Most Republicans Support Declaring the United States a Christian Nation

Eating bacon.
Working on the Sabbath.
The First Amendment permitting taking the Lord's Name in vain.
Where's the mandatory 10% tithe to the Church?
10% in lieu of taxes? I like it.
But of course none of these things are prosecuted in officially Catholic countries, so.....strawman.
The taking God's name in vain. Obviously no Catholic Country prosecutes that. But of course in atheist countries, you can be killed for saying something a lot more benign than that. If you don't pay proper respects to the dictator's statue in North Korea, you'll be put to death. It just amazes me the leeway you atheists give to the most vile atheist regimes on earth. All the things you falsely ascribe to Christian governments, these atheists are actually doing and more.

And we are headed that way, towards an atheist government. Saying the N word is just the beginning. Right now you can lose your job for saying it. How long before it's illegal? Soon there will be whole host of things it will be illegal to say, unless we take measures. And, of course the Constitution means nothing to totalitarian atheists regimes. They'll simply do away with it, not bothering with Amendments or procedures.
No, they're actually in luck, as the influence of Jesus is the greatest gift they could have.

You seem to forget that they must choose the influence of Jesus. Being forced to follow Christian rules does not count.
But you have no problem with an atheist dictator telling people what they must do? Amazing how you people go easy on them. Yet that's exactly what we will become unless we change course.

I am not going easy on anyone.

With the dictator, no matter how despicable he may be, he takes the credit/blame for what he does. With clergy telling us what God told them he wanted us to do, it is always "Its the will of God".
The taking God's name in vain. Obviously no Catholic Country prosecutes that. But of course in atheist countries, you can be killed for saying something a lot more benign than that. If you don't pay proper respects to the dictator's statue in North Korea, you'll be put to death. It just amazes me the leeway you atheists give to the most vile atheist regimes on earth. All the things you falsely ascribe to Christian governments, these atheists are actually doing and more.

And we are headed that way, towards an atheist government. Saying the N word is just the beginning. Right now you can lose your job for saying it. How long before it's illegal? Soon there will be whole host of things it will be illegal to say, unless we take measures. And, of course the Constitution means nothing to totalitarian atheists regimes. They'll simply do away with it, not bothering with Amendments or procedures.

No one is saying anything good about the despotic countries you think represent atheism. No one at all. In fact, I lost friends to one of those nations when Vietnam fell.

And if you are fired for saying the 'N' word, you violated workplace rules that you agreed to when you were hired. It is not the gov't doing that. It is private business making sure their employees are not harassed. Maybe they have a "No Assholes" rule. Calling someone by the 'N' word would certainly violate that.
Who said anything about Christ? Trump wants you worship him. Shower the great man in your adoration. You shall love him and despair.
Okay, nobody said that, but, if it allows you to hate the people you disagree with, don't let me stop you.
The Spanish Inquisition.
A husband and wife took a vacation in Spain. After a few days, the husband fell ill and the wife went to the innkeeper for help in finding a doctor. The innkeeper said for her not to worry, that they had a doctor on staff. A few minutes later the doctor showed up to treat her husband who made an immediate recovery. The doctor told the doctor he was surprised that there was a doctor on staff. The doctor replied, "No one expects the Spanish inn physician!"
Abortion, gay marriage, trans mutilation. Any law that violates Christian teaching is a godless aka atheist law.
Most Republicans Support Declaring the United States a Christian Nation

We followed up by asking: “Would You Favor or Oppose the United States Officially Declaring the United States to be a Christian Nation?” The findings were striking. Overall, 62 percent of respondents said they opposed such a declaration, including 83 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Republicans. Fully 61 percent of Republicans supported declaring the United States a Christian nation.

Guys, Mashie was ahead of the curve on this one. Recall, I was one of the first to ever bring this idea up in my well-received thread last January It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

People had never heard that before. People acted shocked at the notion. Leftwingers barked about the 1st Amendment (Never mind, they trash the 2nd Amendment). People act like there haven't been 27 Amendments already.

This article recognizes my point that separation of church and state is impossible. But my rationale remains the best, and I'm the only one who has mentioned it. When you try to avoid enacting Christian laws, you enact atheist laws by default. There is no such thing as a void. The reason America needs to be declared officially a Christian nation is because it has unofficially become an atheist nation, pushing atheist laws. And so, since we have to choose between atheism and theism, with no other alternative possible, we should choose the BEST belief, which is Christianity. My preference is Roman Catholicism.

Prominent Republican politicians have made the themes critical to their message to voters in the run up to the 2022 midterm elections. Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor in Pennsylvania, has argued that America is a Christian nation and that the separation of church and state is a “myth.”

This article published by Marxist-funded Yahoo blatant LIED, however, when they said Christians want a white Christian country. This is completely unsubstantiated. There was never any evidence offered to support this lie in the article or anywhere else.

So 61% of republicans support declaring the US a Christian nation?

There are roughly 55 million registered republicans. So 33,550,000 of them support declaring us a Christian nation.

There are 170 million registered voters. That means the republicans that want to declare us a Christian nation make up only about 20% of registered voters. And you think you can get a constitutional amendment with those numbers? Sorry, Mashie. Way too few lunatics.

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