Most Americans support heartbeat bill (no abortion after heartbeat heard). Pro-aborts are lying to America


The retard vomits out more ignorance.

In the west, the advance peoples have developed these machines (which you no doubt would think are magic) that can actually see the baby in the womb.

They are called "sonograms." I won't explain how they work, you wouldn't understand.

Nevertheless, we can actually "see" the heart of the fetus in the rhythm of circulation as early as 6 weeks gestation.

That your chicken bones and other rituals don't reveal this to you is really quite irrelevant.
Unless it's a time machine thats not a heart its "seeing". 😄
I’m sorry, you non-cellular bundle of something, I don’t know how you’re typing text but whatever you are, you’re at best someone’s property but regardless likely just some kind of malicious bit of computer code that should be deleted with extreme prejudice.

It makes sense as an inorganic troll virus designed to spew nonsense you wouldn’t understand what biology is, but for everyone else here typing, we’re presumably human beings, and that means having a body comprised of cells.
Explain some more how you're only a bunch of cells. It will never stop being funny. 😄
Of course it is.
Dr. Nisha Verma, a physician who provides abortion services and a fellow at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said the activity measured on an ultrasound in early gestation is electrical impulses, not a true heartbeat.

“When I use the stethoscope to listen to a patient’s heart, that sound that I hear is that typical bum-bum-bum-bum that you hear as the heartbeat is created by the opening and closing of the cardiac valves.

I get it, you stand with that chick on MSNBC who think everybody's kids belong to society, not the just demand the women's baby factories get included. You're a closet socialist anitcha.
Dr. Nisha Verma, a physician who provides abortion services and a fellow at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said the activity measured on an ultrasound in early gestation is electrical impulses, not a true heartbeat.

Why do you believe a baby killer over someone who wants to protect human life?

Please stop typing oxymoronic retardation like this.

You could say “According to Nisha Verma, self-admitted contract killer…”
Oh you guys and your emotional outbreaks would be so cute if you weren't so dang blood thirsty yourselves.

I heard ya'll started a fetus fight in room 666. It's a bloody horror in there.
I’m sorry, you non-cellular bundle of something, I don’t know how you’re typing text but whatever you are - at best someone’s property, albeit worthless - you’re not alive and you don’t have any rights.

I guess it’s likely you’re just some malicious bit of computer code that should be deleted with extreme prejudice. It makes sense as an inorganic troll virus designed to spew nonsense you wouldn’t understand what biology is, but for everyone else here typing, we’re presumably human beings, and that means having a body comprised of cells.

You might have a point.

Goat Curious could be a a virus, an artificial stupidity routine....
Dr. Nisha Verma, a physician who provides abortion services and a fellow at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said the activity measured on an ultrasound in early gestation is electrical impulses, not a true heartbeat.

“When I use the stethoscope to listen to a patient’s heart, that sound that I hear is that typical bum-bum-bum-bum that you hear as the heartbeat is created by the opening and closing of the cardiac valves.

I get it, you stand with that chick on MSNBC who think everybody's kids belong to society, not the just demand the women's baby factories get included. You're a closet socialist anitcha.

Oh wow...

That reminds me of the physician Josef Mengele, who said "the Jews are not people, they feel no pain."

Funny how these two peas in a pod have such contempt for their victims.

I can think of no profession as shameful as that of an abortionist.

At least with a hit man, there is some chance the victim deserves their fate. Abortionists slaughter the innocent 100% of the time.

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