Mostly Republicans and yet they have a problem!!

Mueller- a republican
Sessions- a republican
Rosenstein- a republican
Supreme Court- 5 =more conservative, 4= more liberal
Governors- 33 Republican

House- Republican maj
Senate - Republican maj

And yet you republicans keep screaming about the Democrats, and how unfair everything is.

The FBI and Justice Dept is anti Trump.

Complain , complain , complain, yet your stuck on Clinton and Obama. You must miss them.

For anything that is happening now or in the future , you have one party to blame , the GOP. (Donald Duck can't ride the shirttails of Obama for any longer though he sure has).

So let me get this seem to think because the American people have elected more Republicans than Democrats...that what the Democrats did in the last election shouldn't be brought up?

You liberals have been bringing up Watergate for the past forty YEARS, Penelope but you now claim that the GOP is "stuck" on Clinton and Obama because Republicans are calling for an investigation of wrongdoing at the very highest levels of government by the very Party and the very people who have been accusing Donald Trump of "collusion"?

I hate to point out the obvious here...but a sitting President using the IRS and the FBI to target his political enemies (which it's obvious that Barack Obama DID!) is a worse abuse of power than what Nixon did back in the day! Watergate is small time compared to what the Obama Administration pulled off.

turn off the radio
Mueller- a republican
Sessions- a republican
Rosenstein- a republican
Supreme Court- 5 =more conservative, 4= more liberal
Governors- 33 Republican

House- Republican maj
Senate - Republican maj

And yet you republicans keep screaming about the Democrats, and how unfair everything is.

The FBI and Justice Dept is anti Trump.

Complain , complain , complain, yet your stuck on Clinton and Obama. You must miss them.

For anything that is happening now or in the future , you have one party to blame , the GOP. (Donald Duck can't ride the shirttails of Obama for any longer though he sure has).

So let me get this seem to think because the American people have elected more Republicans than Democrats...that what the Democrats did in the last election shouldn't be brought up?

You liberals have been bringing up Watergate for the past forty YEARS, Penelope but you now claim that the GOP is "stuck" on Clinton and Obama because Republicans are calling for an investigation of wrongdoing at the very highest levels of government by the very Party and the very people who have been accusing Donald Trump of "collusion"?

I hate to point out the obvious here...but a sitting President using the IRS and the FBI to target his political enemies (which it's obvious that Barack Obama DID!) is a worse abuse of power than what Nixon did back in the day! Watergate is small time compared to what the Obama Administration pulled off.

It never ceases to amaze me what right wingers claim Obama did with no evidence, no charges and no witnesses. There was a Republican investigation into the IRS and what you say happened was found to be a Republican lie.

Like most Republican lies, as soon as they read their report that Obama did NOT use the IRS for political purposes, the closed the report and then claimed he did. Typical Republican tactic.
Mueller- a republican
Sessions- a republican
Rosenstein- a republican
Supreme Court- 5 =more conservative, 4= more liberal
Governors- 33 Republican

House- Republican maj
Senate - Republican maj

And yet you republicans keep screaming about the Democrats, and how unfair everything is.

The FBI and Justice Dept is anti Trump.

Complain , complain , complain, yet your stuck on Clinton and Obama. You must miss them.

For anything that is happening now or in the future , you have one party to blame , the GOP. (Donald Duck can't ride the shirttails of Obama for any longer though he sure has).

I love the GOP notion that to investigate someone, you have to be their biggest fan. Only a republican can investigate a republican. Anything else would be a witch hunt and unfair.

Yeah, wasn't Ken Starr was on Bill Clinton's reelection campaign.....
Mueller- a republican
Sessions- a republican
Rosenstein- a republican
Supreme Court- 5 =more conservative, 4= more liberal
Governors- 33 Republican

House- Republican maj
Senate - Republican maj

And yet you republicans keep screaming about the Democrats, and how unfair everything is.

The FBI and Justice Dept is anti Trump.

Complain , complain , complain, yet your stuck on Clinton and Obama. You must miss them.

For anything that is happening now or in the future , you have one party to blame , the GOP. (Donald Duck can't ride the shirttails of Obama for any longer though he sure has).

So let me get this seem to think because the American people have elected more Republicans than Democrats...that what the Democrats did in the last election shouldn't be brought up?

You liberals have been bringing up Watergate for the past forty YEARS, Penelope but you now claim that the GOP is "stuck" on Clinton and Obama because Republicans are calling for an investigation of wrongdoing at the very highest levels of government by the very Party and the very people who have been accusing Donald Trump of "collusion"?

I hate to point out the obvious here...but a sitting President using the IRS and the FBI to target his political enemies (which it's obvious that Barack Obama DID!) is a worse abuse of power than what Nixon did back in the day! Watergate is small time compared to what the Obama Administration pulled off.

It never ceases to amaze me what right wingers claim Obama did with no evidence, no charges and no witnesses. There was a Republican investigation into the IRS and what you say happened was found to be a Republican lie.

Like most Republican lies, as soon as they read their report that Obama did NOT use the IRS for political purposes, the closed the report and then claimed he did. Typical Republican tactic.

With conservatives its not if a claim is actually true. Its if it feels true. These are almost purely emotionally driven creatures. Thus, if a conspiracy feels true to them, they'll repeat it until their dying day, regardless of the lack of evidence supporting it or the overwhelming evidence contradicting it.

The IRS investigation would be a perfect example. These hapless souls are STILL insisting that Obama directed the IRS to punish the tea party. Yet nothing backs that claim. And every investigation, including GOP led investigations, have debunked it.

But it still feels true. So they mindlessly repeat it.
Mueller- a republican
Sessions- a republican
Rosenstein- a republican
Supreme Court- 5 =more conservative, 4= more liberal
Governors- 33 Republican

House- Republican maj
Senate - Republican maj

And yet you republicans keep screaming about the Democrats, and how unfair everything is.

The FBI and Justice Dept is anti Trump.

Complain , complain , complain, yet your stuck on Clinton and Obama. You must miss them.

For anything that is happening now or in the future , you have one party to blame , the GOP. (Donald Duck can't ride the shirttails of Obama for any longer though he sure has).

These are people that need to lie and cheat their way in to power and have done it at every level of government. Then when they get that power, they don't know what to do with it and blame democrats for when it goes to shit. Then the country elects a democrat who fixes things until the next batch of republicans are elected based on more lies and cheating. Then we start the cycle over again.

As long as we have idiots like we do on this site who refuse to think for themselves we'll continue on this same cycle.
Mueller- a republican
Sessions- a republican
Rosenstein- a republican
Supreme Court- 5 =more conservative, 4= more liberal
Governors- 33 Republican

House- Republican maj
Senate - Republican maj

And yet you republicans keep screaming about the Democrats, and how unfair everything is.

The FBI and Justice Dept is anti Trump.

Complain , complain , complain, yet your stuck on Clinton and Obama. You must miss them.

For anything that is happening now or in the future , you have one party to blame , the GOP. (Donald Duck can't ride the shirttails of Obama for any longer though he sure has).

These are people that need to lie and cheat their way in to power and have done it at every level of government. Then when they get that power, they don't know what to do with it and blame democrats for when it goes to shit. Then the country elects a democrat who fixes things until the next batch of republicans are elected based on more lies and cheating. Then we start the cycle over again.

As long as we have idiots like we do on this site who refuse to think for themselves we'll continue on this same cycle.

Actually, I was wrong about one thing. They do know what to do when they get power. And that's payback their corporate sponsors who pumped millions in to their election efforts with legislation that enriches them further and fucks over all of us.
Mueller- a republican
Sessions- a republican
Rosenstein- a republican
Supreme Court- 5 =more conservative, 4= more liberal
Governors- 33 Republican

House- Republican maj
Senate - Republican maj

And yet you republicans keep screaming about the Democrats, and how unfair everything is.

The FBI and Justice Dept is anti Trump.

Complain , complain , complain, yet your stuck on Clinton and Obama. You must miss them.

For anything that is happening now or in the future , you have one party to blame , the GOP. (Donald Duck can't ride the shirttails of Obama for any longer though he sure has).
Did you forget your promise to stop insulting ducks? Is that a party thing, er?

I decided that Donald Duck is just a cartoon character and I mean no offense to real ducks everywhere, Donald Duck is so like the Potus, a cartoon character.
Have you ever had an original thought? Must you regurgitate liberal talking points constantly?

Your right, Joe Scarborough brought this up this am, but I added the Governors as they are very imp. When are you going to have an original thought, let me know?
Have you ever had an original thought? Must you regurgitate liberal talking points constantly?

That's all they do. They're mindless drones.

And it's glaringly apparent as to where they get their talking points.

Where? Most of us realized it, but not all, he merely pointed it out, and I thought I'd share it with people who seem to not know anything about the political system, or are to lazy or due to time do not keep up on the news, in other words those who have no idea of what is going on!
And it's glaringly apparent as to where they get their talking points.

You can ignore 90% and you will still come across the same asinine bullshit from at least one of them.

I only pay attention to the top 10% least stupid and it's painful enough at times.
Mueller- a republican
Sessions- a republican
Rosenstein- a republican
Supreme Court- 5 =more conservative, 4= more liberal
Governors- 33 Republican

House- Republican maj
Senate - Republican maj

And yet you republicans keep screaming about the Democrats, and how unfair everything is.

The FBI and Justice Dept is anti Trump.

Complain , complain , complain, yet your stuck on Clinton and Obama. You must miss them.

For anything that is happening now or in the future , you have one party to blame , the GOP. (Donald Duck can't ride the shirttails of Obama for any longer though he sure has).
Did you forget your promise to stop insulting ducks? Is that a party thing, er?

I decided that Donald Duck is just a cartoon character and I mean no offense to real ducks everywhere, Donald Duck is so like the Potus, a cartoon character.
Thanks for clearing that up, Daffy.
You people just keep banging your heads into the same wall. There is NO such thing as a Republican OR Democrat in the Political Class. That is simply a construct used to keep the "electorate" divided and fighting. It's working pretty well don't you think?
You people just keep banging your heads into the same wall. There is NO such thing as a Republican OR Democrat in the Political Class. That is simply a construct used to keep the "electorate" divided and fighting. It's working pretty well don't you think?

You couldn’t be more wrong Doc. When Democrats get into power, they improve the economy and help the country recover its fiscal bearings after another round of destructive Republican Cut and Spend trickle down.
You people just keep banging your heads into the same wall. There is NO such thing as a Republican OR Democrat in the Political Class. That is simply a construct used to keep the "electorate" divided and fighting. It's working pretty well don't you think?

You couldn’t be more wrong Doc. When Democrats get into power, they improve the economy and help the country recover its fiscal bearings after another round of destructive Republican Cut and Spend trickle down.

Nobody can see it until they are ready to. Once they are ready it's all right there in front of them, nothing is hidden.
Mueller- a republican
Sessions- a republican
Rosenstein- a republican
Supreme Court- 5 =more conservative, 4= more liberal
Governors- 33 Republican

House- Republican maj
Senate - Republican maj

And yet you republicans keep screaming about the Democrats, and how unfair everything is.

The FBI and Justice Dept is anti Trump.

Complain , complain , complain, yet your stuck on Clinton and Obama. You must miss them.

For anything that is happening now or in the future , you have one party to blame , the GOP. (Donald Duck can't ride the shirttails of Obama for any longer though he sure has).

So let me get this seem to think because the American people have elected more Republicans than Democrats...that what the Democrats did in the last election shouldn't be brought up?

You liberals have been bringing up Watergate for the past forty YEARS, Penelope but you now claim that the GOP is "stuck" on Clinton and Obama because Republicans are calling for an investigation of wrongdoing at the very highest levels of government by the very Party and the very people who have been accusing Donald Trump of "collusion"?

I hate to point out the obvious here...but a sitting President using the IRS and the FBI to target his political enemies (which it's obvious that Barack Obama DID!) is a worse abuse of power than what Nixon did back in the day! Watergate is small time compared to what the Obama Administration pulled off.

It never ceases to amaze me what right wingers claim Obama did with no evidence, no charges and no witnesses. There was a Republican investigation into the IRS and what you say happened was found to be a Republican lie.

Like most Republican lies, as soon as they read their report that Obama did NOT use the IRS for political purposes, the closed the report and then claimed he did. Typical Republican tactic.

Oh, bullshit, Draggin' Lady! You think Lois Lerner took the 5th because she had nothing to hide? You think the IRS erased tens of thousands of their emails "by accident"? There has been a palpable "stench" coming from the Obama Administration throughout the eight years that Barry was in office! That White House brought Chicago Style politics to Washington and their abuses of power were downright STAGGERING! If it were a GOP administration that had pulled the sleazy crap that Obama's group on the left would be screaming bloody murder and the main stream media would be devoting nonstop coverage to the investigations!

When all is said and done...Presidential historians will end up labeling the Obama White House as one of the more corrupt groups that we've ever had in that esteemed building!

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