Moronic Muslim Congresscritter Sworn in Using Thomas Jefferson’s Quran

German Christians waged war all over Europe and slaughtered millions. We should deport them all.
Try deporting the Christian's... Don't think it will go to well for y'all. I know, you said German Christian's ;)

No actually I didn't. I would *NEVER* use an apostrophe to form a plural. English doesn't do that.

That post is simply continuing the mockery of the original poster's fallacy of Composition.
That all you got ?? I win !!!

Not until you come up with a similar mockery of your own, hell no.
I won.... Next.

You already lost when you abused the noble apostrophe.
Try deporting the Christian's... Don't think it will go to well for y'all. I know, you said German Christian's ;)

No actually I didn't. I would *NEVER* use an apostrophe to form a plural. English doesn't do that.

That post is simply continuing the mockery of the original poster's fallacy of Composition.
That all you got ?? I win !!!

Not until you come up with a similar mockery of your own, hell no.
I won.... Next.

You already lost when you abused the noble apostrophe.
Good grief.. Get a life... LOL
No actually I didn't. I would *NEVER* use an apostrophe to form a plural. English doesn't do that.

That post is simply continuing the mockery of the original poster's fallacy of Composition.
That all you got ?? I win !!!

Not until you come up with a similar mockery of your own, hell no.
I won.... Next.

You already lost when you abused the noble apostrophe.
Good grief.. Get a life... LOL

Hey, I ain't the one bubbling up intellectual gems like "I win!" when I didn't contribute anything so.........................
...A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up...
I was not aware that Timothy McVeigh blew up the OKC Federal Building as a religious warfare tactic.

...We should deport them all.
Of course you want to do just that... leaving Minorities dependent upon you on their Urban Plantations.
...A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up...
I was not aware that Timothy McVeigh blew up the OKC Federal Building as a religious warfare tactic.

...We should deport them all.
Of course you want to do just that... leaving Minorities dependent upon you on their Urban Plantations.

with each post you prove that you are just not a very smart person at all.

Did someone have to read the driving text questions to you?
...A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up...
I was not aware that Timothy McVeigh blew up the OKC Federal Building as a religious warfare tactic.

...We should deport them all.
Of course you want to do just that... leaving Minorities dependent upon you on their Urban Plantations.

with each post you prove that you are just not a very smart person at all.

Did someone have to read the driving text questions to you?

You probably should post within the rules....
...A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up...
I was not aware that Timothy McVeigh blew up the OKC Federal Building as a religious warfare tactic.

...We should deport them all.
Of course you want to do just that... leaving Minorities dependent upon you on their Urban Plantations.

with each post you prove that you are just not a very smart person at all.

Did someone have to read the driving text questions to you?

You probably should post within the rules....

are you going to tell on me again my little stalker buddy?

is that your new tactic with your 10th new account?
...A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up...
I was not aware that Timothy McVeigh blew up the OKC Federal Building as a religious warfare tactic.

...We should deport them all.
Of course you want to do just that... leaving Minorities dependent upon you on their Urban Plantations.

with each post you prove that you are just not a very smart person at all.

Did someone have to read the driving text questions to you?

You probably should post within the rules....

are you going to tell on me again my little stalker buddy?

is that your new tactic with your 10th new account?

LOL, somebody is living in your head. Just the same though, you should probably post within the rules.
Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:
That was one guy, not a whole religion that hate us.

The whole religion did not attack us, just a few individuals.
Ask any US mooselimb if they’d prefer to live under sharia law then our constitution.

Who are you? You aren't the same Taz I remember.....
You can use your guns on mooselimbs. :biggrin:
Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:

German Christians waged war all over Europe and slaughtered millions. We should deport them all.
Black people rioted in Ferguson. That's enough reason to deport them all back to Africa. :biggrin:
Muslims crashed jumbo jets into the World Trade Centre. We should deport them all.

A White guy parked a truck of explosives in front of a Federal building and blew it up. We should deport them all. :290968001256257790-final:
That was one guy, not a whole religion that hate us.

The whole religion did not attack us, just a few individuals.
Every believer in the teachings of the Koran believes that there is only one religion and anyone who does not/will not convert must be murdered.

Every believer in the teachings of the Bible believes that there is only one religion
Every believer in the teachings of the Torah believes that there is only one religion
Every believer in the teachings of The Vedas believes that there is only one religion.

Every religion thinks they are the only real one, that is the nature of religion.

How many Muslims have tired to kill you in the last 10 years for not converting?

Everyone thinks their religion is Gods favorite
Who would choose to join a religion that claims to be Gods second favorite?
Sharia Law, and the basic, fundamental beliefs of Islam are not consistent with Western Society. Unless Muslims modify their beliefs, and behavior they will never be accepted in the West because of their core beliefs. Some do this, essentially hiding their beliefs, and customs, but many do not.
Sharia Law, and the basic, fundamental beliefs of Islam are not consistent with Western Society. Unless Muslims modify their beliefs, and behavior they will never be accepted in the West because of their core beliefs. Some do this, essentially hiding their beliefs, and customs, but many do not.
The Indians from India also have customs or beliefs not compatible with the west. The ones I met don't allow their daughters or son's to marry American's. They don't eat meat, they worship in a seggregated way etc.

Not sure why people come here, and yet they basically hate the place. Must be the money, freedom, and the security they find here that peaks their interest.

Many of them are in some sort of controlled group that owns businesses as a group together. They are gaining power and strength economically as a group, but I wonder what that power and strength means to the nation as they don't believe in the ways that the west does, and the biggest thing is that they don't believe that their people should marry any American's. What's up with that ?? Is it racism maybe ?? If religion, then what does their religion command of them that they aren't supposed to marry American's ???
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.

That is either a willful lie or an demonstration of abject ignorance. Jefferson did not see Islam as the enemy. He was committed to inclusiveness before the Barbary Coast matter appeared. The pirates were the enemy He read the Koran to better understand what he was dealing with .

It is True that the Treaty of Tripoli was a failed attempt to appease the Pirates as they were very much akin to todays radical Muslims, but that does not change the fact that Jefferson -like rational people today- did not see all of Islam as the enemy

What Jefferson really thought about Islam.
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.

That is either a willful lie or an demonstration of abject ignorance. Jefferson did not see Islam as the enemy. He was committed to inclusiveness before the Barbary Coast matter appeared. The pirates were the enemy He read the Koran to better understand what he was dealing with .

It is True that the Treaty of Tripoli was a failed attempt to appease the Pirates as they were very much akin to todays radical Muslims, but that does not change the fact that Jefferson -like rational people today- did not see all of Islam as the enemy

What Jefferson really thought about Islam.

Spouting pure unadulterated ignorance seems to be your forte. You obviously have a puerile comprehension of anything that requires the use of more than one or two brain cells .

"In 1786, while serving as an Ambassador for the new United States, Jefferson asked Tripoli’s Ambassador to Great Britain what right the Barbary states had that allowed them to kidnap and slaughter the innocent crews of passing merchant ships.

According to Jefferson, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja replied that Islam “was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

In essence, the Ambassador from Tripoli stated that their religion, Islam, gave them the right to kidnap and murder and enslave those who held different beliefs. Jefferson took this information to heart and remembered it well. He also spent time studying the Koran himself, to gain a better understanding of the enemy his young nation was facing. "
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.

That is either a willful lie or an demonstration of abject ignorance. Jefferson did not see Islam as the enemy. He was committed to inclusiveness before the Barbary Coast matter appeared. The pirates were the enemy He read the Koran to better understand what he was dealing with .

It is True that the Treaty of Tripoli was a failed attempt to appease the Pirates as they were very much akin to todays radical Muslims, but that does not change the fact that Jefferson -like rational people today- did not see all of Islam as the enemy

What Jefferson really thought about Islam.

Spouting pure unadulterated ignorance seems to be your forte. You obviously have a puerile comprehension of anything that requires the use of more than one or two brain cells .

"In 1786, while serving as an Ambassador for the new United States, Jefferson asked Tripoli’s Ambassador to Great Britain what right the Barbary states had that allowed them to kidnap and slaughter the innocent crews of passing merchant ships.

According to Jefferson, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja replied that Islam “was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

In essence, the Ambassador from Tripoli stated that their religion, Islam, gave them the right to kidnap and murder and enslave those who held different beliefs. Jefferson took this information to heart and remembered it well. He also spent time studying the Koran himself, to gain a better understanding of the enemy his young nation was facing. "
The Left will spin, lie, cheat, do anything to defend their Muslim masters.
If she had bothered to educate herself she’d know Jefferson got that Quran to study the enemy and kick their asses.

That is either a willful lie or an demonstration of abject ignorance. Jefferson did not see Islam as the enemy. He was committed to inclusiveness before the Barbary Coast matter appeared. The pirates were the enemy He read the Koran to better understand what he was dealing with .

It is True that the Treaty of Tripoli was a failed attempt to appease the Pirates as they were very much akin to todays radical Muslims, but that does not change the fact that Jefferson -like rational people today- did not see all of Islam as the enemy

What Jefferson really thought about Islam.

Spouting pure unadulterated ignorance seems to be your forte. You obviously have a puerile comprehension of anything that requires the use of more than one or two brain cells .

"In 1786, while serving as an Ambassador for the new United States, Jefferson asked Tripoli’s Ambassador to Great Britain what right the Barbary states had that allowed them to kidnap and slaughter the innocent crews of passing merchant ships.

According to Jefferson, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja replied that Islam “was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman [Muslim] who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”

In essence, the Ambassador from Tripoli stated that their religion, Islam, gave them the right to kidnap and murder and enslave those who held different beliefs. Jefferson took this information to heart and remembered it well. He also spent time studying the Koran himself, to gain a better understanding of the enemy his young nation was facing. "
And exactly how does that negate or contradict anything that I have said. ??

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