Most Americans support heartbeat bill (no abortion after heartbeat heard). Pro-aborts are lying to America


I know. We've established that pages ago.

I'm not against it. It's not like I'm out here advocating for the murder of wanted fetuses. 😄 I d
so if no one wanted YOU

it would be OK to kill you?

Ok.. If you are in the "unwanted" group.. and if the country ever turns commie (and its on its way)... they will look for people like you first.. you know, people who don't mind dying.. and are "unwanted" anyway.. and you will happily oblige them because you believe all unwanted people should die.
so if no one wanted YOU

it would be OK to kill you?
I don't think it would be OK to kill me but admittedly I am biased about my own life in a way that a fetus is unable to be.
Ok.. If you are in the "unwanted" group.. and if the country ever turns commie (and its on its way)... they will look for people like you first.. you know, people who don't mind dying.. and are "unwanted" anyway.. and you will happily oblige them because you believe all unwanted people should die.
This from the guy who thinks hearts develop in the first 6 weeks of gestation. 😄
You mean the guy who states biological fact.

23 heart begins to beat in Humans by day 22-23, first functioning embryonic organ formed.
24Stage 11Stage11 bf2c.jpg
thyroid - thyroid median endodermal thickening in the floor of pharynx
neural rostral (or cephalic) neuropore closes within a few hours; closure is bidirectional, it takes place from the dorsal and terminal lips and may occur in two areas simultaneously. The two lips, however, behave differently.
ventricular Optic ventricle appears and the neural groove/tube space is initially filled with amniotic fluid.[2]}

You uneducated, ignorant fucking retard.

Just as I said to some pro-abort poster some time ago: Most Americans are against late term abortion. You can hear a baby's heartbeat on ultrasound at something like 6 weeks.

The libtard lies are mentioned at point 3.00 in the video

That is foolish because at one time the majority supported slavery, the illegal invasion of Iraq, the illegal war in Vietnam, etc.
What is right or legal is not up for majority rule.
The fact is government has no jurisdiction at all over what any woman wants to do with her body.
You mean the guy who states biological fact.

23heart begins to beat in Humans by day 22-23, first functioning embryonic organ formed.
24Stage 11Stage11 bf2c.jpg
thyroid - thyroid median endodermal thickening in the floor of pharynx
neural rostral (or cephalic) neuropore closes within a few hours; closure is bidirectional, it takes place from the dorsal and terminal lips and may occur in two areas simultaneously. The two lips, however, behave differently.
ventricular Optic ventricle appears and the neural groove/tube space is initially filled with amniotic fluid.[2]}

You uneducated, ignorant fucking retard.

An animal can have a heartbeat.
Heartbeats are not what makes something valuable.
Only sentience does, and that does not likely happen even after birth, but sometime later.
so if no one wanted YOU

it would be OK to kill you?

Ok.. If you are in the "unwanted" group.. and if the country ever turns commie (and its on its way)... they will look for people like you first.. you know, people who don't mind dying.. and are "unwanted" anyway.. and you will happily oblige them because you believe all unwanted people should die.

Abortion is removal of a parasite, not murder.
The fact the aborted fetus can not survive on its own is proof of that.
An animal can have a heartbeat.
Heartbeats are not what makes something valuable.
Only sentience does, and that does not likely happen even after birth, but sometime later.

Which is irrelevant.

You ghouls are science denying fools. But we have ways, such as DNA, where we can determine species.

I have never known of a human woman, who carried an animal in her womb.

I understand, you want to kill without restraint and without remorse for your acts. So you seek to dehumanize your victims. A hundred years ago, Sanger and her creepy fellow travelers like Adolf Hitler got away with it to some degree. But now we have this,


We know what's inside - you ghouls can no longer lie - all you can do is deny science.
Abortion is removal of a parasite
Objectively false.

Go fuck yourself, you insane bigoted filth. You have never opened a science book in your life, so use that when you go to fuck yourself, just start cramming textbooks up there.

That’s the only way someone like you could use a book, it seems.
It's pretending there even is a God that is unreasonable. Do you have an argument that doesn't invoke fairytales?
Does your bigotry make it easier for you to disdain human life? Go on, keep revealing your character. :rolleyes:
Does your bigotry make it easier for you to disdain human life? Go on, keep revealing your character. :rolleyes:
Does hurt feelings make it easier for you to dismiss my question? What part of belief in God is reasonable if that's the basis for your argument? I'm willing to hear you out.
I don't think it would be OK to kill me but admittedly I am biased about my own life in a way that a fetus is unable to be.

Well... maybe we are making progress.. progress away from being a mere hack for the D party?

Btw, i don't particularly like hacks regardless of party
Does your bigotry make it easier for you to disdain human life? Go on, keep revealing your character. :rolleyes:
good point. Even atheists are against abortion.. Maybe not a lot of them, but you hear about it now and then..

God bless them
Well... maybe we are making progress.. progress away from being a mere hack for the D party?

Btw, i don't particularly like hacks regardless of party
I don't care about political parties beyond their usefulness in achieving my political goals
Does hurt feelings make it easier for you to dismiss my question? What part of belief in God is reasonable if that's the basis for your argument? I'm willing to hear you out.
It is more reasonable than NOT believing..

The sun is just the right distance from the earth that we don't burn up or freeze to death.. Explain that happening by chance.. and I could go on and on w/ other examples..

But as St Augustine said.. Do not try to understand in order to believe but believe in order to understand

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