the planet. Most people seem to think it means that a Pope cannot be wrong. :lol:

The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception (that Mary was given the grace to be free of sin from the moment of her conception is one of three instances that fall directly under Papal Infallibility. The belief that Mary had been filled with grace from the moment of her conception had been around since early Christianity.

As early as the 700s some Christians were celebrating Mary's conception. By about the tenth century people were arguing over whether Mary's Immaculate conception should become formal Church doctrine. When these types of arguments come into play, it can take the Church a very long time to make careful investigations and considerations. It generally starts with the people, goes to the priests and bishops, and then on to the Vatican.

Finally, in 1854 all the processes and procedures had been completed, and the dogma was written into a formal papal document (called a bull because it has a bulla, which is a seal). It was signed by Pope Pius IX and so the Immaculate Conception entered into Church Dogma. It became "infallible" meaning that it cannot be removed even by a signature of a later pope.
The Mormons are no worse than the Baptists or the Quakers.

Samee same G/I.
The Mormons may be no "worse" than Baptists or Quakers, but one thing which is certain is they are not Christians.

Mormon doctrine is so divergent from the doctrine of Christian denominations, that it cannot be called a Christian denomination.

As a first example, Mormons believe that God is married to a Goddess. They do not talk about this to outsiders, but they believe it.

They also believe that Mormons who are found worthy will become Gods and Goddesses of their own universe.

The doctrine of deification is found throughput the Bible, was taught by the Early Church Fathers, and is even found in some Protestant thought, most noticeably CS Lewis.

I don't think the scriptures were lying when they tell those who receive the word: "Ye are gods"
yea, then you guys got papal infallibility :rolleyes:

Papal Infallibility is the most misunderstood policy on the planet. Most people seem to think it means that a Pope cannot be wrong. :lol:

The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception (that Mary was given the grace to be free of sin from the moment of her conception is one of three instances that fall directly under Papal Infallibility. The belief that Mary had been filled with grace from the moment of her conception had been around since early Christianity.

As early as the 700s some Christians were celebrating Mary's conception. By about the tenth century people were arguing over whether Mary's Immaculate conception should become formal Church doctrine. When these types of arguments come into play, it can take the Church a very long time to make careful investigations and considerations. It generally starts with the people, goes to the priests and bishops, and then on to the Vatican.

Finally, in 1854 all the processes and procedures had been completed, and the dogma was written into a formal papal document (called a bull because it has a bulla, which is a seal). It was signed by Pope Pius IX and so the Immaculate Conception entered into Church Dogma. It became "infallible" meaning that it cannot be removed even by a signature of a later pope.
Thanks for the post! Informative.
However, my point was they get rid of apostles so the empire can run itself. IMO, they replaced their gods word with personal opinion. Just like Constantine. Even if he was a Christian..
When did God say his revelation ceased with the death of all the apostles.
Who's to say God didn't evolve a bit more and Joseph smith wasn't full of Bologna? The church, that's who.
Unless I am missing something. I can't know everything lol

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