Moscow empire must be defeated but not 'crushed', Macron says

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Originally posted by alang1216
If it falls apart, great, but once they are completely out of Ukraine (and Crimea) military action should cease. After that negotiations and non-military pressures will have to do.


After almost 10 years being brutalized by Kiev there's no chance in hell Donetsk and Luhansk will ever accept Ukrainian rule again just like Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk would never accept a puppet government installed by Russia.


Multiracialism will destroy America long before Russia falls apart. The last remaining white Americans, surrounded by an ocean of hispanics, blacks, arabs, asians and Indians will eventually secede from the racial cesspool their country will have become, in a last, desperate effort to save what still remains of their racial and cultural heritage.
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dont you think that decolonization of Moscow empire is the only way to go here ?

I think that as the war gets worse and worse for Russia, it may happen, but I don't think it can be forced.

After almost 10 years being brutalized by Kiev there's no way in hell Donetsk and Luhansk will ever accept Ukrainian rule again just like Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk would never accept a puppet government installed by Russia.
Ethnic Russians form the largest minority, accounting for 39% (Donetsk) and 38.2% (Luhansk) of the two oblasts respectively. They should get a say what happens there but they don't get to decide for everyone else.
Originally posted by alang2016
Ethnic Russians form the largest minority, accounting for 39% (Donetsk) and 38.2% (Luhansk) of the two oblasts respectively. They should get a say what happens there but they don't get to decide for everyone else.


You forgot to mention that the remaining "60%" of ethnic "Ukrainians" in Donetsk and Luhansk have trouble understanding a simple text in Ukrainian.

You're living at least 10 years in the past.

The people of Donetsk and Luhansk already decided their political future when the president they massively voted for, Viktor Ianukovytch, born in Donetsk, was removed from power in 2014 by a fraudulent impeachment process.
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we can help , dont you think so ? Siberians , Muslims, Tatars, 4 Japan´s islands etc.
I don't see how without first occupying Russia and no one is going to support that. The USSR failed because its economy failed and Russia's economy will certainly fail as a result of this war, so it may be that Putin or whatever Russian ultranationalist replaces him might not be able to hold the empire together, but I don't see the dissolution of the Russian empire as an achievable goal.
I think that as the war gets worse and worse for Russia, it may happen, but I don't think it can be forced.

we must support and promote Decolonization of Moscow empire , it speeds up our victory, and secure our peaceful future . its also very good for the world economy !

To manage the process of dissolution and lessen the likelihood of conflict that spills over state borders, the West needs to establish links with MOSCOW’s diverse regions and promote their peaceful transition toward statehood.

NATO should prepare contingencies for both the dangers and the opportunities that Moscow’s fragmentation will present. In particular, Moscow’s European neighbors must be provided with sufficient security to shield themselves from the most destabilizing scenarios while preparations are made for engaging with emerging post-Russia entities.

Some regions could join countries such as Belarus, Finland, Ukraine, China and Japan, from whom Moscow has forcefully appropriated territories in the past. Other republics in the North Caucasus, Middle Volga, Siberia and the far east could become fully independent states and forge relations with China, Japan, the U.S. and Europe"

If it falls apart, great, but once they are completely out of Ukraine (and Crimea) military action should cease. After that negotiations and non-military pressures will have to do.
MOSCOW WILL start to preparing for the new wars with us. THE BARBARIAN empire hate us, we must support and promote Decolonization of Moscow empire , it speeds up our victory, and secure our peaceful future . its also very good for the world economy !

To manage the process of dissolution and lessen the likelihood of conflict that spills over state borders, the West needs to establish links with MOSCOW’s diverse regions and promote their peaceful transition toward statehood.
NATO should prepare contingencies for both the dangers and the opportunities that Moscow’s fragmentation will present. In particular, Moscow’s European neighbors must be provided with sufficient security to shield themselves from the most destabilizing scenarios while preparations are made for engaging with emerging post-Russia entities.
Some regions could join countries such as Belarus, Finland, Ukraine, China and Japan, from whom Moscow has forcefully appropriated territories in the past. Other republics in the North Caucasus, Middle Volga, Siberia and the far east could become fully independent states and forge relations with China, Japan, the U.S. and Europe"
MOSCOW WILL start to preparing for the new wars with us. THE BARBARIAN empire hate us, we must support and promote Decolonization of Moscow empire , it speeds up our victory, and secure our peaceful future . its also very good for the world economy !

To manage the process of dissolution and lessen the likelihood of conflict that spills over state borders, the West needs to establish links with MOSCOW’s diverse regions and promote their peaceful transition toward statehood.
NATO should prepare contingencies for both the dangers and the opportunities that Moscow’s fragmentation will present. In particular, Moscow’s European neighbors must be provided with sufficient security to shield themselves from the most destabilizing scenarios while preparations are made for engaging with emerging post-Russia entities.
Some regions could join countries such as Belarus, Finland, Ukraine, China and Japan, from whom Moscow has forcefully appropriated territories in the past. Other republics in the North Caucasus, Middle Volga, Siberia and the far east could become fully independent states and forge relations with China, Japan, the U.S. and Europe"
I have no love for the Russian Empire but I'm cautious because I recall the break up of Yugoslavia and the war there due to ethnic tensions. I can see that being repeated on a grand scale if Russia goes that same route.
Popularity for the Russian cause is growing daily , TitLoser

Everybody wants these Nazis destroyed .
Popularity with the US Right wing maybe. They seem to admire authoritarian leaders who are not afraid to rig elections, end dissent and a free press, and throw their opponents out of windows.
do you recall break up of USSR ?
There are no Gorbachevs around to do it peacefully today. Putin and the other prospective Russian leaders will deal with it as Stalin would have. We saw what Putin did when Chechnya tried to assert its independence and when Georgia did and we see what he is doing to try to prevent Ukraine from asserting its independence and it is difficult for me to imagine a scenario in which Russia will allow any other groups to withdraw from the empire peacefully.
There are no Gorbachevs around to do it peacefully today.
AS AN ex - Moscow colonial subject I can say, dont underestimate the Mongol Thugs, they are very smart , they keep Gorbochev in the prison, his name is Navalny, believe me, they are gonna use this ultra - imperialist once they can´t run this war anymore. thats why our MAIN goal ´d be full DESTRUCTION OF MOSCOW EMPIRE, NOT JUST VICTORY IN UKRAINE , OTHERWISE WE are gonna fight them again in 10 years .


+1 from me

I share your sentiment, but I see no practical course to follow to help those states that wish to be free of Russia other than to follow through in Ukraine to weaken Russia sufficiently to make freedom possible for those states.

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