Most Successful People Invest In Israel

Proven to be innocent, but still touted by islamomoron propagandists and LIARS

Now what has this to do with the topic under discussion, or are you trying to silence the truth that hurts so much.
off topic or I would challenge that assertion
now try to focus..putting money into Israel yay or neigh is the question at hand

NOPE maybe you should open the windows and let some smoke out. The OP is Most successful People Invest in Israel
Record $15b. Israeli high-tech exits in 2014

Reports indicate that in 2014, many more mature Israeli high-tech companies preferred an IPO to being acquired.

Israeli high-tech exits doubled to a record $15 billion in 2014. This has been by far the best-ever year for the country's high-tech and biomed sector in terms of exits.

In 2014, the stars were aligned exactly right for Israeli high-tech. The IPO window was open in the US and England due to the maturity of many Israeli companies and investors, the major availability of money for high-tech from buyers and investors, and of course the strength of Israeli high-tech that knew how to reinvent itself and adapt to the times.
Apple hired 250 Israelis and world food preservation is in a joint venture with Israeli agricultural research........and the world keeps turning.

Ever since the BDS movement began, foreign investments into Israel have been booming. LONG LIVE THE BDS MOVEMENT.

Attracting international investors to Israel - Israel Business Ynetnews

Long live the Bowel Discharge Syndrome movement!

Israeli start-ups raised record $3.4b in 2014

688 companies raised 46% more capital than in 2013, with $1.1 billion raised in the fourth quarter of 2014.

In 2014, Israeli high-tech and life sciences capital raising set an all-time record as 688 companies raised $3.4 billion, IVC and KPMG report. This amount was 46% higher than 2013, when 659 companies raised $2.3 billion.

In the fourth quarter of 2014 alone, 184 Israeli high-tech companies raised a massive $1.1 billion - the most raised in one quarter since 1999. The amount was 58% higher than the $701 million raised by 170 companies in the third quarter of 2014, and 39% higher than the $795 million raised by 190 companies in the corresponding quarter of 2013. For the sake of comparison, the past decade's quarterly average was just $470 million. The average company financing round increased to $6 million in the fourth quarter of 2014 from $4.12 million in the preceding quarter and $4.18 million in the corresponding quarter.

Koby Simana, CEO of IVC Research Center CEO Koby Simana said, "The hike in capital raised by Israeli high-tech companies directly reflects the continuing increase in the number of large deals, which we described a few months ago. Our annual review of the findings shows that large deals accounted for 3% of total deals, at most, until 2014, while in 2014 the share doubled. Capital raised in large deals more than doubled in 2014, totaling over $1.3 billion. This demonstrates that not only is the number of large deals growing, but their size is increasing as well, with a number of very prominent deals reflecting the trend, such as the Landa Corp., IronSource and Kaminario extra-large rounds."

KPMG Somekh Chaikin's Technology group partner Ofer Sela said, "During 2014, some 39 companies completed financing rounds exceeding $20 million, positioning these companies to continue their market expansion. We believe that the maturity level of Israel-based companies in 2015 will attract private equity investors, resulting in even higher amounts raised per revenue-growth company."

He added, "The fact that the number of deals in the $5 million to $20 million range increased consistently throughout the past year shows the ability of Israeli technology companies to attract capital. It has been said by some that you raise money whenever it's possible. It certainly looks like Israeli entrepreneurs are learning the lesson well, using the opportunity to raise more capital whenever the market allows the, which also explains why the relative number of small deals below $5 million has somewhat declined, though they still constitute the largest portion of deals."

In the fourth quarter of 2014, 110 venture capital-backed deals attracted more capital than in any previous quarter in the last six years - $845 million or 76% of total capital invested. The amount soared 78% from that of the the third quarter of 2013 and 41% from the corresponding quarter. The average venture capital-backed deal reached $7.7 million, which compared with a six-year $4.3 million average.

In 2014, 392 venture capital-backed deals totaled $2.36 billion or 69% of total capital invested. This compared to $1.7 billion (75%) in 2013 and $1.3 billion (73%) in 2012. The average venture capital-backed deal size reached $6 million, well above the six-year $4.3 million average. Sela believes this trend will persist, saying "with the strong positive sentiment in US public markets and current economic conditions, we expect 2015 to be a robust year for VC-backed Israeli companies."

OMG! more debunked garbage, and you actually believe all these stories?
How about the one of little green men teleporting people in the towers to mars? Or, there never were towers at the WTC just holograms.
Do you sleep in the stable so the horses can kick you in the head each night?

They hear about the attack, pulled in to the closest spot where they might get a look at the towers and were recording what they saw because they could not believe. They were hardly the only ones taking pictures for filming what was happening. There was a whole gallery exhibit of photos and video taken that day, or don't you remember that? A book of images was published if you want to buy it.

As for the woman who saw them, she did not even have her glasses on but went to get binoculars and saw the van's license number as they were pulling out.

The 'Israelis' were released and returned to their homes.

All these years later and this conspiracy nonsense is still circulating?

You're a one venomous person. No wonder so many think you're this board's walking satire.
really, thats how many see you..btw

No surprise that you would agree with Penelope's hateful and bigoted comments you miserable Nazi. :cool:

Just one persons views out of the million or so that survived, shows how desperate you are to demonise the Jews.
View attachment 40487


OMG! more debunked garbage, and you actually believe all these stories?
How about the one of little green men teleporting people in the towers to mars? Or, there never were towers at the WTC just holograms.
Do you sleep in the stable so the horses can kick you in the head each night?

They hear about the attack, pulled in to the closest spot where they might get a look at the towers and were recording what they saw because they could not believe. They were hardly the only ones taking pictures for filming what was happening. There was a whole gallery exhibit of photos and video taken that day, or don't you remember that? A book of images was published if you want to buy it.

As for the woman who saw them, she did not even have her glasses on but went to get binoculars and saw the van's license number as they were pulling out.

The 'Israelis' were released and returned to their homes.

All these years later and this conspiracy nonsense is still circulating?
Off topic.. if you wish to discuss the evidence israeli prior knowledge on 9/11 then maybe you should start another thread ,this thread is talk about exciting investment opportunities in Israel !
To understand netizen attitudes, we first have to understand China’s position on Israel-Palestine relations. For decades, China did not try to stay out of the conflict. Under Mao Zedong, China sided with Palestine. Former Chinese leaders such as Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping had almost unconditional support for the revolutionary cause led by Yasser Arafat, who was called “an old friend of the Chinese people.” The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) obtained both funds and weapons from China.
Why China Must Pay Attention to the Israel-Palestine Conflict The Diplomat

OMG! more debunked garbage, and you actually believe all these stories?
How about the one of little green men teleporting people in the towers to mars? Or, there never were towers at the WTC just holograms.
Do you sleep in the stable so the horses can kick you in the head each night?

They hear about the attack, pulled in to the closest spot where they might get a look at the towers and were recording what they saw because they could not believe. They were hardly the only ones taking pictures for filming what was happening. There was a whole gallery exhibit of photos and video taken that day, or don't you remember that? A book of images was published if you want to buy it.

As for the woman who saw them, she did not even have her glasses on but went to get binoculars and saw the van's license number as they were pulling out.

The 'Israelis' were released and returned to their homes.

All these years later and this conspiracy nonsense is still circulating?
Off topic.. if you wish to discuss the evidence israeli prior knowledge on 9/11 then maybe you should start another thread ,this thread is talk about exciting investment opportunities in Israel !

Yes this thread is about why successful people and companies invest in Israel, not some chimp looking moron spamming garbage about dancing Jews.

Business is a predatory environment. Chinese see a future and opportunity in Israel so they move in before others do. What do Arabs and Muslims ever have to offer? JACKSHIT. They're too busy being savages.
So the thread is really about how Israel measures up against arabs and muslim savages ?
and here I was thinking it was about Israel as an Investment opportunity

Business is a predatory environment. Chinese see a future and opportunity in Israel so they move in before others do. What do Arabs and Muslims ever have to offer? JACKSHIT. They're too busy being savages.
yes ,reminds of the ferengi of 6th and 177th rules of acquisition

.A man is only worth the sum of his possessions.@ know your enemies ... but do business with them always.

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