Most of the civilized world thinks Hamas are terrorists

Just go back to 1948 and ask who killed all the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David Hotel?
And why did Menachim Begin do that?
He did it so that his terrorist gang, Irgun, could start massacring hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
Without Likud, Jews Are Licked

Infidel freedom began with Begin.
So genocide is lunacy except when Jews do it?
Some Genos Deserve to Be Cided

The Third World War must be fought against the Third World. Our spoiled and sheltered leadership class, who dictate all parts of the specious spectrum, has to be overthrown so we can get down to completing our evolutionary duty of survival of the fittest. Social Darwinism has led us in the wrong direction. Its entitled and preordained decadence has advanced this existential threat coming from the unevolved humanoids.
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Hamas are nationalists just like the Zionists. Remember when they blew up the King David hotel or the Lavon Affair or the attack on the USS Liberty? That's what nationalists do.
Pitchforks for Preppy Pipsqueaks

You born-rich guillotine fodder only recognize an international clique of your own spoiled kind as a nation. Richkids are the enemies of human progress and must be pushed into the gutter with their pet inferior races. What your ilk calls "mob rule" must replace your growing cancerous tumor of Snob Rule.
And just what makes sorts like you any different Rude dude?

I didn't praise terrorist animals who kidnapped a baby after murdering it's parents and called them heroes, nor did repetively glee in the gang rape of teenage girls on Oct. 7 and thereafter while being held hostage. The goat fucker anti American enemy of the state scumbag did.
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These terrorist ass kissers, are completely out of touch with reality and have their heads lodged securely up their Gazas. :flameth:
The Only Way to Topple the Top Is to Recognize How It Got There

Strip all richkids of all their birth privileges. Silencing the Preppy university of Harvard, including its equally toxic Right, would end their clique's totalitarian thought-control.
Does that justify in your mind, the wanton murder and maiming of tens of thousands of civilians, half of whom are children?
Gee, I wish Hamas would quit hiding among the civilian population, basements of hospitals, civilian businesses, etc, but I guess Hamas does not care if they get killed, as they make great human shields at times, or good for publicity to the easily fooled, such as yourself.
Nobody thinks of the Zionist Nazi pigs as compassionate except for deranged mental cases like you. To the rest of the civilized world, they are terrorist subhuman animals and cowards of the highest caliber.
Oh is that why the US is passing a stand alone bill in support of Israel ... asswipe!
Yep. "Stand alone", meaning only the United Snakes supports the Zionist Nazi pigs ... Stinky Cheek Buns. :puke:
Gee, I wish Hamas would quit hiding among the civilian population, basements of hospitals, civilian businesses, etc, but I guess Hamas does not care if they get killed, as they make great human shields at times, or good for publicity to the easily fooled, such as yourself.
Hamas' actions make a lot of sense once you accept that it was created by Israel.
Yep. "Stand alone", meaning only the United Snakes supports the Zionist Nazi pigs ... Stinky Cheek Buns. :puke:
Nope, stand alone means nothing else latched on, you illiterate Islamist neanderthal. Support for Israel is now even higher than it was before in the US. The world is finally realizing Palestinian barbarism and savagery.
Gee, I wish Hamas would quit hiding among the civilian population, basements of hospitals, civilian businesses, etc, but I guess Hamas does not care if they get killed, as they make great human shields at times, or good for publicity to the easily fooled, such as yourself.
It's ALWAYS easy to fool people when they are already filled with extreme ethnic hatred.
Hamas' actions make a lot of sense once you accept that it was created by Israel.
It only makes sense to Hamas or anybody else, if the actual value of Palestinian to Hamas is ZERO, them caring not if they get their non-combatant killed in the process. It is not accepted military maneuver or tactics under any convention of war.
Gee, I wish Hamas would quit hiding among the civilian population, basements of hospitals, civilian businesses, etc, but I guess Hamas does not care if they get killed, as they make great human shields at times, or good for publicity to the easily fooled, such as yourself.
Lol. Dumb. You know nothing.

Do hate all Muslims or just Palestinians?

30,000 murdered, 100,000 injured, and much of Gaza turned to rubble and this cocksucker thinks they were all human shields.
Gee, I wish Hamas would quit hiding among the civilian population, basements of hospitals, civilian businesses, etc, but I guess Hamas does not care if they get killed, as they make great human shields at times, or good for publicity to the easily fooled, such as yourself.
Hamas knows surrender means execution W6

They've offered up terms of 'two state', and were refused

Biden hung up on Yahoo over it all

So no truce, no two state.

Would you surrender to sorts that would put you to death?

i wouldn't.....

Lol. Dumb. You know nothing.

Do hate all Muslims or just Palestinians?

30,000 murdered, 100,000 injured, and much of Gaza turned to rubble and this cocksucker thinks they were all human shields.
I simply do not care. Hamas is their selected leadership. They are using those people, and it is sad, but it is the decision of Hamas to use them.
You can kiss your pimple-tushy goodbye, Adolf. Civilization is getting tired of you Nazis. Personally, I'd rather see someone else busting your chops but "first come, first serve" so if the Arabs get to you first that's OK with me. :dev3:
Meanwhile, your beloved terrorists Hamas are getting wiped out of existence Abdul. Your delusions show you to be in desperate need of mental help.
Meanwhile, your beloved terrorists Hamas are getting wiped out of existence Abdul. Your delusions show you to be in desperate need of mental help.
You’ll believe anything put out by the establishment, as long as it fits your racist hatred.

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