Mother of 4 deported

I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


This is an old story.
What law was she breaking?

For one thing, by her own admission, she's here on a fake visa. She had 20 years to sort out her immigration status. She chose instead to ignore it and hope the issue goes away. Not a good strategy when dealing with something as serious as immigration fraud. "But they told me I could stay on my fake passport" is not a very good defence.
I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


How are they all American citizens but her?

I don't have the background of her family members so I'll have to assume her husband and mother immigrated legally and her children where born here. She wasn't able to get another visa after her violation 20 years ago but was allowed to stay as long as she checked in with ICE twice a year which she did for the past 18 years.

Partisanship aside, there is something wrong here on a human level, wouldn't you agree?
What's the big deal? The filthy [loser] accomplished her nefarious mission. Sneak into our country in order to [drop ] her [anchor] babies thus securing them a better future. I wish we could kick her kids out too. I'll gotten gains, and such
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WILLHAFTAWAITE and Doc1... Did either of you put yourself in the position of this lady or her family. Think for just a second, what if this happened to my family?

Give one second to look at this with empathy or are you that selfish and entitled that you don't think that way about others?
It didn't just "happen," like a meteor strike. She caused it.
I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, Thoughts?

Crime doesn't pay.

Thanks for revealing how a simple brain works. Read the first sentence and last sentence and you got it all figured out... way to go!

Came here get out.
Does this really sound just to you?

Are you suggesting that having children makes one exempt from law? Interesting concept.

If only Thelma and Louise had had children.
No i'm talking in context to the entire situation as played out over 20 years. She did what she was told for 18 years and checked in with ICE. What law was she breaking?
She entered the country without a visa.
WILLHAFTAWAITE and Doc1... Did either of you put yourself in the position of this lady or her family. Think for just a second, what if this happened to my family?

Give one second to look at this with empathy or are you that selfish and entitled that you don't think that way about others?

To my knowledge, no one in my family has snuck into the country.

Ya break the law, you pay the penalty.

She should have paid the penalty 20 years ago
WILLHAFTAWAITE and Doc1... Did either of you put yourself in the position of this lady or her family. Think for just a second, what if this happened to my family?

Give one second to look at this with empathy or are you that selfish and entitled that you don't think that way about others?
I'll answer..
No. I have never put myself in that position. I have never tried to sneak across a sovereign nations border, then attempted to set up residence, while leeching off of the denizens of that nation.

Zero tolerance...
Well maybe you have a child who falls in love and marries a woman like this, now you have a family here that is getting ripped apart. Again, ICE told her should could stay as long as she checks in which she did for 18 years. She did make a mistake 20 years ago trying to use a fake visa. Do you really think the way this situation played out is right?
I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


How are they all American citizens but her?

I don't have the background of her family members so I'll have to assume her husband and mother immigrated legally and her children where born here. She wasn't able to get another visa after her violation 20 years ago but was allowed to stay as long as she checked in with ICE twice a year which she did for the past 18 years.

Partisanship aside, there is something wrong here on a human level, wouldn't you agree?

The problem here is that she broke the law. Now she's whining because someone finally decided to enforce it.
I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


She is still here. Get a free government paid lawyer and apply for citizenship.
I just saw this story on CNN. This mother of 4 got caught trying to cross the border with a fake visa 20 years ago, because of this she couldn't not get another visa but was told she could stay in the US but had to check in with ICE twice a year, which she did for the past 18 years. Now her entire family is here (mother, husband, 4 children and they are all American citizens. CNN covers her journey to check in with ICE as they were all nervous about the changes that came with President Trump.

She met with ICE and they told her she was good for another year. She left the building, gave her children hugs and then got called back in by ICE to find out that they were deporting her in July.

I get deporting violent criminals, I hear people asking Trump and his surrogates what they will do with non-violent criminal illegal immigrants and I hear them kicking the can saying they will deal with it later. But then I see stories like this were a mother who is not a violent criminal gets deported and a family is ripped apart.


How are they all American citizens but her?

I don't have the background of her family members so I'll have to assume her husband and mother immigrated legally and her children where born here. She wasn't able to get another visa after her violation 20 years ago but was allowed to stay as long as she checked in with ICE twice a year which she did for the past 18 years.

Partisanship aside, there is something wrong here on a human level, wouldn't you agree?

Sure, I think the problem is that the illegal alien problem was allowed to become a problem and she was caught in the crossfire. That doesn't make it right, but it does explain why it is happening.
WILLHAFTAWAITE and Doc1... Did either of you put yourself in the position of this lady or her family. Think for just a second, what if this happened to my family?

Give one second to look at this with empathy or are you that selfish and entitled that you don't think that way about others?
I'll answer..
No. I have never put myself in that position. I have never tried to sneak across a sovereign nations border, then attempted to set up residence, while leeching off of the denizens of that nation.

Zero tolerance...
Well maybe you have a child who falls in love and marries a woman like this, now you have a family here that is getting ripped apart. Again, ICE told her should could stay as long as she checks in which she did for 18 years. She did make a mistake 20 years ago trying to use a fake visa. Do you really think the way this situation played out is right?
If your mother robs a liquor store, then your family will be "ripped apart." Why is one case any more deserving of empathy than the other?
What's the big deal? The filthy puta accomplished her nefarious mission. Sneak into our country in order to shit out her beaner babies thus securing them a better future. I wish we could kick her kids out too. I'll gotten gains, and such
Racist much?
Too bad people think they can drag their kids into this as an excuse to violate immigration laws and think we are fooled. Dreamers or anchor babies, Immigrants or illegal aliens. Euphemisms. Nobody is above the laws. Not even Mexicans. That might be a shocker. But it's true.
You saw the story, for 18 years she checked in with ICE and was told she could stay. Her mother is a citizen, her husband is a citizen, her four kids are citizens. She can't get papers because of what she did 20 years ago. Does this really sound right to you?
Call me cynical or jaded. I really don't feel for illegals anymore. They have worn out their welcome. After all the shit illegals have pulled on me, I can't feel sympathy for them any more than I would a conniving bunch of frauds trying to pull wool over your eyes. Victims my ass, people that hire illegals are the ones pushing this. Real immigrants aren't the ones pushing legitimizing illegals.
Something don't smell right? A bit fishy? If she or husband was already working, kids in school, no crimes, warrants, welfare/ SSDI fraud etc. Keep em?

Something is not being told ...... I suspect.
Maybe you're right, you've seen what i've seen. One thing does seem pretty apparent though, she doesn't strike me as a violent criminal and her being deported seems to do more harm than good. But, it is a story I saw from the media so have to take it with a grain of salt.
How many stories like this do you suppose went unnoticed when the Deporter-In-Chief Obama was in full gear throwing out hundreds of thousands per year? The only reason you all are fired up is CNN cherry picked the story now that Trump is in charge.
I'd be upset seeing this story no matter who was president and I'd try to spread it so we can get some action that can usefully address this problem. I see no reason why a person like this lady can't get a path to legal status or citizenship.

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