most illegals on welfare

Stunner… Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare – Obama Wants to Up That Number | The Gateway Pundit

It figures. Most illegal immigrant families in the United States use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies.
Judicial Watch reported:

Surprise, surprise; Census Bureau data reveals that most U.S. families headed by illegal immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies. Even before the recession, immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, according to the extensive census data collected and analyzed by a nonpartisan Washington D.C. group dedicated to researching legal and illegal immigration in the U.S. The results, published this month in a lengthy report, are hardly surprising.Basically, the majority of households across the country benefiting from publicly-funded welfare programs are headed by immigrants, both legal and illegal. States where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62%), Texas, California and New York with 61% each and Pennsylvania(59%).The study focused on eight major welfare programs that cost the government $517 billion the year they were examined. They include Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the disabled, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), a nutritional program known as Women, Infants and Children (WIC), food stamps, free/reduced school lunch, public housing and health insurance for the poor (Medicaid).Food assistance and Medicaid are the programs most commonly used by illegal immigrants, mainly on behalf of their American-born children who get automatic citizenship.

Barack Obama wants to up that number.
The Obama Administration is using a Spanish soap opera format to push food stamps on illegal immigrants and Spanish-speaking Americans

"Barack Obama wants to up that number."

No he doesn't. Giving these people the ability to work legally will lower that number. Don't be a fucking idiot.
Stunner… Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare – Obama Wants to Up That Number | The Gateway Pundit

It figures. Most illegal immigrant families in the United States use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies.
Judicial Watch reported:

Surprise, surprise; Census Bureau data reveals that most U.S. families headed by illegal immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies. Even before the recession, immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, according to the extensive census data collected and analyzed by a nonpartisan Washington D.C. group dedicated to researching legal and illegal immigration in the U.S. The results, published this month in a lengthy report, are hardly surprising.Basically, the majority of households across the country benefiting from publicly-funded welfare programs are headed by immigrants, both legal and illegal. States where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62%), Texas, California and New York with 61% each and Pennsylvania(59%).The study focused on eight major welfare programs that cost the government $517 billion the year they were examined. They include Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the disabled, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), a nutritional program known as Women, Infants and Children (WIC), food stamps, free/reduced school lunch, public housing and health insurance for the poor (Medicaid).Food assistance and Medicaid are the programs most commonly used by illegal immigrants, mainly on behalf of their American-born children who get automatic citizenship.

Barack Obama wants to up that number.
The Obama Administration is using a Spanish soap opera format to push food stamps on illegal immigrants and Spanish-speaking Americans

"Barack Obama wants to up that number."

No he doesn't. Giving these people the ability to work legally will lower that number. Don't be a fucking idiot.

Maybe you should watch the video in the link, and then explain it, before you look so foolish.
You got that backwards. People like you use the term "anchor baby" in order to make yourselves feel good. It has no other significance. What those people in question actually are IN FACT is US citizens. Every bit as much as you.

Yes, they are us citizens.

I know. That's what I said.

Good then you must also agree with the rest of my post, that they are us citizens used as anchors by their parents to get the benefits of living in the U.S. anchor babies.
most illegals with children'

I doubt most illegals have children as most of the illegals are single men

Yes, they are. And in case you did not know it, in the Hispanic community, particularly the illegal Hispanic community, single parent households are an epidemic. Lots of single illegals, lots of fatherless anchor babies.
Stunner… Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare – Obama Wants to Up That Number | The Gateway Pundit

It figures. Most illegal immigrant families in the United States use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies.
Judicial Watch reported:

Surprise, surprise; Census Bureau data reveals that most U.S. families headed by illegal immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies. Even before the recession, immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, according to the extensive census data collected and analyzed by a nonpartisan Washington D.C. group dedicated to researching legal and illegal immigration in the U.S. The results, published this month in a lengthy report, are hardly surprising.Basically, the majority of households across the country benefiting from publicly-funded welfare programs are headed by immigrants, both legal and illegal. States where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62%), Texas, California and New York with 61% each and Pennsylvania(59%).The study focused on eight major welfare programs that cost the government $517 billion the year they were examined. They include Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the disabled, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), a nutritional program known as Women, Infants and Children (WIC), food stamps, free/reduced school lunch, public housing and health insurance for the poor (Medicaid).Food assistance and Medicaid are the programs most commonly used by illegal immigrants, mainly on behalf of their American-born children who get automatic citizenship.

Barack Obama wants to up that number.
The Obama Administration is using a Spanish soap opera format to push food stamps on illegal immigrants and Spanish-speaking Americans

"Barack Obama wants to up that number."

No he doesn't. Giving these people the ability to work legally will lower that number. Don't be a fucking idiot.

Maybe you should watch the video in the link, and then explain it, before you look so foolish.

Why do I have to explain it when you can't?
Stunner… Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare – Obama Wants to Up That Number | The Gateway Pundit

It figures. Most illegal immigrant families in the United States use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies.
Judicial Watch reported:

Surprise, surprise; Census Bureau data reveals that most U.S. families headed by illegal immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare programs on behalf of their American-born anchor babies. Even before the recession, immigrant households with children used welfare programs at consistently higher rates than natives, according to the extensive census data collected and analyzed by a nonpartisan Washington D.C. group dedicated to researching legal and illegal immigration in the U.S. The results, published this month in a lengthy report, are hardly surprising.Basically, the majority of households across the country benefiting from publicly-funded welfare programs are headed by immigrants, both legal and illegal. States where immigrant households with children have the highest welfare use rates are Arizona (62%), Texas, California and New York with 61% each and Pennsylvania(59%).The study focused on eight major welfare programs that cost the government $517 billion the year they were examined. They include Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the disabled, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), a nutritional program known as Women, Infants and Children (WIC), food stamps, free/reduced school lunch, public housing and health insurance for the poor (Medicaid).Food assistance and Medicaid are the programs most commonly used by illegal immigrants, mainly on behalf of their American-born children who get automatic citizenship.

Barack Obama wants to up that number.
The Obama Administration is using a Spanish soap opera format to push food stamps on illegal immigrants and Spanish-speaking Americans

"Barack Obama wants to up that number."

No he doesn't. Giving these people the ability to work legally will lower that number. Don't be a fucking idiot.
Yeah. Giving people with next to no employment skills should so wonders for their need for welfare. If anything, more attention will be drawn to the sorry lot they occupy, which will cause the OWS parasites to demand that the citizenry do more to provide for them.
Yes, they are us citizens.

I know. That's what I said.

Good then you must also agree with the rest of my post, that they are us citizens used as anchors by their parents to get the benefits of living in the U.S. anchor babies.

Try reading what was written, dopey. I said that the term has no actual meaning, no legal significance, outside of being a device for people like you and lilOloony to emote over something that frustrates you. LilOloony goes so far as to deny that such individuals are real citizens.
most illegals with children'

I doubt most illegals have children as most of the illegals are single men

Yes, they are. And in case you did not know it, in the Hispanic community, particularly the illegal Hispanic community, single parent households are an epidemic. Lots of single illegals, lots of fatherless anchor babies.

Link? Stats?
I know. That's what I said.

Good then you must also agree with the rest of my post, that they are us citizens used as anchors by their parents to get the benefits of living in the U.S. anchor babies.

Try reading what was written, dopey. I said that the term has no actual meaning, no legal significance, outside of being a device for people like you and lilOloony to emote over something that frustrates you. LilOloony goes so far as to deny that such individuals are real citizens.

Then you should not edit my posts, bitchtits. And the term anchor baby does have real meaning. It very accurately describes a significant problem with illegal immigration. And it makes cuntmouths like yourself upset. So it's great. I use it to define all litters pumped out by illegals. They are anchor babies. They may be us citizens, but they are also anchor babies. Hell, OWS parasites like yourself are us citizens, but you are also OWS parasites.
most illegals with children'

I doubt most illegals have children as most of the illegals are single men

Yes, they are. And in case you did not know it, in the Hispanic community, particularly the illegal Hispanic community, single parent households are an epidemic. Lots of single illegals, lots of fatherless anchor babies.

Link? Stats?

Google "single family households by race" and educate yourself.
And the term anchor baby does have real meaning. It very accurately describes a significant problem with illegal immigration. And it makes cuntmouths like yourself upset. So it's great. I use it to define all litters pumped out by illegals. They are anchor babies. They may be us citizens, but they are also anchor babies. Hell, OWS parasites like yourself are us citizens, but you are also OWS parasites.

Thanks for proving my point, shitstain. Your little rant there demonstrates exactly what that meaningless term is for. Little bitches like you just want to emote over a situation that frustrates you by trying to use an epithet against certain US citizens. Children born in the US are US citizens. If their parents are here illegally, they are illegal aliens. That's it. Instead of trying to cast aspersions against US citizens, you should focus all that energy (and whatever attention your rotten little pea brain can manage) on the real source of the problem - controlling our borders. You forfeit any claim that the term in question is not intended to be a slur when you refer to certain US citizens as dogs. That suggests to me that YOU do not deserve to be a citizen of my great nation.

I don't know what the hell you were talking about with the "OWS" nonsense. Your feeble little mind went right off the tracks at that point.

Your problem (well, one of them) is that you are far too weak for your mind to compete with your fear.
And the term anchor baby does have real meaning. It very accurately describes a significant problem with illegal immigration. And it makes cuntmouths like yourself upset. So it's great. I use it to define all litters pumped out by illegals. They are anchor babies. They may be us citizens, but they are also anchor babies. Hell, OWS parasites like yourself are us citizens, but you are also OWS parasites.

Thanks for proving my point, shitstain. Your little rant there demonstrates exactly what that meaningless term is for. Little bitches like you just want to emote over a situation that frustrates you by trying to use an epithet against certain US citizens. Children born in the US are US citizens. If their parents are here illegally, they are illegal aliens. That's it. Instead of trying to cast aspersions against US citizens, you should focus all that energy (and whatever attention your rotten little pea brain can manage) on the real source of the problem - controlling our borders. You forfeit any claim that the term in question is not intended to be a slur when you refer to certain US citizens as dogs. That suggests to me that YOU do not deserve to be a citizen of my great nation.

I don't know what the hell you were talking about with the "OWS" nonsense. Your feeble little mind went right off the tracks at that point.

Your problem (well, one of them) is that you are far too weak for your mind to compete with your fear.

You dumb fucking cumdumpster. The term anchor baby is not used to denigrate the child being used as an anchor. It is used to denigrate the parasitic parents of the anchor baby. You are one dumb motherfucker. It's like the term crack baby. It describes a baby whose mother smoked crack during the pregnancy. It does not denigrate the baby, it describes the baby. It denigrates the mother.

The term "OWS parasite" is just a term used to describe the class of shitstain losers that whine for others to pay their way. Other acceptable terms are "liberal", "democrat", "progressive", and "lefty". I simply prefer the term OWS parasite. It perfectly describes you dumbshits, who are not fit to be citizens of a third world shithole (which your presence would fuckup even further), let alone my great nation.
The term anchor baby is not used to denigrate the child being used as an anchor.

You are stupid, dishonest, or both. Most likely both. Read the hateful rants of lilOloony and her ilk here and then try to sell your bullshit to someone who's buying.
The term "OWS parasite" is just a term used to describe the class of shitstain losers that whine for others to pay their way. Other acceptable terms are "liberal", "democrat", "progressive", and "lefty". I simply prefer the term OWS parasite.

That has what to do with this topic, and what to do with me? Stop sniffing glue and try to concentrate.
The term anchor baby is not used to denigrate the child being used as an anchor.

You are stupid, dishonest, or both. Most likely both. Read the hateful rants of lilOloony and her ilk here and then try to sell your bullshit to someone who's buying.

You should use your mouth as a vagina, because it is worthless for much else. How does the term "anchor baby" denigrate the child being used as an anchor? What do you call a baby born with certain deficits due to the mothers crack use? Oh. A crack baby. Same fuckin thing you overly sensitive douchebag.

And quit editing my posts. That is dishonest.
The term "OWS parasite" is just a term used to describe the class of shitstain losers that whine for others to pay their way. Other acceptable terms are "liberal", "democrat", "progressive", and "lefty". I simply prefer the term OWS parasite.

That has what to do with this topic, and what to do with me? Stop sniffing glue and try to concentrate.

it is just a descriptive term, sort of like dumb asssplatter, which also describes you very well.

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