Mother of Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone'

sure parents atone for their children they raised them fool. See you have no idea.
Show us where such a thing is written?
see you're all about what is on paper. It's called morality you fk, something you don't understand.
morality | beliefs about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior

Show us where that says a parent must atone for the sins of a child when you won't atone for the sins of a nation?
you'd never understand because you have none. You're just one lost soul swimming in a fish bowl year after year.
So, explain it to everyone else then if you believe me immoral, but so far, you can't explain why a mother is responsible for the actions of her grown child? Now, show us.

And, I do not Wish You Were even on this earth with me...
back at ya. I wish the very same thing.
Parents are not required to atone for their children, nor children for their parents.
No, they should not be required to do so by law, but they should be required to do so by conscience. It is best that you had no children for yourself and the children you may have had.

These are things I doubt you have the morality to understand.
What part of sins of the father (or son) is morality? Go ahead, we'll wait while you try to show us...
If sin is immoral, than how could any be moral. Your question is convoluted as I suspect any claim you have to morality is.

On another level, I don't think you have the intellectual capacity for discourse at this level.
I know what morality is. Now show us where a mother is responsible for the behavior of her grown child? Go on, we'll wait.
who said responsible? holy crap friend, you sure do jump around. It is what a society expects from parents. You don't understand because you don't fit in either category.
If she must atone then she is responsible. Now, show us where parents are responsible for the actions of their grown children? We're waiting.
No, they should not be required to do so by law, but they should be required to do so by conscience. It is best that you had no children for yourself and the children you may have had.

These are things I doubt you have the morality to understand.
What part of sins of the father (or son) is morality? Go ahead, we'll wait while you try to show us...
If sin is immoral, than how could any be moral. Your question is convoluted as I suspect any claim you have to morality is.

On another level, I don't think you have the intellectual capacity for discourse at this level.
I know what morality is. Now show us where a mother is responsible for the behavior of her grown child? Go on, we'll wait.
who said responsible? holy crap friend, you sure do jump around. It is what a society expects from parents. You don't understand because you don't fit in either category.
If she must atone then she is responsible. Now, show us where parents are responsible for the actions of their grown children? We're waiting.
no that is not what it means at all. you should look up what atone means.
What part of sins of the father (or son) is morality? Go ahead, we'll wait while you try to show us...
If sin is immoral, than how could any be moral. Your question is convoluted as I suspect any claim you have to morality is.

On another level, I don't think you have the intellectual capacity for discourse at this level.
I know what morality is. Now show us where a mother is responsible for the behavior of her grown child? Go on, we'll wait.
who said responsible? holy crap friend, you sure do jump around. It is what a society expects from parents. You don't understand because you don't fit in either category.
If she must atone then she is responsible. Now, show us where parents are responsible for the actions of their grown children? We're waiting.
no that is not what it means at all. you should look up what atone means.


verb (used without object), atoned, atoning.
to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's sins.
to make up, as for errors or deficiencies (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's failings.
Obsolete. to become reconciled; agree.
the definition of atone
sure parents atone for their children they raised them fool. See you have no idea.
Show us where such a thing is written?
see you're all about what is on paper. It's called morality you fk, something you don't understand.
morality | beliefs about what is right behavior and what is wrong behavior

Show us where that says a parent must atone for the sins of a child when you won't atone for the sins of a nation?
you'd never understand because you have none. You're just one lost soul swimming in a fish bowl year after year.
So, explain it to everyone else then if you believe me immoral, but so far, you can't explain why a mother is responsible for the actions of her grown child? Now, show us.

And, I do not Wish You Were even on this earth with me...
If sin is immoral, than how could any be moral. Your question is convoluted as I suspect any claim you have to morality is.

On another level, I don't think you have the intellectual capacity for discourse at this level.
I know what morality is. Now show us where a mother is responsible for the behavior of her grown child? Go on, we'll wait.
who said responsible? holy crap friend, you sure do jump around. It is what a society expects from parents. You don't understand because you don't fit in either category.
If she must atone then she is responsible. Now, show us where parents are responsible for the actions of their grown children? We're waiting.
no that is not what it means at all. you should look up what atone means.


verb (used without object), atoned, atoning.
to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's sins.
to make up, as for errors or deficiencies (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's failings.
Obsolete. to become reconciled; agree.
the definition of atone
don't see one thing that says responsible, do you?
Are there any intelligent muslims in this world.? Hang them all.

Mother of Paris bomber says her son did 'not mean to kill anyone'

nov 17 2015 The mother of a Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone' - and claims he may have blown himself up because of stress, while a third son said his family were 'thinking of the victims'.

Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31, launched a solo attack outside the cafe Comptoir Voltaire, close to the scene of the Bataclan concert hall massacre on Friday night.

Today Ibrahim's mother suggested his suicide jacket may have gone off by accident and said he could have carried out the attack because he was 'stressed'.

You're going to fault a grieving mother for not being rational?

In this case, yes. Her piece of shit son strapped a bomb jacket to himself and killed innocent people. Anyone that would make excuses for her is also a piece of shit.

Anyone that would make such excuses would be wildly irrational and in denial. Which is exactly what I'd expect from a grieving mother who lost her son and learned that he committed a horrible act that hurt so many people.

Denial is not only plausible, its predictable.

Anyone that would make that type of excuse is a pure dumbass.

Denial proves she is.
Are there any intelligent muslims in this world.? Hang them all.

Mother of Paris bomber says her son did 'not mean to kill anyone'

nov 17 2015 The mother of a Paris suicide bomber says her son 'did not mean to kill anyone' - and claims he may have blown himself up because of stress, while a third son said his family were 'thinking of the victims'.

Ibrahim Abdeslam, 31, launched a solo attack outside the cafe Comptoir Voltaire, close to the scene of the Bataclan concert hall massacre on Friday night.

Today Ibrahim's mother suggested his suicide jacket may have gone off by accident and said he could have carried out the attack because he was 'stressed'.

You're going to fault a grieving mother for not being rational?

In this case, yes. Her piece of shit son strapped a bomb jacket to himself and killed innocent people. Anyone that would make excuses for her is also a piece of shit.

Anyone that would make such excuses would be wildly irrational and in denial. Which is exactly what I'd expect from a grieving mother who lost her son and learned that he committed a horrible act that hurt so many people.

Denial is not only plausible, its predictable.

Anyone that would make that type of excuse is a pure dumbass.

Denial proves she is.

So a grieving mother whose son is 4 days dead said something stupid and is in denial.

Are there any intelligent muslims in this world.? Hang them all.

You're going to fault a grieving mother for not being rational?

In this case, yes. Her piece of shit son strapped a bomb jacket to himself and killed innocent people. Anyone that would make excuses for her is also a piece of shit.

Anyone that would make such excuses would be wildly irrational and in denial. Which is exactly what I'd expect from a grieving mother who lost her son and learned that he committed a horrible act that hurt so many people.

Denial is not only plausible, its predictable.

Anyone that would make that type of excuse is a pure dumbass.

Denial proves she is.

So a grieving mother whose son is 4 days dead said something stupid and is in denial.

I know what morality is. Now show us where a mother is responsible for the behavior of her grown child? Go on, we'll wait.
who said responsible? holy crap friend, you sure do jump around. It is what a society expects from parents. You don't understand because you don't fit in either category.
If she must atone then she is responsible. Now, show us where parents are responsible for the actions of their grown children? We're waiting.
no that is not what it means at all. you should look up what atone means.


verb (used without object), atoned, atoning.
to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's sins.
to make up, as for errors or deficiencies (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's failings.
Obsolete. to become reconciled; agree.
the definition of atone
don't see one thing that says responsible, do you?
And that's because one person is responsible for another only for a short time, like a mother for a son, who is no longer responsible or can be called upon to atone for what her adult child did. You lose.
Are there any intelligent muslims in this world.? Hang them all.

You're going to fault a grieving mother for not being rational?

In this case, yes. Her piece of shit son strapped a bomb jacket to himself and killed innocent people. Anyone that would make excuses for her is also a piece of shit.

Anyone that would make such excuses would be wildly irrational and in denial. Which is exactly what I'd expect from a grieving mother who lost her son and learned that he committed a horrible act that hurt so many people.

Denial is not only plausible, its predictable.

Anyone that would make that type of excuse is a pure dumbass.

Denial proves she is.

So a grieving mother whose son is 4 days dead said something stupid and is in denial.


Is she denying he's dead? Is she denying he did it? She's a dumbass.
who said responsible? holy crap friend, you sure do jump around. It is what a society expects from parents. You don't understand because you don't fit in either category.
If she must atone then she is responsible. Now, show us where parents are responsible for the actions of their grown children? We're waiting.
no that is not what it means at all. you should look up what atone means.


verb (used without object), atoned, atoning.
to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's sins.
to make up, as for errors or deficiencies (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's failings.
Obsolete. to become reconciled; agree.
the definition of atone
don't see one thing that says responsible, do you?
And that's because one person is responsible for another only for a short time, like a mother for a son, who is no longer responsible or can be called upon to atone for what her adult child did. You lose.
I never said she was responsible. Post up the post I did that. Or shut up about it. Atone is what she needs to do, it's what I said. She has a moral obligation.
If she must atone then she is responsible. Now, show us where parents are responsible for the actions of their grown children? We're waiting.
no that is not what it means at all. you should look up what atone means.


verb (used without object), atoned, atoning.
to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's sins.
to make up, as for errors or deficiencies (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's failings.
Obsolete. to become reconciled; agree.
the definition of atone
don't see one thing that says responsible, do you?
And that's because one person is responsible for another only for a short time, like a mother for a son, who is no longer responsible or can be called upon to atone for what her adult child did. You lose.
I never said she was responsible. Post up the post I did that. Or shut up about it. Atone is what she needs to do, it's what I said. She has a moral obligation.
Show us where such a thing is written? it's certainly not in the definition. Did you just make it up yourself? Show us this "morality" that says you must atone for the sins of another?
no that is not what it means at all. you should look up what atone means.


verb (used without object), atoned, atoning.
to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's sins.
to make up, as for errors or deficiencies (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's failings.
Obsolete. to become reconciled; agree.
the definition of atone
don't see one thing that says responsible, do you?
And that's because one person is responsible for another only for a short time, like a mother for a son, who is no longer responsible or can be called upon to atone for what her adult child did. You lose.
I never said she was responsible. Post up the post I did that. Or shut up about it. Atone is what she needs to do, it's what I said. She has a moral obligation.
Show us where such a thing is written? it's certainly not in the definition. Did you just make it up yourself?
i already told you why. saying it again is redundant.
How is applying the sins of one person to another who didn't commit them based solely on relation 'moral'?
We are talking about family here. I cannot imagine a family not apologizing to another family if one of theirs harmed one of the others.

Apparently, family and morality seem to mean little to many today, and while I am not a 'family matters' kind of guy, the actions of those of my immediate family are by extension my responsibility.

To put it into terms you might understand, not having a family, if your boyfriend of many years killed someone while driving drunk, would you apologize?


verb (used without object), atoned, atoning.
to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's sins.
to make up, as for errors or deficiencies (usually followed by for):
to atone for one's failings.
Obsolete. to become reconciled; agree.
the definition of atone
don't see one thing that says responsible, do you?
And that's because one person is responsible for another only for a short time, like a mother for a son, who is no longer responsible or can be called upon to atone for what her adult child did. You lose.
I never said she was responsible. Post up the post I did that. Or shut up about it. Atone is what she needs to do, it's what I said. She has a moral obligation.
Show us where such a thing is written? it's certainly not in the definition. Did you just make it up yourself?
i already told you why. saying it again is redundant.
Show us where this is written, in what school of morality?
don't see one thing that says responsible, do you?
And that's because one person is responsible for another only for a short time, like a mother for a son, who is no longer responsible or can be called upon to atone for what her adult child did. You lose.
I never said she was responsible. Post up the post I did that. Or shut up about it. Atone is what she needs to do, it's what I said. She has a moral obligation.
Show us where such a thing is written? it's certainly not in the definition. Did you just make it up yourself?
i already told you why. saying it again is redundant.
Show us where this is written, in what school of morality?
I already answered so no need to be redundant, reread my post about society.
How is applying the sins of one person to another who didn't commit them based solely on relation 'moral'?
We are talking about family here. I cannot imagine a family not apologizing to another family if one of theirs harmed one of the others.

Apparently, family and morality seem to mean little to many today, and while I am not a 'family matters' kind of guy, the actions of those of my immediate family are by extension my responsibility.

To put it into terms you might understand, not having a family, if your boyfriend of many years killed someone while driving drunk, would you apologize?
My wife, and not necessarily. She is her own person, I am not responsible for her actions. I am not required to atone for her actions, and no school of morality requires such a thing or if it does, you two little asswipes sure as hell can't find it so far.
How is applying the sins of one person to another who didn't commit them based solely on relation 'moral'?
We are talking about family here. I cannot imagine a family not apologizing to another family if one of theirs harmed one of the others.

Apparently, family and morality seem to mean little to many today, and while I am not a 'family matters' kind of guy, the actions of those of my immediate family are by extension my responsibility.

To put it into terms you might understand, not having a family, if your boyfriend of many years killed someone while driving drunk, would you apologize?
paint by numbers has no idea what the basis of a society are. None, he is clueless to the bone.
And that's because one person is responsible for another only for a short time, like a mother for a son, who is no longer responsible or can be called upon to atone for what her adult child did. You lose.
I never said she was responsible. Post up the post I did that. Or shut up about it. Atone is what she needs to do, it's what I said. She has a moral obligation.
Show us where such a thing is written? it's certainly not in the definition. Did you just make it up yourself?
i already told you why. saying it again is redundant.
Show us where this is written, in what school of morality?
I already answered so no need to be redundant, reread my post about society.
Go to post 77 and explain to us why one adult is responsible to atone or even apologize for the sins of another? We'll wait.

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