Most Successful People Invest In Israel

You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

You're so stupid and ignorant Monti, it boggles my mind. It doesn't take a genius to understand that Hamas invites ISrael to attack them by constantly poking the bear, over and over and over, until Israel commits to a full scale attack.
No attacking Israel, no retaliation. Even someone as stupid and deluded as you should understand that.

If there was a medal for ignorance it , you'd get it.
You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

You're so stupid and ignorant Monti, it boggles my mind. It doesn't take a genius to understand that Hamas invites ISrael to attack them by constantly poking the bear, over and over and over, until Israel commits to a full scale attack.
No attacking Israel, no retaliation. Even someone as stupid and deluded as you should understand that.

If there was a medal for ignorance it , you'd get it.

What those Zionists have done & are still doing to the Palestinians is unforgivable with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to keep the Palis captivers in Israel. Down with Nutandyahoo. Truly Israel needs a leader who knows Palestinian mentality well like king Hussein who knew how to establish a lasting peace from Palestinians. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.
You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

You're so stupid and ignorant Monti, it boggles my mind. It doesn't take a genius to understand that Hamas invites ISrael to attack them by constantly poking the bear, over and over and over, until Israel commits to a full scale attack.
No attacking Israel, no retaliation. Even someone as stupid and deluded as you should understand that.

If there was a medal for ignorance it , you'd get it.

What those Zionists have done & are still doing to the Palestinians is unforgivable with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to keep the Palis captivers in Israel. Down with Nutandyahoo. Truly Israel needs a leader who knows Palestinian mentality well like king Hussein who knew how to establish a lasting peace from Palestinians. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.

The Zionist want a jewish state, even though the maj. of them are not Jews. That is like Texas saying only Texans can live in the state of Texas. they are racist thugs.
Invest money in what? Sand? Flea powder? Used camels?
No a very educated and hard working race of people.......really Hoss,you really are ignorant at times.....yet another Silly One Liner......steve
How can educated people live under domination? Well educated people should have some common sense. And they must work so hard they don't have time to pick up the trash in the streets and vacant lots.
The Palestinians are wanting to Not live under Israel Domination Hoss,and therein lies the problem...steve

Absolutely correct. And who said Theliq is an imbecile? The Palis WANT TO BE FREE from Israel's brutal treatment of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions keeping them in Israel. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Do you think maybe Mecca would be a nice place for the noble peace loving,life loving Palestinians?

Sure those are Jewish peace offerings, that is why they have been run out of every country there is, the are so peaceful. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Do you even know why the Jews were run out of nearly every country, because they were so successful at what they did. You want a flawless Diamond ring then you go to a Jewish Jeweller, you want the best return on your capital invest it through a Jewish broker. You want the best film ever you go to a Jewish production company. Imagine how the mediocre third rate companies reacted to those things, they wanted the Jews out.

If you want 5c in the dollar return on your money give it to a third rate broker, if you want 20c in the dollar or more give it to a Jewish broker. You want the US to prosper keep loaning the Jews money, you want the US to flounder stop the loans to Israel
You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

You're so stupid and ignorant Monti, it boggles my mind. It doesn't take a genius to understand that Hamas invites ISrael to attack them by constantly poking the bear, over and over and over, until Israel commits to a full scale attack.
No attacking Israel, no retaliation. Even someone as stupid and deluded as you should understand that.

If there was a medal for ignorance it , you'd get it.

What those Zionists have done & are still doing to the Palestinians is unforgivable with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to keep the Palis captivers in Israel. Down with Nutandyahoo. Truly Israel needs a leader who knows Palestinian mentality well like king Hussein who knew how to establish a lasting peace from Palestinians. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.

The Zionist want a jewish state, even though the maj. of them are not Jews. That is like Texas saying only Texans can live in the state of Texas. they are racist thugs.

Have you read the charters of 99% of Islamic nations yet, they don't want Jews, Christians, Sikhs or Hindus. And will kill to achieve their aims.
You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

You're so stupid and ignorant Monti, it boggles my mind. It doesn't take a genius to understand that Hamas invites ISrael to attack them by constantly poking the bear, over and over and over, until Israel commits to a full scale attack.
No attacking Israel, no retaliation. Even someone as stupid and deluded as you should understand that.

If there was a medal for ignorance it , you'd get it.
Poor Nazi can't handle the truth. You're nothing but a racist rotten bigot.
You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

You're so stupid and ignorant Monti, it boggles my mind. It doesn't take a genius to understand that Hamas invites ISrael to attack them by constantly poking the bear, over and over and over, until Israel commits to a full scale attack.
No attacking Israel, no retaliation. Even someone as stupid and deluded as you should understand that.

If there was a medal for ignorance it , you'd get it.
Poor Nazi can't handle the truth. You're nothing but a racist rotten bigot.

Yeah but it's so neat to see her life is so miserable for it.
You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

You're so stupid and ignorant Monti, it boggles my mind. It doesn't take a genius to understand that Hamas invites ISrael to attack them by constantly poking the bear, over and over and over, until Israel commits to a full scale attack.
No attacking Israel, no retaliation. Even someone as stupid and deluded as you should understand that.

If there was a medal for ignorance it , you'd get it.
Poor Nazi can't handle the truth. You're nothing but a racist rotten bigot.

Yeah but it's so neat to see her life is so miserable for it.

Yup. Penelope is our new entertainer ever since Sherri left.
You don't quite get the point, do you. The black South Africans may be beating up foreigners but they are not killing thousands as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians.

You're so stupid and ignorant Monti, it boggles my mind. It doesn't take a genius to understand that Hamas invites ISrael to attack them by constantly poking the bear, over and over and over, until Israel commits to a full scale attack.
No attacking Israel, no retaliation. Even someone as stupid and deluded as you should understand that.

If there was a medal for ignorance it , you'd get it.

What those Zionists have done & are still doing to the Palestinians is unforgivable with their damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to keep the Palis captivers in Israel. Down with Nutandyahoo. Truly Israel needs a leader who knows Palestinian mentality well like king Hussein who knew how to establish a lasting peace from Palestinians. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.

Thanks for the laughs.
The most successful people invested in Apartheid South Africa. Doesn't mean much.
Who were they?

Let's start with the British

‘British companies’ stake in apartheid gives an average rate of profit of some 21 per cent. This is extremely high compared to a 6-7 per cent average return on investment in Britain. So it is no surprise that 500 British companies invest in South Africa…British banks and companies earned £1bn last year from their investments in apartheid…Shell and BP control 40 per cent of oil sales in South Africa…British banks had claims of $5.562bn (£4.7bn) on South Africa (end June 1984), a rise of $1.02bn (£0.92bn) or 22.5 per cent on the previous year. Britain’s stake in apartheid is enormous. And precisely because investment in apartheid is so profitable, British collaboration with apartheid will not be easily broken."

Margaret Thatcher friend of apartheid Non-Stop Against Apartheid

OFF TOPIC SPAMMING AGAIN please remove this person posts

Don't like what you see Phoney?

Report to admin using the Report button, don't post here!
I went on to the site and everything was ""NO INFORMATION" other that a service for Security Service (Mercenaries)........pretty dumb site I'd say.

Many worldwide companies are waiting for a free Palestine to invest their money.
Invest money in what? Sand? Flea powder? Used camels?
No a very educated and hard working race of people.......really Hoss,you really are ignorant at times.....yet another Silly One Liner......steve
How can educated people live under domination? Well educated people should have some common sense. And they must work so hard they don't have time to pick up the trash in the streets and vacant lots.
The Palestinians are wanting to Not live under Israel Domination Hoss,and therein lies the problem...steve

Absolutely correct. And who said Theliq is an imbecile? The Palis WANT TO BE FREE from Israel's brutal treatment of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions keeping them in Israel. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Do you think maybe Mecca would be a nice place for the noble peace loving,life loving Palestinians?
Silly retort ............MJB because I could then respond that if all Jews returned to their country of origin because Palestine certainly isn't. .........The Palestinians can then get all their Land back.............I am more pragmatic and believe in a two state you know.

What has the further exile of Palestinians to countries in the middle east have anything to do with the Palestinians ????????........they are not from these countries they are from is only the 99% of Jews and/or their decendents that are from a foreign it Russia,Ukraine,US,Europe,Morrocco and all.....these Jews are/were illegal immigrants....have nothing at all to do with Jews from biblical times,you assume your faux Jewishness under the Terrorist Zionist banner,some how allows you to claim some sort of credibility to claim the Land you have misappropriated sic...........It does not..........infact Israel has never been ratified by the UN Security Council.....deeming it UNLAWFUL in its entity.

Unlike you Zionists who's Mantra has always been to eliminate the Palestinians PERIOD...... by MURDER OR EXILE.......yet you hypocritically claim "Hamas"(note not Palestinians) want to eliminate Jews from Israel....YET YOU SPEW EXACTLY THE SAME towards the Palestinians in your prose.....You and your ILK cannot have it both ways.....that is but one of the reasons Palestinians get great support Worldwide....moreover many more countries throughout the world support Palestine above may think me an imbecile but that is just your observation and opinion.......I am not myopic like you that has such a narrow opinion on the Pal/Israeli schism...I look at the wider situation and believe in a Free Palestine and Israel....and Peace between these to nations.

Palestinians are not from other Arabic countries......but many Jews the past 60 years the Palestinian disporia sic have had to educate,work and remain overseas....for so many reasons(which I shouldn't have to explain to you yet again).

People like you and the dross possee can never change,because you just don't have the basic humanity,humility or intelligence........and in that I feel great sadness for you...all.steve
Last edited:
Invest money in what? Sand? Flea powder? Used camels?
No a very educated and hard working race of people.......really Hoss,you really are ignorant at times.....yet another Silly One Liner......steve
How can educated people live under domination? Well educated people should have some common sense. And they must work so hard they don't have time to pick up the trash in the streets and vacant lots.
The Palestinians are wanting to Not live under Israel Domination Hoss,and therein lies the problem...steve

Absolutely correct. And who said Theliq is an imbecile? The Palis WANT TO BE FREE from Israel's brutal treatment of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions keeping them in Israel. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Do you think maybe Mecca would be a nice place for the noble peace loving,life loving Palestinians?

Sure those are Jewish peace offerings, that is why they have been run out of every country there is, the are so peaceful. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Hi Penelope.I cannot completely agree with you on some points........The Jews throughout history have had a terrible time,not really their fault in general but the attitude towards them mainly by Christians(???as they called themselves) in the Golden age of the Moors in Spain the Moors(ARABS) and Jews got on very well and even fought the marauding Christians side by side............culminating in the Spanish Inquesion sic which really was a ruse to eliminate the remaining Jews.

The Jews after this period were pretty peaceful....up until the inception of Zionism in the 1880's......Many Jews then became under this Terrorist Organization(much like the impressional recruits of ISIS today)........and the Zionist were/are a different kettle of fish......that has snaked itself throughout modern Jewry even claiming Judeaism and Zionism is one and the same...Incredibly......................No Penelope....Jews of yester year are nothing like the indoctorination of Jews over the past 60-100 years................these are HARD BASTARDS but not every Jew is like them.... there is resistance,STEVE.....Penelope,love all your posts and keep up your wonderful support for the Wonderful Palestinian people.
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Chugging being the operative word here.....if it wasn't for overseas aid and money...most Israelis would be living in Mud Huts............fact....moreover tens of thousands of Jews are leaving Israel for many reasons.....including boasting about a few Tax-Dodgers coming into Israel (Who Israel will happily accomodate) should give us an Exposea of why Jews are leaving in such numbers.......Chug,Chug,Splutter.......steve
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The most successful people invested in Apartheid South Africa. Doesn't mean much.
Who were they?

Let's start with the British

‘British companies’ stake in apartheid gives an average rate of profit of some 21 per cent. This is extremely high compared to a 6-7 per cent average return on investment in Britain. So it is no surprise that 500 British companies invest in South Africa…British banks and companies earned £1bn last year from their investments in apartheid…Shell and BP control 40 per cent of oil sales in South Africa…British banks had claims of $5.562bn (£4.7bn) on South Africa (end June 1984), a rise of $1.02bn (£0.92bn) or 22.5 per cent on the previous year. Britain’s stake in apartheid is enormous. And precisely because investment in apartheid is so profitable, British collaboration with apartheid will not be easily broken."

Margaret Thatcher friend of apartheid Non-Stop Against Apartheid

OFF TOPIC SPAMMING AGAIN please remove this person posts

Don't like what you see Phoney?

Report to admin using the Report button, don't post here!
God he's an Idiot all right Humanity.......steve
The most successful people invested in Apartheid South Africa. Doesn't mean much.
Who were they?

Let's start with the British

‘British companies’ stake in apartheid gives an average rate of profit of some 21 per cent. This is extremely high compared to a 6-7 per cent average return on investment in Britain. So it is no surprise that 500 British companies invest in South Africa…British banks and companies earned £1bn last year from their investments in apartheid…Shell and BP control 40 per cent of oil sales in South Africa…British banks had claims of $5.562bn (£4.7bn) on South Africa (end June 1984), a rise of $1.02bn (£0.92bn) or 22.5 per cent on the previous year. Britain’s stake in apartheid is enormous. And precisely because investment in apartheid is so profitable, British collaboration with apartheid will not be easily broken."

Margaret Thatcher friend of apartheid Non-Stop Against Apartheid

OFF TOPIC SPAMMING AGAIN please remove this person posts

Don't like what you see Phoney?

Report to admin using the Report button, don't post here!

I do and I am waiting for action to be taken
Chugging being the operative word here.....if it wasn't for overseas aid and money...most Israelis would be living in Mud Huts............fact....moreover tens of thousands of Jews are leaving Israel for many reasons.....including boasting about a few Tax-Dodgers coming into Israel (Who Israel will happily accomodate) should give us an Exposea of why Jews are leaving in such numbers.......Chug,Chug,Splutter.......steve

Do tell us again why hamas keeps closing the gates to Palestinians wanting to leave gaza, then charges them $thousands to exit via the tunnels
The most successful people invested in Apartheid South Africa. Doesn't mean much.
Who were they?

Let's start with the British

‘British companies’ stake in apartheid gives an average rate of profit of some 21 per cent. This is extremely high compared to a 6-7 per cent average return on investment in Britain. So it is no surprise that 500 British companies invest in South Africa…British banks and companies earned £1bn last year from their investments in apartheid…Shell and BP control 40 per cent of oil sales in South Africa…British banks had claims of $5.562bn (£4.7bn) on South Africa (end June 1984), a rise of $1.02bn (£0.92bn) or 22.5 per cent on the previous year. Britain’s stake in apartheid is enormous. And precisely because investment in apartheid is so profitable, British collaboration with apartheid will not be easily broken."

Margaret Thatcher friend of apartheid Non-Stop Against Apartheid

OFF TOPIC SPAMMING AGAIN please remove this person posts

Don't like what you see Phoney?

Report to admin using the Report button, don't post here!
God he's an Idiot all right Humanity.......steve

How would you know ?
Invest money in what? Sand? Flea powder? Used camels?
No a very educated and hard working race of people.......really Hoss,you really are ignorant at times.....yet another Silly One Liner......steve
How can educated people live under domination? Well educated people should have some common sense. And they must work so hard they don't have time to pick up the trash in the streets and vacant lots.
The Palestinians are wanting to Not live under Israel Domination Hoss,and therein lies the problem...steve

Absolutely correct. And who said Theliq is an imbecile? The Palis WANT TO BE FREE from Israel's brutal treatment of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions keeping them in Israel. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Do you think maybe Mecca would be a nice place for the noble peace loving,life loving Palestinians?
Silly retort ............MJB because I could then respond that if all Jews returned to their country of origin because Palestine certainly isn't. .........The Palestinians can then get all their Land back.............I am more pragmatic and believe in a two state you know.

What has the further exile of Palestinians to countries in the middle east have anything to do with the Palestinians ????????........they are not from these countries they are from is only the 99% of Jews and/or their decendents that are from a foreign it Russia,Ukraine,US,Europe,Morrocco and all.....these Jews are/were illegal immigrants....have nothing at all to do with Jews from biblical times,you assume your faux Jewishness under the Terrorist Zionist banner,some how allows you to claim some sort of credibility to claim the Land you have misappropriated sic...........It does not..........infact Israel has never been ratified by the UN Security Council.....deeming it UNLAWFUL in its entity.

Unlike you Zionists who's Mantra has always been to eliminate the Palestinians PERIOD...... by MURDER OR EXILE.......yet you hypocritically claim "Hamas"(note not Palestinians) want to eliminate Jews from Israel....YET YOU SPEW EXACTLY THE SAME towards the Palestinians in your prose.....You and your ILK cannot have it both ways.....that is but one of the reasons Palestinians get great support Worldwide....moreover many more countries throughout the world support Palestine above may think me an imbecile but that is just your observation and opinion.......I am not myopic like you that has such a narrow opinion on the Pal/Israeli schism...I look at the wider situation and believe in a Free Palestine and Israel....and Peace between these to nations.

Palestinians are not from other Arabic countries......but many Jews the past 60 years the Palestinian disporia sic have had to educate,work and remain overseas....for so many reasons(which I shouldn't have to explain to you yet again).

People like you and the dross possee can never change,because you just don't have the basic humanity,humility or intelligence........and in that I feel great sadness for you...all.steve

Then what would happen to the millions of illegal immigrants, will they go back to where they came from

A two state solution that has muslims in charge of both of them

So you don't consider the 1 million Jews and their descendants forcibly evicted from arab nations to be from a foreign country while the arab muslims aren't who left the same countries.

Wrong again as the UNSC did ratify Israel, just that you refuse to accept it. Even the minutes of the meeting are not enough for you.

Hams speaks for the Palestinians you idiot and they have them eating out of their hands.

Try reading the proper history books and not just the islamomoron ones
No a very educated and hard working race of people.......really Hoss,you really are ignorant at times.....yet another Silly One Liner......steve
How can educated people live under domination? Well educated people should have some common sense. And they must work so hard they don't have time to pick up the trash in the streets and vacant lots.
The Palestinians are wanting to Not live under Israel Domination Hoss,and therein lies the problem...steve

Absolutely correct. And who said Theliq is an imbecile? The Palis WANT TO BE FREE from Israel's brutal treatment of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions keeping them in Israel. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Do you think maybe Mecca would be a nice place for the noble peace loving,life loving Palestinians?

Sure those are Jewish peace offerings, that is why they have been run out of every country there is, the are so peaceful. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Hi Penelope.I cannot completely agree with you on some points........The Jews throughout history have had a terrible time,not really their fault in general but the attitude towards them mainly by Christians(???as they called themselves) in the Golden age of the Moors in Spain the Moors(ARABS) and Jews got on very well and even fought the marauding Christians side by side............culminating in the Spanish Inquesion sic which really was a ruse to eliminate the remaining Jews.

The Jews after this period were pretty peaceful....up until the inception of Zionism in the 1880's......Many Jews then became under this Terrorist Organization(much like the impressional recruits of ISIS today)........and the Zionist were/are a different kettle of fish......that has snaked itself throughout modern Jewry even claiming Judeaism and Zionism is one and the same...Incredibly......................No Penelope....Jews of yester year are nothing like the indoctorination of Jews over the past 60-100 years................these are HARD BASTARDS but not every Jew is like them.... there is resistance,STEVE.....Penelope,love all your posts and keep up your wonderful support for the Wonderful Palestinian people.

Bull shit the arab muslims massacred the Jews in their thousands on a regular basis to keep the numbers down. Just like a farmer will cull his herds when they get too large so the muslims culled their slaves.

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