Morons Protest Keystone Pipeline

People are objecting to the pipelines going across their land, threatening their water tables.

Can't blame them really.

They receive no benefits but are forced to take the risks.

Now or you or are you not down with the concept of PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS?

Apparently many of you are down with the concept, but only as it pertains to CORPORATE property rights.
This thread proves the selected title to this thread 100% correct!

Kudos to the OP!!!
I had such a good time watching the oil spill in the gulf of Mexico. I can't wait till the nastiest, most vile form (tar sands oil) of crude oil is polluting some Americans fresh water supply.

It will be so entertaining to listen to the pipeline supporters blaming something else for the spill.
Or maybe not saying anything at all.
GOP- the only party in the modern world fighting alternative energy, science, and social reality- keep it up, the real morons. Brainwashed functional idiots....slowly disappearing and dying off, individually and as a party, huddling together on the Pub Propaganda Machine...keep it up!

And when the friendly Arabs attack and cut off our oil supply maybe you earth loving lefties will understand better why we have wanted to develop as much domestic energy reserves as possible? No, you are too freaked out by the habitat of some rare minnow or owl to get to the big picture. "Offshore drilling in our pristine ocean? Nuclear power plants? Are you people crazy??"
GOP- the only party in the modern world fighting alternative energy, science, and social reality- keep it up, the real morons. Brainwashed functional idiots....slowly disappearing and dying off, individually and as a party, huddling together on the Pub Propaganda Machine...keep it up!

And when the friendly Arabs attack and cut off our oil supply maybe you earth loving lefties will understand better why we have wanted to develop as much domestic energy reserves as possible? No, you are too freaked out by the habitat of some rare minnow or owl to get to the big picture. "Offshore drilling in our pristine ocean? Nuclear power plants? Are you people crazy??"


First the oil is coming from Canada.

Secondly, it is not oil OWNED by the people of the USA.

It doesn't matter where it comes from, it it not owned by the citizens of the USA.'

they are just being asked to take RISK without compensation.

Do you or do you not believe in property rights?

Apparently you do not.
GOP- the only party in the modern world fighting alternative energy, science, and social reality- keep it up, the real morons. Brainwashed functional idiots....slowly disappearing and dying off, individually and as a party, huddling together on the Pub Propaganda Machine...keep it up!

And when the friendly Arabs attack and cut off our oil supply maybe you earth loving lefties will understand better why we have wanted to develop as much domestic energy reserves as possible? No, you are too freaked out by the habitat of some rare minnow or owl to get to the big picture. "Offshore drilling in our pristine ocean? Nuclear power plants? Are you people crazy??"


First the oil is coming from Canada.

Secondly, it is not oil OWNED by the people of the USA.

It doesn't matter where it comes from, it it not owned by the citizens of the USA.'

they are just being asked to take RISK without compensation.

Do you or do you not believe in property rights?

Apparently you do not.

Was it not obvious I was not speaking of Keystone but of general policies held by environmentalists and the democrat party so eager for their votes? They have put this nation at far greater risk and that simply does not bother them.
As you well know, the purpose of the Keystone XL pipeline is to allow Canada to export their products ON TANKERS taking advantage of the deep water ports in the Gulf.

So the Keystone XL does not eliminate the potential tanker leaks from the equation, but instead ADDS in more pipeline leak potential to the equation.

This phase is already proceeding. It was already approved.

TransCanada Proceeds With Cushing To Gulf Coast Portion Of Keystone XL

TransCanada Proceeds With Cushing To Gulf Coast Portion Of Keystone XL | Pipeline & Gas Journal

That will help with some of the bottle neck that's happening at Cushing.

Now as far as needing the Gulf for transportation of Canadian and American crude, who doesn't?

But we also have this.

Look to the left of your screen. See that big blue patch at the edge of British Columbia? It's called the Pacific. And if you look to the right of your screen, that big patch is called the Atlantic.

So why doesn't Canada build the pipeline to the Pacific? It is much shorter and cheaper and closer to China, the intended destination of the oil!!

How many refineries are on the west coast?
GOP- the only party in the modern world fighting alternative energy, science, and social reality- keep it up, the real morons. Brainwashed functional idiots....slowly disappearing and dying off, individually and as a party, huddling together on the Pub Propaganda Machine...keep it up!

And when the friendly Arabs attack and cut off our oil supply maybe you earth loving lefties will understand better why we have wanted to develop as much domestic energy reserves as possible? No, you are too freaked out by the habitat of some rare minnow or owl to get to the big picture. "Offshore drilling in our pristine ocean? Nuclear power plants? Are you people crazy??"


First the oil is coming from Canada.

Secondly, it is not oil OWNED by the people of the USA.

It doesn't matter where it comes from, it it not owned by the citizens of the USA.'

they are just being asked to take RISK without compensation.

Do you or do you not believe in property rights?

Apparently you do not.

Until Liberals stop using Oil altogether, their hypocritical arguments about the evils of Oil will never be taken seriously.
And when the friendly Arabs attack and cut off our oil supply maybe you earth loving lefties will understand better why we have wanted to develop as much domestic energy reserves as possible? No, you are too freaked out by the habitat of some rare minnow or owl to get to the big picture. "Offshore drilling in our pristine ocean? Nuclear power plants? Are you people crazy??"


First the oil is coming from Canada.

Secondly, it is not oil OWNED by the people of the USA.

It doesn't matter where it comes from, it it not owned by the citizens of the USA.'

they are just being asked to take RISK without compensation.

Do you or do you not believe in property rights?

Apparently you do not.

Until Liberals stop using Oil altogether, their hypocritical arguments about the evils of Oil will never be taken seriously.
Hypocritical arguments about the evils of oil? This isn't about some imagined hypocrisy, its about deception fostered and carried out by the proponents of the KXL pipeline. The sheep who graze on Limbaughian propaganda and engorge themselves on Faux News may believe the Keystone will benefit Americans in some nebulous way; but, I've seen little if any evidence to support that notion.
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And when the friendly Arabs attack and cut off our oil supply maybe you earth loving lefties will understand better why we have wanted to develop as much domestic energy reserves as possible? No, you are too freaked out by the habitat of some rare minnow or owl to get to the big picture. "Offshore drilling in our pristine ocean? Nuclear power plants? Are you people crazy??"


First the oil is coming from Canada.

Secondly, it is not oil OWNED by the people of the USA.

It doesn't matter where it comes from, it it not owned by the citizens of the USA.'

they are just being asked to take RISK without compensation.

Do you or do you not believe in property rights?

Apparently you do not.

Until Liberals stop using Oil altogether, their hypocritical arguments about the evils of Oil will never be taken seriously.

You really do want avoid my point, don't you?

Do you or do you NOT believe in property rights?

Forcing a land owner to take a RISK they do not benefit from and do not want to take is THEFT of their property rights.

Yes or no, lad, do you believe in property rights?
GOP- the only party in the modern world fighting alternative energy, science, and social reality- keep it up, the real morons. Brainwashed functional idiots....slowly disappearing and dying off, individually and as a party, huddling together on the Pub Propaganda Machine...keep it up!

The ALTERNATIVE energy is from a friendly state, rather than from a group of nations, who by their 7th century "religion" want to nothing more than the utter destruction of America.

Those who oppose the Keystone pipeline are sympathizers of the 9/11 pilot hijackers.
This phase is already proceeding. It was already approved.

TransCanada Proceeds With Cushing To Gulf Coast Portion Of Keystone XL

TransCanada Proceeds With Cushing To Gulf Coast Portion Of Keystone XL | Pipeline & Gas Journal

That will help with some of the bottle neck that's happening at Cushing.

Now as far as needing the Gulf for transportation of Canadian and American crude, who doesn't?

But we also have this.

Look to the left of your screen. See that big blue patch at the edge of British Columbia? It's called the Pacific. And if you look to the right of your screen, that big patch is called the Atlantic.

So why doesn't Canada build the pipeline to the Pacific? It is much shorter and cheaper and closer to China, the intended destination of the oil!!

How many refineries are on the west coast?
What is preventing Canada from building refineries on the Canadian west coast???

First the oil is coming from Canada.

Secondly, it is not oil OWNED by the people of the USA.

It doesn't matter where it comes from, it it not owned by the citizens of the USA.'

they are just being asked to take RISK without compensation.

Do you or do you not believe in property rights?

Apparently you do not.

Until Liberals stop using Oil altogether, their hypocritical arguments about the evils of Oil will never be taken seriously.

You really do want avoid my point, don't you?

Do you or do you NOT believe in property rights?

Forcing a land owner to take a RISK they do not benefit from and do not want to take is THEFT of their property rights.

Yes or no, lad, do you believe in property rights?

To exercise the power of eminent domain, the government must prove that the four elements set forth in the Fifth Amendment are present: (1) private property (2) must be taken (3) for public use (4) and with just compensation.
How many refineries are on the west coast?
What is preventing Canada from building refineries on the Canadian west coast???

I don't know. Ask them.

But maybe, just maybe it's cheaper for them to simply send their oil to a US refinery.
Not likely, keeping the profit in house would have to be cheaper than giving their money to a foreign country. They prefer clean air and clean water would be my guess.

First the oil is coming from Canada.

Secondly, it is not oil OWNED by the people of the USA.

It doesn't matter where it comes from, it it not owned by the citizens of the USA.'

they are just being asked to take RISK without compensation.

Do you or do you not believe in property rights?

Apparently you do not.

Until Liberals stop using Oil altogether, their hypocritical arguments about the evils of Oil will never be taken seriously.
Hypocritical arguments about the evils of oil? This isn't about some imagined hypocrisy, its about deception fostered and carried out by the proponents of the KXL pipeline. The sheep who graze on Limbaughian propaganda and engorge themselves on Faux News may believe the Keystone will benefit Americans in some nebulous way; but, I've seen little if any evidence to support that notion.

So you would rather have the risk of 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the open ocean endangering thousands of sea life, destroying coast lines then the risk of 704 barrels traveling in one mile of pipeline on dry land with 16,000 monitors detecting any leaks The company said that it can isolate a piece of pipeline and shut off the flow of oil in just 15 minutes.
Seven things you learn driving the length of the Keystone XL pipeline
Until Liberals stop using Oil altogether, their hypocritical arguments about the evils of Oil will never be taken seriously.

You really do want avoid my point, don't you?

Do you or do you NOT believe in property rights?

Forcing a land owner to take a RISK they do not benefit from and do not want to take is THEFT of their property rights.

Yes or no, lad, do you believe in property rights?

To exercise the power of eminent domain, the government must prove that the four elements set forth in the Fifth Amendment are present: (1) private property (2) must be taken (3) for public use (4) and with just compensation.

And that's where most private property owners get screwed.

For instance, real market provable losses are sustained by those whose property is effected, yet their compension is often ZERO.

If for example the pipeline is running over the aquifer, that DOES effect the value of properties that depend on that aquifer.

The market WILL respond to the RISK, but as the aquifer is NOT YET DAMAGED, no court will find for the property owner.

So the property's values declined, but the property owners are left without any compensation.

Sport I just went through exactly this problem for the last two years.

Had the project near me been built?

I'd have lost at least HALF the value of my home but the developers of the project woould NOT have been forced to compensate me or my neighbors for the very REAL PROVABLE losses our properties took.
People are objecting to the pipelines going across their land, threatening their water tables.

Can't blame them really.

They receive no benefits but are forced to take the risks.

Now or you or are you not down with the concept of PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS?

Apparently many of you are down with the concept, but only as it pertains to CORPORATE property rights.

Their water tables have been threatened for over 100 years. Many are now polluted, including the Ogalalla aquifer. And that aquifer is already being drained.

But we can't interject those facts because apparently they have no bearing on the discussion at hand. AmIright?
You really do want avoid my point, don't you?

Do you or do you NOT believe in property rights?

Forcing a land owner to take a RISK they do not benefit from and do not want to take is THEFT of their property rights.

Yes or no, lad, do you believe in property rights?

To exercise the power of eminent domain, the government must prove that the four elements set forth in the Fifth Amendment are present: (1) private property (2) must be taken (3) for public use (4) and with just compensation.

And that's where most private property owners get screwed.

For instance, real market provable losses are sustained by those whose property is effected, yet their compension is often ZERO.

If for example the pipeline is running over the aquifer, that DOES effect the value of properties that depend on that aquifer.

The market WILL respond to the RISK, but as the aquifer is NOT YET DAMAGED, no court will find for the property owner.

So the property's values declined, but the property owners are left without any compensation.

Sport I just went through exactly this problem for the last two years.

Had the project near me been built?

I'd have lost at least HALF the value of my home but the developers of the project woould NOT have been
forced to compensate me or my neighbors for the very REAL PROVABLE losses our properties took.

Boo..hoo!!! AND YOU LOST NOTHING though! So what is your bitch???

I am so sick and tired of IDIOTS like YOU that bring up YOUR personal experience AND they apply it to aLL situations!
Of course you had a loss! BUT tell me dumb f..k how many times has YOUR personal experience happened in all of history??
I am sorry for your personal subjective story and sorry you had the experience ... BUT idiots like you that take these EXCEPTIONAL personal
situations and MAKE the RULE just piss me off!
Obama signing the health care bill with some lady who had some bad insurance experience! Case in point!
MAKE THAT EXCEPTION sound LIKE the RULE and that's the biggest problem we have in this country ... idiot situations that take rare occurrence
and make it sound like it happens ALL the time!!!

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