Morning Examiner: Obama’s Libya lies crumble


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
I know, I know, we all know he was lying and his administration was lying but it has to be repeated so we don't forget. Shame that he made Ms Rice lie for him.

Morning Examiner: Obama’s Libya lies crumble

Morning Examiner: Obama

We seemed to have reached a tipping point in the liberal media’s coverage of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. This morning, The Washington Post has published to the web a devastating timeline of Obama administration statements on the attack that clearly demonstrate Obama has been lying about the incident for political gain from day one.
Some complete idiots are still sticking with the original story and cheering because the filmmaker was arrested.

What a foolish move by liberals in the face of real world dangers. If Obama can't speak or apologize his way out of something, he's totally lost. And his supporters tie themselves in knots trying to cover his sorry ass.
Some complete idiots are still sticking with the original story and cheering because the filmmaker was arrested.

What a foolish move by liberals in the face of real world dangers. If Obama can't speak or apologize his way out of something, he's totally lost. And his supporters tie themselves in knots trying to cover his sorry ass.

What is truly amazing is that Obama just keeps on lying as if he has not been found out. Of course this is of no interest to the liberal left they gave up on morality and truth awhole long time ago.
I know, I know, we all know he was lying and his administration was lying but it has to be repeated so we don't forget. Shame that he made Ms Rice lie for him.

Morning Examiner: Obama’s Libya lies crumble

Morning Examiner: Obama

We seemed to have reached a tipping point in the liberal media’s coverage of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. This morning, The Washington Post has published to the web a devastating timeline of Obama administration statements on the attack that clearly demonstrate Obama has been lying about the incident for political gain from day one.

It's only going to get worse. The number of voters who will not question the lies of our government leaders increases daily helped by much of the media.

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