The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
It's clear Putin would rather have had Clinton as president than Donald Trump who is much harder to manipulate and can't be bought vs. Hillary Clinton who never saw a part of America she didn't want to sell to our enemies to make a buck for herself. It is also clear that Mueller, Comey, and the entire "Insurance Policy" COUP group would have rather had Hillary Clinton as President to keep the graft, influence peddling, bribery and self enrichment machine chugging along without a hiccup.

Mueller is doing exactly what Putin has wanted him to do. It's why Putin sold Obama and Clinton the Dirty Dossier, and that is to attempt to slow down The President's Agenda, to tie up The Trump Administration and to not only destabilize our Democracy, Divide America, but to also undermine our Constitution, Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and your right to face your accusers, and see the evidence your accusers have against you.

Mueller has violated each and every one of these principles, and has violated The Civil Rights of all of his victims. Mueller has also found Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion, and has Manufactured Crimes out of each interrogation he has conducted. Mueller is by default a Defacto Agent of The Kremlin doing Vladimir Putin's bidding, doing Iran's bidding, doing the bidding of all of our enemies.

A great interview at the provided link by legal scholar and registered Democrat Alan Dershowitz explains how The Mueller Investigation is both Impotent, and Political, and can only generate process crimes in their attempts to get at president Trump under false pretenses with an investigation based entirely on Russian Propaganda paid for by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. There is no better way to prove Mueller and his allies than that, and to highlight that their entire investigation is based in a Putin Approved Propaganda Operation that Mueller and his Marxist Allies are still carrying out to this day. Putin gave the order, and they moved to action. It can't get any clearer than that.

Dershowitz: Mueller Has Found 'Almost No Crimes' From Before Russia Probe Started

On "America's Newsroom" Friday, Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor emeritus, said the indictment is full of "stories" of Russian collusion, but all the actual charges are a result of the investigation.

"This is typical of Mueller. He has found almost no crimes that occurred before he was appointed special counsel," Dershowitz said, adding that's Mueller was appointed to find such crimes and he's "virtually failed" in that respect.

"Almost all of his crimes that's he's indicted people for are crimes that resulted from his investigation," Dershowitz said.

"But it really means that there's been a failure to uncover the basic crimes for which he was appointed. Namely, before he was appointed, was there illegal collusion, illegal conspiracy with Russia?"
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Oh good, we updated the list.

Oh good, we updated the list.

So you have no Rebuttal but to PROVE exactly what I said, That Mueller is manufacturing Crimes, and doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin.

Care to name one person charged with "Russian Collusion"?

Thanks for proving my point.

Call me when you are done with the Russian Collusion Dildo shoved up your ass. Wash your hands first though.
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It's clear Putin would rather have had Clinton as president than Donald Trump who is much harder to manipulate

Ummmm...that's the opposite of what Putin said in Helsinki

And Trump HAS been manipulated into

A. Changing the RNC platform from friendly to friendly to Putin

B. Not enacting sanctions against Russia authorized by Congress after the Skripal poisoning

C. Easing sanctions (worth hundreds of millions) on Oleg Deripaska (Manafort's buddy)

D. Notifying Russia before bombing (what became an empty ) air base in Syria

E. GIving classified Israeli intel to the Russian Ambassador in a secret meeting in the White House

It's clear Putin would rather have had Clinton as president than Donald Trump who is much harder to manipulate and can't be bought vs. Hillary Clinton who never saw a part of America she didn't want to sell to our enemies to make a buck for herself. It is also clear that Mueller, Comey, and the entire "Insurance Policy" COUP group would have rather had Hillary Clinton as President to keep the graft, influence peddling, bribery and self enrichment machine chugging along without a hiccup.

Mueller is doing exactly what Putin has wanted him to do. It's why Putin sold Obama and Clinton the Dirty Dossier, and that is to attempt to slow down The President's Agenda, to tie up The Trump Administration and to not only destabilize our Democracy, Divide America, but to also undermine our Constitution, Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and your right to face your accusers, and see the evidence your accusers have against you.

Mueller has violated each and every one of these principles, and has violated The Civil Rights of all of his victims. Mueller has also found Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion, and has Manufactured Crimes out of each interrogation he has conducted. Mueller is by default a Defacto Agent of The Kremlin doing Vladimir Putin's bidding, doing Iran's bidding, doing the bidding of all of our enemies.

A great interview at the provided link by legal scholar and registered Democrat Alan Dershowitz explains how The Mueller Investigation is both Impotent, and Political, and can only generate process crimes in their attempts to get at president Trump under false pretenses with an investigation based entirely on Russian Propaganda paid for by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. There is no better way to prove Mueller and his allies than that, and to highlight that their entire investigation is based in a Putin Approved Propaganda Operation that Mueller and his Marxist Allies are still carrying out to this day. Putin gave the order, and they moved to action. It can't get any clearer than that.

Dershowitz: Mueller Has Found 'Almost No Crimes' From Before Russia Probe Started

On "America's Newsroom" Friday, Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor emeritus, said the indictment is full of "stories" of Russian collusion, but all the actual charges are a result of the investigation.

"This is typical of Mueller. He has found almost no crimes that occurred before he was appointed special counsel," Dershowitz said, adding that's Mueller was appointed to find such crimes and he's "virtually failed" in that respect.

"Almost all of his crimes that's he's indicted people for are crimes that resulted from his investigation," Dershowitz said.

"But it really means that there's been a failure to uncover the basic crimes for which he was appointed. Namely, before he was appointed, was there illegal collusion, illegal conspiracy with Russia?"

You lying Russian POS. Putin stood on the stage in Helsinki and said "Of course I wanted Mr. Trump to win". From Putin's own mouth.

So when opening premise is a bald faced lie, what flows from it are more lies.
Skirpal was Christopher Steele's Partner and was not poisoned by Russia.

Skirpal had lived freely and openly in The UK for 10 years and there was ZERO reason for Russia to go after Skirpal.

However, Steele had reason, and so did Clinton's allies in The Intelligence Community who launched a COUP against President Trump.

The rest of the Putin Puppet's Propaganda is not even worth addressing.
It's clear Putin would rather have had Clinton as president than Donald Trump who is much harder to manipulate

Ummmm...that's the opposite of what Putin said in Helsinki

And Trump HAS been manipulated into

A. Changing the RNC platform from friendly to friendly to Putin

B. Not enacting sanctions against Russia authorized by Congress after the Skripal poisoning

C. Easing sanctions (worth hundreds of millions) on Oleg Deripaska (Manafort's buddy)

D. Notifying Russia before bombing (what became an empty ) air base in Syria

E. GIving classified Israeli intel to the Russian Ambassador in a secret meeting in the White House

OH MY GOD!!!!!

What did you do????

You posted FACTS!!!!

How could you????????
Here is the rebuttal to your conjecture.
The MAN, Mueller, has investigated within the bounds of his jurisdiction and found evidence of some type of criminal activity.
Thankfully there is a MAN to do his job.

It's clear Putin would rather have had Clinton as president than Donald Trump who is much harder to manipulate and can't be bought vs. Hillary Clinton who never saw a part of America she didn't want to sell to our enemies to make a buck for herself. It is also clear that Mueller, Comey, and the entire "Insurance Policy" COUP group would have rather had Hillary Clinton as President to keep the graft, influence peddling, bribery and self enrichment machine chugging along without a hiccup.

Mueller is doing exactly what Putin has wanted him to do. It's why Putin sold Obama and Clinton the Dirty Dossier, and that is to attempt to slow down The President's Agenda, to tie up The Trump Administration and to not only destabilize our Democracy, Divide America, but to also undermine our Constitution, Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and your right to face your accusers, and see the evidence your accusers have against you.

Mueller has violated each and every one of these principles, and has violated The Civil Rights of all of his victims. Mueller has also found Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion, and has Manufactured Crimes out of each interrogation he has conducted. Mueller is by default a Defacto Agent of The Kremlin doing Vladimir Putin's bidding, doing Iran's bidding, doing the bidding of all of our enemies.

A great interview at the provided link by legal scholar and registered Democrat Alan Dershowitz explains how The Mueller Investigation is both Impotent, and Political, and can only generate process crimes in their attempts to get at president Trump under false pretenses with an investigation based entirely on Russian Propaganda paid for by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. There is no better way to prove Mueller and his allies than that, and to highlight that their entire investigation is based in a Putin Approved Propaganda Operation that Mueller and his Marxist Allies are still carrying out to this day. Putin gave the order, and they moved to action. It can't get any clearer than that.

Dershowitz: Mueller Has Found 'Almost No Crimes' From Before Russia Probe Started

On "America's Newsroom" Friday, Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor emeritus, said the indictment is full of "stories" of Russian collusion, but all the actual charges are a result of the investigation.

"This is typical of Mueller. He has found almost no crimes that occurred before he was appointed special counsel," Dershowitz said, adding that's Mueller was appointed to find such crimes and he's "virtually failed" in that respect.

"Almost all of his crimes that's he's indicted people for are crimes that resulted from his investigation," Dershowitz said.

"But it really means that there's been a failure to uncover the basic crimes for which he was appointed. Namely, before he was appointed, was there illegal collusion, illegal conspiracy with Russia?"
It's clear Putin would rather have had Clinton as president than Donald Trump who is much harder to manipulate and can't be bought vs. Hillary Clinton who never saw a part of America she didn't want to sell to our enemies to make a buck for herself. It is also clear that Mueller, Comey, and the entire "Insurance Policy" COUP group would have rather had Hillary Clinton as President to keep the graft, influence peddling, bribery and self enrichment machine chugging along without a hiccup.

Mueller is doing exactly what Putin has wanted him to do. It's why Putin sold Obama and Clinton the Dirty Dossier, and that is to attempt to slow down The President's Agenda, to tie up The Trump Administration and to not only destabilize our Democracy, Divide America, but to also undermine our Constitution, Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and your right to face your accusers, and see the evidence your accusers have against you.

Mueller has violated each and every one of these principles, and has violated The Civil Rights of all of his victims. Mueller has also found Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion, and has Manufactured Crimes out of each interrogation he has conducted. Mueller is by default a Defacto Agent of The Kremlin doing Vladimir Putin's bidding, doing Iran's bidding, doing the bidding of all of our enemies.

A great interview at the provided link by legal scholar and registered Democrat Alan Dershowitz explains how The Mueller Investigation is both Impotent, and Political, and can only generate process crimes in their attempts to get at president Trump under false pretenses with an investigation based entirely on Russian Propaganda paid for by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. There is no better way to prove Mueller and his allies than that, and to highlight that their entire investigation is based in a Putin Approved Propaganda Operation that Mueller and his Marxist Allies are still carrying out to this day. Putin gave the order, and they moved to action. It can't get any clearer than that.

Dershowitz: Mueller Has Found 'Almost No Crimes' From Before Russia Probe Started

On "America's Newsroom" Friday, Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor emeritus, said the indictment is full of "stories" of Russian collusion, but all the actual charges are a result of the investigation.

"This is typical of Mueller. He has found almost no crimes that occurred before he was appointed special counsel," Dershowitz said, adding that's Mueller was appointed to find such crimes and he's "virtually failed" in that respect.

"Almost all of his crimes that's he's indicted people for are crimes that resulted from his investigation," Dershowitz said.

"But it really means that there's been a failure to uncover the basic crimes for which he was appointed. Namely, before he was appointed, was there illegal collusion, illegal conspiracy with Russia?"

You lying Russian POS. Putin stood on the stage in Helsinki and said "Of course I wanted Mr. Trump to win". From Putin's own mouth.

So when opening premise is a bald faced lie, what flows from it are more lies.
So Now Putin is The Paragon of Virtue? A Truth Teller? Is that why Obama and Clinton paid him for The Dirty Dossier? Because it was full of TRUTH? Why didn't Putin produce a Clinton Dossier if he was so opposed to Hillary "Your Anus One" Clinton?

Hillary "Your Anus One" Clinton is to be pronounced like
Hillary "Uranium One" Clinton.....

Got a link?

And after you provide a link, if Putin really did want Trump elected, then why make TROUBLE for him, by saying he wanted him elected?

Is Putin a Truth Teller or just monumentally stupid?
Skirpal was Christopher Steele's Partner and was not poisoned by Russia.

Skirpal had lived freely and openly in The UK for 10 years and there was ZERO reason for Russia to go after Skirpal.

However, Steele had reason, and so did Clinton's allies in The Intelligence Community who launched a COUP against President Trump.

The rest of the Putin Puppet's Propaganda is not even worth addressing.

Does Putin distribute daily talking points to you and your IRA (Internet Research Association) buddies?
Herr Mueller is a Putin Sympathizer just like John McCain, Clinton, Obama, and John Kerry and the whole entire Marxist Insurance Policy COUP Criminal Cabal. Herr Mueller is not a MAN. A Man is just and fair, and would never put innocent men in jail, or manufacture Fake Evidence against them.

Clinton, Obama, Comey, Mueller and company ALL Colluded with Putin, and even used Putin approved and signed off on Russian Propaganda to defraud a FISA Court and launch a Fake Investigation for Putin, Obama, and Clinton and to this day all of them continue to operate as Agents of The Kremlin and Russian Moles.

Here is the rebuttal to your conjecture.
The MAN, Mueller, has investigated within the bounds of his jurisdiction and found evidence of some type of criminal activity.
Thankfully there is a MAN to do his job.

It's clear Putin would rather have had Clinton as president than Donald Trump who is much harder to manipulate and can't be bought vs. Hillary Clinton who never saw a part of America she didn't want to sell to our enemies to make a buck for herself. It is also clear that Mueller, Comey, and the entire "Insurance Policy" COUP group would have rather had Hillary Clinton as President to keep the graft, influence peddling, bribery and self enrichment machine chugging along without a hiccup.

Mueller is doing exactly what Putin has wanted him to do. It's why Putin sold Obama and Clinton the Dirty Dossier, and that is to attempt to slow down The President's Agenda, to tie up The Trump Administration and to not only destabilize our Democracy, Divide America, but to also undermine our Constitution, Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and your right to face your accusers, and see the evidence your accusers have against you.

Mueller has violated each and every one of these principles, and has violated The Civil Rights of all of his victims. Mueller has also found Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion, and has Manufactured Crimes out of each interrogation he has conducted. Mueller is by default a Defacto Agent of The Kremlin doing Vladimir Putin's bidding, doing Iran's bidding, doing the bidding of all of our enemies.

A great interview at the provided link by legal scholar and registered Democrat Alan Dershowitz explains how The Mueller Investigation is both Impotent, and Political, and can only generate process crimes in their attempts to get at president Trump under false pretenses with an investigation based entirely on Russian Propaganda paid for by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. There is no better way to prove Mueller and his allies than that, and to highlight that their entire investigation is based in a Putin Approved Propaganda Operation that Mueller and his Marxist Allies are still carrying out to this day. Putin gave the order, and they moved to action. It can't get any clearer than that.

Dershowitz: Mueller Has Found 'Almost No Crimes' From Before Russia Probe Started

On "America's Newsroom" Friday, Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor emeritus, said the indictment is full of "stories" of Russian collusion, but all the actual charges are a result of the investigation.

"This is typical of Mueller. He has found almost no crimes that occurred before he was appointed special counsel," Dershowitz said, adding that's Mueller was appointed to find such crimes and he's "virtually failed" in that respect.

"Almost all of his crimes that's he's indicted people for are crimes that resulted from his investigation," Dershowitz said.

"But it really means that there's been a failure to uncover the basic crimes for which he was appointed. Namely, before he was appointed, was there illegal collusion, illegal conspiracy with Russia?"
Definitely he is a FAKE AMERICAN doing PUTIN's Bidding and attacking Our Democracy and attempting to Overturn Our Elections.

Mueller translated in Russian means, Man who sucks Russian Cock.

No wonder you admire him so.
Note the number of RUSSIAN TROLLS who have invaded this thread as PROOF of what I say is true.

Note that they did not address not one point in my post nor any material in the accompanying interview by Dershowitz which serves again as proof of THE TRUTH of my statements.
The indictment and arrest of longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone Friday morning in Florida fills in a big missing piece of the emerging picture that special counsel Robert Mueller is painting: The Trump campaign actively sought to communicate and coordinate with WikiLeaks in regard to stolen emails aimed at damaging his opponents campaign.
According to the indictment, which was unsealed on Friday, a "Senior Trump campaign official" was "directed to contact Stone about any additional releases and what other damaging information Organization 1 had regarding the Clinton Campaign. STONE thereafter told the Trump Campaign about potential future releases of damaging material by Organization 1."
Stay with your conjecture and opinion.
It doesn't hold water.

Herr Mueller is a Putin Sympathizer just like John McCain, Clinton, Obama, and John Kerry and the whole entire Marxist Insurance Policy COUP Criminal Cabal. Herr Mueller is not a MAN. A Man is just and fair, and would never put innocent men in jail, or manufacture Fake Evidence against them.

Clinton, Obama, Comey, Mueller and company ALL Colluded with Putin, and even used Putin approved and signed off on Russian Propaganda to defraud a FISA Court and launch a Fake Investigation for Putin, Obama, and Clinton and to this day all of them continue to operate as Agents of The Kremlin and Russian Moles.

Here is the rebuttal to your conjecture.
The MAN, Mueller, has investigated within the bounds of his jurisdiction and found evidence of some type of criminal activity.
Thankfully there is a MAN to do his job.

It's clear Putin would rather have had Clinton as president than Donald Trump who is much harder to manipulate and can't be bought vs. Hillary Clinton who never saw a part of America she didn't want to sell to our enemies to make a buck for herself. It is also clear that Mueller, Comey, and the entire "Insurance Policy" COUP group would have rather had Hillary Clinton as President to keep the graft, influence peddling, bribery and self enrichment machine chugging along without a hiccup.

Mueller is doing exactly what Putin has wanted him to do. It's why Putin sold Obama and Clinton the Dirty Dossier, and that is to attempt to slow down The President's Agenda, to tie up The Trump Administration and to not only destabilize our Democracy, Divide America, but to also undermine our Constitution, Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and your right to face your accusers, and see the evidence your accusers have against you.

Mueller has violated each and every one of these principles, and has violated The Civil Rights of all of his victims. Mueller has also found Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion, and has Manufactured Crimes out of each interrogation he has conducted. Mueller is by default a Defacto Agent of The Kremlin doing Vladimir Putin's bidding, doing Iran's bidding, doing the bidding of all of our enemies.

A great interview at the provided link by legal scholar and registered Democrat Alan Dershowitz explains how The Mueller Investigation is both Impotent, and Political, and can only generate process crimes in their attempts to get at president Trump under false pretenses with an investigation based entirely on Russian Propaganda paid for by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. There is no better way to prove Mueller and his allies than that, and to highlight that their entire investigation is based in a Putin Approved Propaganda Operation that Mueller and his Marxist Allies are still carrying out to this day. Putin gave the order, and they moved to action. It can't get any clearer than that.

Dershowitz: Mueller Has Found 'Almost No Crimes' From Before Russia Probe Started

On "America's Newsroom" Friday, Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor emeritus, said the indictment is full of "stories" of Russian collusion, but all the actual charges are a result of the investigation.

"This is typical of Mueller. He has found almost no crimes that occurred before he was appointed special counsel," Dershowitz said, adding that's Mueller was appointed to find such crimes and he's "virtually failed" in that respect.

"Almost all of his crimes that's he's indicted people for are crimes that resulted from his investigation," Dershowitz said.

"But it really means that there's been a failure to uncover the basic crimes for which he was appointed. Namely, before he was appointed, was there illegal collusion, illegal conspiracy with Russia?"
It's clear Putin would rather have had Clinton as president than Donald Trump who is much harder to manipulate and can't be bought vs. Hillary Clinton who never saw a part of America she didn't want to sell to our enemies to make a buck for herself. It is also clear that Mueller, Comey, and the entire "Insurance Policy" COUP group would have rather had Hillary Clinton as President to keep the graft, influence peddling, bribery and self enrichment machine chugging along without a hiccup.

Mueller is doing exactly what Putin has wanted him to do. It's why Putin sold Obama and Clinton the Dirty Dossier, and that is to attempt to slow down The President's Agenda, to tie up The Trump Administration and to not only destabilize our Democracy, Divide America, but to also undermine our Constitution, Due Process, Presumption of Innocence, and your right to face your accusers, and see the evidence your accusers have against you.

Mueller has violated each and every one of these principles, and has violated The Civil Rights of all of his victims. Mueller has also found Zero Evidence of Russian Collusion, and has Manufactured Crimes out of each interrogation he has conducted. Mueller is by default a Defacto Agent of The Kremlin doing Vladimir Putin's bidding, doing Iran's bidding, doing the bidding of all of our enemies.

A great interview at the provided link by legal scholar and registered Democrat Alan Dershowitz explains how The Mueller Investigation is both Impotent, and Political, and can only generate process crimes in their attempts to get at president Trump under false pretenses with an investigation based entirely on Russian Propaganda paid for by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama. There is no better way to prove Mueller and his allies than that, and to highlight that their entire investigation is based in a Putin Approved Propaganda Operation that Mueller and his Marxist Allies are still carrying out to this day. Putin gave the order, and they moved to action. It can't get any clearer than that.

Dershowitz: Mueller Has Found 'Almost No Crimes' From Before Russia Probe Started

On "America's Newsroom" Friday, Dershowitz, a Harvard Law professor emeritus, said the indictment is full of "stories" of Russian collusion, but all the actual charges are a result of the investigation.

"This is typical of Mueller. He has found almost no crimes that occurred before he was appointed special counsel," Dershowitz said, adding that's Mueller was appointed to find such crimes and he's "virtually failed" in that respect.

"Almost all of his crimes that's he's indicted people for are crimes that resulted from his investigation," Dershowitz said.

"But it really means that there's been a failure to uncover the basic crimes for which he was appointed. Namely, before he was appointed, was there illegal collusion, illegal conspiracy with Russia?"
Mueller was hired by Global Elitists.
He was tasked with protecting Bill & Hillary and that punk ass Obama Bin Layingupsorry.

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