Most Divisive President Ever: Class, Gender, Race, Party...what else?

If I asked you under oath if you ever jacked off to gay porn, would you lie and say no? Bet you would. And no one should impeach you for it. Petty.

I say its a lot worse to lie to the American public during your state of the union address and lie us into a war that caused millions of deaths and bankrupted the country.

You think its ok because Bush wasn't under oath? He was looking you straight in the eye.

Oh yea, its not technically illegal for a person to lie unless under oath. :cuckoo:

Want proof Chaney/Bush lied? Remember Chaney suggested that Saddam had something to do with the anthrax mailings? What possible proof did he have of that? Answer, ZERO. He lied!
But, that's not what he was asked, dickweed.

Clinton committed a felony.

No president is above the law.

Suck it up, deal with it, and stop your fucking crying about it.

Bush not only committed treason but war crimes. Are you kidding me? He should be in prison. Clinton got what he deserved. A slap on the wrist and his popularity went up.

And I'm not just tlaking about Iraq. Remember GW outted a CIA agent Valerie Plames?

Media Matters for America

George H.W. Bush, the president's father, was the head of the CIA, and he has said that outing a CIA agent is treason.

His son committed treason. Libby took the fall.
No, I kid you not. Clinton committed a felony. He even lost his license to practice law over it.
You left out his most divisive act: turning half of america into a bunch of inept whiny communistards.

He's wicked, evil, authoritarian. That guy is carrying an old grudge (probably from his childhood). Beware, it appears he is beginning to go insane. He sure looks medicated sometimes, he has that dopey SSRI zombie look in his eyes. Notice how he can barely speak sometimes? He will become even more dangerous and cause even more damage if allowed to. There seems to be a madness spreading among many humans lately. Look at how many adults have become incapable of supporting and providing for themselves lately. I think they have mad human disease. Beware, don't eat them once the chaos begins. Don't feed them to your dogs either.
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

Obama has very few, if any, true successes while in office, he can only win playing divisive cards, splitting the country, promising free stuff to gullible voters and hoping Democrats can be fooled.. yet again.

Why are you complaining? You guys didn't want him to get anything he wanted done.

And what did Bush get done? A lot. And it all led us into the Great Recession.

Got hit on 9-11.

Put us in 2 10 year long wars and didn't win them.

Passed tax breaks for the rich while fighting two wars? Never been done before. Helped create those deficits.

Never got Bin Ladin.


The TARP bank collapse was on his watch, remember?

Sent 10 million jobs overseas which also helped cause the crash.

Turned surpluses into deficits and doubled the debt.

Passed deregulations that helped cause the crash. Deregulated the mortgage industry and banks.

Completely ignored our infrastructure for 8 years as it was falling apart.

Patriot Act

Great record. :cuckoo:

Well, first of all Bush won't be on the ballot, unless after Obama name it say's, (it was all Bush's fault, trust me)

I'd debate on each line of your list but what's the point, really.?
Most Divisive President Ever: Class, Gender, Race, Party...what else?


[ame=]Is Obama Still Smoking? - YouTube[/ame]
He's the most divisive after the other most divisive President that the right had a bitch fest over..Bill Clinton.

Who they impeached.

This Democrat is worse for the right because he is black..

The right feel they have a birthright to power..especially in the white house. And elections shouldn't stop that.
Obama has very few, if any, true successes while in office, he can only win playing divisive cards, splitting the country, promising free stuff to gullible voters and hoping Democrats can be fooled.. yet again.

Why are you complaining? You guys didn't want him to get anything he wanted done.

And what did Bush get done? A lot. And it all led us into the Great Recession.

Got hit on 9-11.

Put us in 2 10 year long wars and didn't win them.

Passed tax breaks for the rich while fighting two wars? Never been done before. Helped create those deficits.

Never got Bin Ladin.


The TARP bank collapse was on his watch, remember?

Sent 10 million jobs overseas which also helped cause the crash.

Turned surpluses into deficits and doubled the debt.

Passed deregulations that helped cause the crash. Deregulated the mortgage industry and banks.

Completely ignored our infrastructure for 8 years as it was falling apart.

Patriot Act

Great record. :cuckoo:

Well, first of all Bush won't be on the ballot, unless after Obama name it say's, (it was all Bush's fault, trust me)

I'd debate on each line of your list but what's the point, really.?

There is no point...really.

[ame=]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

Bush was an abject failure as a President.
Is Barack Obama the most divisive president of all time? Look at the "wars" he and his followers have helped flame recently!!!

Gender: Stay at home moms, birth control, abortion
Class: Rich vs Poor
Race: Need I explain?
Party: Again, need I explain?
Citizenship: Citizen vs non-citizen

He has done more to divide our 300,000,000+ people into smaller groups opposed to each other than any president or leader I've ever seen.

I have never felt such a divide in this country like we have now.

Someone has been saying that since the birth of the Republic.
He's the most divisive after the other most divisive President that the right had a bitch fest over..Bill Clinton.

Who they impeached.

This Democrat is worse for the right because he is black..

The right feel they have a birthright to power..especially in the white house. And elections shouldn't stop that.

A little early to be playing the race card, Swallow. And Bubba got himself impeached by his actions.
He's the most divisive after the other most divisive President that the right had a bitch fest over..Bill Clinton.

Who they impeached.

This Democrat is worse for the right because he is black..

The right feel they have a birthright to power..especially in the white house. And elections shouldn't stop that.

A little early to be playing the race card, Swallow. And Bubba got himself impeached by his actions.

Hey faggot. Haven't heard from ya in a while. Hows the japanese shit site going for ya?

Oh..and no swallow for little boy/girl. Makeup still fooling the sailors in Shanghai?
Why would a rational person "compromise" with a gang of thugs who want to loot and pillage this country?
Coveters creep me out too.

Here's my only compromise offer: you leave me alone and I won't have to abort you. You leave everyone alone and we won't have to abort you.

Don't let others force their religion upon you, whether it's christianity, islame, communism, socialism, whatever.

These parasitic and authoritarian personality types are a horrible evil threat to our freedom and prosperity and future. Once you let them put a rope around your neck, expect it to only get tighter until they break you and own your obedience..


I can't believe so many want a north korean lifestyle. We could end up with a North and South USA. Or maybe Easy and West.
But, that's not what he was asked, dickweed.

Clinton committed a felony.

No president is above the law.

Suck it up, deal with it, and stop your fucking crying about it.

Bush not only committed treason but war crimes. Are you kidding me? He should be in prison. Clinton got what he deserved. A slap on the wrist and his popularity went up.

And I'm not just tlaking about Iraq. Remember GW outted a CIA agent Valerie Plames?

Media Matters for America

George H.W. Bush, the president's father, was the head of the CIA, and he has said that outing a CIA agent is treason.

His son committed treason. Libby took the fall.
No, I kid you not. Clinton committed a felony. He even lost his license to practice law over it.

Yeah..supplying enemies with weapons to win an election..and funding terrorists behind the backs of congress? No great shakes.

[ame=]President Ronald Reagan - Address on Iran-Contra - YouTube[/ame]

Lets see..

Aid to an enemy. Check.
Aid to terrorists despite being refused by congress. Check.
Lying to the government. Check.
Lying to the public. Check.

Reagan was a treasonous bastard who caused misery to this country and around the world.

No impeachment.

Go fig.
He's the most divisive after the other most divisive President that the right had a bitch fest over..Bill Clinton.

Who they impeached.

This Democrat is worse for the right because he is black..

The right feel they have a birthright to power..especially in the white house. And elections shouldn't stop that.

A little early to be playing the race card, Swallow. And Bubba got himself impeached by his actions.

Hey. Haven't heard from ya in a while.

I'll take your avoidance as a concession on all points, Swallow.
I've personally never seen this much divisiveness ever in this country.

i don't know... perhaps divisiveness that led the right to impeach a sitting president for a BJ was divisive?

it was bad when bush was president. the difference is there wasn't the same level of derangement on the part of such a vocal segment of the

and you never heard of the senate saying they would intentionally sabotage bush. baby bush was a horrible president, but we at least rooted for him at the beginning.

... til he turned out to be a total failure.

so perhaps it's the lunacy of a senate majority leader who says his primary goal is making sure the president is re-elected...

or the lunacy of a GOP that turns against its own health care plan b/c it was signed by this president....

or the lunacy of the fact that some freaks are still discussing where the president was born, or saying he's a "socialist" (which is one of the stupidest things ever)... that you're seeing?

yeah, might be.
Last edited:

And your hatred of Obama?

This requires some definition, for your edification.

(of a person or their judgment) Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Consistent with that definition, which, I'm certain, you will find acceptable...
I am objective.

And, as you are a shade less than articulate, you probably mean, by hatred, my extreme displeasure with the policies and effectuation of his presidency....
...guilty as charged.

So, I don't hate the man, am objective, and would do whatever I could to make certain that America doesn't make the same mistake it made in 2008.

Got it?

I know what the word means.

See the bolded part....Yeah, I believe you when it comes to Obama that you take your personal feelings out of the seriously, I do...:lol:

Oh, no it's hatred. How else do you explain the plethora of OTT threads you have started over the past few years? Well, it's either hatred or obssession. Take your pick.

"How else do you explain the plethora of OTT threads you have started over the past few years?"

Grump.....are you sottally tober?

It's so could you not understand....????

I love the United States of America!
That’s how I roll.

Get it?
I've personally never seen this much divisiveness ever in this country.

i don't know... perhaps divisiveness that led the right to impeach a sitting president for a BJ was divisive?

it was bad when bush was president. the difference is there wasn't the same level of derangement on the part of such a vocal segment of the

and you never heard of the senate saying they would intentionally sabotage bush. baby bush was a horrible president, but we at least rooted for him at the beginning.

... til he turned out to be a total failure.

so perhaps it's the lunacy of a senate majority leader who says his primary goal is making sure the president is re-elected...

or the lunacy of a GOP that turns against its own health care plan b/c it was signed by this president....

or the lunacy of the fact that some freaks are still discussing where the president was born, or saying he's a "socialist" (which is one of the stupidest things ever)... that you're seeing?

yeah, might be.

What a crock of bullshit!
This requires some definition, for your edification.

(of a person or their judgment) Not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Consistent with that definition, which, I'm certain, you will find acceptable...
I am objective.

And, as you are a shade less than articulate, you probably mean, by hatred, my extreme displeasure with the policies and effectuation of his presidency....
...guilty as charged.

So, I don't hate the man, am objective, and would do whatever I could to make certain that America doesn't make the same mistake it made in 2008.

Got it?

I know what the word means.

See the bolded part....Yeah, I believe you when it comes to Obama that you take your personal feelings out of the seriously, I do...:lol:

Oh, no it's hatred. How else do you explain the plethora of OTT threads you have started over the past few years? Well, it's either hatred or obssession. Take your pick.

it's really funny watching PC try to preach objectivity.



You haven't noticed that I always document and give examples to support any posts?


Pay more attention in the may be a learning experience.
I've personally never seen this much divisiveness ever in this country.

i don't know... perhaps divisiveness that led the right to impeach a sitting president for a BJ was divisive?

it was bad when bush was president. the difference is there wasn't the same level of derangement on the part of such a vocal segment of the

and you never heard of the senate saying they would intentionally sabotage bush. baby bush was a horrible president, but we at least rooted for him at the beginning.

... til he turned out to be a total failure.

so perhaps it's the lunacy of a senate majority leader who says his primary goal is making sure the president is re-elected...

or the lunacy of a GOP that turns against its own health care plan b/c it was signed by this president....

or the lunacy of the fact that some freaks are still discussing where the president was born, or saying he's a "socialist" (which is one of the stupidest things ever)... that you're seeing?

yeah, might be.

What a crock of bullshit!

you can pretend that's true.

jroc the imbecile certainly agrees with you. :thup:
white people are the most divisive race by far white people are just the worse and the history of race relations prove that .

You might be half right. Obama has a white half. Lol

He is divided within himself. How profound.

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