Mother of Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone'

In the short term? Sure. If she finds it comforting, absolutely. She's not in her right mind. In the long term we'd make sure she understood what likely happened. As she'll be more rational.

Denial is part of the grieving process. Her son died a dozen or so hours ago. If she wants to believe he was shot by John Wilkes Booth, I'm not going to correct her tonight. I'm just gonna hug her and let her sob it out.

So much for the love you said you have for her.

Arguing with her on how her son died the same day he died? Who would that serve? She's not in her right mind. She wouldn't accept the evidence. As she's working on pure emotion.

When she's had some time to process it, to work through some of the grief.....she'll likely come to the truth on her own. If she doesn't, we'll guide her there.

Again, expecting a grieving mother to act as if she's not grieving is unrealistic.

It doesn't have to be argumentative.

Expecting an adult to act like an adult isn't unrealistic

When the standards of 'adult' are rationality and logic......yes it is unrealistic when they've just lost a child.

Grieving people aren't in their right mind. You're expecting them to act as if they are. That's not how it works.

The standard for being an adult is being able to act that way even when things don't work in your favor.

I expect people to act as adults.

Wow, absolute lack of empathy.
There should be a law in which the actions of someone you influence are incumbent on you whether directly or indirectly. If I raise a child to be a thug and I am a thug myself or a crack addled hooker, I should have some responsibility for his actions.
And what of perfectly nice people who just happen to raise, without them knowing it, a monster? Shall we hang all three of them together? Where, by chance, is this Personal Responsibility you speak so highly of?

Daddy shot someone so now you aren't allowed to own guns? That's the path you are suggesting...
Perfectly nice people almost never have children who are thugs. My son is 17 and a very good student. The last thing that could happen to him is become a thug. That, plus he goes to a very good school in CZ where there are no thugs, just a couple of kids who smoke a little pot.

He is not in an inner-city school with thug parents. Do you get it?

Do you know who else had the perfect family, childhood and education? One of the most prolific serial killers - Ted Bundy.

Your kid can fall in with the wrong crowd anytime anywhere. Stop bullshitting yourself.
Bundy was an illigitamate kid rasied by his mother and a stepfather who showed signs of antisocial behavior in his teens. He was what he was because no one could convenience of him otherwise. Bundy fell into to no crowd, He was no street person, rather an intellectual student and a bit of an aristocrat which is why his crimes are infamous.

There is little in common there.
So much for the love you said you have for her.

Arguing with her on how her son died the same day he died? Who would that serve? She's not in her right mind. She wouldn't accept the evidence. As she's working on pure emotion.

When she's had some time to process it, to work through some of the grief.....she'll likely come to the truth on her own. If she doesn't, we'll guide her there.

Again, expecting a grieving mother to act as if she's not grieving is unrealistic.

It doesn't have to be argumentative.

Expecting an adult to act like an adult isn't unrealistic

When the standards of 'adult' are rationality and logic......yes it is unrealistic when they've just lost a child.

Grieving people aren't in their right mind. You're expecting them to act as if they are. That's not how it works.

The standard for being an adult is being able to act that way even when things don't work in your favor.

I expect people to act as adults.

Wow, absolute lack of empathy.

More like an expectation of people acting like adults.
Are there any intelligent muslims in this world.? Hang them all.

Mother of Paris bomber says her son did 'not mean to kill anyone'

nov 17 2015 The mother of a Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone' - and claims he may have blown himself up because of stress, while a third son said his family were 'thinking of the victims'.

Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31, launched a solo attack outside the cafe Comptoir Voltaire, close to the scene of the Bataclan concert hall massacre on Friday night.

Today Ibrahim's mother suggested his suicide jacket may have gone off by accident and said he could have carried out the attack because he was 'stressed'.

Of course she said that. She is a mother whose child just died. Very few mothers are capable of seeing their children as anything but basically good people no matter how terrible they really are.

I wonder if there is a bounty being paid to the families of suicide bombers like there was a while ago. I think they were getting 25,000 per bomber.

Do you think she sold her son's life for 25,000? If she thought he should have done what he did, why would she be trying to cover for him? He's already dead.
In the short term? Sure. If she finds it comforting, absolutely. She's not in her right mind. In the long term we'd make sure she understood what likely happened. As she'll be more rational.

Denial is part of the grieving process. Her son died a dozen or so hours ago. If she wants to believe he was shot by John Wilkes Booth, I'm not going to correct her tonight. I'm just gonna hug her and let her sob it out.

So much for the love you said you have for her.

Arguing with her on how her son died the same day he died? Who would that serve? She's not in her right mind. She wouldn't accept the evidence. As she's working on pure emotion.

When she's had some time to process it, to work through some of the grief.....she'll likely come to the truth on her own. If she doesn't, we'll guide her there.

Again, expecting a grieving mother to act as if she's not grieving is unrealistic.

It doesn't have to be argumentative.

Expecting an adult to act like an adult isn't unrealistic

When the standards of 'adult' are rationality and logic......yes it is unrealistic when they've just lost a child.

Grieving people aren't in their right mind. You're expecting them to act as if they are. That's not how it works.

The standard for being an adult is being able to act that way even when things don't work in your favor.

Losing a child isn't losing a job or not getting the pony you wanted for your birthday. Its about as significant a loss as we people can endure. Its unnatural in the intensity of its grief, as we're not meant to bury children. But parents.

It will literally drive a rational person more than a little crazy for weeks at a time. And I don't mean that metaphorically. They aren't well. They don't respond like sane people. The grief is that intense, that unrelenting.

And having witnessed it twice for weeks at a time, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Or blame anyone for stupid gaffes or acts of denial while in its grips.

I expect people to act as adults.

You're expecting grieving parents not to act like grieving parents. And that's unrealistic.
Arguing with her on how her son died the same day he died? Who would that serve? She's not in her right mind. She wouldn't accept the evidence. As she's working on pure emotion.

When she's had some time to process it, to work through some of the grief.....she'll likely come to the truth on her own. If she doesn't, we'll guide her there.

Again, expecting a grieving mother to act as if she's not grieving is unrealistic.

It doesn't have to be argumentative.

Expecting an adult to act like an adult isn't unrealistic

When the standards of 'adult' are rationality and logic......yes it is unrealistic when they've just lost a child.

Grieving people aren't in their right mind. You're expecting them to act as if they are. That's not how it works.

The standard for being an adult is being able to act that way even when things don't work in your favor.

I expect people to act as adults.

Wow, absolute lack of empathy.

More like an expectation of people acting like adults.

I'm sorry, darling, but that expectation itself is not very 'adult' at all.
Nonsense. Grief, even for a lost child, fades with time to more managable levels. 4 days is immediate. 4 years isn't. You're expecting a grieving mother to react as if she isn't grieving for a lost child.

That's unrealistic.
how do you know?

I've comforted two moms through the loss of their child. Its a brutal, cruel process that involves unmanageable periods of naked grief. Worse, my cousin was killed last night. In a few hours I'll be heading up the hill to offer the same time and consideration for my aunt.

And I won't hold any stupid shit she might say against her. She just lost her oldest son.

Sorry about your cousin.

Did your cousin die as a result of strapping a bomb to his back? It makes a difference.

Not in terms of irrationality, denial and predictable grief for the mother and siblings he left behind.

Grieving is hard. Especially for a child. And its usually unmanageable for a while. As Paint said, this woman probably isn't in her right mind. And frankly, shouldn't be. She just lost her son.

That her son is a mass murderer only makes it worse. As she has both the shock of his death and the horrible acts he committed to deal with. Denial is pretty predictable, at least in the short term.

And thanks about my cousin. It doesn't effect me personally, as we weren't that close. But its going to hollow out my aunt. And we are close.

It does make a difference. If you cousin died due to no action of his own, it's expected. This woman's son died because of his own stupid actions and she wants to make excuses for him.

As a volunteer at the local fire department in my community, I run lots of traffic accidents. I can't count the number of times I've seen drunk drivers wrap themselves and their car around a tree killing them While it's my responsibility to lessen the situation and incident control, I don't feel sorry for any of them. As for their family that had nothing to do with it, sympathy is extended to the point that they start making excuses.

Cold hearted.
Are there any intelligent muslims in this world.? Hang them all.

Mother of Paris bomber says her son did 'not mean to kill anyone'

nov 17 2015 The mother of a Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone' - and claims he may have blown himself up because of stress, while a third son said his family were 'thinking of the victims'.

Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31, launched a solo attack outside the cafe Comptoir Voltaire, close to the scene of the Bataclan concert hall massacre on Friday night.

Today Ibrahim's mother suggested his suicide jacket may have gone off by accident and said he could have carried out the attack because he was 'stressed'.

Of course she said that. She is a mother whose child just died. Very few mothers are capable of seeing their children as anything but basically good people no matter how terrible they really are.

I wonder if there is a bounty being paid to the families of suicide bombers like there was a while ago. I think they were getting 25,000 per bomber.

Do you think she sold her son's life for 25,000? If she thought he should have done what he did, why would she be trying to cover for him? He's already dead.

The Palestinians were. They were getting money from Saddam, the Saudis, and Qatar.
Are there any intelligent muslims in this world.? Hang them all.

Mother of Paris bomber says her son did 'not mean to kill anyone'

nov 17 2015 The mother of a Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone' - and claims he may have blown himself up because of stress, while a third son said his family were 'thinking of the victims'.

Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31, launched a solo attack outside the cafe Comptoir Voltaire, close to the scene of the Bataclan concert hall massacre on Friday night.

Today Ibrahim's mother suggested his suicide jacket may have gone off by accident and said he could have carried out the attack because he was 'stressed'.

Of course she said that. She is a mother whose child just died. Very few mothers are capable of seeing their children as anything but basically good people no matter how terrible they really are.

I wonder if there is a bounty being paid to the families of suicide bombers like there was a while ago. I think they were getting 25,000 per bomber.

Do you think she sold her son's life for 25,000? If she thought he should have done what he did, why would she be trying to cover for him? He's already dead.

The Palestinians were. They were getting money from Saddam, the Saudis, and Qatar.

What does that have to do with this grieving mother? Nobody is saying what he did was justified. Only that his mother might be having a hard time accepting what he did.
Are there any intelligent muslims in this world.? Hang them all.

Of course she said that. She is a mother whose child just died. Very few mothers are capable of seeing their children as anything but basically good people no matter how terrible they really are.

I wonder if there is a bounty being paid to the families of suicide bombers like there was a while ago. I think they were getting 25,000 per bomber.

Do you think she sold her son's life for 25,000? If she thought he should have done what he did, why would she be trying to cover for him? He's already dead.

The Palestinians were. They were getting money from Saddam, the Saudis, and Qatar.

What does that have to do with this grieving mother? Nobody is saying what he did was justified. Only that his mother might be having a hard time accepting what he did.

Read my QUESTION. It was a question. Not a statement of fact. Learn the difference.
Of course she said that. She is a mother whose child just died. Very few mothers are capable of seeing their children as anything but basically good people no matter how terrible they really are.

I wonder if there is a bounty being paid to the families of suicide bombers like there was a while ago. I think they were getting 25,000 per bomber.

Do you think she sold her son's life for 25,000? If she thought he should have done what he did, why would she be trying to cover for him? He's already dead.

The Palestinians were. They were getting money from Saddam, the Saudis, and Qatar.

What does that have to do with this grieving mother? Nobody is saying what he did was justified. Only that his mother might be having a hard time accepting what he did.

Read my QUESTION. It was a question. Not a statement of fact. Learn the difference.

You strike me as someone who knows where to use a question mark, but there aren't any in your post.
I wonder if there is a bounty being paid to the families of suicide bombers like there was a while ago. I think they were getting 25,000 per bomber.

Do you think she sold her son's life for 25,000? If she thought he should have done what he did, why would she be trying to cover for him? He's already dead.

The Palestinians were. They were getting money from Saddam, the Saudis, and Qatar.

What does that have to do with this grieving mother? Nobody is saying what he did was justified. Only that his mother might be having a hard time accepting what he did.

Read my QUESTION. It was a question. Not a statement of fact. Learn the difference.

You strike me as someone who knows where to use a question mark, but there aren't any in your post.

"I wonder"..... The start of my post. English must be a second language for you....
What does that have to do with this grieving mother? Nobody is saying what he did was justified. Only that his mother might be having a hard time accepting what he did.

She's not grieving, you fool. No doubt she's proud of her son for killing westerners. Of course she won't say that.
Losing a child isn't losing a job or not getting the pony you wanted for your birthday. Its about as significant a loss as we people can endure. Its unnatural in the intensity of its grief, as we're not meant to bury children. But parents.c.

White christians look at kids that way but not muslims or minorities. To them kids are just objects to be molested or a way to boost their welfare check.
Losing a child isn't losing a job or not getting the pony you wanted for your birthday. Its about as significant a loss as we people can endure. Its unnatural in the intensity of its grief, as we're not meant to bury children. But parents.c.

White christians look at kids that way but not muslims or minorities. To them kids are just objects to be molested or a way to boost their welfare check.

Says you, StormFront. Pretending that you're both Muslim and 'Minorities'. And you can play pretend all you like, as long as you remember two things.

You don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about. And you only speak for you.
White christians look at kids that way but not muslims or minorities. To them kids are just objects to be molested or a way to boost their welfare check.[/QUOTE]

I really hope your kids one day get to read everything you wrote on here so that they can proceed to never ever speak to you again ... gross.
There should be a law in which the actions of someone you influence are incumbent on you whether directly or indirectly. If I raise a child to be a thug and I am a thug myself or a crack addled hooker, I should have some responsibility for his actions.
And what of perfectly nice people who just happen to raise, without them knowing it, a monster? Shall we hang all three of them together? Where, by chance, is this Personal Responsibility you speak so highly of?

Daddy shot someone so now you aren't allowed to own guns? That's the path you are suggesting...
Perfectly nice people almost never have children who are thugs. My son is 17 and a very good student. The last thing that could happen to him is become a thug. That, plus he goes to a very good school in CZ where there are no thugs, just a couple of kids who smoke a little pot.

He is not in an inner-city school with thug parents. Do you get it?

Do you know who else had the perfect family, childhood and education? One of the most prolific serial killers - Ted Bundy.

Your kid can fall in with the wrong crowd anytime anywhere. Stop bullshitting yourself.
Bundy was an illigitamate kid rasied by his mother and a stepfather who showed signs of antisocial behavior in his teens. He was what he was because no one could convenience of him otherwise. Bundy fell into to no crowd, He was no street person, rather an intellectual student and a bit of an aristocrat which is why his crimes are infamous.

There is little in common there.

You totally missed the point.

But that's expected.

That's what lack of emotion
I've comforted two moms through the loss of their child. Its a brutal, cruel process that involves unmanageable periods of naked grief. Worse, my cousin was killed last night. In a few hours I'll be heading up the hill to offer the same time and consideration for my aunt.

And I won't hold any stupid shit she might say against her. She just lost her oldest son.

Sorry about your cousin.

Did your cousin die as a result of strapping a bomb to his back? It makes a difference.

Not in terms of irrationality, denial and predictable grief for the mother and siblings he left behind.

Grieving is hard. Especially for a child. And its usually unmanageable for a while. As Paint said, this woman probably isn't in her right mind. And frankly, shouldn't be. She just lost her son.

That her son is a mass murderer only makes it worse. As she has both the shock of his death and the horrible acts he committed to deal with. Denial is pretty predictable, at least in the short term.

And thanks about my cousin. It doesn't effect me personally, as we weren't that close. But its going to hollow out my aunt. And we are close.

It does make a difference. If you cousin died due to no action of his own, it's expected. This woman's son died because of his own stupid actions and she wants to make excuses for him.

As a volunteer at the local fire department in my community, I run lots of traffic accidents. I can't count the number of times I've seen drunk drivers wrap themselves and their car around a tree killing them While it's my responsibility to lessen the situation and incident control, I don't feel sorry for any of them. As for their family that had nothing to do with it, sympathy is extended to the point that they start making excuses.

Cold hearted.

What does that have to do with this grieving mother? Nobody is saying what he did was justified. Only that his mother might be having a hard time accepting what he did.

She's not grieving, you fool. No doubt she's proud of her son for killing westerners. Of course she won't say that.
Losing a child isn't losing a job or not getting the pony you wanted for your birthday. Its about as significant a loss as we people can endure. Its unnatural in the intensity of its grief, as we're not meant to bury children. But parents.c.

White christians look at kids that way but not muslims or minorities. To them kids are just objects to be molested or a way to boost their welfare check.

I really hope your kids one day get to read everything you wrote on here so that they can proceed to never ever speak to you again ... gross.

Yeah, if I ever have doubts on which side of the political spectrum I picked.....all I have to do is read the angry, hateful shit pouring out of many of our board's conservatives. And I'm instantly comfortable with my choice.
Do you think she sold her son's life for 25,000? If she thought he should have done what he did, why would she be trying to cover for him? He's already dead.

The Palestinians were. They were getting money from Saddam, the Saudis, and Qatar.

What does that have to do with this grieving mother? Nobody is saying what he did was justified. Only that his mother might be having a hard time accepting what he did.

Read my QUESTION. It was a question. Not a statement of fact. Learn the difference.

You strike me as someone who knows where to use a question mark, but there aren't any in your post.

"I wonder"..... The start of my post. English must be a second language for you....
I wonder how a rational man can fall for all the right wing lies, but that is a statement of what I do, not a question.

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