Mother has kids kidnapped from her,she in return kills CPS agent.

this isn't maternal instinct. it's murderous rage.

It's maternal instinct. I wish it would happen more often, especially when the reason for taking children out of the home is ridiculous.
it absolutely wasn't. it was revenge. she didn't shoot the agents that took her kids while they were doing it. she didn't try to run off with the kids away from cps. she waited outside a state office building and gunned down an agent in cold blood. it's fucking sick and should never be cheered. i thought you respected life?

A cop was likely with the CPS agent when they removed the girl. I would have waited too.
They ALWAYS are. Cops are just as guilty in this....their job is to protect and serve not help kidnap so state can make more money.

It also pisses me off that anyone can make an "anonymous" call to CPS and make shit up and they show up at your door. That happened to my family and for a stupid reason. The tipster, and we know who it was, had to exaggerate and straight out lie to get somebody to show up. It's amazing how quickly and easily the government can get right into your home and your life based on a whim. I understand the murderous rage when my children are threatened to be taken out of my home. I killed that woman's cat and made sure she knew it even though she couldn't prove it.

Do you really agree that kids are taken from their parents "so the state can make more money?" Really? Were any kids removed from your home based on that anonymous tip? Aren't you glad that people in our gov't are charged with investigating tips about child abuse? I've not only read stories about kids who were not saved by human services, I've read stories about kids who were.

Lee Ann McAdoo
August 1, 2013

The FBI raid that rescued 105 sexually exploited children from a sex trafficking ring last weekend has highlighted the vulnerability of foster children

Sixty percent of runaways who arevictims of sex trafficking had been in the custody of child protective services.

Many times when children are rescued from sex traffickers they are put right back into the foster care system to repeat the same vicious cycle.

Victims may even recruit other children into the very abuse they had just left.

With the ā€œchild protectorsā€ snatching even more children into the system to get more federal funding, there has become a serious shortage of good foster parents to handle the surplus of children, which means the bar has been set really low for people who can qualify to foster.

A 2011 audit of Sacramento Foster Care facilities found the addressees of more than 1000 registered sex offenders matched the addresses of licensed foster-care facilities and homes.

Almost 600 of those offenders were considered high risk.

The report identified a number of factors endangering these children, including a failure to thoroughly and promptly investigate reports of neglect.

Those who are paid to protect children couldnā€™t care less about their safety so long as the feds come through with the
big bucks.

Sex traffickers prey on helpless children who feel abandoned by their families and lost in a system of providers that donā€™t bother to follow up on reports of neglect.

These are the type of children that are easily groomed for child sex slavery and prostitution.

The demand for child sex trafficking is even greater now that sex-trafficking and pedophila have moved out of isolation and into a worldwide internet-based community of people who share images and techniques.

According to the International Center For Missing And Exploited Children (ICMEC), of the millions of pornographic images on the internet, 10% are of infants and toddlers, while 76% are of pre-pubescent children.

Let that sink in.

Almost 90% of all porn on the internet is of exploited children.

Thatā€™s why the Global Center For Women and Justice has said that ā€œhuman trafficking is far more lucrative than the sale of drugs or arms because the children involved are considered reusable assets.ā€

The consumers are not who you would suspect, according to the ICMEC, ā€œThey are doctors, lawyers, business executives, teachers, coaches and everyone in between. They donā€™t look evil.ā€

Indeed, you can still get a government contracted job even if youā€™re a convicted pimp.
Even though George W. Bush enacted a law banning contractors who buy and sell humans from federal work, zero prosecutions have taken place.

Foster Care System Traps Children into Vicious Cycle of Sex Abuse Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Organized trafficking requires systemic corruption and as the FBIā€™s sting operation proved, itā€™s a very sophisticated network operating globally.

A United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Report states that the opportunities for corruption exist in a chain that includes police, customs agents, intelligence/security forces, local officials, persons with influence on public officials and the list goes on and on.

These people aid in the criminal activity by not only ignoring it but also by actively obstructing an investigation and helping to organize the trafficking process.

PressTV reports that rogue elements of police and intelligence services, as well as organized crime outfits, use blackmail as a means of control.

They employ child prostitution rings to obtain blackmail material on politicians, judges, military and intelligence officers, and other key power-brokers.

Consider the case of Craig Spence, a Republican powerbroker in Washington who according to the Washington Times was implicated with a call-boy ring that supplied young boys to the Washington Elite of both political parties.

Spenceā€™s mansion was found to be overflowing with surveillance equipment, including hidden cameras, microphones and an abundance of two-way mirrors.

The Washington Times further alleged that the ring was part of a CIA sexual blackmail operation, gathering compromising evidence on Washington politicos and foreign dignitaries.

ā€œThe Findersā€ is another notorious CIA-linked child pimping ring.

After two men were arrested for brutally abusing six children between the ages of three and six, an investigation led police to warehouses in Washington, D.C., where they found evidence of a global child trafficking network as well as proof that large numbers of captive children were being used in blood rituals and sexual orgies.

Barrett writes that Agent Ramon Martinez of the US Customs Service and Detective James Bradley of the Washington, DC police were horrified at what they found. They were even more horrified when their investigation and attempted prosecution of the Finders was called off ā€“ by the CIA!

According to Agent Martinezā€™s report, the case of the Finders was deemed ā€œa CIA internal matterā€ and all details were ā€œclassified secret and not available for review.ā€

Former CIA Director William Colby told Nebraska State Legislator John DeCamp that the CIA was heavily involved in ritual child abuse.

He informed DeCamp that the abused children were being used in CIA mind-control experiments as well as blackmail projects.

What became known as ā€œThe Franklin Scandalā€ was a nationwide pedophile ring that implicated businessmen, senators, major media corporations, the CIA and the Boys Town organization.

In a 2012 interview with The Ellis County Observer, DeCamp recalls how his investigation into the Franklin Scandal linked him with another high profile pedophile, salacious Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky.

ā€œOne of Sanduskyā€™s contacts was here in Omaha,ā€ DeCamp said.

ā€œSomehow those Pennsylvania people knew about it from my book; they said ā€˜you brought it up in your book.ā€™ā€

Earlier media reports established Sandusky as the figurehead for a more sinister role of providing children to wealthy and prominent donors.

Sandusky founded The Second Mile in 1977, serving underprivileged and at-risk youth.

It was here that he met his molestation victims.

The world is no doubt a better place after the arrest of 150 low-level sex traffickers, but the FBI must take their investigation all the way to the top and bring down the elite pedophile organizations that continue to be too powerful for prosecution.

Foster Care System Traps Children into Vicious Cycle of Sex Abuse Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

Infowars? Alex Joes? Cynthia McKinney? Are you serious? The website is a loony tune conspiracy theory circus and the people there are carny barkers.
Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.
what the fuck is wrong with you that you would cheer on a murderer?

He's cheering on maternal instinct. So am I.
Well, she'll never get her kid back now, or likely even see it again. Great work, boys...

The "boys" didnt' do it. She did.

Just the same....

These social workers are out of control. I've heard dozens of horrific stories in the past 10 years.

Does it make murder right? No, of course not stupid. But here's the difference between the right-wing and the left-wing. You think because what she did was wrong, that means that the DCF is perfectly fine.

We look at it and say, yeah what she did was wrong, but it was bound to happen. You can't steal people's kids away, and think somehow people will just accept it. At some point, someone is going to snap, and kill someone.

This isn't the repo man taking a car you didn't pay for. This is people's children. Arrogant government left-wing snots walk around thinking they can just take kids away from their parents, and nothing will happen.... oh no... somethings going to happen. You take the wrong kid, from the wrong parents, and someone's going to die.
It's maternal instinct. I wish it would happen more often, especially when the reason for taking children out of the home is ridiculous.

In America's large cities kids are abused by parents with "maternal instinct" ... often abused to death. Who and how should we protect those kids from the parents "maternal instinct?"
Children are beneficiaries of maternal protective instinct, not the victims of it. I feel like I'm talking to a complete moron.
It's maternal instinct. I wish it would happen more often, especially when the reason for taking children out of the home is ridiculous.
it absolutely wasn't. it was revenge. she didn't shoot the agents that took her kids while they were doing it. she didn't try to run off with the kids away from cps. she waited outside a state office building and gunned down an agent in cold blood. it's fucking sick and should never be cheered. i thought you respected life?

A cop was likely with the CPS agent when they removed the girl. I would have waited too.
They ALWAYS are. Cops are just as guilty in this....their job is to protect and serve not help kidnap so state can make more money.

It also pisses me off that anyone can make an "anonymous" call to CPS and make shit up and they show up at your door. That happened to my family and for a stupid reason. The tipster, and we know who it was, had to exaggerate and straight out lie to get somebody to show up. It's amazing how quickly and easily the government can get right into your home and your life based on a whim. I understand the murderous rage when my children are threatened to be taken out of my home. I killed that woman's cat and made sure she knew it even though she couldn't prove it.

Do you really agree that kids are taken from their parents "so the state can make more money?" Really? Were any kids removed from your home based on that anonymous tip? Aren't you glad that people in our gov't are charged with investigating tips about child abuse? I've not only read stories about kids who were not saved by human services, I've read stories about kids who were.

If there were legal consequences for filing a false report to CPS, then this would have never happened. The anonymous tip system is one of the many flaws of our social services system. Anyone who makes such accusations better be ready to identify themselves and be accountable for their mendacity.
Officials Mom who lost custody kills kids services worker - WRGB CBS6 - Top Stories

GOOD JOB MOM! What ANY parent should do. These sons of bitches are nothing but domestic terrorists and deserve ANYTHING like this that happens to them.
what the fuck is wrong with you that you would cheer on a murderer?

He's cheering on maternal instinct. So am I.
Well, she'll never get her kid back now, or likely even see it again. Great work, boys...

The "boys" didnt' do it. She did.

Just the same....

These social workers are out of control. I've heard dozens of horrific stories in the past 10 years.

Does it make murder right? No, of course not stupid. But here's the difference between the right-wing and the left-wing. You think because what she did was wrong, that means that the DCF is perfectly fine.

We look at it and say, yeah what she did was wrong, but it was bound to happen. You can't steal people's kids away, and think somehow people will just accept it. At some point, someone is going to snap, and kill someone.

This isn't the repo man taking a car you didn't pay for. This is people's children. Arrogant government left-wing snots walk around thinking they can just take kids away from their parents, and nothing will happen.... oh no... somethings going to happen. You take the wrong kid, from the wrong parents, and someone's going to die.

It would seem obvious that this mother had mental issues.

They probably had a hand in her losing her kids.

What's worse is that several of you on this board have the same thing.
It's maternal instinct. I wish it would happen more often, especially when the reason for taking children out of the home is ridiculous.

In America's large cities kids are abused by parents with "maternal instinct" ... often abused to death. Who and how should we protect those kids from the parents "maternal instinct?"
Children are beneficiaries of maternal protective instinct, not the victims of it. I feel like I'm talking to a complete moron.

Apparently that occurs every time you talk to yourself which, evidently, is often and I noticed you did not touch the question: without DHS how would we protect kids from the "maternal instinct" that kills them?
It's maternal instinct. I wish it would happen more often, especially when the reason for taking children out of the home is ridiculous.

In America's large cities kids are abused by parents with "maternal instinct" ... often abused to death. Who and how should we protect those kids from the parents "maternal instinct?"
Children are beneficiaries of maternal protective instinct, not the victims of it. I feel like I'm talking to a complete moron.

Apparently that occurs every time you talk to yourself which, evidently, is often and I noticed you did not touch the question: without DHS how would we protect kids from the "maternal instinct" that kills them?
She didn't kill her kid, she killed the assholes who took her kid. So because this question doesn't rise from anything we're discussing, I can only conclude I'm talking to a moron.
It would seem obvious that this mother had mental issues.

They probably had a hand in her losing her kids.

What's worse is that several of you on this board have the same thing.

Because of course any mother who just had their child ripped out of their hands by people with guns is perfectly sane and rational, right?
it absolutely wasn't. it was revenge. she didn't shoot the agents that took her kids while they were doing it. she didn't try to run off with the kids away from cps. she waited outside a state office building and gunned down an agent in cold blood. it's fucking sick and should never be cheered. i thought you respected life?

A cop was likely with the CPS agent when they removed the girl. I would have waited too.
They ALWAYS are. Cops are just as guilty in this....their job is to protect and serve not help kidnap so state can make more money.

It also pisses me off that anyone can make an "anonymous" call to CPS and make shit up and they show up at your door. That happened to my family and for a stupid reason. The tipster, and we know who it was, had to exaggerate and straight out lie to get somebody to show up. It's amazing how quickly and easily the government can get right into your home and your life based on a whim. I understand the murderous rage when my children are threatened to be taken out of my home. I killed that woman's cat and made sure she knew it even though she couldn't prove it.

Do you really agree that kids are taken from their parents "so the state can make more money?" Really? Were any kids removed from your home based on that anonymous tip? Aren't you glad that people in our gov't are charged with investigating tips about child abuse? I've not only read stories about kids who were not saved by human services, I've read stories about kids who were.

If there were legal consequences for filing a false report to CPS, then this would have never happened. The anonymous tip system is one of the many flaws of our social services system. Anyone who makes such accusations better be ready to identify themselves and be accountable for their mendacity.

Fine, but you avoided my questions. Were any kids removed from your home based on that anonymous tip? Aren't you glad that people in our gov't are charged with investigating tips about child abuse? Isn't it better to err on the side of caution in such cases? Would abused kids be better served by our ignoring the tips?
A cop was likely with the CPS agent when they removed the girl. I would have waited too.
They ALWAYS are. Cops are just as guilty in this....their job is to protect and serve not help kidnap so state can make more money.

It also pisses me off that anyone can make an "anonymous" call to CPS and make shit up and they show up at your door. That happened to my family and for a stupid reason. The tipster, and we know who it was, had to exaggerate and straight out lie to get somebody to show up. It's amazing how quickly and easily the government can get right into your home and your life based on a whim. I understand the murderous rage when my children are threatened to be taken out of my home. I killed that woman's cat and made sure she knew it even though she couldn't prove it.

Do you really agree that kids are taken from their parents "so the state can make more money?" Really? Were any kids removed from your home based on that anonymous tip? Aren't you glad that people in our gov't are charged with investigating tips about child abuse? I've not only read stories about kids who were not saved by human services, I've read stories about kids who were.

If there were legal consequences for filing a false report to CPS, then this would have never happened. The anonymous tip system is one of the many flaws of our social services system. Anyone who makes such accusations better be ready to identify themselves and be accountable for their mendacity.

Fine, but you avoided my questions. Were any kids removed from your home based on that anonymous tip? Aren't you glad that people in our gov't are charged with investigating tips about child abuse? Isn't it better to err on the side of caution in such cases? Would abused kids be better served by our ignoring the tips?
No. Yes. Not unless tangible proof of abuse is established. I never suggested ignoring tips and you know it.
It's maternal instinct. I wish it would happen more often, especially when the reason for taking children out of the home is ridiculous.

In America's large cities kids are abused by parents with "maternal instinct" ... often abused to death. Who and how should we protect those kids from the parents "maternal instinct?"
Children are beneficiaries of maternal protective instinct, not the victims of it. I feel like I'm talking to a complete moron.

Apparently that occurs every time you talk to yourself which, evidently, is often and I noticed you did not touch the question: without DHS how would we protect kids from the "maternal instinct" that kills them?
She didn't kill her kid, she killed the assholes who took her kid. So because this question doesn't rise from anything we're discussing, I can only conclude I'm talking to a moron.

I don't know enough about this specific case to judge whether the kids needed state protection but I do know there are enough cases of abusive "maternal instinct" to easily justify DHS's existence and precious little credible evidence that the state "kidnaps" kids to "make more money."
You, like Odious, are being ridiculous.
It's maternal instinct. I wish it would happen more often, especially when the reason for taking children out of the home is ridiculous.

In America's large cities kids are abused by parents with "maternal instinct" ... often abused to death. Who and how should we protect those kids from the parents "maternal instinct?"
Children are beneficiaries of maternal protective instinct, not the victims of it. I feel like I'm talking to a complete moron.

Apparently that occurs every time you talk to yourself which, evidently, is often and I noticed you did not touch the question: without DHS how would we protect kids from the "maternal instinct" that kills them?
She didn't kill her kid, she killed the assholes who took her kid. So because this question doesn't rise from anything we're discussing, I can only conclude I'm talking to a moron.

I don't know enough about this specific case to judge whether the kids needed state protection but I do know there are enough cases of abusive "maternal instinct" to easily justify DHS's existence and precious little credible evidence that the state "kidnaps" kids to "make more money."
You, like Odious, are being ridiculous.

Focus now, you're getting distracted.

Children are abused by the bypassing of maternal instinct, not because of it. For example, if a single mother gets a boyfriend who is abusive to her and her kids and continues to defend him and put concern for him over that of her kids, she has subverted maternal instinct that would have set as her highest priority the protection of her children. When Andrea Yates drowned her 5 children in a bathtub, that was not maternal instinct, that was a confluence of mental illness and religious delusions. Maternal instinct is never a danger to children, it's the natural instinct that keeps them safe.
It would seem obvious that this mother had mental issues.

They probably had a hand in her losing her kids.

What's worse is that several of you on this board have the same thing.


It's funny that people are always screaming "don't judge!". Every time someone says anything about a left-winger, they start foaming at the mouth "don't judge!".

Could this mother have had mental issues? Yeah, it's possible. We don't know that. You don't know that. Could it be true? Sure. But you don't know...... which didn't stop you from assuming you did know.

That's the exact kind of judging you are not supposed to be doing.

And then, you double down on your judging by assuming everyone on this board with a different view than you, is the same.

Mod Edit: No attacks/insults about family
Last edited by a moderator:
They ALWAYS are. Cops are just as guilty in this....their job is to protect and serve not help kidnap so state can make more money.

It also pisses me off that anyone can make an "anonymous" call to CPS and make shit up and they show up at your door. That happened to my family and for a stupid reason. The tipster, and we know who it was, had to exaggerate and straight out lie to get somebody to show up. It's amazing how quickly and easily the government can get right into your home and your life based on a whim. I understand the murderous rage when my children are threatened to be taken out of my home. I killed that woman's cat and made sure she knew it even though she couldn't prove it.

Do you really agree that kids are taken from their parents "so the state can make more money?" Really? Were any kids removed from your home based on that anonymous tip? Aren't you glad that people in our gov't are charged with investigating tips about child abuse? I've not only read stories about kids who were not saved by human services, I've read stories about kids who were.

If there were legal consequences for filing a false report to CPS, then this would have never happened. The anonymous tip system is one of the many flaws of our social services system. Anyone who makes such accusations better be ready to identify themselves and be accountable for their mendacity.

Fine, but you avoided my questions. Were any kids removed from your home based on that anonymous tip? Aren't you glad that people in our gov't are charged with investigating tips about child abuse? Isn't it better to err on the side of caution in such cases? Would abused kids be better served by our ignoring the tips?
No. Yes. Not unless tangible proof of abuse is established. I never suggested ignoring tips and you know it.

What better way to investigate a child abuse tip than to visit the family in question? You think DHS should use Google to check things out?
You have clearly joined with Odious to make a case that DHS "kidnaps" kids to "make more money" and have used conspiracy theory silliness to pick a personal bone you have with the agency (or perhaps with gov't in general).
Would you prefer we leave all kids to the whims of "maternal instincts?"
It also pisses me off that anyone can make an "anonymous" call to CPS and make shit up and they show up at your door. That happened to my family and for a stupid reason. The tipster, and we know who it was, had to exaggerate and straight out lie to get somebody to show up. It's amazing how quickly and easily the government can get right into your home and your life based on a whim. I understand the murderous rage when my children are threatened to be taken out of my home. I killed that woman's cat and made sure she knew it even though she couldn't prove it.

Do you really agree that kids are taken from their parents "so the state can make more money?" Really? Were any kids removed from your home based on that anonymous tip? Aren't you glad that people in our gov't are charged with investigating tips about child abuse? I've not only read stories about kids who were not saved by human services, I've read stories about kids who were.

If there were legal consequences for filing a false report to CPS, then this would have never happened. The anonymous tip system is one of the many flaws of our social services system. Anyone who makes such accusations better be ready to identify themselves and be accountable for their mendacity.

Fine, but you avoided my questions. Were any kids removed from your home based on that anonymous tip? Aren't you glad that people in our gov't are charged with investigating tips about child abuse? Isn't it better to err on the side of caution in such cases? Would abused kids be better served by our ignoring the tips?
No. Yes. Not unless tangible proof of abuse is established. I never suggested ignoring tips and you know it.

What better way to investigate a child abuse tip than to visit the family in question? You think DHS should use Google to check things out?
You have clearly joined with Odious to make a case that DHS "kidnaps" kids to "make more money" and have used conspiracy theory silliness to pick a personal bone you have with the agency (or perhaps with gov't in general).
Would you prefer we leave all kids to the whims of "maternal instincts?"

I would prefer that people who file false reports be put in jail. I thought I was clear on that and I certainly spoke clearly, but maybe you don't understand big words and need a picture:
In America's large cities kids are abused by parents with "maternal instinct" ... often abused to death. Who and how should we protect those kids from the parents "maternal instinct?"
Children are beneficiaries of maternal protective instinct, not the victims of it. I feel like I'm talking to a complete moron.

Apparently that occurs every time you talk to yourself which, evidently, is often and I noticed you did not touch the question: without DHS how would we protect kids from the "maternal instinct" that kills them?
She didn't kill her kid, she killed the assholes who took her kid. So because this question doesn't rise from anything we're discussing, I can only conclude I'm talking to a moron.

I don't know enough about this specific case to judge whether the kids needed state protection but I do know there are enough cases of abusive "maternal instinct" to easily justify DHS's existence and precious little credible evidence that the state "kidnaps" kids to "make more money."
You, like Odious, are being ridiculous.

Focus now, you're getting distracted.

Children are abused by the bypassing of maternal instinct, not because of it. For example, if a single mother gets a boyfriend who is abusive to her and her kids and continues to defend him and put concern for him over that of her kids, she has subverted maternal instinct that would have set as her highest priority the protection of her children. When Andrea Yates drowned her 5 children in a bathtub, that was not maternal instinct, that was a confluence of mental illness and religious delusions. Maternal instinct is never a danger to children, it's the natural instinct that keeps them safe.

You are being as naĆÆve as you are obtuse. Every parent believes they are engaged in correct child-rearing ... even the loons who lock their kids in the basement for years. The Odious points with which you are agreeing - that the state "kidnaps" kids to "make more money" - is classic foil-hat silliness and pretending that DHS engages in such activity has made clear you ctually believe that silliness. Ridiculousness.
Children are beneficiaries of maternal protective instinct, not the victims of it. I feel like I'm talking to a complete moron.

Apparently that occurs every time you talk to yourself which, evidently, is often and I noticed you did not touch the question: without DHS how would we protect kids from the "maternal instinct" that kills them?
She didn't kill her kid, she killed the assholes who took her kid. So because this question doesn't rise from anything we're discussing, I can only conclude I'm talking to a moron.

I don't know enough about this specific case to judge whether the kids needed state protection but I do know there are enough cases of abusive "maternal instinct" to easily justify DHS's existence and precious little credible evidence that the state "kidnaps" kids to "make more money."
You, like Odious, are being ridiculous.

Focus now, you're getting distracted.

Children are abused by the bypassing of maternal instinct, not because of it. For example, if a single mother gets a boyfriend who is abusive to her and her kids and continues to defend him and put concern for him over that of her kids, she has subverted maternal instinct that would have set as her highest priority the protection of her children. When Andrea Yates drowned her 5 children in a bathtub, that was not maternal instinct, that was a confluence of mental illness and religious delusions. Maternal instinct is never a danger to children, it's the natural instinct that keeps them safe.

You are being as naĆÆve as you are obtuse. Every parent believes they are engaged in correct child-rearing ... even the loons who lock their kids in the basement for years. The Odious points with which you are agreeing - that the state "kidnaps" kids to "make more money" - is classic foil-hat silliness and pretending that DHS engages in such activity has made clear you ctually believe that silliness. Ridiculousness.
Much of the CPS budget is based on case load, meaning the more kids in the system, the bigger their budget. What you write off as loony conspiracy theories, in your idiocy, is actually common sense. CPS is rewarded financially for having more kids in the system. It's clear you're incapable of rational thought.
Do you really agree that kids are taken from their parents "so the state can make more money?" Really? Were any kids removed from your home based on that anonymous tip? Aren't you glad that people in our gov't are charged with investigating tips about child abuse? I've not only read stories about kids who were not saved by human services, I've read stories about kids who were.

If there were legal consequences for filing a false report to CPS, then this would have never happened. The anonymous tip system is one of the many flaws of our social services system. Anyone who makes such accusations better be ready to identify themselves and be accountable for their mendacity.

Fine, but you avoided my questions. Were any kids removed from your home based on that anonymous tip? Aren't you glad that people in our gov't are charged with investigating tips about child abuse? Isn't it better to err on the side of caution in such cases? Would abused kids be better served by our ignoring the tips?
No. Yes. Not unless tangible proof of abuse is established. I never suggested ignoring tips and you know it.

What better way to investigate a child abuse tip than to visit the family in question? You think DHS should use Google to check things out?
You have clearly joined with Odious to make a case that DHS "kidnaps" kids to "make more money" and have used conspiracy theory silliness to pick a personal bone you have with the agency (or perhaps with gov't in general).
Would you prefer we leave all kids to the whims of "maternal instincts?"

I would prefer that people who file false reports be put in jail. I thought I was clear on that and I certainly spoke clearly, but maybe you don't understand big words and need a picture:

I have understood all your words. You are pissed about something you believe happened to your family and that that the state uses DHS to "kidnap" kids to "make more money." FOIL-HATED SILLINESS.

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