Most of the civilized world thinks Hamas are terrorists

A few years on and nothing's changed.

Israel is winning battles, Hamas is winning the war - analysis

Despite many attempts and at overwhelming odds in their favor, Arabs have not one a single war since the state of Israel was established. They are cowards and famous for being surrender monkeys, like the French. Except the difference is Arabs are blowhard braggarts that have a bad habit of humiliating themselves and claiming victory while actually on the cusp of embarassing defeat while their soldiers are surrendering begging Israelis for mercy they themselves will never afford.
... and I find it very admissive that you refer to your Zionist virgins as "goats". But don't worry because the ugliest ones (and the ones that end up pregnant) will be returned to you soon enough. :21:
You Arabs are the goat fuckers, get it right. It’s a good thing you make sure Palestinian women are covered, they’re so fucking ugly they should be paid to wear the veils of a Islamic women’s rights. No wonder you guys would rather fuck goats. Besides the 72 virgins aren’t actually 72 virgin gay donkeys with eternal hardons.

What A filthy disgusting faith Islam truly is. After all it was created based upon a barbaric terrorist warrior who raped, looted, and invaded everywhere he went. No wonder it’s always Islamists like Hamas that end up being designated as terrorist by the civilized world. They’re just following the footsteps of your prophet.
I find it very admissive that you refer to your Zionist virgins as "goats".
You Arabs are the goat fuckers.
Your own definition proves it. Once we wear them out we'll give them back to you and it is a fact that heterosexual marriages are in short supply on your side of the fence so their return should please you to no end :happy-1:
Your own definition proves it. Once we wear them out we'll give them back to you and it is a fact that heterosexual marriages are in short supply on your side of the fence so their return should please you to no end :happy-1:
We do know one thing, you goat fuckers are the ones that brainwash your little kids to go blow themselves up in the name of your terrorist prophet. Never in the history of humanity has there been such a depraved degenerate cowardly people, and you do serve as a good example of why the U.S. shouldn’t let in another one of you goat fucking IslamoNazis in, and deport the ones that are here, like you. Make Dearborn Great Again.
I find it very admissive that you refer to your Zionist virgins as "goats".
We do know one thing, you goat fuckers ...
Yep. We sure done captured a lot of Zionist Nazi goats and we're fucking the hell out of them. You keep bitching about us releasing them mainly because you're engaged to most of them but you'll just have to wait until we are done with them. Good luck explaining to your bubbeh how they got pregnant but the majority of your little dolls are whores anyway so very few of you Zionist Nazis are going to ask any questions.
... your little kids to go blow themselves up. Never in the history of humanity has there been such a depraved degenerate cowardly people.
And that's what you call cowardly, huh? Just sit still at your computer-driven drone, you silly twit. :auiqs.jpg:
Yep. We sure done captured a lot of Zionist Nazi goats and we're fucking the hell out of them. You keep bitching about us releasing them mainly because you're engaged to most of them but you'll just have to wait until we are done with them. Good luck explaining to your bubbeh how they got pregnant but the majority of your little dolls are whores anyway so very few of you Zionist Nazis are going to ask any questions.

And that's what you call cowardly, huh? Just sit still at your computer-driven drone, you silly twit. :auiqs.jpg:
Nah, you ain’t doing shit other than hiding in hospitals and behind your women and kids, then surrendering and then begging the Israelis for mercy, while Gaza has been turned into rubble. Not even the Iranians and Hezbollah are coming to the rescue of you goat fuckers. Pull the cord and go meet your virgin goats.
Yep. We sure done captured a lot of Zionist Nazi goats and we're fucking the hell out of them. You keep bitching about us releasing them mainly because you're engaged to most of them but you'll just have to wait until we are done with them. Good luck explaining to your bubbeh how they got pregnant but the majority of your little dolls are whores anyway so very few of you Zionist Nazis are going to ask any questions.

And that's what you call cowardly, huh? Just sit still at your computer-driven drone, you silly twit. :auiqs.jpg:
Nah, you ain’t doing shit other than hiding in hospitals and behind your women and kids
... and fucking your little dollies on conveyor belts. This could be Hamas' best tactic. We'll get your Zionist Nazi girlfriends pregnant :boobies:and send them back to you. Before you know it there will be a whole generation of Arabs in an expanding Palestine. We might relocate the Zionists to 'Arbeit Macht Frei' camps in Eilat and leave you there to contemplate your sins. :badgrin:
This seems to imply that all war is terrorism and that there is no distinction between the two, yes?
War is regulated via International law - therefore "terrorist-like" or non-conform war actions are termed; war-crimes
Edited to add: Alternatively, it suggests that no self-defense is ever possible, because there is no distinction between a just war and a war crime.
Not at all - as long as a war is conducted via e.g. a defensive operation - whilst adhering to international law, one can kill as many COMBATANTS as deemed necessary - by whatever side. Israel is free to kill as many Hamas militia members as they want to - however to bomb, kill, maim and starve out Palestinian CIVILIANS constitutes a war-crime.

Hamas knows that very well and makes full use of it - whilst the IDF is ignorantly operating in their favor.
... and fucking your little dollies on conveyor belts. This could be Hamas' best tactic. We'll get your Zionist Nazi girlfriends pregnant :boobies:and send them back to you. Before you know it there will be a whole generation of Arabs in an expanding Palestine. We might relocate the Zionists to 'Arbeit Macht Frei' camps in Eilat and leave you there to contemplate your sins. :badgrin:
Is that all you got Osama? Pride in taking nine month old babies hostage, torture and the raping of women? You must be a very devout person, in other words, an Islamic savage. Meanwhile Gaza is turning into rubble and your beloved Hamas is either hiding in tunnels or surrendering. Not even Iran and Hezbollah animals are helping you. In other words you got nothing.

If you‘re keeping track, it is Israel that is expanding after every Arab attack, and your Palestine keeps getting smaller and smaller.

Now repeat after me, IDF Akbar, Praise be to Zion.
Is that all you got Osama?

What do you mean? :confused:
..... Pride in taking nine month old babies hostage, torture and the raping of women? .
Oh, I see! Is that not enough? Don't worry. We've also got Hizbollah and the Houthis and I'm sure they've got their own way of dealing with you. Are you as excited as I am? :hyper:
What do you mean? :confused:

Oh, I see! Is that not enough? Don't worry. We've also got Hizbollah and the Houthis and I'm sure they've got their own way of dealing with you. Are you as excited as I am? :hyper:
Ha ha ha. Hezbollah and Houthis! You are delusional.
Not at all - as long as a war is conducted via e.g. a defensive operation - whilst adhering to international law, one can kill as many COMBATANTS as deemed necessary - by whatever side.
But it is impossible to conduct a war, certainly not a modern, urban war, in which only combatants are killed and zero incidental harm to civilians occurs. (Though this is certainly a worthy goal). This is ESPECIALLY true when Hamas and the people of Gaza are intentionally committing war crimes which cause harm to their own civilians and innocents. The law of armed conflict recognizes that incidental harm to civilians is not a war crime.

Israel is free to kill as many Hamas militia members as they want to - however to bomb, kill, maim and starve out Palestinian CIVILIANS constitutes a war-crime.
Intentional TARGETING of civilians is a war crime. This is a key distinction. Ugly as it is, bombing, killing, maiming civilians as incidental harm in a war is not a war crime. Israel is not intentionally targeting civilians, and there are mounds of evidence that Israel is acting to prevent civilian deaths and injury. Israel has met or exceeded her obligations under international law. This is simply a false charge against Israel.

"Starvation" is also a false charge against Israel. Israel has met or exceeded her obligations under international law.
We've also got Hizbollah and the Houthis and I'm sure they've got their own way of dealing with you. Are you as excited as I am? :hyper:
Ha ha ha. Hezbollah and Houthis! You are delusional.
You must be illiterate or a victim of extreme censorship. Hizbollah and Houthis are our courageous Allies who risk (and sacrifice) their lives to save ours. They are heroes of the highest caliber. 🇮🇷🇾🇪🇵🇸 :eusa_clap:
"Most of the civilized world thinks Hamas are terrorists"
Mostly because they are terrorists.
Does that justify in your mind, the wanton murder and maiming of tens of thousands of civilians, half of whom are children?
"Most of the civilized world thinks Hamas are terrorists"
Mostly because they are terrorists.
Uhhhhh .......
Does that justify in your mind, the wanton murder and maiming of tens of thousands of civilians, half of whom are children?
Allow me to translate that into plain English. "Do terrorists who wantonly murder and maim tens of thousands of civilians (half of whom are children) - get to criticize others?"

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