Moscow Mueller's Private Army: Witch Hunt has spent more than Countries spend on National Defense!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

But let's stick with the fact that Mueller's spending ALONE on this witch hunt for self generated process crimes has spent more money than several countries do for their National Defense these days.

Mueller has spent enough to raise, train and support an entire military force for a small Foreign Country!

Here are the Country's Defense Budgets that Mueller has outspent.

Liberia $10 Million
Sierra Leone $13 Million
Laos $18.5 Million
Central African Republic $18.5 Million
Bhutan $10 Million
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Dems rely on the government for money
ya know obama's stimulus package went to union bosses
It's just an eternal circle

And it's always a good thing if you get enough taxpayer money like Mueller has to fund an entire small country's National Defense!:tank::th_BlackHelicopter::Boom2:

I think below are a few of Mueller's Marchers.

Tell your orange buddy to come clean & just admit it. Save the country any further expenses.

Confess & only spend 10 years in prison.
Trump shouldn't have given investigators probable cause .... nobody else brought anything down on him but HIM.
Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

So far this investigation has been self funding.

Manafort was fined FORTY SIX

Occurred by the way During The Obama Administration when Manafort was working for Podesta and The Clinton Campaign in conjunction with work in The Ukraine. The same Ukraine, The Clinton campaign originally went to to solicit assistance on the beginnings of The Dirty Dossier originally and through those contacts, Steele, and ex Russian Spy Skirpal, contacted Russian Agents to compile The Dirty Russian Dossier.

Why again, didn't Obama Investigate Manafort then?

He and Clinton and Podesta knew Exactly what Manafort was doing at that time.

This had nothing to do with President Trump.

In fact, Manafort denies receiving any of the funds Mueller accused him or receiving. Podesta received those funds, but since Mueller gave Podesta Immunity, Manafort cannot subpoena The Podesta Group's Financials.

Now how convenient, neat and tidy is that? There are NO Records. NONE AT ALL in any of MANFORT's Financials of him receiving the money he testified The Podesta Group received.
Trump shouldn't have given investigators probable cause .... nobody else brought anything down on him but HIM.
Since when is a joke about Clinton's Illegal Server, after the fact it's existence was made public "probable cause?"

It was already Bleach Bitted when he made that joke.

You don't work for Putin, do you?
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Mueller spending estimates are at $30 Million. Add Several other Investigations to this and we are nearing around $100 Million Spent.

So far this investigation has been self funding.

Manafort was fined FORTY SIX
The wall is self funding....why are you against that?

And the figure for all investigations combined is actually $100 Million.

That's more money than Uzbekistan and almost as much as Macedonia spends annually on National Defense.

So The Total Spending on The Fake Russia Russia Collusion Investigations are enough for you to buy your own, Army, Navy, and Air Force for a small country.

Mueller then probably would look good dressed up as a dictator of a small country.


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Trump shouldn't have given investigators probable cause .... nobody else brought anything down on him but HIM.
Since when is a joke about Clinton's Illegal Server, after the fact it's existence was made public 'probable cause?

It was already Bleach Bitted when he made that joke.

You don't work for Putin, do you?

Trump shouldn't have given investigators probable cause .... nobody else brought anything down on him but HIM.
All of this because the coward won't sit down with Bob and answer a few questions.

If he has nothing to hide, why not just do the interview with Bob and be done with it?
Trump shouldn't have given investigators probable cause .... nobody else brought anything down on him but HIM.
Since when is a joke about Clinton's Illegal Server, after the fact it's existence was made public 'probable cause?

It was already Bleach Bitted when he made that joke.

You don't work for Putin, do you?

If you were Mueller, which Military Dictatorship would you choose to run?

I could see him running a place like Laos. Maybe Cambodia.
Trump shouldn't have given investigators probable cause .... nobody else brought anything down on him but HIM.
All of this because the coward won't sit down with Bob and answer a few questions.

If he has nothing to hide, why not just do the interview with Bob and be done with it?
He answered the questions and also produced over a million documents.

We still can't see The FISA documents Congress subpoenaed The FBI for.

Here is a better question, when is Mueller going to investigate The Russian Dirty Dossier's source of funding & It's Role in FISA when Comey, Yates, Rosenstein, and McCabe all filed False Affidavits to get an illegal wire tapping warrant on The Trump Campaign to help Clinton and Obama spy on Trump in the 2016 election.

Is he a man of Truth and Justice, or just a boy with a mop cleaning up Obama and Clinton's corruption?
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Trump shouldn't have given investigators probable cause .... nobody else brought anything down on him but HIM.
All of this because the coward won't sit down with Bob and answer a few questions.

If he has nothing to hide, why not just do the interview with Bob and be done with it?

lie one time in a court of law, and you're no longer credible as a witness .....

Trump hasnt had credibility since the day he announced he would run for POTUS.

the investigation is taking a long time just sorting through the bullshit Trump & his Cartel sling on the wall to see if it sticks ...
Maybe Mueller could buy his own Island with the money he was given to "Get Trump" and dress up like Fidel Castro and smoke big cigars?

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