Most US middle and high schools start the school day too early

Yep. Except we have had these studies out for about twenty years now. It's wonderful that the CDC is coming around. There are a plethora of changes that could be made that are beneficial but nobody wants to deal with them. Everything has to be political.
Why do schools close in the summer? Family farms are rare today. If we are going to close these big, expensive buildings for weeks at a time, it should be in winter, when travel is more dangerous and heating and lighting cost more.
It is a ridiculous practice, left over from a past that is long gone. Let kids go all year long, let families take vacations when they want, finish school faster if children want to and provide higher education the way intelligent modern nations do. Improve the work force, improve productivity, improve the quality of life for all.
Of course, being reasonable will probably not be popular.
Hell no, summer is the time to get home improvements done.
Oh look! The human race has been wrong for millennia.

This is just more victimhood from the left. Poor poor teenagers, we are so cruel! Trying to make them responsible people? The horror! Being responsible leads to Independance and success. And we all know the inevitable outcome of that right? Yes, that most intolerable condition known as conservatism.
If you get better test scores, less behavioral problems, less truancy issues then it is worth paying attention to. Like I said, studies have shown this for a good 20 years.
They proposed moving the start time later when I was in high school. Problem is a lot of people do after-school activities and nobody wants to finish practice or clubs at 8pm. As many people so many tastes.
Imagine school buses stuck in rush hour traffic for hours and hours. Imagine what could happen on those buses during that time.
Consider that many students have after-school jobs that are sometimes essential to their overall family income/survival.
Schooling is the JOB of the young. It should be 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week, year round. Give them 3 weeks off in July/August and 2 weeks around Christmas /New Years. That's it.
More lefty lunacy. Kids too undisciplined with too little parental oversight can't get their asses to bed on time in order to get enough sleep, so we'll start school later and that will somehow cause the goof balls to get the proper amount of sack time. It's so easy being a low info dope.
Pampering the spoiled little brats won't prepare them for a better future. They should be starting school at the crack of dawn. 7am at the latest!

First class- MANDATORY PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Have those fat little fuckers do calisthenics for at least an hour! Then force them to run a few miles. The problem isn't lack of sleep, it's lack of exercise.
It's also well known that children do a LOT better in 'year round' school. Which has the same days off, just more and smaller breaks.
High School should start at 10. IMHO

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