Moses was a murder-er multiple times.,.,.,.

Vestal Virgins - Vestal Virgins
The Vestal Virgins were 6 priestesses of the goddess Vesta, goddess of the home, hearth and fire. They were thought to be the guardians of luck in Rome. Vestals had the power to intervene on behalf of someone who was in trouble. It was thought that what the Vestals did could affect all of Rome.
surada knows how to access wiki &/or other tidbit articles
No Christian that I know of ever claimed the Pharisees were damned. What Church did you attend?
I believe that as a child I mostly ended up in the EPISCOPALIAN church sunday school---or
church itself. I am fascinated that surada seems not to KNOW about the hatred expressed
by christians against the PHARISEES. That crap manifests even in english literature and
the word "pharisee" itself is used as an epithet. Lots of christians insist all "non-believers"
end up in hell or-----at best purgatory. -------surada is DISSEMBLING
I believe that as a child I mostly ended up in the EPISCOPALIAN church sunday school---or
church itself. I am fascinated that surada seems not to KNOW about the hatred expressed
by christians against the PHARISEES. That crap manifests even in english literature and
the word "pharisee" itself is used as an epithet. Lots of christians insist all "non-believers"
end up in hell or-----at best purgatory. -------surada is DISSEMBLING

Don't be belligerent. Jesus was a Pharisee and some of his disciples were Pharisees. Its seems that Jesus hated hypocrites and legalism.
No Christian that I know of ever claimed the Pharisees were damned

Thats not something openly taught to laity anymore. It's only spoken of in hushed tones behind closed doors by the religious elite. Maybe you should read the gospels?

What Church did you attend?

Our Lady Of Perpetual Pretense.

I was working undercover for the Yahad of God making soup for the eminence front wearing an extremely disturbing yet effective disguise.

Its amazing how many people run their mouths and reveal their true selves when you're invisible.
Thats not something openly taught to laity anymore. It's only spoken of in hushed tones behind closed doors by the religious elite. Maybe you should read the gospels?

Our Lady Of Perpetual Pretense.

I was working undercover for the Yahad of God making soup for the eminence front wearing an extremely disturbing yet effective disguise.

Its amazing how many people run their mouths and reveal their true selves when you're invisible.

I have read the gospels. Jesus was a Pharisee and so were some of his disciples. Jesus hated hypocrites and legalism.

Its a stupid accusation against Christians that serves no purpose.
I have read the gospels. Jesus was a Pharisee and so were some of his disciples. Jesus hated hypocrites and legalism.

Its a stupid accusation against Christians that serves no purpose.

It only serves no purpose if you don't give a shit about what festers in the mind of your church leaders.

Are you a Christian? Do you love Jesus?
Don't be belligerent. Jesus was a Pharisee and some of his disciples were Pharisees. Its seems that Jesus hated hypocrites and legalism.
It seems to me that Jesus never laid a curse on Pharisees ------but Constantine wished
HE DID. There are christian SCHOLARS in the world (gawd help us) who get hysterical
when INFORMED that Jesus was a pharisee. I have no real (or even imaginary) education
in religion-----I just read the books and UNDERSTOOD that Jesus was a pharisee-----IT's
It seems to me that Jesus never laid a curse on Pharisees ------but Constantine wished
HE DID. There are christian SCHOLARS in the world (gawd help us) who get hysterical
when INFORMED that Jesus was a pharisee. I have no real (or even imaginary) education
in religion-----I just read the books and UNDERSTOOD that Jesus was a pharisee-----IT's

Constantine wasn't Christian.
Constantine wasn't Christian.
does that matter? His mother was and he was facing a growing herd.
His was similar to the Genghis Khan ISLAM phenomenon. It was a
PRACTICAL SOLUTION. I'm not even sure that Biden and Kamala
are non-racist marxists
Yes. But, why hate Pharisees?

Ok... As Jesus said, "If I had not come and spoken with you, you would not be guilty of sin, but because you say, "We see", your guilt remains"

Thats no reason to hate the pharisees but everyone knows that the world is full of stupid people. The way I see it the Pharisees, like the orthodox living today, did the best they could to conform to the literal letter of the Law which was not sinful until the messiah appeared to straighten things out and reveal a better far more rational way to understand and comply with the law, the way originally taught by Moses lost to time after his death, which turned the image and likeness of God from a capricious and puerile petty tyrant into a benevolent and dedicated loving Father.

Like ding who refuses to accept a human Jesus and a rational revelation about what Jesus meant by saying nutty things like "eat my flesh and drink my blood" which since revealed is obvious even to anyone with a second grade education, making his obstinate stupidity and denial contemptible.
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Ok... As Jesus said, "If I had not come and spoken with you you would not be guilty of sin, but because you say, "We see", your guilt remains"

Thats no reason to hate the pharisees but everyone knows that the world is full of stupid people. The way I see it the Pharisees, like the orthodox living today, did the best they could to conform to the literal letter of the Law which was not sinful until the messiah appeared to straighten things out and reveal a better more rational way to understand and comply with the law which turned the image of God from a capricious and puerile petty tyrant into a benevolent and loving Father.

Like ding who refuses to accept a human Jesus and a rational revelation about what Jesus meant by saying nutty thins like "eat my flesh and drink my blood" which, since revealed, is obvious, even to anyone with a second grade education, making his obstinate stupidity and denial contemptible.

Why are you so invested in insulting ding?
Ok... As Jesus said, "If I had not come and spoken with you you would not be guilty of sin, but because you say, "We see", your guilt remains"

Thats no reason to hate the pharisees but everyone knows that the world is full of stupid people. The way I see it the Pharisees, like the orthodox living today, did the best they could to conform to the literal letter of the Law which was not sinful until the messiah appeared to straighten things out and reveal a better more rational way to understand and comply with the law which turned the image of God from a capricious and puerile petty tyrant into a benevolent and loving Father.

Like ding who refuses to accept a human Jesus and a rational revelation about what Jesus meant by saying nutty thins like "eat my flesh and drink my blood" which, since revealed, is obvious, making his obstinate stupidity and denial contemptible.
the PERVASIVE baseless vilification of "pharisee" is the basis for the genocide of
millions-------AND the interpretation invented by the idiots of the world that they
are STICKLERS FOR FORM only, is merely a part of the STINK AND FILTH----you are
brainwashed by the original nazi pig----CONSTANTINE, EMPEROR OF THE FIRST
Why are you so invested in insulting ding?

Thats your response? lol.... Okey dokey.

Ding is strapped to a gurney being dissected in an open arena for the benefit of dedicated medical students so they may learn to identify by evidence the dead and cause of death.

Who would stop in the middle of a procedure?
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Thats your response? lol.... Okey dokey.

Ding is strapped to a gurney being dissected in an open arena for the benefit of dedicated medical students.

Who would stop in the middle of a procedure?
sheeeesh, christian brethren-------cool it
the PERVASIVE baseless vilification of "pharisee" is the basis for the genocide of

Yes. Most intelligent people know that the romans redacted the Jerusalem talmud before widespread publication. It follows that they also redacted all of the gospels to make the Jewish authorities look like the meanies and the Romans just innocent bystanders of an argument between a Jewish peasant who claimed that he came down from the sky and the religious elite who seemed to be terrified of bacon.

The whole situation was probably just very funny to them until all of Judea was in revolt over the matter.
Yes. Most intelligent people know that the romans redacted the Jerusalem talmud before widespread publication. It follows that they also redacted all of the gospels to make the Jewish authorities look like the meanies and the Romans just innocent bystanders of an argument between a Jewish peasant who claimed that he came down from the sky and the religious elite who seemed to be terrified of bacon.

The whole situation was probably just very funny to them until all of Judea was in revolt over the matter.
the Jerusalem Talmud was written in aramaic-----the romans had NOTHING to do with it-----it
was written in the early centuries CE ---virtually secretly. There are sunday school whores who
like to imagine that it is all about some guy they call "Jesus" ---but it ain't. Even the mythic
JESUS in the sky-----never ate bacon and he always washed his hand at the outset of a meal because he was not a slob. The romans had several aversions to Judaism----one was the incessant and
UNNECESSARY hand washing, another was the circumcision and MOST IMPORTANT----the
restriction on their FAVE FOODS ---to wit---pig. Thus, when they decided to invent their
ROMANIZED version of "religion"-----they added stuff to their version of history. Most of the
"gospels" were written by roman shills or hellenized idiots based on some bastardized fragments
that some people call Q
the Jerusalem Talmud was written in aramaic-----the romans had NOTHING to do with it-----it
was written in the early centuries CE ---virtually secretly. There are sunday school whores who
like to imagine that it is all about some guy they call "Jesus" ---but it ain't. Even the mythic
JESUS in the sky-----never ate bacon and he always washed his hand at the outset of a meal because he was not a slob. The romans had several aversions to Judaism----one was the incessant and
UNNECESSARY hand washing, another was the circumcision and MOST IMPORTANT----the
restriction on their FAVE FOODS ---to wit---pig. Thus, when they decided to invent their
ROMANIZED version of "religion"-----they added stuff to their version of history. Most of the
"gospels" were written by roman shills or hellenized idiots based on some bastardized fragments
that some people call Q

Traditionally, this Talmud was thought to have been redacted in about the year 350 by Rav Muna and Rav Yossi in the Land of Israel. It is traditionally known as the Talmud Yerushalmi ("Jerusalem Talmud"), but the name is a misnomer, as it was not prepared in Jerusalem. It has more accurately been called "The Talmud of the Land of Israel".[11]

Its final redaction probably belongs to the end of the 4th century, but the individual scholars who brought it to its present form cannot be fixed with assurance. By this time Christianity had become the state religion of the Roman Empire and Jerusalem the holy city of Christendom. In 325 Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor, said "let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd."[1
Traditionally, this Talmud was thought to have been redacted in about the year 350 by Rav Muna and Rav Yossi in the Land of Israel. It is traditionally known as the Talmud Yerushalmi ("Jerusalem Talmud"), but the name is a misnomer, as it was not prepared in Jerusalem. It has more accurately been called "The Talmud of the Land of Israel".[11]

Its final redaction probably belongs to the end of the 4th century, but the individual scholars who brought it to its present form cannot be fixed with assurance. By this time Christianity had become the state religion of the Roman Empire and Jerusalem the holy city of Christendom. In 325 Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor, said "let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd."[1

Christians weren't all that interested in Jerusalem .. Rome was the early center of Christendom.
Traditionally, this Talmud was thought to have been redacted in about the year 350 by Rav Muna and Rav Yossi in the Land of Israel. It is traditionally known as the Talmud Yerushalmi ("Jerusalem Talmud"), but the name is a misnomer, as it was not prepared in Jerusalem. It has more accurately been called "The Talmud of the Land of Israel".[11]

Its final redaction probably belongs to the end of the 4th century, but the individual scholars who brought it to its present form cannot be fixed with assurance. By this time Christianity had become the state religion of the Roman Empire and Jerusalem the holy city of Christendom. In 325 Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor, said "let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd."[1
If you imagine that the TALMUD YERUSHALAMI----is just another version of the TALMUD
BAVLI----you is wrong. They are two entirely different works-------as you have noted----one
done in Babylon and the other in Israel ------as to location-----as your have said----Probably
not Jerusalem-----since DA ROMANS were there at the time------more in sort of hidden places.
Redacted is edited. As far as I know-----BOTH done in aramaic (mostly)

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