Most murderous states for 2021 are Blood Red

Then why does it only manifest as a problem in red states? Look at the murder rates. They are outrageous in red states. There are blue cities everywhere. Rural murder rates are high in red states. The distinguishing characteristic isn’t blue cities. They are everywhere. It’s the murderous culture in red states.

A study of 19th century judicial records completed in 1980 by Michael Hindus, a lawyer, found that from 1800 to 1860 the murder rate in South Carolina, an overwhelmingly rural, agrarian area, was four times higher than that of Massachusetts, then the most urban, industrial state. More than a century later, the difference persists in almost the same magnitude. In 1996, the murder rate in South Carolina was 9 per 100,000 people, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation; in Massachusetts it was 2.6 per 100,000 people.

High Southern homicide rates challenge a central theory of criminology, which predicts more murder in densely populated urban areas where crowding and poverty break down traditional social ties and values.

It doesn't only manifest as a problem in red states. It only manifests as a problem in red states IN YOUR POSTS. And that would be because you only give a shit about murder and other crimes as a way to promote your agenda. If you can't score points from it, you don't give a rat's ass about people dying.

Oh, also - and I realize this always confuses leftists, since they don't believe in math - but red states tend to have lower overall populations, which means that murder RATES are driven higher by each individual murder than they would be in a larger population.
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White privilege controlling these populations by way of Section 8 prisons without walls, segregating them from society and excluding them from socio-economic participation. What could possibly go wrong right?

More rubbish. They self-segregate, for one.
Deep red states are dying at the hands of murderers at record rates. Blue states have cities too moron. More of them than red states but they aren’t murdering their citizens like these cesspools.
Is Chicago a city run by republicans? :cuckoo: Leftists are truly a deranged group.
More rubbish. They self-segregate, for one.
History proves otherwise. They were segregated in the thirties, forties, and fifties, many as sharecroppers, and the only opportunity they had after the civil rights act, was government housing. Which forced them into segregation again. Our history is inarguable. You can't win this argument hot shot. History buried your argument.
Deep red states are dying at the hands of murderers at record rates. Blue states have cities too moron. More of them than red states but they aren’t murdering their citizens like these cesspools.

lol quit sniveling; it's your Party's base of deviants and thugs doing the most murders everywhere, in any state, and everybody knows it, moron.
History proves otherwise. They were segregated in the thirties, forties, and fifties, many as sharecroppers, and the only opportunity they had after the civil rights act, was government housing. Which forced them into segregation again. Our history is inarguable. You can't win this argument hot shot. History buried your argument.

Recent history shows what I said is fact; blacks and latinos don't like each other, and they don't like Asians or whites; they target them and force them out via violence and crime. You're either a liar or you don't live in the U.S.
lol quit sniveling; it's your Party's base of deviants and thugs doing the most murders everywhere, in any state, and everybody knows it, moron.

Recent history shows what I said is fact; blacks and latinos don't like each other, and they don't like Asians or whites; they target them and force them out via violence and crime. You're either a liar or you don't live in the U.S.
That's an argument used for distraction. Recent history has nothing to do with my previous post. Stop dodging. The conspiracy of section 8 back in the sixties, is the same section 8 today. Stop running from the argument. It makes you look weak.

Whether blacks and Latinos don't like each other, has nothing to do with the price of apples and this discussion.
That's an argument used for distraction. Recent history has nothing to do with my previous post. Stop dodging. The conspiracy of section 8 back in the sixties, is the same section 8 today. Stop running from the argument. It makes you look weak.

Whether blacks and Latinos don't like each other, has nothing to do with the price of apples and this discussion.

lol we already know you're clueless. 'Posting Last' with more rubbish doesn't help you, as most people already know what I said is true. 'You seem to beleive all poor people live in Section 8 housing, too, for some bizarre reason only you know. Most people avoid SEction 8 housing in areas dominated by blacks or latinos, dumbass. It's better to sleep in a car than get murdered by feral thugs any day.
That's an argument used for distraction. Recent history has nothing to do with my previous post. Stop dodging. The conspiracy of section 8 back in the sixties, is the same section 8 today. Stop running from the argument. It makes you look weak.

Whether blacks and Latinos don't like each other, has nothing to do with the price of apples and this discussion.
LOL it was created in 1974.
The rest of it…..NYC has one of the lowest crime rates for a major city. I’m not saying there is NO crime in blue states. I’m saying while usmb assholes post Chicago and California stories their precious red states are seeing citizen killed at much higher rates. They don’t care. Facts don’t matter. Only spin. Look at you throwing out cities with comparatively low murder rates like there is some extra problem there. You are wrong. Hell even Chicago has a lower murder rate than Memphis, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Birmingham and a host of other cities. Don’t be a rube.

The Bureau also warned readers that:

“…Some entities use the figures to compile rankings of cities and counties [which] lead to simplistic and/or incomplete analyses that often create misleading perceptions adversely affecting communities and their residents. Valid assessments are possible only with careful study and analysis of the range of unique conditions affecting each local law enforcement jurisdiction.
Okay, try and follow ME on this. "All states have cities, so that means the cities have nothing to do with the murder stats I REALLY want to validate my agenda!" is not logic.

I can acknowledge that all states have cities from now until forever, and it won't automatically lead to, "So we can just ignore that" the way you want it to. NOT all cities are run by deep-blue Democrats with insane politics. And, in fact, most state murder stats DO originate primarily in their big cities, no matter how you slice it.

So keep telling me how your simple-minded "I hate Republican, so that makes them BAAAAAAD!" viewpoint is true. I'll keep laughing at you.
So why do many more liberal cities in liberal states lead to a lower murder rate but these bastions of conservative states hit the highest murder rates? It’s not the few fucking liberals there joker. It’s the murderous culture of the right. Only in right wing nutville does a few liberals take down a whole state in murder rate but the concentration of them in liberal states makes it the safest places in America. You make no sense. You can’t explain the logic. It’s moronic.
It doesn't only manifest as a problem in red states. It only manifests as a problem in red states IN YOUR POSTS. And that would be because you only give a shit about murder and other crimes as a way to promote your agenda. If you can't score points from it, you don't give a rat's ass about people dying.

Oh, also - and I realize this always confuses leftists, since they don't believe in math - but red states tend to have lower overall populations, which means that murder RATES are driven higher by each individual murder than they would be in a larger population.
This POS board regularly talks about crime in California and Chicago when the math says the problem is in Alabama and in Mississippi. I’m not promoting an agenda I’m demonstrating the right wing machine ignores facts and is bent on disseminating deceiving propaganda.

Rates make everything equal math genius. For every 100,000 people California only sees 5 deaths a year. Mississippi sees 9 and Louisiana sees 12. It’s not even close.
lol quit sniveling; it's your Party's base of deviants and thugs doing the most murders everywhere, in any state, and everybody knows it, moron.
Then why are millions of liberals safe in blue states but the small groups in red states are ducking for their lives like it’s fucking Libiya in the 80s? Cuz the red state murder culture is epidemic.

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