Most Americans support heartbeat bill (no abortion after heartbeat heard). Pro-aborts are lying to America

How is it pumping blood without values? That's a rhetorical question.

The answer is: They call it a heartbeat as an emotional ploy. The Neo-GOP are suckers for emotional ploys you know. Is it a viable heart at six weeks?

It contracts and relaxes, moron.

Wow, the hoops you ghouls will jump through trying to justify your evil.

AND REMEMBER, around 10 weeks, the valves ARE developed.

BUT at least you weren't as dumb as that retard Goat Curious, claiming the baby had no heart.
There is very little you do know.

I mean, you're so fucking stupid you thought a baby at 6 weeks gestation lacked a heart.

It doesn't have a heart at six weeks. I'm happy to watch you flail around like a child however insisting that it does. 😄
From the very ones who tell conservatives, we only do what Fox tells us to!

Retards like Goat Curious follow the "magic vagina" theory.

In the broccoli stalk that substitutes for brain in these ghouls, women have a "blob of goo" inside of them, kind of like a bunch of snot. When they give birth, the magic vagina transmogrifies the lump of cells into baby as it passes through. That's why in their damaged thinking, it isn't a baby until delivered.

These are very simple, and stupid people.
Oh, okay. You’re inorganic. You’re not a living organism at all. Got it.

Cool. Then as a non-human non-person bundle of minerals or whatever that is somehow typing it’s okay to destroy you so you shut the fuck up. Good to know.
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It doesn't have a heart at six weeks. I'm happy to watch you flail around like a child however insisting that it does. 😄

The retard vomits out more ignorance.

In the west, the advance peoples have developed these machines (which you no doubt would think are magic) that can actually see the baby in the womb.

They are called "sonograms." I won't explain how they work, you wouldn't understand.

Nevertheless, we can actually "see" the heart of the fetus in the rhythm of circulation as early as 6 weeks gestation.

That your chicken bones and other rituals don't reveal this to you is really quite irrelevant.
Oh, okay. You’re inorganic. Cool.
Are those the only two options you can fathom? I knew you to be cognitively limited but I underestimated to what extent.
Then as a non-human non-person bundle of minerals or whatever that is somehow typing it’s okay to destroy you so you shut the fuck up. Good to know.
Not just cells mean not human to you? You clowns are so binary in your thinking.
It contracts and relaxes, moron.
It's not a heartbeat. There is no heartbeat sound to hear at 6 weeks.

Aren't all the other internal organs also beginning to develop a grow too?

Some people get married and want to have kids, some don't.

I didn't like the idea that my kids belong to society more than my family when that MSNBC pundant said it, and I don't like the idea that individual baby factories belong to society either.
Are those the only two options you can fathom? I knew you to be cognitively limited but I underestimated to what extent.

Not just cells mean not human to you? You clowns are so binary in your thinking.

Isn't that your claim?

That a woman has nothing more than a "lump of cells" until the magic vagina mystically transmogrifies the non-living substance into a baby as it passes through?


You're such a simpleton.
It's not a heartbeat.

Of course it is.

It's just not politically convenient for you. But biology isn't interested in your political agenda.

There is no heartbeat sound to hear at 6 weeks.

Yet a sonogram, which uses sound, still clearly shows the beating heart.

Aren't all the other internal organs also beginning to develop a grow too?


Some people get married and want to have kids, some don't.

Right, if only there were some way to prevent pregnancy, then abortion wouldn't be needed.

But the ghoul doctrine says that only pregnancy and abortion exist, it's one or the other..

I didn't like the idea that my kids belong to society more than my family when that MSNBC pundant said it, and I don't like the idea that individual baby factories belong to society either.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

You lose to the science and take off on some utterly irrelevant tangent.
Are those the only two options you can fathom? I knew you to be cognitively limited but I underestimated to what extent.

Not just cells mean not human to you? You clowns are so binary in your thinking.
I’m sorry, you non-cellular bundle of something, I don’t know how you’re typing text but whatever you are - at best someone’s property, albeit worthless - you’re not alive and you don’t have any rights.

I guess it’s likely you’re just some malicious bit of computer code that should be deleted with extreme prejudice. It makes sense as an inorganic troll virus designed to spew nonsense you wouldn’t understand what biology is, but for everyone else here typing, we’re presumably human beings, and that means having a body comprised of cells.

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