Most of the civilized world thinks Hamas are terrorists

Ha ha ha ha, what a mental case…you terrorist worshipping bigots are getting funnier all the time. There you have it folks, inside the mind of a Pali supporting lunatic. You know that Hamas is on the verge of completely collapsing when these morons start saying shit like “there are no Israeli civilians” like genocidal lunatics. In essence this is the evil the civilized world has to deal with.
Not at all, once Israel is done wiping them off the map, that is, which is very soon. There will be a display in the Metropolitan Museum dedicated to them in the subhuman terrorist Islamic animals section.
So genocide is lunacy except when Jews do it?
You can kiss your pimple-tushy goodbye, Adolf. Civilization is getting tired of you Nazis. Personally, I'd rather see someone else busting your chops but "first come, first serve" so if the Arabs get to you first that's OK with me. :dev3:
you scumbags are marching in the streets with the checkered toilet paper rags around your necks and heads.
Those are our supporters while we are in the tunnels surfacing strategically to put a round through your Zionist Nazi butts and sending you back to your bobe in pieces. :hyper:
A list of countries that have rightly designated Hamas as subhuman terrorist animals.

“Hamas is widely popular in Palestinian society due to its anti-Israeli stance. The organization has carried out attacks against Israeli civilians, including suicide bombings and indiscriminate rocket attacks. These actions have led human rights groups to accuse it of war crimes, and Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Paraguay, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union[45] to designate Hamas as a terrorist organization.”
Notice how Nazi Luiza reacted to your true post. And rushing to be first one.
What a sad loser she/it is.
luiza said:

This is so typical Nazi Luiza sh#t racist OUTCAST Troll.

Hamas supporter in London says the quiet part out loud

“Hitler knew how to deal with these people"

It always has been pure Jew-hatred under the guise of anti-Zionism.

Watch more from @ThevoiceAlexa on the ground at

— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) November 11, 2023



Swastikas over Gaza


Nazi-Arab Palestine plot
Since WW2
Nazi Palestine
UN's Palestinian teachers EXPOSED as Hamas-loving jihadis: Congress learns of Telegram club praising 'holy warriors' who left Israelis 'dead in hell'.
By James Reinl, Social Affairs Correspondent, For Dailymail.Com, 30 Jan 2024.

UN aid chiefs in Gaza faced mounting pressure on Tuesday, with revelations that 3,000 of their Palestinian teachers shared messages supporting Hamas militants as they raped and murdered civilians in Israel on Oct 7.
Those are our supporters while we are in the tunnels surfacing strategically to put a round through your Zionist Nazi butts and sending you back to your bobe in pieces. :hyper:
Not really, you’re hiding in hospitals, in tunnels, and behind your own women and children like cowards. That has been well established. You’re only good at one thing, killing innocent unsuspecting civilians like the rest of the IslamoNazi animals out there. You won’t even release a nine month old baby That you took hostage after killing its parents. But when confront with a real army that is armed and ready, you turn and surrender in droves in your under and beg the IDF for mercy. Palestinians are probably one of the most depraved, degenerate, cowardly people in human history.
As we can see, Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Islamism.
Those are our supporters while we are in the tunnels surfacing strategically to put a round through your Zionist Nazi butts and sending you back to your bobe in pieces. :hyper:
Not really, you’re hiding in hospitals, in tunnels, and behind your own women and children like cowards.
That’s called "strategy", Punky Boy.
That has been well established.
I’m proud of that.
You’re only good at one thing, killing innocent unsuspecting civilians
So, you are saying that ALL of the Israeli Nazi Zionists we kill are ”innocent unsuspecting civilians”? Maybe you shouldn’t put them in uniform, Adolf, and stop hiding behind them like cowards.
You won’t even release a nine month old baby That you took hostage after killing its parents.
The parents were Zionst Nazis who stole our land and stood in the way of us getting it back. At least we are taking care of the baby and nurturing it to be an upstanding adult some day.
But when confront with a real army that is armed and ready ...
I see. You think we should stand toe to toe against the most advanced Army in the region and we should only have rocks to defend ourselves with, huh?

*** The Zionist Nazi people are probably the most depraved, degenerate, cowardly people in human history. But we're putting them where they belong
That’s called "strategy", Punky Boy.

I’m proud of that.

So, you are saying that ALL of the Israeli Nazi Zionists we kill are ”innocent unsuspecting civilians”? Maybe you shouldn’t put them in uniform, Adolf, and stop hiding behind them like cowards.

The parents were Zionst Nazis who stole our land and stood in the way of us getting it back. At least we are taking care of the baby and nurturing it to be an upstanding adult some day.

I see. You think we should stand toe to toe against the most advanced Army in the region and we should only have rocks to defend ourselves with, huh?

*** The Zionist Nazi people are probably the most depraved, degenerate, cowardly people in human history. But we're putting them where they belong

Aha, your ”strategy” is to use your own people as shields, and you’re proud of this cowardice. Palestinians are the only people in human history that have this level of disregard for their own women and kids. Pure evil. and you seem especially proud of the savages kidnapping other people’s babies after killing its parents. Oh and let’s not forget the raping and beheading part, all jihadi animals love that. So much savagery, depravity and cowardice to be proud of. Ha ha ha.

Don’t worry, Abdullah, Israel is doing a good job extinguishing the subhuman murderous scum you’re so proud of, and taking back ancient Jewish land that never belonged to Palestinians, since it is an invented land for an invented people. Too bad you can’t run to Egypt or Jordan where you originally came from, even they don’t want your ilk among them either. In the meantime, before they deport your filthy terrorist ass out of the U.S. or put you in Federal prison for aiding and abetting a terrorist group, do the Arab surrender monkey pose for us, your 72 virgins await you:





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'Terrorist' is a fairly loose term these days

We've a potus who calls some of his own people terrorists

I'm fairly sure he knows he's prez too....most days....
'Terrorist' is a fairly loose term these days

We've a potus who calls some of his own people terrorists

I'm fairly sure he knows he's prez too....most days....
terrorist is only a lose term for those who defend obvious terrorism, like you.

-A list of countries that have rightly designated Hamas as subhuman terrorist animals.

“Hamas is widely popular in Palestinian society due to its anti-Israeli stance. The organization has carried out attacks against Israeli civilians, including suicide bombings and indiscriminate rocket attacks. These actions have led human rights groups to accuse it of war crimes, and Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, Paraguay, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union to designate Hamas as a terrorist organization.”
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Aha, your ”strategy” is to use your own people as shields
You’re the one who in your own words are putting, ”innocent Israeli civilians” in uniform and in harm’s way” for us to slaughter them in order for you to hide behind them like the cowards you are.
... and you seem especially proud of the savages kidnapping other people’s babies after killing its parents.
Your Zionist Nazis started it. We will finish it.
Oh and let’s not forget the raping and beheading part ...
We have raped and beheaded far less than the Zionist Nazis have done. That has been well established.
72 virgins await you
Eventually, yes, but right now we're too busy "servicing" your girls. And a child born to a Muslim man is automatically a Muslim too so we are not in any hurry to release them. We've got more than 72 willing Jew girl virgins right here to give us pleasure. :eek2yum:
You’re the one who in your own words are putting, ”innocent Israeli civilians” in uniform and in harm’s way” for us to slaughter them in order for you to hide behind them like the cowards you are.

Your Zionist Nazis started it. We will finish it.

We have raped and beheaded far less than the Zionist Nazis have done. That has been well established.

Eventually, yes, but right now we're too busy "servicing" your girls. And a child born to a Muslim man is automatically a Muslim too so we are not in any hurry to release them. We've got more than 72 willing Jew girl virgins right here to give us pleasure. :eek2yum:
You sure have a lot of fantasies for a jihadi terrorist wanna be, which is somewhat typical of Neanderthal Islamists like yourself.

Pull the cord and go meet your 72 virgin donkeys, before the FBI comes knocking on your door.



"Most of the civilized world thinks Hamas are terrorists"
Mostly because they are terrorists.
No. Because the US insists its 'friends and allies' designate it as such.

Note the vast majority of the world, the 'uncivilised' world doesn't share the same opinion.
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You sure have a lot of fantasies ...
.... and for the beating I've been administrating you've got a lot of butt pain :spank:
Pull the cord and go meet your 72 virgin
I guess you are illiterate. I already told you that I am fully occupied taking care of your virgins right here on earth and I've got a whole lot more than 72 of them. :eek2yum:
.... and for the beating I've been administrating you've got a lot of butt pain :spank:

I guess you are illiterate. I already told you that I am fully occupied taking care of your virgins right here on earth and I've got a whole lot more than 72 of them. :eek2yum:
It’s very endearing that you call your goats virgins.

I already told you that I am fully occupied taking care of your virgins right here on earth and I've got a whole lot more than 72 of them. :eek2yum:
It’s very endearing that you call your goats virgins.
... and I find it very admissive that you refer to your Zionist virgins as "goats". But don't worry because the ugliest ones (and the ones that end up pregnant) will be returned to you soon enough. :21:

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