Morningland Dairy raided and another family business destroyed 01/25/13


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
[ame=]Morningland Dairy raided and another family business destroyed 01/25/13 - YouTube[/ame]

Our government sucks
They broke the law and put public health at risk.

The California Department of Food and Agriculture has detected Listeria monocytogenes bacteria in raw milk cheese produced in the state of Missouri and sold in California.
The bacteria was found in two cheese products labeled as Morningland Dairy Raw Milk Cheese Garlic Colby and Morningland Dairy Raw Milk Cheese Hot Pepper Colby, both manufactured at processing plant number 29-428 in Mountain View, MO. The products were shipped from the Missouri plant to locations in the California counties of Mendocino, Santa Cruz, Los Angeles and San Diego.

Listeria monocytogenes may cause listeriosis among “at risk” people, including pregnant women, newborns, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems. Symptoms include fever, muscle aches, and sometimes nausea or diarrhea. If infection spreads to the nervous system, symptoms such as headache and stiff neck can occur. Infected pregnant women may experience only mild, flu-like illness; however, infections during pregnancy can lead to more serious problems for the fetus. Consumers should seek immediate medical care if they develop these symptoms.

Consumers should discard the cheese or return it to the place of purchase. No illnesses have been reported.

CDFA > Public Affairs > Press Release

As a result of this discovery of Listeria in their products, Morningland Dairy recalled 68,957 pounds of raw milk cheese.

Is that in the video?
After the recall, 14 samples were taken of the recalled cheese:

After the recall, Morningland Dairy, under the supervision of the State Milk Board, sent 14 samples of Morningland Dairy’s cheese to a St. Louis laboratory to be tested. All 14 samples tested positive for Staphylococcus Aureus and 6 of the samples tested positive for Listeria Monocytogenes. The State Milk Board on October 1 condemned all cheese products the company manufactured between January 1 and August 26 and ordered that they be destroyed. Morningland Dairy refused to destroy the condemned cheese.

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The attorney general then got a permanent injunction against Morningland.

Morningland violated the injunction.

Thus the raid.

These are dangerous and stupid people. Do you need to wait for babies to die before you realize it?
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Hmmm..., I thought we were being told there was nothing wrong with raw milk! I guess if you know and trust your source, but it's different when things cross state lines. Taking the action they did is EXACTLY what the Constitution provides. So, don't tell us it's liberals that are trying to trash it.
Psst. The dairy industry paid for the legislation to make raw milk sales illegal. RW dolts....

Arguing over unpasteurised milk: Raw deal | The Economist
Raw Milk Bans are About Protecting Big Dairy
Guest column: Dairy lobby drives raw milk issue : Baraboo News Republic

What I'm wondering, is when the right wing will ever wake up and realize that it is their gods, the corporations, and NOT government, that are effectively taking away their freedoms? THAT is what money from Lobbyists and SuperPacs gets you in politics. Unfair legislation AGAINST the American people, every time. I would like to buy raw milk, but I can't thanks to the dairy lobby. Now monsanto is looking for ways to ban farmer's markets and even your backyard garden.

I'm guessing never.
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Hey if people want to drink raw milk then let them as long as they are making an informed decision it's nobody's business.
Hey if people want to drink raw milk then let them as long as they are making an informed decision it's nobody's business.

You have to thank the federal government that it's even a consideration. If not for stringent sanitation codes enforced on the dairy industry, there's no way anyone in their right mind would consider drinking raw milk that they didn't personally take from the cow themselves.
Did they plant the staph and listeria in the milk, too?
And pssssst, raw milk sales are not illegal, rube.

Yes, they are. You can either get your own cow, buy a share of a cow and get it that way, or buy it as "pet food". Otherwise, it is illegal to sell to another human being for consumption. And if there was listeria present, it could be due to many things. Raw milk from pastured cows is much safer than the antibiotic filled, growth hormone laden homogenized crap you buy at the grocery store. I can guarantee you that. Everyone drank raw milk before pasteuerization.
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Did they plant the staph and listeria in the milk, too?

If he's running a dirty barn, how long do you think people will continue to buy it from him until he cleans up his act? You know, that free market crap you guys are always hooting about? It isn't the government demonizing raw milk, it's the politicians bought by the dairy lobby.
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Did they plant the staph and listeria in the milk, too?

And pssssst, raw milk sales are not illegal, rube.Yes, they are. You can either get your own cow, buy a share of a cow and get it that way, or buy it as "pet food". Otherwise, it is illegal to sell to another human being for consumption.

Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Your third link was from Wisconsin. In Wisconsin you can buy raw milk directly from a dairy farmer. Totally legal.

And if there was listeria present, it could be due to many things. Raw milk from pastured cows is much safer than the antibiotic filled, growth hormone laden homogenized crap you buy at the grocery store. I can guarantee you that. Everyone drank raw milk before pasteuerization.

Antibiotics and growth hormones are not added during the homogenization process, idiot.

And a lot of people died from raw milk before pasteurization. That's why pasteurization was invented, dumbass!! Jesus!
Did they plant the staph and listeria in the milk, too?

If he's running a dirty barn, how long do you think people will continue to buy it from him until he cleans up his act? You know, that free market crap you guys are always hooting about? It isn't the government demonizing raw milk, it's the politicians bought by the dairy lobby.

The Libertarian way. Wait til people die before you fix it.

People did die, so we did fix it. Now you want to go back to the way it was before the problem was fixed.

If you want raw milk to be sold retail, then you have to put consumer protections in place since the consumer is getting the milk indirectly. That shit needs to be inspected carefully just like every other food product. If it is such great stuff, then why the fear of inspection? Hmmmm...

If you buy the raw milk directly from the farmer, then you know the source. You can make an informed decision.

In retail, especially in interstate commerce, that is not the case.

Look, folks, I buy my beef and pork directly from local farms. Grass fed cows, no antibiotics or growth hormones. I'm real big on that shit. The taste can't be beat. But they are USDA inspected farms. I don't know how to inspect meat, and it would be stupid to expect me to know how.

I live in the real world, and we cannot have unregulated food being sold to unwitting consumers.
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Hey if people want to drink raw milk then let them as long as they are making an informed decision it's nobody's business.

And when they feed it to their babies who are unable to consent?

Last time I checked, parents were responsible for their children. Are you responsible for all the children now? Do you think people who choose to drink raw milk are too stupid to feed their children properly?
Hey if people want to drink raw milk then let them as long as they are making an informed decision it's nobody's business.

And when they feed it to their babies who are unable to consent?

Last time I checked, parents were responsible for their children. Are you responsible for all the children now? Do you think people who choose to drink raw milk are too stupid to feed their children properly?

Yes, I do think they are too stupid to feed their children properly. I know a lot of parents who are too stupid to immunize their children, and who give their children homeopathic medications. And the children pay the price for their parents' stupidity. And there are children whose parents are in prison now because those children died as the result of being treated with faith healing in lieu of being taken to a doctor. I guess they should have been let go in your world.

You really have to ask these questions? Are you that insulated from the real world?
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And when they feed it to their babies who are unable to consent?

Last time I checked, parents were responsible for their children. Are you responsible for all the children now? Do you think people who choose to drink raw milk are too stupid to feed their children properly?

Yes, I do think they are too stupid to feed their children properly. I know a lot of parents who are too stupid to immunize their children, and who give their children homeopathic medications. And there are children who have died as the result of faith healing in lieu of being taken to a doctor.

You really have to ask that question?

How many have died due to the ministrations of doctors and hospitals?

Think we should send the FDA to put them out of business, too?

My parents were raised on raw milk, as were all of their generation. Somehow, they managed to live through it.

I expect their parents would've happily shot anyone with the temerity to suggest they were too stupid to raise thier children.

I think statists are too stupid to vote, but I'm not going to send anyone around to arrest them for it.
Antibiotics and growth hormones are not added during the homogenization process, idiot.

And a lot of people died from raw milk before pasteurization. That's why pasteurization was invented, dumbass!! Jesus!

I didn't say it was added to the milk, idiot! It's pumped into the cows due to them eating corn, which they cannot digest. And no one in my family nor anyone we ever knew died of milk contamination. I would bet more people have died from CAFO meat than have died from raw milk in the history of the world. And, GENIUS, raw milk only began to be pasteruized when it became more "efficient" to homogonize it... you know, mix milk from hundreds of cows and six different farms together. Trust me, I know my milk. I worked in a dairy lab.
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Last time I checked, parents were responsible for their children. Are you responsible for all the children now? Do you think people who choose to drink raw milk are too stupid to feed their children properly?

Yes, I do think they are too stupid to feed their children properly. I know a lot of parents who are too stupid to immunize their children, and who give their children homeopathic medications. And there are children who have died as the result of faith healing in lieu of being taken to a doctor.

You really have to ask that question?

How many have died due to the ministrations of doctors and hospitals?

A lot less than would have died if they were all treated with faith healing or homeopathy.

Critical thinking is not the strong suit of people like you and them.

Think we should send the FDA to put them out of business, too?

My parents were raised on raw milk, as were all of their generation. Somehow, they managed to live through it.

I expect their parents would've happily shot anyone with the temerity to suggest they were too stupid to raise thier children.

I think statists are too stupid to vote, but I'm not going to send anyone around to arrest them for it.

I remind you that the dairy which was raided had diseases in EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE SAMPLES TAKEN.

Did the cops raid every raw milk dairy? No. Just the one that was dangerous. What if your family bought milk from them?

Again, critical thinking is not your strong suit.
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