Most Transparent Administration in History?

Can anyone name an administration that was more transparent and explain how?
Can anyone name an administration that was more transparent and explain how?

George W Bush.
Didn't refuse to protect his people then deny the attack took place.

Did not order the IRS to audit people or groups that did not fund his campaign.

The only admit less transparent was probably stalins.
Can anyone name an administration that was more transparent and explain how?

George W Bush.
Didn't refuse to protect his people then deny the attack took place.

Did not order the IRS to audit people or groups that did not fund his campaign.

The only admit less transparent was probably stalins.

Neither statement is remotely true
What can't he just quit Alcohol Tobacco and Fuck Ups, publish his own book, and wait for a drone?
obama has put the fear into reporters.

Why reporters fear Team Obama | New York Post

“We have to think more about when we use cellphones, when we use e-mail and when we need to meet sources in person,” said Michael Oreskes, senior managing editor of the Associated Press. “We need to be more and more aware that government can track our work without talking to our reporters, without letting us know.”
These concerns, expressed by numerous journalists I interviewed, are well-founded. Relying on the 1917 Espionage Act, which was rarely invoked before President Obama took office, this administration has secretly used the phone and e-mail records of government officials and reporters to identify and prosecute government sources for national-security stories.

obama the control freak.
NYT reporter: Obama admin ?most closed, control-freak administration I?ve ever covered? « Hot Air

Sanger, who has worked for the Times in Washington for two decades, said, “This is most closed, control-freak administration I’ve ever covered.”

Many leak investigations include lie-detector tests for government officials with access to the information at issue. “Reporters are interviewing sources through intermediaries now,” Barr told me, “so the sources can truthfully answer on polygraphs that they didn’t talk to reporters.”
Can anyone name an administration that was more transparent and explain how?

Right now, this has nothing to do with past presidents.

oBozo was elected on, among other lies, a pledge of being a transparent President. Instead, he is the exact opposite.
Can anyone name an administration that was more transparent and explain how?

George W Bush.
Didn't refuse to protect his people then deny the attack took place.

Did not order the IRS to audit people or groups that did not fund his campaign.

The only admit less transparent was probably stalins.
He just lied us into 2 wars by withholding selected intel from Congress; deleted approximately 50 million WH emails; set a record for the use of "executive privalige"; started the warrantless wiretapping programs and was THE MOST secretive Administration in US history..............

...............UNTIL NOW!

I didn't think it was possible, but the OA has replaced his predecessor on this topic and it's not even close!
Can anyone name an administration that was more transparent and explain how?

must defend obama, must....

how in the world can you support the admin's decision to deny him the right to publish? is it because your claim that it was a faux scandal will be shown to be as false as the day you made the claim?

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