Most Excellent- Portland Riot Cops Use Flash Grenades On Antifa


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Police in Portland, Oregon declared a civil disturbance on Saturday after counter-protesters from Antifa showed up at a downtown Patriot Prayer rally and threw projectiles at the police, resulting in the deployment of flash grenades.

Portland Police shoot riot control junk at antifa in downtown Portland. No sign of the Patriot Prayer group from here. Part 5#DefendPDX #AlloutPDX

4:22 PM - Aug 4, 2018 · Portland, OR

Breaking: Portland Police using flash grenades on antifa. #DefendPDX #AlloutPDX. Part 1

3:57 PM - Aug 4, 2018 · Portland, OR

"Civil Disturbance" Declared After Portland Riot Cops Use Flash Grenades On Antifa
Was anyone arrested? That's aggravated assault here, it's a 3rd-degree felony. No less than 5 years.
The intelligence community and police agencies are now realizing a nightmare, the open rise of the alt-left and socialists in the Republic of the United States.

Hug any honest, liberty loving American officers, they have a major domestic issue on their hands and it won't be easy to deal with in the short term. I hope the FBI and CIA are on top of the meddling going on by many nations, friend and foe...

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