Most of the civilized world thinks Hamas are terrorists

You must be illiterate or a victim of extreme censorship. Hizbollah and Houthis are our courageous Allies who risk (and sacrifice) their lives to save ours. They are heroes of the highest caliber. 🇮🇷🇾🇪🇵🇸 :eusa_clap:
Ha ha ha nobody thinks of them as heroes except deranged mental cases like you. To the rest of the civilized world, they are terrorist subhuman animals and cowards of the highest caliber.
You overwhelmingly support the terrorist state of Israel. You are no different than a Hamas supporter.
Wrong. Israel is at war with Islamic terrorist subhumans that committed the genocide of Oct 7.
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Does that justify in your mind, the wanton murder and maiming of tens of thousands of civilians, half of whom are children?
Maybe they shouldn’t be doing atrocities like Oct 7 and then intentionally hiding behind their population like coward animals?
Uhhhhh .......

Allow me to translate that into plain English. "Do terrorists who wantonly murder and maim tens of thousands of civilians (half of whom are children) - get to criticize others?"
Israel doesn’t wantonly murder. It is the most moral compassionate army in the world that even warns people to get out of the way. Your Hamas on the other hand are terrorist subhuman animals that INTENTIONALLY murder, rape, mutilate and kidnap women, babies, seniors and unarmed civilians as they did on Oct 7. They use their people as shields as an ultimate act of depravity and cowardice.

This is a classic good vs evil and Palestinians are on the side of evil, as they have always been. They were allies with the Nazis, then USSR, Sadam, Ghadaffi, and now Iran and all the terrorist scum in the world.
Never an honest word from you. The endgame is the destruction of Hamas in Gaza and around the world; Hezbollah's retreat from the border, and with regard to the Houthi, nothing can be done until Biden grows a pair and makes good on his promise to end the Houthi's criminal activities in the Red Sea or gives Israel a green light to take care of it.

Hamas are nationalists just like the Zionists. Remember when they blew up the King David hotel or the Lavon Affair or the attack on the USS Liberty? That's what nationalists do.
Israel doesn’t wantonly murder. It is the most moral compassionate army in the world that even warns people to get out of the way. Your Hamas on the other hand are terrorist subhuman animals that INTENTIONALLY murder, rape, mutilate and kidnap women, babies, seniors and unarmed civilians as they did on Oct 7. They use their people as shields as an ultimate act of depravity and cowardice.

This is a classic good vs evil and Palestinians are on the side of evil, as they have always been. They were allies with the Nazis, then USSR, Sadam, Ghadaffi, and now Iran and all the terrorist scum in the world.

Nationalists are terrorists and they do murder wantonly. Look at Israel's history.
Israel doesn’t wantonly murder. It is the most moral compassionate army in the world
Nobody thinks of the Zionist Nazi pigs as compassionate except for deranged mental cases like you. To the rest of the civilized world, they are terrorist subhuman animals and cowards of the highest caliber.
Nobody thinks of them as heroes.
The Zionist Nazi pigs INTENTIONALLY murder, rape, mutilate women, babies, seniors and unarmed civilians as they are still doing today. They use their people as shields as an ultimate act of depravity and cowardice in the illegally occupied territories.

This is a classic good vs evil and the Zionist Nazi pigs are on the side of evil, as they have always been. They are the most terrorist scum in the world.
Hamas are nationalists just like the Zionists. Remember when they blew up the King David hotel or the Lavon Affair or the attack on the USS Liberty? That's what nationalists do.
Bullshit yet again. Israelis blew up the wing of the King David Hotel that housed the British colonial service and provided a warning to evacuate before the bomb went off, the Lavon affair claimed no casualties and the Liberty has been dismissed by the US government as an unfortunate accident.

The Israeli attacks were designed to bring about particular political outcomes, but the Hamas attacks were designed only to rape, torture and murder Jews with no other outcome. No sane mind could have imagined the Oct. 7 attack would bring about any other outcome than it has.

The Hamas attacks are just racist hate crimes that have no political purpose.
Bullshit yet again. Israelis blew up the wing of the King David Hotel that housed the British colonial service and provided a warning to evacuate before the bomb went off, the Lavon affair claimed no casualties and the Liberty has been dismissed by the US government as an unfortunate accident.

The Israeli attacks were designed to bring about particular political outcomes, but the Hamas attacks were designed only to rape, torture and murder Jews with no other outcome. No sane mind could have imagined the Oct. 7 attack would bring about any other outcome than it has.

The Hamas attacks are just racist hate crimes that have no political purpose.
:blowpop:What a load of bull crappy from start to finish! :auiqs.jpg:
Hamas are nationalists just like the Zionists. Remember when they blew up the King David hotel or the Lavon Affair or the attack on the USS Liberty? That's what nationalists do.
Oh so now you defend Hamas terrorist subhuman animals. It's nice that you at least stopped pretending and showed us your disgusting, depraved mentality.
The Zionist Nazi pigs INTENTIONALLY murder, rape, mutilate women, babies, seniors and unarmed civilians as they are still doing today. They use their people as shields as an ultimate act of depravity and cowardice in the illegally occupied territories.

This is a classic good vs evil and the Zionist Nazi pigs are on the side of evil, as they have always been. They are the most terrorist scum in the world.
Osama cuts and pastes like a donkey as if it's going to change reality. :rofl: :ahole-1:
Nobody thinks of the Zionist Nazi pigs as compassionate except for deranged mental cases like you. To the rest of the civilized world, they are terrorist subhuman animals and cowards of the highest caliber.
Oh is that why the US is passing a stand alone bill in support of Israel, asswipe!

US House to vote on Republicans' standalone $14.3 billion Israel bill​

Dumb as always.

Zionist Genocide Joe supporters really suck.
Aw boohoo, so now even the leader of the Democrat party you enemy within fifth columns isn't even good enough. Tell you what Abdullah, if you don't like it here, why don't you get the fuck out of this country back to the Muslim shithole you came from, where you can join any of the variety of Islamic terrorist subhuman groups that will be available.
It matters more than life and death to them.
They prefer death where they have been promised to receive the 72 virgins, their women in this world are so hideous that all they can think about is blowing themselves up for the better looking women in the afterlife.

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