Most of the civilized world thinks Hamas are terrorists


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
A list of countries that have rightly designated Hamas as subhuman terrorist animals.

“Hamas is widely popular in Palestinian society due to its anti-Israeli stance. The organization has carried out attacks against Israeli civilians, including suicide bombings and indiscriminate rocket attacks. These actions have led human rights groups to accuse it of war crimes, and Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Paraguay, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union[45] to designate Hamas as a terrorist organization.”
A list of countries that have rightly designated Hamas as subhuman terrorist animals.

“Hamas is widely popular in Palestinian society due to its anti-Israeli stance. The organization has carried out attacks against Israeli civilians, including suicide bombings and indiscriminate rocket attacks. These actions have led human rights groups to accuse it of war crimes, and Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Paraguay, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union[45] to designate Hamas as a terrorist organization.”
"Most of the civilized world thinks Hamas are terrorists"
Mostly because they are terrorists.
Racist Trilly Troll Raspberry letting us know how diseased he still is .
Pack your bags Racist Raspberry .
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List your medications Raspberry . Are you also taking hallucinatory drugs ?.
How often do you wash out your mouth ? Report to wash house for a hosing down
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A list of countries that have rightly designated Hamas as subhuman terrorist animals.

“Hamas is widely popular in Palestinian society due to its anti-Israeli stance. The organization has carried out attacks against Israeli civilians, including suicide bombings and indiscriminate rocket attacks. These actions have led human rights groups to accuse it of war crimes, and Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Paraguay, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union[45] to designate Hamas as a terrorist organization.”

That's why the Arabs never supported Hamas. They refuse a 2 state solution which is why Israel supported them.

Israel's unprecedented air, ground and sea offensive has killed more than 23,200 Palestinians, two-thirds of them women and children, Gaza's health ministry says. More than 59,000 people have been wounded.55 mins ago
Breaking News, World News and Video from Al Jazeera › liveblog
Israel's war on Gaza live: Israel bombs the south, kills dozens - Al Jazeera
Hamas was created by Israel to dilute support for the PLO. Now every attack by Hamas is justification for Israel to kill Palestinians. Israel is a terrorist state and more nations need to recognize that.

Back in the mid 1980s the Palestinian Muslims and Christians tried to stop the formation of Hamas.
That's why the Arabs never supported Hamas. They refuse a 2 state solution which is why Israel supported them.

Israel's unprecedented air, ground and sea offensive has killed more than 23,200 Palestinians, two-thirds of them women and children, Gaza's health ministry says. More than 59,000 people have been wounded.55 mins ago
Breaking News, World News and Video from Al Jazeera › liveblog
Israel's war on Gaza live: Israel bombs the south, kills dozens - Al Jazeera
More bull. Which Arabs / Muslims are you talking about? Iran literally bankrolls Hamas and Hezbollah, and other countries like Turkey, Qatar and Yemen openly support them. Hamas enjoys overwhelming support among The Palestinian people, even today after the destruction they brought about as a result of Oct. 7. Many animals on this board on your side and the protests you attend call them freedom fighters.


So excuse us if nobody gives a shit, the Palestinians themselves are as guilty as Hamas. If they were a decent people, they would hit the streets and fight Hamas‘ oppression and corruption, as the Iranian people have done.

Until then, you cannot separate Hamas from the Palestinian people.
A list of countries that have rightly designated Hamas as subhuman terrorist animals.

“Hamas is widely popular in Palestinian society due to its anti-Israeli stance. The organization has carried out attacks against Israeli civilians, including suicide bombings and indiscriminate rocket attacks. These actions have led human rights groups to accuse it of war crimes, and Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Paraguay, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union[45] to designate Hamas as a terrorist organization.”

In the United States, terrorism is defined as consisting of activities that "involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State….intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; influence the policy of a government by intimidation; or…affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping." The EU definition of terrorism is similar.

Since there was no rational basis for thinking the Oct 7 attack, or any other attack by Hamas, would bring about any changes in Israeli policy or actions that might be beneficial to the Palestinians, does calling them terrorists bestow any unwarranted legitimacy on them as a political movement when, in reality, they are just committing hate crimes?
More bull. Which Arabs / Muslims are you talking about? Iran literally bankrolls Hamas and Hezbollah, and other countries like Turkey, Qatar and Yemen openly support them. Hamas enjoys overwhelming support among The Palestinian people, even today after the destruction they brought about as a result of Oct. 7. Many animals on this board on your side and the protests you attend call them freedom fighters.


So excuse us if nobody gives a shit, the Palestinians themselves are as guilty as Hamas. If they were a decent people, they would hit the streets and fight Hamas‘ oppression and corruption, as the Iranian people have done.

Until then, you cannot separate Hamas from the Palestinian people.

The Palestinians can't fight Israeli oppression and Hamas. They are mostly just families.

In the United States, terrorism is defined as consisting of activities that "involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State….intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; influence the policy of a government by intimidation; or…affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping." The EU definition of terrorism is similar.

Since there was no rational basis for thinking the Oct 7 attack, or any other attack by Hamas, would bring about any changes in Israeli policy or actions that might be beneficial to the Palestinians, does calling them terrorists bestow any unwarranted legitimacy on them as a political movement when, in reality, they are just committing hate crimes?

Hamas has provoked Israel in to massive slaughter. Now Israel is attacking southern Lebanon... Yemen is blowing up Red Sea traffic. What's the end game?
Hamas has provoked Israel in to massive slaughter. Now Israel is attacking southern Lebanon... Yemen is blowing up Red Sea traffic. What's the end game?
Never an honest word from you. The endgame is the destruction of Hamas in Gaza and around the world; Hezbollah's retreat from the border, and with regard to the Houthi, nothing can be done until Biden grows a pair and makes good on his promise to end the Houthi's criminal activities in the Red Sea or gives Israel a green light to take care of it.
The Palestinians can't fight Israeli oppression and Hamas. They are mostly just families.
Aw boo hoo. The same families that still overwhelmingly support Hamas and willingly let Hamas turn their little kids into suicide bombers and Hamas fighters.
A list of countries that have rightly designated Hamas as subhuman terrorist animals.

“Hamas is widely popular in Palestinian society due to its anti-Israeli stance. The organization has carried out attacks against Israeli civilians, including suicide bombings and indiscriminate rocket attacks. These actions have led human rights groups to accuse it of war crimes, and Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Paraguay, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union[45] to designate Hamas as a terrorist organization.”
They're designated as terrorists, but more fittingly, they're a criminal gang that seek greater power, but not govern.
"Most of the civilized world thinks Hamas are terrorists"
Mostly because they are terrorists.

Hamas is desperately trying to defend the natives from the immigrant attackers who have been slowly committing genocide for 80 years.
Since Hamas has no significant weapons, they have to use asymmetric warfare, but are NOT terrorists because they are in the right, as defensive owners of 100% of Palestine, against the illegal invaders who stole 85% of Palestine.

Terrorism is when you attack innocent civilians in order to extort them into giving up their rights.
Israelis have no rights because they are not native, started attacking innocent civilians, and never purchased any significant land.
Just go back to 1948 and ask who killed all the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David Hotel?
And why did Menachim Begin do that?
He did it so that his terrorist gang, Irgun, could start massacring hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
They're designated as terrorists, but more fittingly, they're a criminal gang that seek greater power, but not govern.

Only corrupt government pandering to US colonial imperialism "designate" Hamas as terrorists.
The majority of the population of the world supports Hamas and recognizes Israel as the terrorists.
Just like the US is the worst terrorists in the world, like with Shock and Awe.
Aw boo hoo. The same families that still overwhelmingly support Hamas and willingly let Hamas turn their little kids into suicide bombers and Hamas fighters.

Israel invented terrorism, and has been guilty for over 80 years.
There is not a single Israeli who is not guilty, since Israelis get their homes for free by confiscating native homes.
There is no Israeli who does not understand they are living in stolen property.

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