"Mosad propaganda will drive US to war with Muslims" (pre-9/11 army report)

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
US Army Military Studies Report published 9/10/2001, concluded that the Israeli Mossad is an unpredictable wild card, is capable of staging attacks on American cities and people and blaming Arab/Muslim nations for it, and is a larger threat to American national security than the Muslim world.

Context: Blaming Palestinian resistance for murdering babies, while it was planes that bombed both the resistance and the Palestinians and Israeli babies leading to a massacre of 4000+ babies.


Mosad propaganda will drive US to war with Muslims​

As immediately forecast, that was a prime intent behind this False Flag .

If the US scams itself into committment , it will simply speed up its move to isolation and possibly irreperable short and medium term damage -- particularly its reputation , because it will be hammered .

Raises the question , if correct , what part of Mossad is actually Deep State as distinct from Israeli ?
US Army Military Studies Report published 9/10/2001, concluded that the Israeli Mossad is an unpredictable wild card, is capable of staging attacks on American cities and people and blaming Arab/Muslim nations for it, and is a larger threat to American national security than the Muslim world.

Is a Jewish guy still banging his ex?
Fun information about the national composition of the largest American media. It turned out that, yes

Fun information about the national composition of the largest American media. It turned out that, yes

Being Jewish does not mean they support Israel. I don't see why this is even mentioned.

I see something else though. There seems to be a lot of propaganda justifying hate against Muslims, and some could well have ties to the Mossad, since the most extreme elements in Israel are in power now.

There also seems to be a new neo-fascist movement in the US and Europe. While there are still some of the old guard who hate Jews, many are pro Israel and want to eradicate Muslims because they see them as a threat to the white race.

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