Mother of Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone'

i already told you why. saying it again is redundant.
Show us where this is written, in what school of morality?
well for one, if you did own a gun, that gun is expected by law to be locked. If it isn't and your child used it in a murder you become directly responsible and go to jail most likely for not locking up the firearm. There are many laws and societal expectations from family. The cop in Fox lake, IL, his wife will be in a world of hurt for his mistakes and she did nothing but not say anything to anybody about what he was doing. Dude, you are just a clueless fk on an internet message board and you're lost. Completely lost.
He was not a child so why must his mother atone for his actions? Do tell.
I already explained it
You've explained nothing, because you cannot. No adult is required to atone for another adult.
I never said required to. I never said that and you keep using words I haven't written as if it came from me. you're a fk day and night, you were born a fk and probably gonna be a fk your whole life.
Are there any intelligent muslims in this world.? Hang them all.

Mother of Paris bomber says her son did 'not mean to kill anyone'

nov 17 2015 The mother of a Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone' - and claims he may have blown himself up because of stress, while a third son said his family were 'thinking of the victims'.

Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31, launched a solo attack outside the cafe Comptoir Voltaire, close to the scene of the Bataclan concert hall massacre on Friday night.

Today Ibrahim's mother suggested his suicide jacket may have gone off by accident and said he could have carried out the attack because he was 'stressed'.
The fact that she's of mind of how this kid was feeling, should make her a target of being investigated.
Like most people who have committed to suicide, he probably was doing just fine, even better than normal, which is normal.
Anyone that would make that type of excuse is a pure dumbass.

Denial proves she is.

So a grieving mother whose son is 4 days dead said something stupid and is in denial.


Is she denying he's dead? Is she denying he did it? She's a dumbass.

She's a grieving mother who is irrational and in denial about what her son did. Neither of which is particularly surprising. Her child has been dead 4 days.

4 days or 4 years, it makes no difference. The mother of the Boston Marathon Bomber said her son was framed and innocent doing so more than a year after he did what he did. Is she irrational?

Nonsense. Grief, even for a lost child, fades with time to more managable levels. 4 days is immediate. 4 years isn't. You're expecting a grieving mother to react as if she isn't grieving for a lost child.

That's unrealistic.
how do you know?
Show us where this is written, in what school of morality?
well for one, if you did own a gun, that gun is expected by law to be locked. If it isn't and your child used it in a murder you become directly responsible and go to jail most likely for not locking up the firearm. There are many laws and societal expectations from family. The cop in Fox lake, IL, his wife will be in a world of hurt for his mistakes and she did nothing but not say anything to anybody about what he was doing. Dude, you are just a clueless fk on an internet message board and you're lost. Completely lost.
He was not a child so why must his mother atone for his actions? Do tell.
I already explained it
You've explained nothing, because you cannot. No adult is required to atone for another adult.

Really? If she knew of her son's intent, she's just as guilty.
Safe to safe she did not, and that would change nothing. Those would her sins, not his.
Are there any intelligent muslims in this world.? Hang them all.

Mother of Paris bomber says her son did 'not mean to kill anyone'

nov 17 2015 The mother of a Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone' - and claims he may have blown himself up because of stress, while a third son said his family were 'thinking of the victims'.

Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31, launched a solo attack outside the cafe Comptoir Voltaire, close to the scene of the Bataclan concert hall massacre on Friday night.

Today Ibrahim's mother suggested his suicide jacket may have gone off by accident and said he could have carried out the attack because he was 'stressed'.
The fact that she's of mind of how this kid was feeling, should make her a target of being investigated.
Like most people who have committed to suicide, he probably was doing just fine, even better than normal, which is normal.
and at some point he said, shit, I'd like to blow my ass up and take some civilians who don't have the right to live with me. Yeah that's fkn normal.
So a grieving mother whose son is 4 days dead said something stupid and is in denial.


Is she denying he's dead? Is she denying he did it? She's a dumbass.

She's a grieving mother who is irrational and in denial about what her son did. Neither of which is particularly surprising. Her child has been dead 4 days.

4 days or 4 years, it makes no difference. The mother of the Boston Marathon Bomber said her son was framed and innocent doing so more than a year after he did what he did. Is she irrational?

Nonsense. Grief, even for a lost child, fades with time to more managable levels. 4 days is immediate. 4 years isn't. You're expecting a grieving mother to react as if she isn't grieving for a lost child.

That's unrealistic.
how do you know?
Human psychology.
Are there any intelligent muslims in this world.? Hang them all.

Mother of Paris bomber says her son did 'not mean to kill anyone'

nov 17 2015 The mother of a Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone' - and claims he may have blown himself up because of stress, while a third son said his family were 'thinking of the victims'.

Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31, launched a solo attack outside the cafe Comptoir Voltaire, close to the scene of the Bataclan concert hall massacre on Friday night.

Today Ibrahim's mother suggested his suicide jacket may have gone off by accident and said he could have carried out the attack because he was 'stressed'.
The fact that she's of mind of how this kid was feeling, should make her a target of being investigated.
holy shit paint, new material. Thanks for the updated info, I didn't know this yet.
Is she denying he's dead? Is she denying he did it? She's a dumbass.

She's a grieving mother who is irrational and in denial about what her son did. Neither of which is particularly surprising. Her child has been dead 4 days.

4 days or 4 years, it makes no difference. The mother of the Boston Marathon Bomber said her son was framed and innocent doing so more than a year after he did what he did. Is she irrational?

Nonsense. Grief, even for a lost child, fades with time to more managable levels. 4 days is immediate. 4 years isn't. You're expecting a grieving mother to react as if she isn't grieving for a lost child.

That's unrealistic.
how do you know?
Human psychology.
only in fks with hatred toward their fellow man like you.
Are there any intelligent muslims in this world.? Hang them all.

Mother of Paris bomber says her son did 'not mean to kill anyone'

nov 17 2015 The mother of a Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone' - and claims he may have blown himself up because of stress, while a third son said his family were 'thinking of the victims'.

Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31, launched a solo attack outside the cafe Comptoir Voltaire, close to the scene of the Bataclan concert hall massacre on Friday night.

Today Ibrahim's mother suggested his suicide jacket may have gone off by accident and said he could have carried out the attack because he was 'stressed'.
The fact that she's of mind of how this kid was feeling, should make her a target of being investigated.
Like most people who have committed to suicide, he probably was doing just fine, even better than normal, which is normal.
and at some point he said, shit, I'd like to blow my ass up and take some civilians who don't have the right to live with me. Yeah that's fkn normal.
It's abnormal, which is very lucky for our sakes, in nearly all cases.
So a grieving mother whose son is 4 days dead said something stupid and is in denial.


Is she denying he's dead? Is she denying he did it? She's a dumbass.

She's a grieving mother who is irrational and in denial about what her son did. Neither of which is particularly surprising. Her child has been dead 4 days.

4 days or 4 years, it makes no difference. The mother of the Boston Marathon Bomber said her son was framed and innocent doing so more than a year after he did what he did. Is she irrational?

Nonsense. Grief, even for a lost child, fades with time to more managable levels. 4 days is immediate. 4 years isn't. You're expecting a grieving mother to react as if she isn't grieving for a lost child.

That's unrealistic.
how do you know?

I've comforted two moms through the loss of their child. Its a brutal, cruel process that involves unmanageable periods of naked grief. Worse, my cousin was killed last night. In a few hours I'll be heading up the hill to offer the same time and consideration for my aunt.

And I won't hold any stupid shit she might say against her. She just lost her oldest son.
Show us where this is written, in what school of morality?
well for one, if you did own a gun, that gun is expected by law to be locked. If it isn't and your child used it in a murder you become directly responsible and go to jail most likely for not locking up the firearm. There are many laws and societal expectations from family. The cop in Fox lake, IL, his wife will be in a world of hurt for his mistakes and she did nothing but not say anything to anybody about what he was doing. Dude, you are just a clueless fk on an internet message board and you're lost. Completely lost.
He was not a child so why must his mother atone for his actions? Do tell.
I already explained it
You've explained nothing, because you cannot. No adult is required to atone for another adult.
I never said required to. I never said that and you keep using words I haven't written as if it came from me. you're a fk day and night, you were born a fk and probably gonna be a fk your whole life.
Post #77, and many others.
There should be a law in which the actions of someone you influence are incumbent on you whether directly or indirectly. If I raise a child to be a thug and I am a thug myself or a crack addled hooker, I should have some responsibility for his actions.
She's a grieving mother who is irrational and in denial about what her son did. Neither of which is particularly surprising. Her child has been dead 4 days.

4 days or 4 years, it makes no difference. The mother of the Boston Marathon Bomber said her son was framed and innocent doing so more than a year after he did what he did. Is she irrational?

Nonsense. Grief, even for a lost child, fades with time to more managable levels. 4 days is immediate. 4 years isn't. You're expecting a grieving mother to react as if she isn't grieving for a lost child.

That's unrealistic.
how do you know?
Human psychology.
only in fks with hatred toward their fellow man like you.
Nope. Very little attention should be paid to the words of a grieving person. They are not in their right minds, not even close, and may not be for some time.
There should be a law in which the actions of someone you influence are incumbent on you whether directly or indirectly. If I raise a child to be a thug and I am a thug myself or a crack addled hooker, I should have some responsibility for his actions.
And what of perfectly nice people who just happen to raise, without them knowing it, a monster? Shall we hang all three of them together? Where, by chance, is this Personal Responsibility you speak so highly of?

Daddy shot someone so now you aren't allowed to own guns? That's the path you are suggesting...
There should be a law in which the actions of someone you influence are incumbent on you whether directly or indirectly. If I raise a child to be a thug and I am a thug myself or a crack addled hooker, I should have some responsibility for his actions.
Come to think of it, the parents of Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin are the ones who should have gone to jail for manslaughtrer.
She is probably - and understandably - in a state of shock.

Just try imagining being in her shoes and finding out what your beloved sons have done ...

O yeah, but for that you'd need something called 'empathy.' Psychos unfortunately don't possess this 'superpower.'
There should be a law in which the actions of someone you influence are incumbent on you whether directly or indirectly. If I raise a child to be a thug and I am a thug myself or a crack addled hooker, I should have some responsibility for his actions.
Come to think of it, the parents of Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin are the ones who should have gone to jail for manslaughtrer.
And there we go. The parents of Laura Bush should have gone to prison because she, as a minor, killed a boy in another car. That's vehicular manslaughter and they might as well have been driving the car themselves, right kiddos?
Is she denying he's dead? Is she denying he did it? She's a dumbass.

She's a grieving mother who is irrational and in denial about what her son did. Neither of which is particularly surprising. Her child has been dead 4 days.

4 days or 4 years, it makes no difference. The mother of the Boston Marathon Bomber said her son was framed and innocent doing so more than a year after he did what he did. Is she irrational?

Nonsense. Grief, even for a lost child, fades with time to more managable levels. 4 days is immediate. 4 years isn't. You're expecting a grieving mother to react as if she isn't grieving for a lost child.

That's unrealistic.
how do you know?

I've comforted two moms through the loss of their child. Its a brutal, cruel process that involves unmanageable periods of naked grief. Worse, my cousin was killed last night. In a few hours I'll be heading up the hill to offer the same time and consideration for my aunt.

And I won't hold any stupid shit she might say against her. She just lost her oldest son.

Sorry about your cousin.

Did your cousin die as a result of strapping a bomb to his back? It makes a difference.
Are there any intelligent muslims in this world.? Hang them all.

Mother of Paris bomber says her son did 'not mean to kill anyone'

nov 17 2015 The mother of a Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone' - and claims he may have blown himself up because of stress, while a third son said his family were 'thinking of the victims'.

Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31, launched a solo attack outside the cafe Comptoir Voltaire, close to the scene of the Bataclan concert hall massacre on Friday night.

Today Ibrahim's mother suggested his suicide jacket may have gone off by accident and said he could have carried out the attack because he was 'stressed'.

Of course she said that. She is a mother whose child just died. Very few mothers are capable of seeing their children as anything but basically good people no matter how terrible they really are.

I wonder if there is a bounty being paid to the families of suicide bombers like there was a while ago. I think they were getting 25,000 per bomber.
There should be a law in which the actions of someone you influence are incumbent on you whether directly or indirectly. If I raise a child to be a thug and I am a thug myself or a crack addled hooker, I should have some responsibility for his actions.
Come to think of it, the parents of Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin are the ones who should have gone to jail for manslaughtrer.
And there we go. The parents of Laura Bush should have gone to prison because she, as a minor, killed a boy in another car. That's vehicular manslaughter and they might as well have been driving the car themselves, right kiddos?

If the mother doesn't want to be considered an addressed, she should STFU. When she opens her mouth, she opens herself to criticism.

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