Most American politicians “support Israel.” Including Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer.. Yet Israeli officials still complain.


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May 12, 2022
I believe Israel has a right to exist, but that it is an embarrassment and disgraceful that pro Israeli lobbyist in the media are acting like babies claiming that they are the victim. It’s impossible to say that because nobody is stopping their military operation in Gaza including Muslim countries.

They are humiliating the Jewish culture and the honorable Jewish people in the IDF. Actually many Israeli people don’t want any support from America. They don’t need it. They can produce their own weapons. In fact, they attempted to produce their own military jet in the 1980s, which is blocked by Americans supporters of the military industrial complex.

Israel unlike Ukraine is not facing off against a legitimate military. There is no military in Gaza. They only have rocks and AK-47s and glorified fireworks that masquerade as rockets.. no tanks, no Air Force no navy.

What’s equally as problematic are these laws that are trying to silence protesting the Israeli government like people who want to boycott companies that support Israel. Or Somebody who equates Nazism with the Israeli government. Arguably this is more dangerous because it’s coming from positions of power compared to these pot smoking left-wing hippies going around, screaming and shouting at people which is certainly a problem, but it’s not from a position of power. Also Biden and Hakeem Jeffries, along with Chuck Schumer, are big times supporters of Israel. Israel has a massive lobby when it comes to the US politics. it is probably only people like Rand Paul, MGT and Thomas Massey standing up for American patriotism when it comes to these types of situations
There are even far left-wing blm supporters like candycorn Fort Fun Indiana who are massive supporters of Israel. It’s fascinating how this topic of Israel/Palestine has ripped apart the conservative wrt to people like Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson, not agreeing with supporting Israel at any cost., but also brought together left wingers and right wingers.

The only thing that the anti-Israel protesters have been able to do is upset the American people like when they block traffics or ruin somebody’s experience at a comedy show. Nothing or nobody or any country or organization in the world has stopped Israel’s military actions in Gaza and nobody will. Including the Muslim countries they have done nothing. You would think by now if somebody would send a missile strike or a bunch of tanks to Tel Aviv of course that’s not going to happen. This is one of the greatest examples of gaslighting by the pro Israeli media attempting to brainwash us American citizens. It’s a shame And it disgrace to the good people of the Israeli military forces.

The republican Thomas Massie has brought this up

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A segment of Americans are very lazy when it comes to the Israel Palestine issue. There’s no constructive criticism, no evidence no substance. It’s either they are on one side or the other and often they don’t have any idea what they’re talking about.

A segment of the pro Israeli Americans don’t know for example, that the US military industrial complex blocked Israel from forming their own military jet program in the 1980s.

Ultimately the USA should not be involved in this conflict in Israel/Palestine. It makes no difference because the IDF military is strong enough to stand fighting people in Gaza who have rocks, glorified firecrackers, and AK-47s There is no Palestinian Air Force, there is no Palestinian tanks on the ground, launching a counterstrike into Tel Aviv.

it’s ridiculous to hear what Mega supporters of Israel have to say. And that includes left-wingers on the US message board. They’re not here for a proper conversation just to waive their flag of Israel.

And most of us know that the people of Israel are good people. Many of them reject US support like Rudy Rochman, who has a YouTube channel where he has openly said he does not want the Israeli military to receive American aid. He’s the one who brought up how in the 1980s Israel had a military jet program that was stopped by the US military industrial complex. How stupid is that. Israel’s made their own weapons like the Uzi submachine gun.

I am subscribed to Rudy’s channel and he is one of the most Ardent supporters of Israel in the world. The man knows what he’s talking about in his videos are very educational. I recommend folks to watch some of his videos. Even myself someone who has admired the cause of Arab nationalism of the Arab Christians, atheists, Jews, and Arab Muslims all coming together in the 20th century…well I also take interest in somebody like Rudy.
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I'm not down with the Jew hating thing. It's bad joss. Hamas is using tactics that are forbidden by international law. They're very lucky it's 1% and not 10%. Hamas still today is holding over 100 Israelis hostage, they raped women, even slaughtered children. If you don't respond to that you're a doormat, and Israelis are the exact opposite. When the Jews say "never again", they mean it.
Israel has faced plenty of condemnation. Ultimately they are a country that believes in democracy and freedoms, in a region surrounded by REAL fascists. That demands our support. would you ever live in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan? Israel is a small nation and Judaism a minor global religion, yet, Judeo-Christian views, regardless if how many Atheists despise religion; have been paramount to the Wests success. When I visit Toronto, my place of birth, I can't help but enjoy the difference this city represents compared to a city in the M.E. Is there a nation in the M.E you would trust let alone visit other than Israel? Not if you value freedom and a civil society. The protests that went on against the Israeli government for months, even sometimes in their parliament would never be allowed in Canada without serious police abuses. That should signal to America how important an ally Israel is, even if you disagree with them. They need our support above and beyond our spiritual connection. They are surrounded by bad actors as they protect a small area and keep it free. The West shouod not pander for votes, we should support free loving citizens not communist authpritarian states or fascists Islamist states just because it is convenient for some votes. Principle above politics.
Israel has faced plenty of condemnation. Ultimately they are a country that believes in democracy and freedoms, in a region surrounded by REAL fascists. That demands our support. would you ever live in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan? Israel is a small nation and Judaism a minor global religion, yet, Judeo-Christian views, regardless if how many Atheists despise religion; have been paramount to the Wests success. When I visit Toronto, my place of birth, I can't help but enjoy the difference this city represents compared to a city in the M.E. Is there a nation in the M.E you would trust let alone visit other than Israel? Not if you value freedom and a civil society. The protests that went on against the Israeli government for months, even sometimes in their parliament would never be allowed in Canada without serious police abuses. That should signal to America how important an ally Israel is, even if you disagree with them. They need our support above and beyond our spiritual connection. They are surrounded by bad actors as they protect a small area and keep it free. The West shouod not pander for votes, we should support free loving citizens not communist authpritarian states or fascists Islamist states just because it is convenient for some votes. Principle above politics.
With great respect, this was the case only in the 1950s and 60s when Israel was engaged in various wars with their neighbors. But not now remember that Jordan and Saudi Arabia helped Israel shoot down drones from Iran recently. These strict conservative Islamic countries you speak of are perhaps like Afghanistan or Iran, but clearly not all of the 50 Muslim majority countries are like that. Some of them even have atheist or communist history like Albania or turkey.

Oh sure, I would love to visit Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates some of the prosperous richest countries in the world …an Israeli Jewish poster on this form said they can’t wait to visit Muslim Gulf countries after the Abraham accord were brought to us by Trump. as for Saudi Arabia or the UAE They don’t allow left-wing fanaticism in their country, and I respect that. I respected that when I visited Singapore for example which also does not put up with left-wing fanaticism, and they don’t have crime in their country or dirty streets filled with vandalism and filth.

Yes Saudi Arabia is authoritarian. But to an extent Israel is as well. They have a mandatory draft. They are a Jewish theocratic state. In order to immigrate to Israel one has to be Jewish. This is not in line with a democratic country like America that has much different immigration law compared to Israel. That doesn’t make Israel bad doesn’t make Saudi Arabia bad …they are different that’s all.

Also the very civilized world we live in in the Christian west was built by Christian values. Just like Islamic values built-up the Islamic golden age and the Muslim countries of the middle ages that flourished . One might even say that Jewish values built up modern day Israel. There are differences among these three religions of Abraham, but also obvious similarities actually more similarities between Islam and Judaism compared to say Christianity and Islam or Christianity and Judaism.

In fact in Israel interfaith marriage is outlawed people have to travel to a different country to have an interfaith marriage performed. While interfaith marriage is allowed in a few Muslim majority countries like turkey, Syria, and Albania.

I’ve said before countless times I think Israel has a right to exist. They are not in an “existential crisis” that is full on gaslighting propaganda from military industrial complex people. The reality of the situation is what people like IDF solider Rudy Rochman say… Israel should not take any foreign money from America. They even tried to build up their own military jet program in the 1980s which was blocked by the military industrial complex of the USA. They are fully capable of at a moments notice obliterating the Palestinian territories, which would be a horrible thing to do, but they can do it with the weapons they currently have. Especially considering that in the Palestine territories there is no organized military. There are no Palestinian tanks there are no Palestinian military jets.
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Ultimately they are a country that believes in democracy and freedoms, in a region surrounded by REAL fascists.
Well, for an apartheid state. Fits very much with Americas founders, I suppose that's why there's such sympathy.

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