Most Americans support heartbeat bill (no abortion after heartbeat heard). Pro-aborts are lying to America

Oh wow...

That reminds me of the physician Josef Mengele, who said "the Jews are not people, they feel no pain."

Funny how these two peas in a pod have such contempt for their victims.

I can think of no profession as shameful as that of an abortionist.

At least with a hit man, there is some chance the victim deserves their fate. Abortionists slaughter the innocent 100% of the time.
Such are the disingenuous lies and false conflations of the society to socialize American women's wombs. Souless Commies.

Keep voting them out ladies, don't give up now.
Oh wow...

That reminds me of the physician Josef Mengele, who said "the Jews are not people, they feel no pain."

Funny how these two peas in a pod have such contempt for their victims.

I can think of no profession as shameful as that of an abortionist.

At least with a hit man, there is some chance the victim deserves their fate. Abortionists slaughter the innocent 100% of the time
very well said

If you don't value a fetus, you do not value any child. A fetus is a child.
Depends on if I had any thing to do with the it. I don't put as much value on or worry about someone else's developing fetus as I do or would worry about someone else's child, if I saw them in harms way. I would worry more about a developing 6 month old fetus, and mom, than I would a 6 week old one, but I'd still worry about the mom.
Depends on if I had any thing to do with the it. I don't put as much value on or worry about someone else's developing fetus as I do or would worry about someone else's child, if I saw them in harms way. I would worry more about a developing 6 month old fetus, and mom, than I would a 6 week old one, but I'd still worry about the mom.
age discrimination

you support that

If it grows and it is obviously human since it is from human origin

I know. We've established that pages ago.
why are you against "it"?
I'm not against it. It's not like I'm out here advocating for the murder of wanted fetuses. 😄 I don't care about it at all. Also I'm not a woman so I'll never have to be in that position. What I'm in favor of is allowing the woman it is gestating inside of to have the decision of whether she is for or against it.
Why do you want to kill "it"?
Answered above.
If you don't value a fetus, you do not value any child. A fetus is a child.
A fetus is not a child just as a child is not an adult.

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