Most people don't even know what a "Public Option" is.

Your wealth of naivete is truly hilarious.
Thanks for not answering the question, dipshit.

Truth is that there is no such passage. And besides that, what happened to the left's seemingly ubiquitous screeching about the separation of church and state?....Seems that one goes by the boards whenever they want to hide behind the Bible to pimp for their beloved socialistic welfare state. :eusa_think:

You have a good point, when it comes to what is being presented on this thread about what Jesus would object to or not object to...

but taking care of the needy is not any kind of Church Jesus is the Son of God, or Jesus died for your sins, or you must be Baptized via dunking, or at Birth. or the God of Abraham given praise by our government over other religions, or anything that involves forcing ones religious doctrine, religious beliefs, mystery of faiths on to the gvt or the people....

Even some Atheists believe that as a Nation, we are only as strong, as the least among us....this is about being humane some believe... in many cases and not about some religious mandate...of some certain religion.

As you can see, there are many who are religious that don't agree with this, while many don't mind at all and feel this is the way they should be living their lives...this alone shows that it is not a conflict between the State and is a conflict among the religious and religions and atheists and agnostics and gnostic and who knows whom else....oh i is a conflict among citizens in the united states...

And although these threads have been nonstop lately on what would jesus do, I truly don't believe this is the reasoning for actually having things like social security, medicare, affordable health care etc....though Jesus's life and words are undoubtedly an influence on some Christians on what the right thing to do in their secular life is...

I think that's how I view it...

wow, i wouldn't want to go to any of the churches you learned that from
because every church i have attended has stressed the importance of taking care of the poor and the sick, just not having the GOVERNMENT do what YOU were commanded to do

yes, that is their secular duty, that is how we should live our lives OUTSIDE OF has NOTHING to do with religion or salvation or Church Doctrine or the Gospel....OR even the 10 commandments.....nothing to do with religious doctrine of the various different religions out there who all say we should help the neediest when they need help.... this is ethical, humane....not because Christ said so....

Christ said it was wrong to steal as well, and murder as well is wrong....does that mean we can not have laws against murder or stealing because Religion says such also and this would be an infringement of the first amendment?

What are you thinking?

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Thanks for not answering the question, dipshit.

Truth is that there is no such passage. And besides that, what happened to the left's seemingly ubiquitous screeching about the separation of church and state?....Seems that one goes by the boards whenever they want to hide behind the Bible to pimp for their beloved socialistic welfare state. :eusa_think:

You have a good point, when it comes to what is being presented on this thread about what Jesus would object to or not object to...

but taking care of the needy is not any kind of Church Jesus is the Son of God, or Jesus died for your sins, or you must be Baptized via dunking, or at Birth. or the God of Abraham given praise by our government over other religions, or anything that involves forcing ones religious doctrine, religious beliefs, mystery of faiths on to the gvt or the people....

Even some Atheists believe that as a Nation, we are only as strong, as the least among us....this is about being humane some believe... in many cases and not about some religious mandate...of some certain religion.

As you can see, there are many who are religious that don't agree with this, while many don't mind at all and feel this is the way they should be living their lives...this alone shows that it is not a conflict between the State and is a conflict among the religious and religions and atheists and agnostics and gnostic and who knows whom else....oh i is a conflict among citizens in the united states...

And although these threads have been nonstop lately on what would jesus do, I truly don't believe this is the reasoning for actually having things like social security, medicare, affordable health care etc....though Jesus's life and words are undoubtedly an influence on some Christians on what the right thing to do in their secular life is...

I think that's how I view it...

wow, i wouldn't want to go to any of the churches you learned that from
because every church i have attended has stressed the importance of taking care of the poor and the sick, just not having the GOVERNMENT do what YOU were commanded to do

btw, I have NEVER EVER been to a Church that PREACHED it was WRONG for our government to help the needy, the sick, the elderly and have NEVER EVER heard any pastor or priest to say such...or speak out against medicaid or medicare or social security.

So tell me, WHAT CHURCH DO YOU GO TO THAT PREACHES POLITICS FROM THE PULPIT, and preaches it is evil for ones own government to help the neediest or the infirmed?

And as I have asked you and others who refuse to show us.....WHERE DOES CHRIST SAY SUCH....If He doesn't say such, then STOP PASSING LIES about what He has said on it in the Bible....that's a form of blasphemy and false doctrine imo.

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btw, I have NEVER EVER been to a Church that PREACHED it was WRONG for our government to help the needy, the sick, the elderly and have NEVER EVER heard any pastor or priest to say such...or speak out against medicaid or medicare or social security.

So tell me, WHAT CHURCH DO YOU GO TO THAT PREACHES POLITICS FROM THE PULPIT, and preaches it is evil for ones own government to help the neediest or the infirmed?

And as I have asked you and others who refuse to show us.....WHERE DOES CHRIST SAY SUCH....If He doesn't say such, then STOP PASSING LIES about what He has said on it in the Bible....that's a form of blasphemy and false doctrine imo.

Why would any church jeopardize their tax exempt status, by speaking out against the people who give them that benefit?
You have a good point, when it comes to what is being presented on this thread about what Jesus would object to or not object to...

but taking care of the needy is not any kind of Church Jesus is the Son of God, or Jesus died for your sins, or you must be Baptized via dunking, or at Birth. or the God of Abraham given praise by our government over other religions, or anything that involves forcing ones religious doctrine, religious beliefs, mystery of faiths on to the gvt or the people....

Even some Atheists believe that as a Nation, we are only as strong, as the least among us....this is about being humane some believe... in many cases and not about some religious mandate...of some certain religion.

As you can see, there are many who are religious that don't agree with this, while many don't mind at all and feel this is the way they should be living their lives...this alone shows that it is not a conflict between the State and is a conflict among the religious and religions and atheists and agnostics and gnostic and who knows whom else....oh i is a conflict among citizens in the united states...

And although these threads have been nonstop lately on what would jesus do, I truly don't believe this is the reasoning for actually having things like social security, medicare, affordable health care etc....though Jesus's life and words are undoubtedly an influence on some Christians on what the right thing to do in their secular life is...

I think that's how I view it...

wow, i wouldn't want to go to any of the churches you learned that from
because every church i have attended has stressed the importance of taking care of the poor and the sick, just not having the GOVERNMENT do what YOU were commanded to do

btw, I have NEVER EVER been to a Church that PREACHED it was WRONG for our government to help the needy, the sick, the elderly and have NEVER EVER heard any pastor or priest to say such...or speak out against medicaid or medicare or social security.

So tell me, WHAT CHURCH DO YOU GO TO THAT PREACHES POLITICS FROM THE PULPIT, and preaches it is evil for ones own government to help the neediest or the infirmed?

And as I have asked you and others who refuse to show us.....WHERE DOES CHRIST SAY SUCH....If He doesn't say such, then STOP PASSING LIES about what He has said on it in the Bible....that's a form of blasphemy and false doctrine imo.

neither have i care
stop putting words in my mouth

and stop putting the government in charge of what Jesus commanded YOU to do
No, it is not.

Taking care of our elderly is the right thing to do.
showing once again, you dont know what the fuck you are talking about

Remember, Chris has no idea how financial mathematics works, his job only relies on him being able to talk pretty, not to be smart. ;)

I made As in economics in college.

We will continue to fund Social Security.

It isn't going away.

As much as you Republicans secretly wish it would.
showing once again, you dont know what the fuck you are talking about

Remember, Chris has no idea how financial mathematics works, his job only relies on him being able to talk pretty, not to be smart. ;)

I made As in economics in college.

We will continue to fund Social Security.

It isn't going away.

As much as you Republicans secretly wish it would.
it should never have been started, but you can't just do away with it
and when you have to start paying one to one for it to exist, then tell me how much you will love it when its taking over a quarter of your income just to fund it

and thats not counting what you will be paying for medicare
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Here is how universal health care, or RomneyCare works in Massachusetts.

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck- John Stossel Breaks Down RomneyCare[/ame]

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