Most Americans support heartbeat bill (no abortion after heartbeat heard). Pro-aborts are lying to America

No, I wouldn't try to convince any woman seeking an abortion.

If a woman didn't want one, you'd no doubt try and talk her into one, correct?

But I will and have stated my position which is consistent with Canada's majority views.

That is, socially responsible government that pursues social answers that can work to eliminate the need for abortions.

So the "socially responsible" thing to do (for the plebs) is to kill your offspring.

Abortion isn't a desirable outcome for anybody.

It is for the left.

I'm just sorry that the Dems can't adopt that position in America.

It's mostly on account of the D's and the R's needing to fight fire with fire. Or extremism with opposite extremism.

The civil war that America is in will sort it out, one way or the other.
Why does the Texas Bill call it Cardiac Activity and not a heartbeat?

Feelwings, of course

"Proponents of Texas’ new near-total ban on abortions call it the “heartbeat bill.”

The name references the point in time at around six weeks’ gestation when the embryo’s cardiac activity can first be detected by an ultrasound — which under the new law triggers a block on an abortion. But medical and reproductive health experts say the reference to a heartbeat at that stage of a pregnancy is medically inaccurate as an embryo does not have a developed heart at six weeks’ gestation.

Still, the moniker has helped rally supporters around the law in Texas and nationwide where other states are considering similar legislation."

Dr. Nisha Verma, a physician who provides abortion services and a fellow at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, said the activity measured on an ultrasound in early gestation is electrical impulses, not a true heartbeat.

“When I use the stethoscope to listen to a patient’s heart, that sound that I hear is that typical bum-bum-bum-bum that you hear as the heartbeat is created by the opening and closing of the cardiac valves. And at six weeks of gestation, those valves don’t exist,” Verma said.

Got it.

So the phalanges that the baby have are not fingers because finger nails have not yet developed.

You ghouls are such absurd scum.

Yes, it is the babies heart - yes, it is pumping blood. Even though not fully developed at 6 weeks. Oh, and your ghoul propaganda means little, because around 10 weeks, the valves have developed.
But I will and have stated my position which is consistent with Canada's majority views.
so you never make a decision unless some majority supports it (or would if they knew about it)?

Wow.. Whatever happened to thinking for oneself?

just wondering
It's amazing you can post and not have a brain

Amazing how fucking stupid you are.

Take a biology class, retard.
I have. I also grew up in a family that includes a neo-natal specialist, a pediatric surgeon and a pediatrician. What you're hearing in the first 6 weeks isn't actually a heart beat because obviously a heart hasn't developed in 6 friggin weeks... 😄
I have. I also grew up in a family that includes a neo-natal specialist, a pediatric surgeon and a pediatrician. What you're hearing in the first 6 weeks isn't actually a heart beat because obviously a heart hasn't developed in 6 friggin weeks... 😄
What is alive grows

until it dies or is killed

so there's that.

Whatever it is that beats.. doesn't even matter. What is alive grows

until you kill it
As everyone can see.. there is a pressing need for further development at EVERY age

We see this fact on usmb every day.. multiple times per day..
Yes. Some of you need to mature past the immaculate conception and join the rest of us here in the land of biology and science.
What is alive grows

until it dies or is killed

so there's that.

Whatever it is that beats.. doesn't even matter. What is alive grows

until you kill it
I don't care about killing fetuses. Neither does baby Jesus. He says fuck those little gits. 😄
Yes. Some of you need to mature past the immaculate conception and join the rest of us here in the land of biology and science.
Biology like....

What is alive grows

until it dies or is killed

Whatever it is that beats.. doesn't even matter. What is alive grows

until you kill it
I have. I also grew up in a family that includes a neo-natal specialist, a pediatric surgeon and a pediatrician. What you're hearing in the first 6 weeks isn't actually a heart beat because obviously a heart hasn't developed in 6 friggin weeks... 😄

Then you should have learned that the heart develops around 6 weeks gestation.

But instead you showed your ignorance, dishonesty, or both.
Got it.

So the phalanges that the baby have are not fingers because finger nails have not yet developed.

You ghouls are such absurd scum.

Yes, it is the babies heart - yes, it is pumping blood. Even though not fully developed at 6 weeks. Oh, and your ghoul propaganda means little, because around 10 weeks, the valves have developed.

How is it pumping blood without values? That's a rhetorical question.

The answer is: They call it a heartbeat as an emotional ploy. The Neo-GOP are suckers for emotional ploys you know. Is it a viable heart at six weeks?

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