Moscow imperialists are very unhappy with so-called "Trump (Urban&Pompeo) Peace Plan", published in the Wall Street Journal


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
$500 billion lend-lease for Ukraine, removing limitations on the use of weapons - I guess that would make me go full MAGA. Add 500 F-16 on top, and I am fully sold! I am joking of ´cos. :)

It also contains the "immediate" ceasefire, which effectively means leaving all the occupied territories under Muscovite occupation. That means condemning about 7 million Ukrainians to putin's genocidal concentration camps. After which, the rest of that plan can be drawn into oblivion.

still, guys what do you think about so called "Trump (Urban&Pompeo) Peace Plan" ?


Moscow empire Doomed to Lose - Massive Cost to the Economy of Both Losing & Winning the War in Ukraine .​

this is the last Moscow
imperialistic Jihad . From a demographic perspective (also ), the horde is dying. They aren't having kids. They stopped counting their children a long time ago.​

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