Most Divisive President Ever: Class, Gender, Race, Party...what else?

Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

And what are you willing to compromise on, in order to work with the 'other side' and not be divisive yourself?

Working with the radical left means "bend over and grab your ankles"... fuck that shit. There's no compromising with the radical left.

Sounds like you been spending too much time in Airport rest rooms with Republican congressmen.
Obamination so far has....

Attacked Catholics over them not wanting to pay for women's condoms.

Really?? define "attacked" He proposed that religious institutions that provide health insurance provide coverage of birth control, that is hardly an "attack"

Attacked the police for questioning a black professor during a disturbance call.

They did NOT merely question him. They accused him of breaking into his own house and instead of leaving they drew him out into public to "continue their converstation" and then they ARRESTED him for a public disturbance instead of leaving the man in his home and admitting that they were WRONG.

Attacked the Supreme Court for even possibly reversing his Obamacare.

So when a rightwinger is worried and complains about activists courts that is ok?? Thanks for the hypocrisy.

Attacked the military with huge budget cuts this year and through the FYDP, while not decreasing ops tempo.

LOL Who controls the purse strings?? Isn't that congress? Who controls the house?

Attacked oil companies for his own policies which are driving up costs.

what policies are those?? Specifics please if you have any.

Attacked unions in the coal and oil industries by stopping key projects that employ them.

but I thought he cowtowed to the unions?? LOL

Attacked Republicans for not wanting to help him drive the country off a cliff.

Only because they were too busy grabbing the wheel and turning towards the cliff because they believe that obama would get blamed. Besides that when you have a republican party whose primary goal is to make obama a one term president it's kind of hard ot be nice to the guy stabbing you in the back.

And your hatred of Obama?

This requires some definition, for your edification.

(of a person or their judgment) Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Consistent with that definition, which, I'm certain, you will find acceptable...
I am objective.

And, as you are a shade less than articulate, you probably mean, by hatred, my extreme displeasure with the policies and effectuation of his presidency....
...guilty as charged.

So, I don't hate the man, am objective, and would do whatever I could to make certain that America doesn't make the same mistake it made in 2008.

Got it?

I know what the word means.

See the bolded part....Yeah, I believe you when it comes to Obama that you take your personal feelings out of the seriously, I do...:lol:

Oh, no it's hatred. How else do you explain the plethora of OTT threads you have started over the past few years? Well, it's either hatred or obssession. Take your pick.

it's really funny watching PC try to preach objectivity.


I've personally never seen this much divisiveness ever in this country.
Obamination so far has....

Attacked Catholics over them not wanting to pay for women's condoms.

Attacked the police for questioning a black professor during a disturbance call.

Attacked the Supreme Court for even possibly reversing his Obamacare.

Attacked the military with huge budget cuts this year and through the FYDP, while not decreasing ops tempo.

Attacked oil companies for his own policies which are driving up costs.

Attacked unions in the coal and oil industries by stopping key projects that employ them.

Attacked Republicans for not wanting to help him drive the country off a cliff.

You forgot Zimmerman. :cuckoo:
I've personally never seen this much divisiveness ever in this country.

Me neither. Not much of an effort from anybody to bring us together either, far as I can tell. Lotta talk, but no cooperation or real effort.
I've personally never seen this much divisiveness ever in this country.

All started when Clinton beat Bush 1. The GOP never got over it. Never gave him an ounce of respect. They went on full attack and never gave him any respect. Never stopped playing politics. Remember how they said he was a socialist too? Remember how they said Hillary was the most polarizing person? Now its Obama and Michelle. :cuckoo:

They kept going after Clinton until they caught him on a petty lie anyone would have told. But gave Bush a pass on lying us into Iraq without any hearings? And meanwhile they were all having affairs themselves. Remember Larry Flynt exposed all of them? Bob Barr, Newt, etc. Only Dole wasn't cheating because he couldn't get it up.

And the GOP have obstructed the Dems at every turn. McConnell has broken the filabuster record. Talk about not compromising? And the tea baggers aren't reasonable. Everyone knows that. But you want to blame Obama for not being able to work with Michelle Bachmann? Are you serious?

The Dems have had to give in way too much to the GOP just to get anything done. We had to give you cuts just to raise the debt ceiling. We had to extend the bush tax breaks or you wouldn't extend unemployment benefits. And you stopped real healthcare reform from happening and now complain Obamacare isn't perfect?

And things have become divisive because you are trying to cut our social security and kill our unions. Send our jobs overseas and ask us to pay more so the rich can pay less while we are struggling and they've never been richer.

The GOP have purposely chosen these wedge issues to divide us. God, gays, guns and racism. Now they are trying to win over women. Smart move but not gonna work. Real women aren't that dumb.
I've personally never seen this much divisiveness ever in this country.

All started when Clinton beat Bush 1. The GOP never got over it. Never gave him an ounce of respect. They went on full attack and never gave him any respect. Never stopped playing politics. Remember how they said he was a socialist too? Remember how they said Hillary was the most polarizing person? Now its Obama and Michelle. :cuckoo:

They kept going after Clinton until they caught him on a petty lie anyone would have told. But gave Bush a pass on lying us into Iraq without any hearings? And meanwhile they were all having affairs themselves. Remember Larry Flynt exposed all of them? Bob Barr, Newt, etc. Only Dole wasn't cheating because he couldn't get it up.

And the GOP have obstructed the Dems at every turn. McConnell has broken the filabuster record. Talk about not compromising? And the tea baggers aren't reasonable. Everyone knows that. But you want to blame Obama for not being able to work with Michelle Bachmann? Are you serious?

The Dems have had to give in way too much to the GOP just to get anything done. We had to give you cuts just to raise the debt ceiling. We had to extend the bush tax breaks or you wouldn't extend unemployment benefits. And you stopped real healthcare reform from happening and now complain Obamacare isn't perfect?

And things have become divisive because you are trying to cut our social security and kill our unions. Send our jobs overseas and ask us to pay more so the rich can pay less while we are struggling and they've never been richer.

The GOP have purposely chosen these wedge issues to divide us. God, gays, guns and racism. Now they are trying to win over women. Smart move but not gonna work. Real women aren't that dumb.
Lies are far from petty when they are under oath, fuckwit.
I've personally never seen this much divisiveness ever in this country.

Me neither. Not much of an effort from anybody to bring us together either, far as I can tell. Lotta talk, but no cooperation or real effort.

Clinton years weren't much different. And I think us Liberals were just as pissed off as you guys are after Bush stole florida. The corporate media just squashed the story quickly and you actually think Gore tried to steal the 2000 election I'm sure. :cuckoo:

Then when Bush lied us into Iraq, sent 7 million union jobs overseas and then stole the 2004 election. You probably consider those the glory days but we weren't very happy then.

1969 was a pretty divisive year. Civil rights, unions, viet nam and hippies.

The Civil war was pretty bad too.
I've personally never seen this much divisiveness ever in this country.

All started when Clinton beat Bush 1. The GOP never got over it. Never gave him an ounce of respect. They went on full attack and never gave him any respect. Never stopped playing politics. Remember how they said he was a socialist too? Remember how they said Hillary was the most polarizing person? Now its Obama and Michelle. :cuckoo:

They kept going after Clinton until they caught him on a petty lie anyone would have told. But gave Bush a pass on lying us into Iraq without any hearings? And meanwhile they were all having affairs themselves. Remember Larry Flynt exposed all of them? Bob Barr, Newt, etc. Only Dole wasn't cheating because he couldn't get it up.

And the GOP have obstructed the Dems at every turn. McConnell has broken the filabuster record. Talk about not compromising? And the tea baggers aren't reasonable. Everyone knows that. But you want to blame Obama for not being able to work with Michelle Bachmann? Are you serious?

The Dems have had to give in way too much to the GOP just to get anything done. We had to give you cuts just to raise the debt ceiling. We had to extend the bush tax breaks or you wouldn't extend unemployment benefits. And you stopped real healthcare reform from happening and now complain Obamacare isn't perfect?

And things have become divisive because you are trying to cut our social security and kill our unions. Send our jobs overseas and ask us to pay more so the rich can pay less while we are struggling and they've never been richer.

The GOP have purposely chosen these wedge issues to divide us. God, gays, guns and racism. Now they are trying to win over women. Smart move but not gonna work. Real women aren't that dumb.
Lies are far from petty when they are under oath, fuckwit.

If I asked you under oath if you ever jacked off to gay porn, would you lie and say no? Bet you would. And no one should impeach you for it. Petty.

I say its a lot worse to lie to the American public during your state of the union address and lie us into a war that caused millions of deaths and bankrupted the country.

You think its ok because Bush wasn't under oath? He was looking you straight in the eye.

Oh yea, its not technically illegal for a person to lie unless under oath. :cuckoo:

Want proof Chaney/Bush lied? Remember Chaney suggested that Saddam had something to do with the anthrax mailings? What possible proof did he have of that? Answer, ZERO. He lied!
All started when Clinton beat Bush 1. The GOP never got over it. Never gave him an ounce of respect. They went on full attack and never gave him any respect. Never stopped playing politics. Remember how they said he was a socialist too? Remember how they said Hillary was the most polarizing person? Now its Obama and Michelle. :cuckoo:

They kept going after Clinton until they caught him on a petty lie anyone would have told. But gave Bush a pass on lying us into Iraq without any hearings? And meanwhile they were all having affairs themselves. Remember Larry Flynt exposed all of them? Bob Barr, Newt, etc. Only Dole wasn't cheating because he couldn't get it up.

And the GOP have obstructed the Dems at every turn. McConnell has broken the filabuster record. Talk about not compromising? And the tea baggers aren't reasonable. Everyone knows that. But you want to blame Obama for not being able to work with Michelle Bachmann? Are you serious?

The Dems have had to give in way too much to the GOP just to get anything done. We had to give you cuts just to raise the debt ceiling. We had to extend the bush tax breaks or you wouldn't extend unemployment benefits. And you stopped real healthcare reform from happening and now complain Obamacare isn't perfect?

And things have become divisive because you are trying to cut our social security and kill our unions. Send our jobs overseas and ask us to pay more so the rich can pay less while we are struggling and they've never been richer.

The GOP have purposely chosen these wedge issues to divide us. God, gays, guns and racism. Now they are trying to win over women. Smart move but not gonna work. Real women aren't that dumb.
Lies are far from petty when they are under oath, fuckwit.

If I asked you under oath if you ever jacked off to gay porn, would you lie and say no? Bet you would. And no one should impeach you for it. Petty.

I say its a lot worse to lie to the American public during your state of the union address and lie us into a war that caused millions of deaths and bankrupted the country.

You think its ok because Bush wasn't under oath? He was looking you straight in the eye.

Oh yea, its not technically illegal for a person to lie unless under oath. :cuckoo:

Want proof Chaney/Bush lied? Remember Chaney suggested that Saddam had something to do with the anthrax mailings? What possible proof did he have of that? Answer, ZERO. He lied!
But, that's not what he was asked, dickweed.

Clinton committed a felony.

No president is above the law.

Suck it up, deal with it, and stop your fucking crying about it.
Lies are far from petty when they are under oath, fuckwit.

If I asked you under oath if you ever jacked off to gay porn, would you lie and say no? Bet you would. And no one should impeach you for it. Petty.

I say its a lot worse to lie to the American public during your state of the union address and lie us into a war that caused millions of deaths and bankrupted the country.

You think its ok because Bush wasn't under oath? He was looking you straight in the eye.

Oh yea, its not technically illegal for a person to lie unless under oath. :cuckoo:

Want proof Chaney/Bush lied? Remember Chaney suggested that Saddam had something to do with the anthrax mailings? What possible proof did he have of that? Answer, ZERO. He lied!
But, that's not what he was asked, dickweed.

Clinton committed a felony.

No president is above the law.

Suck it up, deal with it, and stop your fucking crying about it.

Bush not only committed treason but war crimes. Are you kidding me? He should be in prison. Clinton got what he deserved. A slap on the wrist and his popularity went up.

And I'm not just tlaking about Iraq. Remember GW outted a CIA agent Valerie Plames?

Media Matters for America

George H.W. Bush, the president's father, was the head of the CIA, and he has said that outing a CIA agent is treason.

His son committed treason. Libby took the fall.
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

Obama has very few, if any, true successes while in office, he can only win playing divisive cards, splitting the country, promising free stuff to gullible voters and hoping Democrats can be fooled.. yet again.
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

Obama has very few, if any, true successes while in office, he can only win playing divisive cards, splitting the country, promising free stuff to gullible voters and hoping Democrats can be fooled.. yet again.

Why are you complaining? You guys didn't want him to get anything he wanted done.

And what did Bush get done? A lot. And it all led us into the Great Recession.

Got hit on 9-11.

Put us in 2 10 year long wars and didn't win them.

Passed tax breaks for the rich while fighting two wars? Never been done before. Helped create those deficits.

Never got Bin Ladin.


The TARP bank collapse was on his watch, remember?

Sent 10 million jobs overseas which also helped cause the crash.

Turned surpluses into deficits and doubled the debt.

Passed deregulations that helped cause the crash. Deregulated the mortgage industry and banks.

Completely ignored our infrastructure for 8 years as it was falling apart.

Patriot Act

Great record. :cuckoo:

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