Most hated news site right again, WHO admits covid vaccine linked to hearing loss


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2021

Well if you wondered why your ears started ringing after your gene therapy injection maybe this is the cause.
As much as you sheep don’t want to admit it, and for those of you who took the jab I hate to say it
you have taken your death card submission sooner rather than later. Use your heads do yo literally believe the gov. Would come out and tell you hey this is killing people!!! My lord freaks use your head!!

Wait until you rejects really find out the truth and what’ this is doing, some of you already are feeling the results you just can’t connect it to that jab yet.



Oh and the biggest new source u freaks hate was right too.

Right Again: WHO Admits Covid Vaccine Linked To Hearing Loss​

WHO investigating link between mRNA injections and tinnitus - a correlation highlighted by Infowars nearly a year ago​


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