Most Successful People Invest In Israel

Oh now I get it. Those billionaires do not invest in Israel. It's just a Zionist lie, right Penelope?

That is what Zionist do best.

Great investment for those of us who want to become wealthy. Thank the Lord Israel's enemies are too dumb to use Israel to become wealthy off of.

G4S Israel Supplier Profile
I went on to the site and everything was ""NO INFORMATION" other that a service for Security Service (Mercenaries)........pretty dumb site I'd say.

Many worldwide companies are waiting for a free Palestine to invest their money.
Invest money in what? Sand? Flea powder? Used camels?
No a very educated and hard working race of people.......really Hoss,you really are ignorant at times.....yet another Silly One Liner......steve
How can educated people live under domination? Well educated people should have some common sense. And they must work so hard they don't have time to pick up the trash in the streets and vacant lots.
That is what Zionist do best.

Great investment for those of us who want to become wealthy. Thank the Lord Israel's enemies are too dumb to use Israel to become wealthy off of.

G4S Israel Supplier Profile
I went on to the site and everything was ""NO INFORMATION" other that a service for Security Service (Mercenaries)........pretty dumb site I'd say.

Many worldwide companies are waiting for a free Palestine to invest their money.
Invest money in what? Sand? Flea powder? Used camels?
No a very educated and hard working race of people.......really Hoss,you really are ignorant at times.....yet another Silly One Liner......steve
How can educated people live under domination? Well educated people should have some common sense. And they must work so hard they don't have time to pick up the trash in the streets and vacant lots.
The Palestinians are wanting to Not live under Israel Domination Hoss,and therein lies the problem...steve
You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

You're so stupid and ignorant Monti, it boggles my mind. It doesn't take a genius to understand that Hamas invites ISrael to attack them by constantly poking the bear, over and over and over, until Israel commits to a full scale attack.
No attacking Israel, no retaliation. Even someone as stupid and deluded as you should understand that.
You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

You're so stupid and ignorant Monti, it boggles my mind. It doesn't take a genius to understand that Hamas invites ISrael to attack them by constantly poking the bear, over and over and over, until Israel commits to a full scale attack.
No attacking Israel, no retaliation. Even someone as stupid and deluded as you should understand that.
Why Israel's Boom Is Actually A Bubble Destined To Pop

In the past few years, Israel’s economy has been praised for its stability and strong performance during and after the Global Financial Crisis. Israel’s booming tech industry has earned it the nickname “The Startup Nation” and international tech companies from Google to Facebook are clamoring to acquire the country’s startups. Investors the world over have been vying to add Israeli investments to their portfolios. Rather than experiencing a property slump like the U.S. and many countries did, Israel’s property prices are soaring and making speculators rich. Sadly, Israel’s economic boom is not the miracle that it appears to be, but is actually another bubble that is similar to those that caused the financial crisis.

Why Israel s Boom Is Actually A Bubble Destined To Pop - Forbes

El chimpo engages in yet another episode of mental masturbation to the destruction of Israel.
Why Israel's Boom Is Actually A Bubble Destined To Pop

In the past few years, Israel’s economy has been praised for its stability and strong performance during and after the Global Financial Crisis. Israel’s booming tech industry has earned it the nickname “The Startup Nation” and international tech companies from Google to Facebook are clamoring to acquire the country’s startups. Investors the world over have been vying to add Israeli investments to their portfolios. Rather than experiencing a property slump like the U.S. and many countries did, Israel’s property prices are soaring and making speculators rich. Sadly, Israel’s economic boom is not the miracle that it appears to be, but is actually another bubble that is similar to those that caused the financial crisis.

Why Israel s Boom Is Actually A Bubble Destined To Pop - Forbes

El chimpo engages in yet another episode of mental masturbation to the destruction of Israel.
Not everyone in the world lives by the Zionist Creed..............Thank God for that
You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

You're so stupid and ignorant Monti, it boggles my mind. It doesn't take a genius to understand that Hamas invites ISrael to attack them by constantly poking the bear, over and over and over, until Israel commits to a full scale attack.
No attacking Israel, no retaliation. Even someone as stupid and deluded as you should understand that.

Eots, your stupid videos ar just a deflection from my post.
Why Israel's Boom Is Actually A Bubble Destined To Pop

In the past few years, Israel’s economy has been praised for its stability and strong performance during and after the Global Financial Crisis. Israel’s booming tech industry has earned it the nickname “The Startup Nation” and international tech companies from Google to Facebook are clamoring to acquire the country’s startups. Investors the world over have been vying to add Israeli investments to their portfolios. Rather than experiencing a property slump like the U.S. and many countries did, Israel’s property prices are soaring and making speculators rich. Sadly, Israel’s economic boom is not the miracle that it appears to be, but is actually another bubble that is similar to those that caused the financial crisis.

Why Israel s Boom Is Actually A Bubble Destined To Pop - Forbes

El chimpo engages in yet another episode of mental masturbation to the destruction of Israel.
You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

You're so stupid and ignorant Monti, it boggles my mind. It doesn't take a genius to understand that Hamas invites ISrael to attack them by constantly poking the bear, over and over and over, until Israel commits to a full scale attack.
No attacking Israel, no retaliation. Even someone as stupid and deluded as you should understand that.

Eots, your stupid videos are just a deflection from my post.

Toastman your stupid post. are just a deflection from my videos
The guy in your SIG converted to Christianity before all that. Whoops ! haha

Like an idiot she displays her hatred for all the world to see.

I'm telling you she's :cuckoo: and needs to get professional help before she straps on a suicide vest. :blowup:

She is so friggen dumb. She hates Jews & Israel. If she had a brain she could put it to Israel but good by investing in Israel to become wealthy off of Israel.

I have a hard time finding stuff made in the US and I will buy US made and lets face it, I am against giving aid to Israel, so I'm investing in Israel against my will.

I had no idea how miserable you are living here in the USA that Supports Israel. Why do let the USA do that to you when you can go live in some Muslim country that doesn't support Israel?

Oh no I love where I live, why would I move I was born here , why don't you move to Israel? I have no choice in where my tax money goes, do you? Hopefully it will be stopped soon.

If wishes were $ then you would be able to buy gaza
Why Israel's Boom Is Actually A Bubble Destined To Pop

In the past few years, Israel’s economy has been praised for its stability and strong performance during and after the Global Financial Crisis. Israel’s booming tech industry has earned it the nickname “The Startup Nation” and international tech companies from Google to Facebook are clamoring to acquire the country’s startups. Investors the world over have been vying to add Israeli investments to their portfolios. Rather than experiencing a property slump like the U.S. and many countries did, Israel’s property prices are soaring and making speculators rich. Sadly, Israel’s economic boom is not the miracle that it appears to be, but is actually another bubble that is similar to those that caused the financial crisis.

Why Israel s Boom Is Actually A Bubble Destined To Pop - Forbes

A year old report that has amounted to nothing, desperation or what ?
Why Israel's Boom Is Actually A Bubble Destined To Pop

In the past few years, Israel’s economy has been praised for its stability and strong performance during and after the Global Financial Crisis. Israel’s booming tech industry has earned it the nickname “The Startup Nation” and international tech companies from Google to Facebook are clamoring to acquire the country’s startups. Investors the world over have been vying to add Israeli investments to their portfolios. Rather than experiencing a property slump like the U.S. and many countries did, Israel’s property prices are soaring and making speculators rich. Sadly, Israel’s economic boom is not the miracle that it appears to be, but is actually another bubble that is similar to those that caused the financial crisis.

Why Israel s Boom Is Actually A Bubble Destined To Pop - Forbes

That article is from last year. Haven't you heard that China and India are looking forward to doing business with Israel? Why not tell us how huge the population is of those two countries so we can get an idea of how huge the business with Israel will be? If you have no gigs lined up, why not invest in Israel whatever little you have saved so that you can make some money?
Chinese Investments in Israel: Opportunity or National Threat?
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INSS Insight No. 538, April 8, 2014

President Peres’s state visit to China, the first by an Israeli president in over a decade, occurs against the background of the current debate in Israel over Chinese investments in Israeli assets. Reports in recent months of talks between the Israeli food conglomerate Tnuva and China’s Bright Food over the sale of the controlling share in Tnuva, and reports of a possible sale of Clal Insurance to a group of Chinese investors, have touched off a heated public debate about China’s penetration into the Israeli market. One major issue concerns China’s political and strategic positions and objectives in the Middle East, which often do not match Israeli interests. However, given China’s increasing participation in the global economy, Chinese companies and institutions will likely continue to take an interest in the Israeli economy. This is a desirable state of affairs that should be encouraged, and can yield both economic and political benefits. At the same time, Israel cannot afford to open its doors to Chinese companies and institutions without a thorough review process.

Another year old report that again has amounted to nothing. Do you think the Israeli's are as stupid as Obama's crew who sold out the US to China for a few pieces of silver
Israel Won’t Stop Spying on the U.S.

Whatever happened to honor among thieves? When the National Security Agency was caught eavesdropping on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cell phone, it was considered a rude way to treat a friend. Now U.S. intelligence officials are saying—albeit very quietly, behind closed doors on Capitol Hill—that our Israeli “friends” have gone too far with their spying operations here.

According to classified briefings on legislation that would lower visa restrictions on Israeli citizens, Jerusalem’s efforts to steal U.S. secrets under the cover of trade missions and joint defense technology contracts have “crossed red lines.”
All countries spy on each other, but the anti-Semite eots felt that he had to change the subject from business to spying. Now give us a list of everything your Muslim friends have come up with that will help humanity which other countries are clamoring to buy. Even eots the anti-Semite would not turn down something from Israel if it helped a medical condition or saved his life. Check out all the things that Israel has come up in the medical field.

The first heart transplant was performed in Apartheid South Africa.

By a WHITE SURGEON don't forget. Now they cant even cut toenails
Israel is an Apartheid state, it is not a democracy. It controls the occupied territories just as South Africa controlled the Bantustans. South Africa claimed that the people under its control in the Bantustans were not South African citizens, so they withheld the vote from them and subjected them to different laws. Just as Israel does in the Occupied Territories. Keep your bullshit to yourself.

When did the Palestinians sign over the land to Israel then numbnuts. When did they accept the terms of the UN resolutions to lay down their arms and live in peace with their neighbours.

You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.
Where is all this killing going on that wasn't brought about by Hamas attacks, rockets and mortars?

You mean people trying to break a blockade of their land borders, territorial sea and airspace?

Using illegal weapons and targeting children is not trying to break a blockade it is a very serious war crime that should be dealt with by the ICJ
You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

No they are killing tens of thousands instead, or don't you want that showing
Oh now I get it. Those billionaires do not invest in Israel. It's just a Zionist lie, right Penelope?

That is what Zionist do best.

Great investment for those of us who want to become wealthy. Thank the Lord Israel's enemies are too dumb to use Israel to become wealthy off of.

G4S Israel Supplier Profile
I went on to the site and everything was ""NO INFORMATION" other that a service for Security Service (Mercenaries)........pretty dumb site I'd say.

Many worldwide companies are waiting for a free Palestine to invest their money.
Invest money in what? Sand? Flea powder? Used camels?
No a very educated and hard working race of people.......really Hoss,you really are ignorant at times.....yet another Silly One Liner......steve

So going on numbers alone there should be ten million muslim Nobel prise winners, there are hardly 10. Going again on numbers alone there should be 100 million foreign company muslim CEO's there are barely 100. Now what were you saying about educated and hard working. 85% of british muslims are economically dependent on the state, compared to 60% of Jews, Sikhs and Hindus
Great investment for those of us who want to become wealthy. Thank the Lord Israel's enemies are too dumb to use Israel to become wealthy off of.

G4S Israel Supplier Profile
I went on to the site and everything was ""NO INFORMATION" other that a service for Security Service (Mercenaries)........pretty dumb site I'd say.

Many worldwide companies are waiting for a free Palestine to invest their money.
Invest money in what? Sand? Flea powder? Used camels?
No a very educated and hard working race of people.......really Hoss,you really are ignorant at times.....yet another Silly One Liner......steve
How can educated people live under domination? Well educated people should have some common sense. And they must work so hard they don't have time to pick up the trash in the streets and vacant lots.
The Palestinians are wanting to Not live under Israel Domination Hoss,and therein lies the problem...steve

Yet the answer is staring them in the face and they refuse to act on it. Simply by accepting the terms of the UN charter and negotiating peace and mutual borders they will be set free. But they do not want peace as it would mean an end to aid and charity
You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

You're so stupid and ignorant Monti, it boggles my mind. It doesn't take a genius to understand that Hamas invites ISrael to attack them by constantly poking the bear, over and over and over, until Israel commits to a full scale attack.
No attacking Israel, no retaliation. Even someone as stupid and deluded as you should understand that.

Great investment for those of us who want to become wealthy. Thank the Lord Israel's enemies are too dumb to use Israel to become wealthy off of.

G4S Israel Supplier Profile
I went on to the site and everything was ""NO INFORMATION" other that a service for Security Service (Mercenaries)........pretty dumb site I'd say.

Many worldwide companies are waiting for a free Palestine to invest their money.
Invest money in what? Sand? Flea powder? Used camels?
No a very educated and hard working race of people.......really Hoss,you really are ignorant at times.....yet another Silly One Liner......steve
How can educated people live under domination? Well educated people should have some common sense. And they must work so hard they don't have time to pick up the trash in the streets and vacant lots.
The Palestinians are wanting to Not live under Israel Domination Hoss,and therein lies the problem...steve

Absolutely correct. And who said Theliq is an imbecile? The Palis WANT TO BE FREE from Israel's brutal treatment of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions keeping them in Israel. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Do you think maybe Mecca would be a nice place for the noble peace loving,life loving Palestinians?
I went on to the site and everything was ""NO INFORMATION" other that a service for Security Service (Mercenaries)........pretty dumb site I'd say.

Many worldwide companies are waiting for a free Palestine to invest their money.
Invest money in what? Sand? Flea powder? Used camels?
No a very educated and hard working race of people.......really Hoss,you really are ignorant at times.....yet another Silly One Liner......steve
How can educated people live under domination? Well educated people should have some common sense. And they must work so hard they don't have time to pick up the trash in the streets and vacant lots.
The Palestinians are wanting to Not live under Israel Domination Hoss,and therein lies the problem...steve

Absolutely correct. And who said Theliq is an imbecile? The Palis WANT TO BE FREE from Israel's brutal treatment of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions keeping them in Israel. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Do you think maybe Mecca would be a nice place for the noble peace loving,life loving Palestinians?

Sure those are Jewish peace offerings, that is why they have been run out of every country there is, the are so peaceful. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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