Most of the civilized world thinks Hamas are terrorists

It only makes sense to Hamas or anybody else, if the actual value of Palestinian to Hamas is ZERO, them caring not if they get their non-combatant killed in the process. It is not accepted military maneuver or tactics under any convention of war.
Prior to the US entering WWI we sent munitions to England in civilian ships. Then we whined like babies when Germany started sinking those ships. It's an old tactic.
Prior to the US entering WWI we sent munitions to England in civilian ships. Then we whined like babies when Germany started sinking those ships. It's an old tactic.
Civilian ships used for military purpose, including logistics, become military targets. I am well versed in the civilized rules of war, having had specific training.
Just speaking, as one with specific training in the rules of war. Not as somebody, reduced to off topic name calling, such as yourself.
Rules of war. Lol. You’re so dumb you think mass murdering defenseless civilians is war.

I bet if Russia did to Ukraine what Israel is doing, you’d call it a genocide and a war crime. You’re a dupe of the establishment.
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Were you trained to put civilians on those ships? Because that's what the US did.
Before my time. I am not familiar with whether the US Government put civilians on those ships, or whether they ship companies were also selling passage, on the same ships. Unless in uniform, on order, I certainly would not book passage on a ship carrying military munitions.
Meanwhile, your beloved terrorists Hamas are getting wiped out of existence Abdul. Your delusions show you to be in desperate need of mental help.
The Zionist Nazi pigs are dying in the sun like flies in Gaza so your message (whatever it might be) is a waste of pixels. 🕺
The Zionist Nazi pigs are dying in the sun like flies in Gaza so your message (whatever it might be) is a waste of pixels. 🕺

The Paleshitian flag should have the Nazi symbol instead of the bird, considering the barbaric terrorist behavior of the people it's supposed to represent.

Even your flag is an invention and hoax. Copied off the Jordanian flag circa 1960's. Does make for good toilet paper though.

But it is impossible to conduct a war, certainly not a modern, urban war, in which only combatants are killed and zero incidental harm to civilians occurs. (Though this is certainly a worthy goal).
Off course a conventional war (adhering to international law) is possible - especially if both sides acquit towards protecting their own and the civilians of the opponent.
This is ESPECIALLY true when Hamas and the people of Gaza are intentionally committing war crimes which cause harm to their own civilians and innocents. The law of armed conflict recognizes that incidental harm to civilians is not a war crime.
Gaza/Israel is NOT a war between two States - it's Israeli military retaliation onto foremost Gaza civilians - thus committing war-crimes.
Intentional TARGETING of civilians is a war crime.
That is exactly as to what Israel, aka the IDF is doing.
"Starvation" is also a false charge against Israel. Israel has met or exceeded her obligations under international law.
Nonsense - Israel has been and still is doing it

"For over two months, Israel has been depriving Gaza's population of food and water, a policy spurred on or endorsed by high-ranking Israeli officials and reflecting an intent to starve civilians as a method of warfare,"

HRW pointed to satellite imagery it has collected in northern Gaza since the IDF began its air and ground assault in retaliation for an attack by Hamas on southern Israel on October 7.

The images have shown orchards, greenhouses, and farmland that have been razed over the last two months, "apparently by Israeli forces, compounding concerns of dire food insecurity."

Only sand and dirt have been left behind where farmers in northeastern Gaza grew citrus, potatoes, dragon fruit, and prickly pear since Israeli forces took control of the area in mid-November and "systematically razed" the fields, said the group.

Israel has decided to engage into asymmetric warfare - a distinction between a Hamas militia member and a Gaza civilian, as well as objects is only possible at close distance - Israel is not willing to sacrifice thousands of their soldiers in urban close combat - thus using foremost aerial bombing and artillery towards any objects in Gaza - therefore logically/inadvertently committing war-crimes.

Hamas has killed approx. 1200 people in Israel - out of which approx. 400 where IDF personal. Therefore the ratio between killed soldiers and civilians is more or less the same as it pertains presently to Gaza. How many of those civilians killed in Israel are due to intentional killings by Hamas or results of crossfire between the IDF and Hamas - nobody presently knows.

Just as fake as Israel, Hamas could claim that they "only" targeted IDF personal and installations - and that civilian casualties in Israel where due to the IDF hiding behind and amongst civilians, targeting and taking them into crossfire whilst combating Hamas insurgents.

Start to grow up and see things for what they factually are - an stop wasting time onto desperately trying to paint a picture, of the present Israeli government and the IDF, as being any different to Hamas and their actions.
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Off course a conventional war (adhering to international law) is possible
Wait? You are arguing that it is possible, in this scenario, for Israel to conduct a war such that there is NO civilian incidental harm? FFS.
- especially if both sides acquit towards protecting their own and the civilians of the opponent.
And if not? Since Hamas and the people of Gaza are certainly not adhering to the laws of armed conflict.
Palestinians are Hamas...

Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Palestinians are terrorist.
Gaza/Israel is NOT a war between two States - it's Israeli military retaliation onto foremost Gaza civilians - thus committing war-crimes.
Don't be ridiculous. Are you seriously trying to assert that there are no combatants in Gaza, and therefore any military action taken by Israel is a war crime? FFS.

Second question: given that Gaza is NOT A STATE, shouldn't a rogue, terrorist, ungoverned population which is committing atrocities (crimes against humanity) be brought under control by the international community and the UN?
"For over two months, Israel has been depriving Gaza's population of food and water, a policy spurred on or endorsed by high-ranking Israeli officials and reflecting an intent to starve civilians as a method of warfare,"

HRW pointed to satellite imagery it has collected in northern Gaza since the IDF began its air and ground assault in retaliation for an attack by Hamas on southern Israel on October 7.

The images have shown orchards, greenhouses, and farmland that have been razed over the last two months, "apparently by Israeli forces, compounding concerns of dire food insecurity."

Only sand and dirt have been left behind where farmers in northeastern Gaza grew citrus, potatoes, dragon fruit, and prickly pear since Israeli forces took control of the area in mid-November and "systematically razed" the fields, said the group.
More nonsense. Israel is fully facilitating the entry of international aid into Gaza.
Palestinians are Hamas...

Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Palestinians are terrorist.
Good god that’s ignorant, but parrots the Mossad/CIA narrative. I hope it helps alleviate your guilt at mass murdering and maiming thousands of children.
More nonsense. Israel is fully facilitating the entry of international aid into Gaza.
Certainly not "fully" - and after having destroyed Gaza's ability to grow their own food, cutting of and destroying their water and electricity supply. It is the UN and the EU that is presently providing all essentials needs for the Gaza civilian population to survive. Not Israel.

Only upon the EU e.g. France and the UN condemning Israels actions and "threatening" to "forcefully" bring in supplies, did Israel revoke it's "total" blockade onto Gaza !!

Gaza is NOT a sovereign State - nor does it have a "National Armed Forces" - it is ruled by a political party called Hamas, which maintains it's own MILITIA - aka civilian units equipped with small arms, that are termed "terrorists" by the Western community.

Therefore there is NO WAR, between Gaza and Israel, only Israeli military retaliation onto Gaza and it's civilian population. Even a "terrorist" is a CIVILIAN - you moron. Remember the IRA claiming that it's "fighters" should be under the presumption of being COMBATANTS under international law and IRA prisoners therefore being treated as POW's - which the UK flatly denied. (rightfully IMO).

Hence if Israel does not want to be accused of war-crimes and crimes against humanity - unlike Hamas - they need to send in the IDF into close quarter combat - therefore avoiding casualties amongst "unarmed" civilians. If they prefer not to do that - then that is their decision, which excludes them automatically from conducting military retaliation, free of war-crimes and crimes against humanity.

Israel is the loudmouth who stated; the elimination of Hamas is our goal. So go ahead and eliminate Hamas and stop murdering unarmed civilians, and stop whining about being rightfully accused of committing war and crimes against humanity.
Certainly not "fully" - and after having destroyed Gaza's ability to grow their own food, cutting of and destroying their water and electricity supply. It is the UN and the EU that is presently providing all essentials needs for the Gaza civilian population to survive. Not Israel.

Only upon the EU e.g. France and the UN condemning Israels actions and "threatening" to "forcefully" bring in supplies, did Israel revoke it's "total" blockade onto Gaza !!

Gaza is NOT a sovereign State - nor does it have a "National Armed Forces" - it is ruled by a political party called Hamas, which maintains it's own MILITIA - aka civilian units equipped with small arms, that are termed "terrorists" by the Western community.

Therefore there is NO WAR, between Gaza and Israel, only Israeli military retaliation onto Gaza and it's civilian population. Even a "terrorist" is a CIVILIAN - you moron. Remember the IRA claiming that it's "fighters" should be under the presumption of being COMBATANTS under international law and IRA prisoners therefore being treated as POW's - which the UK flatly denied. (rightfully IMO).

Hence if Israel does not want to be accused of war-crimes and crimes against humanity - unlike Hamas - they need to send in the IDF into close quarter combat - therefore avoiding casualties amongst "unarmed" civilians. If they prefer not to do that - then that is their decision, which excludes them automatically from conducting military retaliation, free of war-crimes and crimes against humanity.

Israel is the loudmouth who stated; the elimination of Hamas is our goal. So go ahead and eliminate Hamas and stop murdering unarmed civilians, and stop whining about being rightfully accused of committing war and crimes against humanity.
Absolutely brilliant. :eusa_clap:

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