Mosque shooting in New Zealand

People in wealthy neighborhoods who mostly came from good homes and have some sort of education tend to commit less crimes than those who were born in a poor neighborhood to a single mother.
Wait - what?
Education and upbringing has a greater effect on crime than gun control laws?
I get it. If gun control is not the major factor but rather just an important facoir
Ah. Backpedalling. got it.
You cannot show it is an important factor.
No back pedaling at all.
Obviously, the best approach to gun violence ids to reach the shooters before they kill. Whether through insuring a better home life or mental screening. We can't insure those things but we van make it more difficult to these people to get gns let aline killing machines like assault type rifles.
You still have not show that gun control is an "important factor".
How can you do this without unnecessarily infringing on the right to keep and bear arms?
Apparently, gun control doesn't work in New Zealand......they have had a mass public shooting against two Mosques. The shooter....who had a gun.......may have killed 49 people....... but this isn't possible, because they have gun control in New initial reports are likely wrong....

And, of course, the sites were gun free zones....right?

And before the anti-gunners start......I used to wait to comment on these attacks....until the anti-gunners would be the first on the scene, walking through the blood, dragging the bodies to the nearest camera calling for taking guns away from the very people who could have stopped the attack...

Christchurch shooting: 49 dead in terror attack at two mosques – live updates

  • Forty-nine people have been killed in shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. They included 41 people killed at the Deans Avenue mosque and seven at Linwood mosque. Another victim died later in Christchurch hospital.

That people break laws is not a rational argument against having laws to begin with
no, disarming people will not make them safer

Yet another non sequitur
The point is that disarming the victims to protect them from mass shooters is irrational
I cannot believe you are actually celebrating the failure of gun control. There is no limit to the depths you will sink to,
Says she who proudly stands on the bodies and bathes herself in the blood of innocent victims while screaming for more gun control.
You assfuck. Where did you get that load of shit.
What do anti-gun loons do when there's a mass hooting in the US?
Stand on the bodies of the victims, bathe themselves in their blood, and scream for more gun control.
What a crock of shit.
Reality says otherwise - every time there's a mass shooting, that's exactly what happens.
Every time.
You dislike characterization, but you cannot disagree with the facts.
Had someone in those mosques had a gun, the shooter could have been stopped....he reloaded several times......

another gun free zone tragedy.....

Never happens... I guess the whole world must be a gun free zone, since a mass shooter has never been stopped by a good guy with a gun before he got started.

What a moronic thing to say. Of course "good guys with guns" don't start shooting people unless a crime is being committed. You are a class A dumbass.
Is trump being fair to the New Zealand terrorists after they praise him?

Trump condemns New Zealand mosque attack as 'horrible massacre' | Reuters

The accused gunman's manifesto praised Trump as "a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose."


Didn’t seem fair to me. You know how Trump likes praise. And they’re just praising Trump’s words and actions. So why would he condemn them. After all it was Muslims they killed, right?
Doesn’t Trump hate Muslims the most? Except for the ones that give him money?

He also said he was radicalized by Spyro the Dragon.
People in wealthy neighborhoods who mostly came from good homes and have some sort of education tend to commit less crimes than those who were born in a poor neighborhood to a single mother.
Wait - what?
Education and upbringing has a greater effect on crime than gun control laws?
I get it. If gun control is not the major factor but rather just an important facoir
Ah. Backpedalling. got it.
You cannot show it is an important factor.
No back pedaling at all.
Obviously, the best approach to gun violence ids to reach the shooters before they kill. Whether through insuring a better home life or mental screening. We can't insure those things but we van make it more difficult to these people to get gns let aline killing machines like assault type rifles.
You still have not show that gun control is an "important factor".
How can you do this without unnecessarily infringing on the right to keep and bear arms?

Gun control was a factor. The gunman is an Australian would could not legally obtain the weapons he needed to carry out his attack in Australia. He CHOSE NZ because their gun laws were easier to get around than the laws in Australia.

What are New Zealand's gun laws?
Apparently, gun control doesn't work in New Zealand......they have had a mass public shooting against two Mosques. The shooter....who had a gun.......may have killed 49 people....... but this isn't possible, because they have gun control in New initial reports are likely wrong....

And, of course, the sites were gun free zones....right?

And before the anti-gunners start......I used to wait to comment on these attacks....until the anti-gunners would be the first on the scene, walking through the blood, dragging the bodies to the nearest camera calling for taking guns away from the very people who could have stopped the attack...

Christchurch shooting: 49 dead in terror attack at two mosques – live updates

  • Forty-nine people have been killed in shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. They included 41 people killed at the Deans Avenue mosque and seven at Linwood mosque. Another victim died later in Christchurch hospital.

So apparently your OP is a TOTAL FUCKING LIE!! You idiots should do just the simplest of google searches before publically embarassing yourselves with your ignorance.

The shooter CHOSE New Zealand precisely because guns, including the AR15, are all perfectly legal there.

What are New Zealand's gun laws?
The shooter........calls himself an Eco-fascist, zero population, anti-capitalist...........before the left wingers start up......

Again, there were multiple shooters from what i'm reading...

Yep, even worse........complete failure of gun control and a complete failure of gun free zones to keep people safe...on an island, with gun control.

Again, you're lying. The nation had lax gun control laws.

What are New Zealand's gun laws?

And the shooter, published a "Replacement" manifesto, and cited that he believes in Trump's white nationalism. This man is a self-admitted right wing terrorist.

This attack is similar to the attack in Norway, and the American Coast Guard operative who was amassing a weapons cache to launch a similar attack in the US. This is the planned attack by right wing terrorists.
She can arrest me an day....

... Gun Control doesn't prevent criminals from picking up weapons ...

I do not know why so many US-Americans are often so unbelievable irreal. All German policemen together (about 240,000) have to shoot every year in average less than 100 times (including warning shots) and they kill every year in average less than 10 persons. In total die in Germany about 50 people beause of firearms. In the USA every year die more than 30,000 people because of firemarms.

So compared with New Zealand would die every year about 470 persons because of firearms, if the people in New Zealand would be people of the USA and it would die every year 3 people in New Zealand, if it would be people from Germany.

But this helps the people in New Zealand now nothing. It is a titanic shock for the poor people there. What had happened remembers me to the massacre of Anders Behring Breivick in Utoya. And it makes all believers in god - also all Christians too - speechless how it can happen that lost people are existing at all, who are not shy to murder praying people who visit a house of god.

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... Gun Control doesn't prevent criminals from picking up weapons ...

I do not know why so many US-Americans are often so unbelievable irreal. All German policemen together (about 240,000) have to shoot every year in average less then 100 times (including warning shots) and they kill every year in average less then 10 persons. In total die in Germany about 50 people beause of firearms. In the USA every year die more than 30,000 people because of firemarms.

So compared with New Zealand would die every year about 470 persons becasuof firearms, if the people in New Zealand would be people of the USA and it would die every year 3 people in New Zealand, if it would be people from Germany.

But this helps the peole in New Zwealnd now abaosötzelel ynoithuign. It is a titanic shock for the poor people there now. What had happened there remembers me to the massacre of Anders Behring Breivick in Utoya. And it makes all believers in god - also all Christians - speechless how it can happen that poiel are eoxatuignf at all who are not shy to murder praying people who visit a house of god.

Are you using Google Translate? Or Babel Fish or sump'm?

I like "firemarms" though. That one's got possimibilities.
... Gun Control doesn't prevent criminals from picking up weapons ...

I do not know why so many US-Americans are often so unbelievable irreal. All German policemen together (about 240,000) have to shoot every year in average less then 100 times (including warning shots) and they kill every year in average less then 10 persons. In total die in Germany about 50 people beause of firearms. In the USA every year die more than 30,000 people because of firemarms.

So compared with New Zealand would die every year about 470 persons becasuof firearms, if the people in New Zealand would be people of the USA and it would die every year 3 people in New Zealand, if it would be people from Germany.

But this helps the peole in New Zwealnd now abaosötzelel ynoithuign. It is a titanic shock for the poor people there now. What had happened there remembers me to the massacre of Anders Behring Breivick in Utoya. And it makes all believers in god - also all Christians - speechless how it can happen that poiel are eoxatuignf at all who are not shy to murder praying people who visit a house of god.

Are you using Google Translate? Or Babel Fish or sump'm?

I like "firemarms" though. That one's got possimibilities.

I need time to think. US-Americans don't need time to think. Read again.
Now the Left will be upset.

The terrorist gunman who killed 49 Muslims at a mosque in New Zealand said in his own manifesto that he wanted “no part of” conservatism, describing himself as an “eco-fascist” and expressing admiration for Communist China.

Info Wars.

Yup, the radical group he was with describe themselves as “anti-imperialist” and “pro-workers” and environmentalists.
... Gun Control doesn't prevent criminals from picking up weapons ...

I do not know why so many US-Americans are often so unbelievable irreal. All German policemen together (about 240,000) have to shoot every year in average less than 100 times (including warning shots) and they kill every year in average less than 10 persons. In total die in Germany about 50 people beause of firearms. In the USA every year die more than 30,000 people because of firemarms.

So compared with New Zealand would die every year about 470 persons because of firearms, if the people in New Zealand would be people of the USA and it would die every year 3 people in New Zealand, if it would be people from Germany.

But this helps the people in New Zealand now nothing. It is a titanic shock for the poor people there. What had happened remembers me to the massacre of Anders Behring Breivick in Utoya. And it makes all believers in god - also all Christians too - speechless how it can happen that lost people are existing at all, who are not shy to murder praying people who visit a house of god.

Germany doesn’t have millions of negroes and Latinos. Most violent crime in the US is perpetrated by them. Switzerland has guns and has near zero crime. Gun ownership has nothing to do with it.
Is trump being fair to the New Zealand terrorists after they praise him?

Trump condemns New Zealand mosque attack as 'horrible massacre' | Reuters

The accused gunman's manifesto praised Trump as "a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose."


Didn’t seem fair to me. You know how Trump likes praise. And they’re just praising Trump’s words and actions. So why would he condemn them. After all it was Muslims they killed, right?
Doesn’t Trump hate Muslims the most? Except for the ones that give him money?

How about paying attention to context for a change? The shooter mentioned Trump only one time in his manifesto:

"Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump?

As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no.."

There is absolutely nothing wrong with President Trump being a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose. That's why we elected him in the first place.

But I disagree with the "a policy maker and leader" part. President Trump is an excellent policy maker and leader.

Rump doesn't have any policies, maybe you're too cult-hypnotized to notice.

"Pro-Iraq war" becomes "anti-Iraq war"; "pro-Hillary" becomes "anti-Hillary"; "pro-choice" becomes "anti-choice"; "pulling out of Syria" becomes "not pulling out of Syria"; "would be Russia" becomes "wouldn't be Russia", "Tim Apple" becomes "Tim Cook Apple", etc etc etc. He's a rhetorical WHORE who will say or do anything that polishes Numero Uno's knob in the moment, and then he'll turn right around and do the opposite because the audience changed.

The wanker has no ideology at all beyond "ME ME ME"' and manipulating the racists and the bigots and the Tiki Torchers Dukeys and the "very fine people". His entire schtick is about "renewed white identity", which is more than a little ironic for a fuckbag so ashamed of his own skin that he paints it orange.
... Gun Control doesn't prevent criminals from picking up weapons ...

I do not know why so many US-Americans are often so unbelievable irreal. All German policemen together (about 240,000) have to shoot every year in average less then 100 times (including warning shots) and they kill every year in average less then 10 persons. In total die in Germany about 50 people beause of firearms. In the USA every year die more than 30,000 people because of firemarms.

So compared with New Zealand would die every year about 470 persons becasuof firearms, if the people in New Zealand would be people of the USA and it would die every year 3 people in New Zealand, if it would be people from Germany.

But this helps the peole in New Zwealnd now abaosötzelel ynoithuign. It is a titanic shock for the poor people there now. What had happened there remembers me to the massacre of Anders Behring Breivick in Utoya. And it makes all believers in god - also all Christians - speechless how it can happen that poiel are eoxatuignf at all who are not shy to murder praying people who visit a house of god.

Are you using Google Translate? Or Babel Fish or sump'm?

I like "firemarms" though. That one's got possimibilities.

I had no problem with his last paragraph. Considering a lot of the stuff I've been hearing here today, I kinda welcome this poster's words, even if they aren't perfect English.
... Gun Control doesn't prevent criminals from picking up weapons ...

I do not know why so many US-Americans are often so unbelievable irreal. All German policemen together (about 240,000) have to shoot every year in average less then 100 times (including warning shots) and they kill every year in average less then 10 persons. In total die in Germany about 50 people beause of firearms. In the USA every year die more than 30,000 people because of firemarms.

So compared with New Zealand would die every year about 470 persons becasuof firearms, if the people in New Zealand would be people of the USA and it would die every year 3 people in New Zealand, if it would be people from Germany.

But this helps the peole in New Zwealnd now abaosötzelel ynoithuign. It is a titanic shock for the poor people there now. What had happened there remembers me to the massacre of Anders Behring Breivick in Utoya. And it makes all believers in god - also all Christians - speechless how it can happen that poiel are eoxatuignf at all who are not shy to murder praying people who visit a house of god.

Are you using Google Translate? Or Babel Fish or sump'm?

I like "firemarms" though. That one's got possimibilities.

I had no problem with his last paragraph. Considering a lot of the stuff I've been hearing here today, I kinda welcome this poster's words, even if they aren't perfect English.

I had to slam on the brakes at "abaosötzelel ynoithuign". And of course "Utoya" which as we all know is just west of Sweden. Just wondering how that happens. I'd be interested to know what language he's posting from.
Gun control was a factor. The gunman is an Australian would could not legally obtain the weapons he needed to carry out his attack in Australia. He CHOSE NZ because their gun laws were easier to get around than the laws in Australia.
What are New Zealand's gun laws?
What do you think the difference is between the gun laws of the two countries, and why do you think the laws in NZ allowed him to do this, while the laws in Oz would have stopped him?
Be specific.

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